Industrial Notes - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - Timken bearings support both sides of the gear shaft. The worm shaft is mounted on double Timken bearings on one side and Norma Hoffman ...
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Expansion of National Flue Cleaner Co.

Industrial Notes

The National Flue Cleaner Co., Inc., of G r o ver ville, Ν. J., manufacturers of the National soot blower f o r return tubular boilers, announces the ap­ pointment of three new Ohio sales representatives—namely, Craun-Liebing C o . , of Cleveland; Dennis Engineering Co., of Columbus; and t h e Bishop Engineering Co., of Cincinnati. Other recent appointments are t h e Power Plant Efficiency Co., of Indianapolis, Ind., a n d the Rathburn Co., of El Paso, Texas.

James Speed Reducer The D . O. James Mfg. Co.. 1120 West Monroe St., Chicago. 111.» has a n nounced an improved vertical-type, heavy-duty, worm gear a^eeô reducer, made to allow for vertical driving with the drive shaft projecting at either t o p or bottom. The housing is of high-grade gray iron, of ample size, provided with a large oil-cooling and h e a t - r a d i a t i n g chamber. Timken bearings support both sides of the gear shaft. The worm shaft is mounted on double Timken bearings on one side and Norma Hoffman roller bearings on the other. This bearing arrangement i n s u r e s proper operation and the a b s o r p t i o n o f radial and end thrust loads, eliminates excessive heating, and reduces wear of both worm and gear. Gear s h a f t s are 0.40 carbon steel, carefully ground t o size, and made oversize t o withstand emergency strains and starting loads. Worms are made integral with worm shafts of S. A . E . J a m e s Speed Reducer chrome nickel steel, g e n erated, h e a t - t r e a t e d , ground, and fully relieved. Gears are made of high-grade phosphor bronze, the larger sizes being made of a bronze ring, shrunk on, and keyed to a cast-iron spider.

James Combination Automatic Backstop and Flexible Coupling

Adam Hilger, Ltd. Adam Hilger, Ltl., 2 4 Rochester Place, Camden Road, London, N. W. 1, England, have announced t h e addition to cheir stock of spectrosconically standardized substances of cerium oxide, dysprosium oxide, gadolinium oxide, a n d lanthanum oxide, a l l of t h e highest purity. T h e company also h a s available leaflets describing Jean Thi baud's x-ray grating spectrograph for the study of soft x-rays a n d of t h e extreme ultra-violet, and Section B, describing echelon gratings, echelon spectroscopes, and accessories for echelon apparatus.

Prest-O-Lite Co. Starts Production at New Acetylene Plant A new acetylene plant at E a s t Ave. and Short S t . . South Charleston, "W. V a . , bringing t h e total number of Prest-0-Lite plants throughout t h e coun­ t r y up t o 35, started production on October 29. Dissolved acetylene for welding and cutting will be supplied to local industry from this point. J. J. Robinson is tn charge o f the plant a n d S. P. Murphy, whose head­ quarters are at Cincinnati, is district superintendent. The Magnetic Manufacturing Co. has appointed George P. Joyce as assistant sales manager for Chicago and vicinity. Mr. Joyce will have headquarters at 720 Cass St.

Construction N e w s Chemical

The D . O. James Mfg. Co., 1126 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111., h a s designed a combination automatic backstop and flexible coupling for use on elevators, conveyors, and process equipment drives, where there is a likelihood of reversal of travel when equipment is standing idle, when the motor has been shut off after a* day's run, or in case of motor failure. The unit, consists of a drum-shaped housing, on the back of which is integrally made one-half of a flexible coupling, which contains free flexing· live rubber bumpers, and in which are cemented bound brook oilless bushings. A one-half coupling fitted with hardened and ground steel pins which float inside of the graphite-impregnated bronze bushings, a ratchet plate, three pawls with studs, sprines. and fastening bolts, and a two-oiece cover plate complete the unit. There are no friction surfaces or wearing parts, and t h e unit requires no care, attention, or maintenance. The backstop is applied on the drive shaft between a speed reducer and motor. A flange, attached t o the speed-reducer housing, is cast integral with a ratchet. This ratchet operates within the drum housing, which in turn is connected to the motor shaft through a flexible rubber bumper-type coupling. On the inner face of the housing three pawls are secured by the médium of studs, which engage with the ratchet the moment the housing stops revolving. One flange of t h e flexible coupling is cast integral with the drum housing, lending compactness and strength. Centrifugal force keeps the pawls out of engagement with t h e ratchet during operation, but should anything happen t o the shaft or motor, or should the motor be shut off, the pawls engage with the ratchet through gravity and provide a complete brake against reversal of travel of the elevator or driven machine. The unit finds ideal application a s a brake against heavy loads on all driven machinery where there is danger from loads running backwards and causing damage.

