industry trends - ACS Publications

floor and access space require- ments. . . minimize ... (W. La- fayette, Ind.) has acquired a major- ity stock interest in Natural Resources. Manageme...
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industry trends Monsanto Enviro-Chem Systems, Inc. has been awarded a $29.7 million construction contract for expansion of the Rochester, N.Y., main sewage treatment plant. The expanded facilities will provide primary and secondary treatment and are part of an $80 million project t o modernize all of Rochester's sewage facilities, Construction is to begin immediately and is scheduled to be completed at the end of 1973. Calgon Corp. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) has acquired Havens International (San Diego, Calif.), a company with extensive experience in the reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration fields. Calgon is a wholly owned subsidiary of Merck & co. Great Lakes Chemical Corp. (W. Lafayette, Ind.) has acquired a majority stock interest in Natural Resources Management Corp. (Worthington, Ohio) for an undisclosed amount of cash. A division of NRM is engaged in drilling deep wells for liquid disposal and is equipped to carry out geological and engineering work. Great Lakes Chemical is a producer of bromine and bromine chemicals.

AUTOMATlC SlRAlNERS Trying to get clean water from a polluted source? Get all the clean water you need, fast, with patented ADAMS POROEDGE tube design. Versatile horizontal or vertical ADAMS Strainers fit your own piping, floor and access space requirements. . . minimize installation and service time.

separation to .005" capacities to 85,000 GPM built-in reserve capacity no raw water by-pass epoxy or rubber lining stainless operating parts G e t all the details in Bulletin 1904. R. P



COMPPNY, I N C 263 E A S T PARK DRIVE B U F F A L O . N . Y . 14240

Better Water Makes a Better Product Circle No. 1 on Readers' Service Card 360 Environmental Science & Technology

The American Oil Co. has placed on stream at its Sugar Creek, Mo., refinery a new unit that removes 80 tons of sulfur per day from fuel oil components and refinery fuel gases. The dual unit consists of a 27,000 bbl/day Ultrafiner which removes the sulfur and a second section in which the sulfurous compounds are converted to elemental sulfur. Billings & Gussman, Inc. (Waltham, Mass.) has been formed to provide research and consulting services in the fields of air pollution control, aerosol technology, community and plant environmental surveys, and industrial hygiene engineering. The principals were formerly associated with Harvard Air Cleaning Laboratory. Environmental Devices Corp. (Marion, Mass.) has announced expansion of its Survey Division operations. The division carries out ecological surveys to determine water quality

and effects on it of industrial discharges. Particular emphasis is being placed on thermal discharges and their effect on aquatic life. Dravo Corp. (Pittsburgh, P a . ) has designed and built a water treatment plant at the Chicago works of Republic Steel Corp. The plant removes particles of scale produced in a variety of hot rolling operations. Heart of the plant consists of 14 Dravo deep-bed filters. Westvaco Corp. (New York, N.Y.) has been awarded a $350,000 contract by APCO-EPA to expedite the scaleup of a proprietary sulfur oxides removal process. The Westvaco process uses dry fluidized beds of granular activated carbon to convert sulfur dioxide and trioxide to elemental sulfur. The company is a large manufacturer of activated carbon. Envirotech Corp. (Palo Alto, Calif.) has acquired the Allen Pump Co. (Paoli, Pa.), a manufacturer of materials handling centrifugal pumps. The pumps are designed for rigorous service applications. Envirotech now has five divisions serving the chemical and allied industries. Jones & Henry Engineers Ltd. (Toledo, Ohio) has announced formation of a subsidiary firm called Jones & Henry Laboratories, Inc. The new firm has a laboratory devoted entirely to the analysis of waste waters. It will provide services for waste characterization, pilot plant studies, stream monitoring, and consultation.

PPG Industries Inc. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) will employ a Beckman hydrocarbon analyzer mounted on a mobile cart to monitor hydrocarbon emissions at plants in its Coatings and Resins Division. The first plant to be so monitored is one in Circleville, Ohio. Hydrocarbons are related to occasional odor complaints received by PPG.

Environmental Dynamics (Eugene, Ore.) is a newly formed nonprofit corporation which will undertake funda-

mental studies that are nationwide in applicability. The company expects to receive federal and private foundation funds. The initial thrust of the new firm will be in the field of solid waste management. Vickers Petroleum Corp. (Wichita, Kan.) has completed a revamp of 40 acres of waste stabilization ponds at its refinery in Ardmore, Okla. Waste waters are held in the ponds for 130 days before discharge. The ponds have a total capacity of 29 million gallons. The Foxboro Co. has opened a $250,000 waste treatment facility which handles all liquid pollutants at its Foxboro, Mass., plant. Separate waste streams are separately treated in the new plant, which (not surprisingly) is controlled by an instrumentation system designed by Foxboro.

POLLUTION ANALYSIS? easy,with our laser Air pollution analysis is the first step toward air pollution control. Now Control Laser offers you an unusually versatile set of analytical tools. Our products include ion lasers, from red to purple and from several hundred mW to 12 W ; acousto-optic beam steering and modulation devices, and optics for wavelengths to 10.6 microns. You can use these devices to determine dust particle density, spectral absorption, cloud height, weather effects of stratospheric phenomena, particle velocity and plasma effects. They are also useful for spectroscopic analysis of pollutants. Let us help you clean up the environment! Write today for detailed specifications.


11222 Astronaut Blvd., Orlando, Fla. 32809 (305) 851-2540 C i r c l e No. 25 on Readers’ Service Card

Polymer Industries, Inc. (Greenville, S.C.) has installed a gas scrubber system manufactured by Schutte and Koerting Co. (Cornwells Heights, Pa.) at its specialty chemicals plant near Greenville. The scrubber-separator system and a vent gas scrubber system are used to prevent fumes and vapors from polymerization processes from being discharged to the atmosphere. Western Gear Corp. (Lynwood, Calif.) will build, through a Florida subsidiary, a $2.7 million waste treatment system for the city of Calhoun, Ga. The system will handle 7 million gpd of waste. Calhoun is in the center of the large Georgia carpet industry. The same Western Gear subsidiary will build a $300,000 addition to the industrial waste treatment plant of a pulp and paper company in Palatka, Fla. The B.F. Goodrich Chemical Co. (Akron, Ohio) will spend more than $200,000 to eliminate sulfur dioxide and particulate emissions at its plastics products plant in Marietta, Ohio. The elimination will be achieved by switching from coal to oil or gas as power generation fuel. Target date is mid-September 1971.

When New York cut allowable sulfur in fuel to I%,the City’s Dept. of Air Resources had only 44 working days to check out over 350 storage tanks.. .309,000,000 gallons in all! This herculean task was completed by using the LECO Automatic Sulfur Titrator (ASTM 15521, which requires less than 10 minutes per analysis. Samples with sulfur content exceeding the 1% limit were rechecked by the bomb method (ASTM 129), which increased analysis time to two days. In every single case results agreed! If your pollution control program requires fast, accurate sulfur determinations, look into the LECO 10-minute Automatic Sulfur Determinator for dependable results in minimum time. LABORATORY EQU I PMENT CORPORATI ON 3000 Lakaview Avenue, St. Joseph, Mlchigan 49085

Circle No. 10 on Readers’ Service Card

Volume 5, Number 4, April 1971 361