Industry Trends - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS

Dec 1, 1976 - Science in the US is built on immigrants. Will they keep coming?. Almost as soon as he started college, Morteza Khaledi knew he wante...
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INDUSTRY TRENDS Grumman Ecosystems Corp. (Bethpage, N.Y.) has made an agreement with Vereinigte Kesselwerke (VKW, W. Germany) to be sole licensee for the application of VKW’s refuse power plant and co-disposal technology in the US., on a turn-key basis. AER Corp. (Ramsey, N.J.) will install an oil-fired fume incinerator (3500 scfm) to eliminate steam consumption and allow pollution-free operation of a three-zone dryer at Pioneer Plastics Corp. (Auburn, Me.). 3.8 million Btu/h will be recovered. Nichols Engineering 81 Research Corp., a subsidiary of Neptune International Corp. was awarded a contract by the Interstate Sanitary Commission (Conn., N.Y., and N.J.) to do a pilot plant study on sewage sludge pyrolysis. Environmental Management Associates, Inc. (St. Paul, Minn.) is moving to larger quarters to provide expanded services in computer-controlled systems for water and wastewater facilities. The Resource Sciences Corp. (Tulsa, Okla.) has consolidated its subsidiaries, Williams Brothers Process Services, Inc., and Williams Brothers Waste Control, Inc., both of Tulsa, into Williams Brothers Process Services. Inc. The Electric Power Research Institute (Palo Alto, Calif.) will assume two-thirds of the costs of the $4.5 million/y solvent refined coal pilot plant of Wilsonville, Ala. (€S&T,June 1974, p 510). The Beverage Industry Recycling Program (BIRP, Phoenix, Ariz.) is expanding its network of recycling centers to a fifth management facility at Flagstaff, Ariz. Union Carbide Corp. announced that startup of a $1.3 million Union CarbideEPA funded project near Ponce, P.R., to study feasibility of full-scale water reuse at petrochemical plants. The Bureau of National Affairs Inc. (Washington, D.C.) warns that the Federal Energy Office may require a number of industrial facilities to convert from oil- to coal-burning capacity. The Public Service Co. of New Hampshire has obtained a temporary injunction against unauthorized entry upon the site of its Seabrook Nuclear Station. The site had been the scene of anti-nuclear demonstrations. Video Pipe Grouting, Inc. (Newfield, N.J.), a subsidiary of National Power Rodding 1276

Environmental Science & Technology

Corp. (Chicago) has acquired Environmental Services of New Jersey to provide expanded sewer maintenance services in central and southern Atlantic states. Scott Environmental Technology, Inc. (San Bernardino, Calif.) has a U S . Army contract to help assess availability and adequacy of commercially available NO, and S O P monitors for use in army ammunition plants. Electric Vehicle Associates, Inc. (EVA, Cleveland, Ohio) will acquire the Electrobus and P-500 Electric Delivery Van Divisions from Otis Elevator Co. EVA will incorporate proprietary products and engineering in vehicles. Dow Chemical U.S.A. (Midland, Mich.) is expanding a plant to produce a new transformer insulating fluid based on alkylated chlorodiphenyl oxide (DPO). Dow says that DPO has environmental and health advantages over PCBs. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. has a contract for a $4.4 million, 180-tpd oxygen plant for a new wastewater treatment facility to be installed in Copenhagen, Denmark. Kraft Foods’ cheese and whey drying plant at Albany, Minn., has received a 1976 Environmental Quality Award from EPA in Region V. Kraft says that its wastewater control program has reduced the load on the city treatment plant by 40%.

amine the effectiveness of coal desulfurization by microwave radiation. SF Air Control, Inc. (Old Greenwich, Conn.) has a contract from Reynolds Metals Co. for turn-key delivery of an air pollution control and fluoride recovery plant at Reynolds’ plant in Troutdale, Ore. Zurn Industries, Inc. will sell its Metal Bellows Division to a group of that Division’s officers for an undisclosed amount of cash, notes, and convertible preferred stock. Dames 81 Moore (Los Angeles, Calif.), engineering and environmental consultants, has opened an office in Kuwait. Brown Boveri & Cie. (Baden, Switzerland) foresees increases in upper output limits of nuclear reactors from 1000-1300 MW to 1700-2000 MW. Ecodyne Corp. announced record earnings of 326/share for the 3 months ended September 30, compared with 21C/share for the comparable 3 months of 1975. Ecodyne president Thomas O’Boyle also announced an increased backlog. The American National Standards Institute and American Society for Testing and Materials announced that Richard 0. Simpson Associates (Washington, D.C.) will assume full responsibility for ANSI/ ASTM interface with government in standardization and related activities.

The Flakt Group, a part of AB Svenska Flaktfabriken (Sweden), has received a $8.6 million order to supply an electrostatic precipitator plant to control air pollution at a power station in New South Wales, Australia.

