Jan 11, 1971 - Acquisition will be in exchange for Dart Industries common stock, ranging from minimum of 172,000 shares to maximum of 182,000 shares. ...
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Corporate Gulf Oil's subsidiary Gulf Energy and Environmental Systems, Inc., San Diego, Calif., has acquired controlling interest in Degremont-Cottrell, Inc., U.S. subsidiary of Degremont SGEA, S.A., France. Subsidiary will be called Gulf Degremont, Inc., and will combine Degremont's experience in systems design and engineering with reverse osmosis process technology developed by Gulf Environmental Systems. Previously Degremont SGEA had acquired Research-Cottrell's interest in their jointly owned U.S. subsidiary Degremont-Cottrell, Inc.

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Dart Industries, Inc., Los Angeles, has agreed to acquire Capital Controls Co., Inc., Colmar, Pa. Acquisition will be in exchange for Dart Industries common stock, ranging from minimum of 172,000 shares to maximum of 182,000 shares. Total is contingent on audited earnings reported by Capital Controls for fiscal year ended Nov. 30, 1970. Capital Controls makes chlorinators for water purification and waste treatment. International Minerals & Chemical Corp., Skokie, III., has acquired, through exchange of stock, Northwestern Cooperage Co., St. Louis. Northwestern Cooperage's sales are about $3 million per year. Company, which buys, reconditions, and sells steel and fiber containers, will be operated as IMC subsidiary.

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Universal Oil Products, Des Plaines, III., has shut down its Calumet division's mining operations in upper Michigan peninsula. Efforts to settle strike of miners, which began in August 1968 shortly after UOP acquired Calumet & Hecla, former owners of the property, were unsuccessful. UOP had signed letter of intent with mining firm to undertake reopening of mines, but agreement called for UOP's settlement of strike. Union Camp Corp., headquartered in Wayne, N.J., has acquired controlling interest in Tekton Corp., residential housing firm in Hinsdale, III. Tekton had 1969 sales of $11 million. Commercial Solvents, New York City, has sold 4 5 % of outstanding common stock of Northwest Nitrochemicals, Canadian fertilizer subsidiary, to Pacific Supply Cooperative, distributor of fertilizers in northwestern U.S. Commercial Solvents will also write off some obsolete facilities against 1970 earnings, including Marion, III., facilities for making fertilizers and in-

dustrial explosives and small ammonia units at Sterlington, La., that have been made obsolete by 1000 ton-perday plant.

International M. W. Kellogg Co., Houston, Tex., division of Pullman, Inc., has completed basic design and engineering on 1375 ton-per-day ammonia plant to be built for Ube Ammonia Industry Co., Ltd., Japan. Ube is completing detailed engineering and construction of plant, which will be located at Ube City. Plant due for completion this year. Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleveland, Ohio, and Chemische Werke Lowi, GmbH, Waldkraiburg, West Germany, have set up 50-50 joint venture to make and sell p-cresol. Lowi Sherwin-Williams, GmbH, will be located in West Germany; site has not yet been selected. Esso Chimie, French affiliate of Esso Chemical Co., New York City, will build plant at Port Jerome, France, to increase capacity for synthetic sodium sulfonates. Capacity of plant, scheduled for startup in early 1972, was not disclosed. Diamond Shamrock Corp., Cleveland, Ohio, has obtained additional 2 5 % interest in Carbocloro, S.A.-lndustrias Quimicas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, from Dr. Vittorio de Nora, Milan, Italy, and his Brazilian associates. Diamond Shamrock now has 5 0 % interest in Carbocloro; Unipar, Brazilian holding company with primary interests in petrochemicals, holds other 5 0 % . Carbocloro is expanding chlorine capacity in Latin America to 268 tons per day. Union Carbide Australia and New Zealand, Ltd., will build 60 million poundper-year high-density polyethylene plant in Altona, Australia. Majorityowned subsidiary of Union Carbide Corp. has awarded construction contract to CJB (Projects), Ltd., division of Constructors John Brown, Ltd. Plant scheduled for completion in mid-1972. Mitsui Petrochemical Industries has started up 10,000 metric-ton-per-year ethylene-propylene-diene unit at its Chiba complex, near Tokyo. Firm was first in Japan to produce EPDM. Mitsubishi Chemical Industries, Mitsui Aluminum Co., Nippon Light Metal Co., Showa Denko, K.K., and Sumitomo Chemical Co., Japan, have set up joint firm, Aluminum Resources Development Co., to coordinate development of bauxite resources abroad.