Industry Trends - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS

Jan 1, 1978 - Industry Trends. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1978, 12 (1), pp 103–104. DOI: 10.1021/es60137a604. Publication Date: January 1978. ACS Lega...
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INDUSTRY TRENDS Peabody Air Resources Equipment Co. will engineer/install a 3-module electrostatic precipitator to handle 85 000 cfm of emissions at U S . Steel’s Texas works at Baytown. American Ceca Corp. (Oak Brook, IL) has a turn-key contract for a 70 000cfm solvent and heat recovery plant at World Color Press. Together with a 140 000 cfm facility Ceca previously built there, this plant will be one of the U.S. largest. Envirex Inc., a Rexnord company, will manufacture/market a line of filter presses, under license agreement, for N G K Insulators, Ltd. (Nagoya, Japan), which Envirex considers to be “best available technology” in its field. The National Association of Metal Finishers has moved from New Jersey to Chicago, IL. General Electric (Schenectady, N Y ) has received a $5.98 million contract from the Dept. of Energy to develop and construct two experimental 4passenger electric automobiles, together with Chrysler Corp. Public Service Electric & Gas Co. (Newark, N J ) broke ground a t Hillsborough Township, N J for a national facility to test “futuristic” batteries for electric power systems that could cut consumer costs, and save up to 1 million bbl/d of oil. O h Corp. (Stamford, CT) announced that its “Solar-Bond” copper absorber plates collect the same solar heat with 12.5-33% less collector area, thanks to a new design. Biospherics Inc. (Rockville, MD) has opened a special laboratory to provide pesticide analytical services to industry and government. Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. has a $51 1 000 ERDA contract to study large subterranean salt domes at storage sites for commercial nuclear power plant wastes. AG Brown, Boveri & Cie (Switzerland) is offering an electron irradiation process as a hygienization method to

make sewage sludge usable for agriculture.

WAPORA, Inc. (Bethesda, MD) is acquiring Enviro Audits, Inc. (Roanoke, VA). The acquired firm specializes in regulatory services, environmental studies, and related activities. Leeds & Northrup Co. has received a N I O S H contract to develop an automated fiber-counting instrument for analyzing worker exposure to fibrous aerosols, especially asbestos. Fibrous glass and mineral wool will also be analyzed. Pope, Evans and Robbins (New York, N Y ) and Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. now have a jointlyowned subsidiary, AFB Combustion Associates, Inc., to market engineering, consulting, and construction services in atmospheric fluidized-bed combustion. Autotrol Corp. (Milwaukee, WI) was successful bidder for the supply of secondary wastewater treatment equipment to the City of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. General Public Utilities Corp. (Parsippany, N J ) announced the dedication of an advanced coal cleaning plant a t Homer City, PA (ES&T, December 1977, p 1 148). Stauffer Chemical Co. (Westport, CT) will build an environmental health center for environmental and biomedical studies of company products. The center, at Farmington, CT, is to be completed in spring, 1979. American Air Filter Co., Inc. is supplying 7 “Roto-Clone” wet collectors to control lignite-handling dust from 560 tph at Texas Utility Co. System. Total air cleaning capacity could exceed 100 000 cfm. Dorr-Oliver Inc. is providing disc filters to Raccoon-Elkhorn Coal Co. (Pikeville, KY) to recover fines that are normally lost in coal washing effluent. Matthey Bishop, Inc. (Malvern, PA) says that per-pound costs for re-

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Volume 12,Number 1, January 1978


claiming spent platinum catalysts have remained stable despite inflation.

Frost & Sullivan, Inc. estimates that pollution control over the next 8 years in South Africa will be a more than $700 million market. Arthur Technology (Fond du Lac, W I) is the new name of Arthur Bros. Co., Inc., maker of highly technical wastewater treatment plant operation and control equipment. ITT Rayonier Inc. has installed new “Aqua-Chem” systems in its pulp/

paper mills at Hoquiam, WA, Jesup, GA, and Fernandina, FL. The systems recover chemical values that can be, and are marketed.

Varian Associates (Palo Alto, CA) has a $1 million order for an automatic chromium plating system for lightweight plastic. The system cuts plating cost by 50%, saves 30% of energy, and is non-polluting, according to Varian. Enviro Development Co., Inc. (Mountain View, CA) will supply three Archimedean Screw Pumps for the lna

Road Water Pollution Control Facility of Pima County, AZ.

The Fluid Systems Division, UOP Inc., has more than $250 000 worth of contracts from Texas Instruments Inc., and Warren Petroleum Co., to expand their water purification systems. Gilbert/Commonwealth (Jackson, MI) has a $102 000 contract from the Federal Insurance Administration to do an 18-mo flood elevation study for evaluation of flood hazard areas in several Michigan counties.

EG&G Inc. (Wellesley, MA) has a NASA contract to analyze radar altimeter data from the GEOS-3 satellite to evaluate the current state of the earth’s polar ice cover. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. and other Japanese firms have signed a contract to build Phase 1 of the alJubail Desalination Plant to make 136 400 tpd of water in Saudi Arabia. WAPORA Inc. (Chevy Chase, MD) has opened a new branch office in Atlanta, GA, and a new analytical chemistry laboratory in its branch office at Cincinnati, OH.

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Environmental Science & Technology

The Air Pollution Control Division of Wheelabrator-Frye Inc. has an approximately $3.8 million order for a dust collection system (fabric filter) for Southwestern Public Service Co., at Amarillo, T X .

The Babcock & Wilcox Co. received a $35 million contract for a radiant boiler, precipitator, and flue gas scrubber from the Board of Municipal Utilities of Sikeston, M O . The units will handle 235 M W . Reynolds Aluminum Recycling Co. said that it has paid the public more than $16.6 million for a record 98 million Ib of aluminum recycled from last January through September. More than 50% of the aluminum cans Reynolds made during that period were recycled. J. F. Pritchard and Co. (Kansas City, MO) will provide process design, detail engineering, and supply of certain equipment for NO, abatement for a nitric acid plant of Fertilizantes de Centro America (Costa Rica) S.A.

Zurn Industries, Inca’sCooling Tower Division has received a Tennessee Valley Authority contract for $71.7 million-the largest ever let for cooling towers by TVA-for 6 natural-draft cooling towers for nuclear plants.