The Manufacturing Chemists Association (Washington, D.C.) will sponsor two studies concerning reduction of hydrocarbon (HC) levels to unprecedented low concentrations, and the relationship between ozone levels and HC emission rates.

Environmental Elements Corp. (Baltimore, Md.) will install six automatic backwash sand filters, valued at over $470 000, at the Des Plaines River Wastewater Treatment Plant, Lake County, 111.

Liquid Carbonic Corp. (Chicago, Ill.) will construct and operate three by-product carbon dioxide recovery plants. One will be next to a synthetic natural gas plant at Joliet, Ill.; the other two will be in Brazil and Spain.

Dynalectron Corp. (McLean, Va.) has a $10.88 million contract, awarded to its AFB Contractors, Inc., subsidiary, for construction of facilities for the Upper Occoquan Sewage Authority Regional Water Reclamation Plant in northern Virginia. General Electric (Philadelphia, Pa.) has been awarded a $227 000 EPA contract for a laboratory research program to ex-

Environmental Sciences Associates, Inc. (Bedford, Mass.) has a $100 000 contract from the U S . Dept. of Housing and Urban Development to analyze and identify the principal causes of lead poisoning in children. Dames 81 Moore (Los Angeles, Calif.) has opened a new office in Newport Beach, Calif., to serve clients in the petroleum, gas, power, mining, and construction industries, and government agencies.

Howard Needles Tammen & Bergendoff has acquired Adrian Wilson Associates (Los Angeles), architects, engineers, and planners, from the TI Corp. Wilson has handled very large projects.

If You Collect Environmenta Data. . I

UOP Inc.'s British Air Correction Division will furnish 30 large dry gas scrubbers for the world's largest natural gas pipeline, which runs 1700 mi across the Soviet Union's western heartland. Whiting Corp. (Harvey, Ill.) has a $1.7 million order for a black liquor evaporator from International Paper Co. The system can handle 1.2 million Ib/h, and may be the largest such system ever fabricated. Equitable Environmental Health, Inc. (Elmhurst, Ill.)is offering a broad range of consulting services in environment, health, and economics. The firm is a subsidiary of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of America. Hartrampf/Powell, Inc. (Atlanta, Ga.) is the new corporate name for Hartrampf, Powell, & Associates, which was a partnership. Among the firm's services are environmental systems and energy conservation. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. announced that the City of Pensacola, Fla., will use Air Products' OASES oxygen wastewater treatment system at its Main Street wastewater plant. Peak capacity: 30 mgd. Trion, Inc. (Sanford, N.C.) has received President Ford's "E" Award for excellence in exporting. Trion exported products designed to provide clean air to hospitals, government installations, and other essential applications. Environmental Data Corp. (Monrovia, Calif.) has established a new Mountain States sales and service office at Englewood, Colo., to support stack emission monitoring instrument markets in Colo., Mont., and Wyo. Pennsylvania Engineering Corp. (Pittsburgh) has received an order for the design, supply, and installation of equipment for a Special Metals Reclamation Facility for International Metals Reclamation co. Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (ERT, Concord, Mass.) will furnish a statewide automatic water quality monitoring network, the first of its kind, to the State of Arkansas. EG&G Environmental Consultants (Waltham, Mass.) has received a $858 000 contract from the US. Dept. of the Interior to analyze oceanographic data from the Atlantic Ocean's Georges Bank, where large petroleum deposits may exist. Engineering-Science (Arcadia, Calif.), in association with Shah Technical Consul-

Fischer & Porter ADR Instruments Do The Job And with F&P's unique telemetering Whether you monitor water or air system, data can be transmitted quality, amount of rainfall, stream or from remote points to a central tide levels, or other environmental collection station, by radio or parameters, you'll find that Fischer & telephone. Porter Analog to Digital Recording The newest ADR instrument, the instruments will make your job easy Servo Input Recorder, monitors up to . . . automatically. We're old hands ten different inputs. To pull it all at environmental data collection-our together, there's F&P's complete ADR instruments were developed system-data capability, called for the U.S. Geological Survey and Automatic Dial and Data Retrieval the National Weather Service. and Recording. Write or call us for Because we make battery-powered more information on environmental models, our data collectors can data collection. Fischer & Porter Co., operate in remote locations for 44 County Line Road, Warminster, months at a time, without attention. Pa. 18974. Phone 21 5-674-6595. Readings are taken automatically at preselected time intervals, and output is recorded in punched tape format, which can easily be translated & visually or via computer processing.




Volume 10, Number 13, December 1976


tants (Bombay, India), has a major World Health Organization contract to design water/sewerage facilities for Madras, India.

Do Your GC Columns Seem to Die Prematurely?

Automotive Environmental Systems, Inc. (Westminster, Calif.) has an EPA contract to provide a special test vehicle to qualify and correlate vehicle emissions testing laboratories. Value exceeds $50 000. Greiner Engineering Sciences, Inc. (Tampa, Fla.) will perform about $8 million worth of services and studies in architecture, engineering, and environment for new facilities at the Orlando (Fla.) Jetport. Munters Corp. (Fort Myers, Fla.) has formed a new division to manufacture and market Euroform Mist Eliminators, inertial impi,igement droplet separators, in the US., for the wet scrubber field. The Standard Oil Co. (Ohio) has begun construction of a $1.3 million additional waste treatment system to remove suspended solids from refinery waste at Toledo, Ohio.