The Coleman 6?· Bell Co., 4 1 0 1 Main Ave., Norwood, Cincinnati, Ohio, manufacturer of chemicals, has filed plans for a new three-story plant addi­ tion and power house, estimated to cost about $40,000, for which contract for building only has been let t o the Nolte Construction Co., 622 Broadway. Henry E. Henthorn, 3341 Wabash Ave., is architect. Monsanto Chemical Works, Inc., 1724 South Second St., S t . Louis, Mo., is said to be considering a new plant u n i t on a site bounded b y Second, Kos­ ciusko, Lafayette? and Lesperance Sts.. reported to c o s t more than $100,000, including equipment. It is understood t h a t the architect will soon be selected. The Los Angeles Chemical Co., 220O Santa Pe Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., has selected a tract of land at South Gate, near Los Angeles, totaling: about 7 acres., ΡηΛ plans the construction of a n e w plant group, consisting o f several units, reported t o cost more t h a n $125,000, including equipment. T h e com­ p a n y engineering department i s in charge. A . P. Hall is president. The Board of Education, St. Louis, Mo., R. M. Milligan, commissioner of school buildings, has approved plans for the construction of a new five-story vocational school at Grand Blvd. and "Windsor PI., consisting of six individual units, to accommodate 4000 students, estimated t o cost approximately $3,000,000. T h e project will include a complete chemical division, with four laboratory departments a n d other facilities. Bids will soon b e asked on the general contract. The Rex Products b* Mfg. Co., 451 West Lamed St., Detroit, Mich., manu­ facturer of chemical specialties, cleaning compounds, e t c , i s considering the construction of a new plant u n i t at Pennsylvania Ave. and Meyers Road, to be three-story, reported to c o s t approximately $130,000, including equip­ ment. I t is said that a n architect will be selected t o prepare plans at an early date. R. A Emmett is president.

Graesser-Monsanto Chemical Works, Ltd.

The Virginia-Carolina Rubber Co., Inc., Richmond, Va., manufacturer of automobile tires, etc., i s arranging an expansion and improvement program at its mill to provide for extensive increase in its present capacity, including t h e establishment of a n e w division for the manufacture of mechanical rubber products. The work w i l l include new building units and t h e installation of machinery, and i s reported t o cost more t h a n $250,000. The company is arranging for the sale of a stock; and note issue t o net approximately $500,000 from which the expansion fund will b e secured. W. Bryan Branch is secre­ t a r y and treasurer. The Goodyear Tire 6* Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio, has authorized an expansion a n d improvement program t o cost approximately $10,000,000, including recently announced five-story mill addition o n Seiberling S t . , to c o s t more t h a n $850,000, including; equipment. The n e w work will provide for addi­ tional mill units for t h e manufacture of automobile tires and other rubber goods, a n d will involve the installation of a large quota of new machinery. It i s also proposed to construct an entirely n e w mill i n the South, probably in the vicinity of Atlanta, Ga.» to c o s t more than SI,000,000 of t h e fund noted. P . W. Litchfield is president. The Mansfield Tire &* Rubber Co., àlansfield. Ohio, has completed plans a n d will take b i d s at once on general contract for a n addition for increased output, t o be two-story, reported to cost approximately $65,000, including equipment.

The Monsanto Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo., proposes to acquire 100 per cent ownership of the Graesser-Monsanto Chemical Works, Ltd., of England, the oldest and largest manufacturer of tar acid derivatives in t h e world. The plai·, which has been approved by the board of directors, calls for the acquisition at a total cost of S917,040 of the Graesser interest in t h e English company, in which the Monsanto Chemical Works already has a half interest.

Exhibit of Norblo Air Filter The Northern Blower Co., Cleveland, Ohio, exhibited at the All-Ohio Safety Congress a specially constructed model of the latest type of Norblo air filter.

Air-Cleaning Although the cleaning of air for hygienic or industrial purposes is still a comparatively new science, little known except t o a few engineers w h o have specialized in air-conditioning, development has been rapid during t h e past few years. Many industries are just awakening to the damage wrought by atmospheric dust and the possibilities of better production and more sanitary working conditions with the use of air filters. The Midwest Air Filters, Inc., Bradford, Pa., since 1922 has been developing centrifugal air filters and now ofTers a "sinuous type" filter medium, which is said to c u t down the cost of filtered air considerably and to make air-filtering more widely applicable in industry.

Consolidated Ashcroft Hancock Co., Inc. The Chicago office of the Consolidated Ashcroft Hancock Co., Inc., h a s been removed to 605 West Washington Blvd., which will also be the headquarters of the American Schaeffer & Budenberg Division, with which i t has recently been consolidated. G. A. Bins has been appointed sales manager in charge of the Western Division, which will handle all business in t h e United States and Canada west of a line drawn from Toronto to New Orleans. The United Lead Co., formerly a subsidiary, has been consolidated with the National Lead Co., I l l ^roadway, New York, Ν . Υ.


Glass The Pu gel Sound Glass Co., Anacortes, Wash., manufacturer of bottles and other hollowware, has preliminary plans under way for the construction* of a n e w plant in the vicinity of SeattU, Wash., consisting of one-story units, reported t o cost more than $200,000, including equipment. It is undersood t h a t work will begin in about 6 0 days. W. H. Nichols is president. The Pittsburgh Plate Class Co.t Frick Bids-, Pittsburgh, Pa., h a s plans under way for t h e erection of a new u n i t at i t s branch plant a t Crystal City, M o . , to b e two-story, 1O0 X 1000 ft., with auxiliary structures, reported to cost more t h a n $900,000, including; machinery. 'Work will begin at an early date.

Miscellaneous The Consolidated Printing ink Co., 68 B a s t Third St., S t . Paul, Minn., has completed plans for the construction of a new one-story and basement plant at Bohn a n d Syndicate S t s . , estimated t o cost approximately $60,000, including equipment, a n d will soon begin work o n the superstructure. Lang, Raugfand & Lewis, Essex Bldç., Minneapolis, Minn., are architects. B. F . McGill is president.