DISCOLORATION OF PACKING AT FRONT OF COLUMN? CHANGE IN COLUMN POLARITY? This may be drastic or may occur gradually. The column is gradually being DESTROYED by moisture or oxygen. Commonly used phases such as polyglycols (Carbowax, FFAP, SP-1000) and polyesters (DEGS, EGS) DECOMPOSE if carrier gas contains moisture or oxygen. The discolorationis the symptom, impure carrier gas is the cause and the effect is a ruined column. The cost??? The price of a column is only part. . .what does it cost if your system is down for a day while you put in a new column? EC DETECTOR GIVING YOU TROUBLE? Oxygen can drive an EC detector crazy and once this happens it may take hours to stabilize the system. INSURANCE FOR ONE YEAR CAN COST LESS THAN TWO COLUMNS Moisture is the worst problem and our gas drying tube is only $50. If you are also concerned about oxygen, our gas purifier removes both water and oxygen. FREE Bulletin 7398 describes problems associated with impure carrier gas, leaks, etc., and methods for solving the problems. Catalog Number

- Description, Price

2-0619 -Drying tube, 118" fittings, $50.00 2-2316 - Gas purifier, 118" fittings, $225.00



Environmental Science & Technology

AIS Norsk Viftefabrikk (Norway) and the Flakt Group (Sweden) U.S. firm, SF Air Control, will build an installation to "supervise" pollutant discharge and recycle gas for Reynolds Metals Co., at Troudale, Ore. Recon Systems, Inc. (Princeton, N.J.) has two ERDA contracts worth about $169 500 to study fundamental data needs for coal-conversion technology, and to test air emissions from the Synthane Process ( E S T , January 1976, p 17). The Electric Power Research Institute (Palo Alto, Calif.) says that risks from nuclear or fossil power plants are most likely much smaller than those of abrupt shortages of electricity. Hussong-Walker-Davis Co. (Cornwells Heights, Pa.) announced that the State of Indiana has approved the firm's peat moss method of removing lead from water to within post-1977 EPA limitations. United Nuclear Corp. has been awarded a $44 million ERDA contract for production of nuclear components. The contract provides for deliveries through 1980.

Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., has been granted a patent for "Alum Recovery and Waste Disposal in Water Treatment." The patent recognizes a proprietary alum recovery process. Hercules Inc. (Wilmington, Del.) has signed a letter of intent to sell a subsidiary, Black, Crow & Eidsness (Gainesville, Fla.), to CHPM Hill, Inc. Terms were not disclosed. Boards of Directors must approve the proposed sale. Corning Glass Works has signed an ERDA contract worth $371 834 for research on an advanced solar collector for residential and industrial energy system use. The collector would incorporate a heat pipe design. Applied Technology Corporation (ATC) is the new name for BS&B Industrial Products, developer of the Sulfiban desulfurization process and other environmental controls. ATC is located in Houston, Tex. Northeast Utilities (Hartford, Conn.) estimated that more than 60% of the electricity provided to its customers in August came from nuclear generating units. Research-Cottrell's Hamon Division will build four natural-draft cooling towers, worth about $35 million, for Georgia Power Co. Each will service an 820-MW fossil-fueled unit. Environmental Elements Corp. (Baltimore, Md.) has licensed its water treatment systems technology to International Water Conditioning, Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan. General Electric has been awarded a contract by ERDA to study large superconducting magnetic systems for use in experimental fusion power reactors. The Chemical Industry Institute of Toxlcology (Research Triangle Park, N.C.) announced that Northern Petrochemical Co. has become the 22nd corporate member of the Institute. Nichols Engineering and Research Corp., a subsidiary of Neptune International Corp., has signed a nearly $3 million contract with American Cyanamid Co., to supply a granular activated-carbon regeneration furnace-"the largest in the U.S."-and a waste-activated sludge furnace.

American Air Filter Co., Inc. will provide an approximately $15 million air pollution control system for the Electricity Supply Commission, South Africa. Six precipitators will remove 99+ % of fly ash at a rate of 400 000 Ib/h.

Dillingham Shipyard (Honolulu, Hawaii) is now the exclusive distributor for Separation and Recovery Systems, Inc. (Irvine, Calif.) Sarex oil-water separators for Hawaii and Guam.

Car-Mon Products, Inc., specialists in engineering and manufacturing exhaust ventilating and pollution control systems, has moved into its own new building in Elgin, Ill.

Radian Corp. (Austin, Tex.) is conducting an extensive environmental assessment study for a proposed lignite surface-mining project on Shell Oil Co.'s 24 000-acre tract in Milam County, Tex.