Industry Trends

merge Seattle, Wash.-based Redford. Engineering, Inc. Into Envlrodyne Fu- tren, Inc. Redford is an environmen- tal engineering firm with major em- ...
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operating division, but the company will be looking for other oppwtunitkr for dtveoification.

Rosearch Coltroil, Inc. will install a hot preclpltator for Southwestern Electric Power Co.'s Shreveport, La., operation. The preclpltator, designed to collect ash from low-sulfur Wyoming coal, will be the La. utility's first. Collection efficiency has been guaranteed at 99.6% at rated condition of slightly over 3,000,000 cfm of gas at 750°F.

Poly Con Corp. (Ramsey, N.J.) has received a $300,000 contract for a limekiln Venturi scrubbing system at the Southern Kraft Div. of International Paper Co., Mobile, Ala. The contract is for deslgn and fabrication of six complete limekiln scrubbing systems to be installed in four locatlons In South Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi. Start-up is expected In the first quarter of 1974. Envlrodyne, Inc. (Los Angeles, Callf.) has signed a definitive agreement, subject to certain approvals, to merge Seattle, Wash.-based Redford Engineering, Inc. into Envirodyne Futrek Inc. Redford is an environmental engineering firm with major emphasis on traffic and transportation planning and potable and waste water oesign. Envirodyne provides professional consulting services, poiiution control products, and advanced R&D programs. Allled Chemical Corp. has formed a sulfur pollution control services group to apply the company's technology and marketing know-how to recovery of sulfur from stack gases. Aliled process has already demonstrated in commerclal service on a scale equivalent to that of a 2000-MW power plant. Paabody Gallon Corp. has formed a new operating unit to market and engineer large air pollution control systems. To be called Peabody Engineered Systems, the unit wlli engineer and construct large SO2 and fly ash removal systems for utility and industrial customers. The unit begins operation with a $10-mllilon order backlog, which Includes unbilied portions of Peabody Engineering contracts for wet scrubbers for Detrolt Edison, Potomac Electric, and Phlladelphia Electric. Ecodyne Corp. has lormed a new divislon called Industrial Waste Treatment Division. The new division will market industrial waste treatment and equipment already being developed or being developed by Ecodyne'8 Smith and Loveless Dlv., and

Graver Water Div. The division will serve the growing needs of the industry for treatment of liquid waste. Watrr Resourcar Engineers (Walnut Creek, Calif.) and Kocks Engineers (Dusseldorf, W. Germany) will undertake a 46-month study for the City of Hamburg, W. Germany, to come up with plans for improving tho existing stormwater, sewage collection, and treatment systems of the City of Hamburg. The engineering firms wili use a computerized stormwater management model, the first known ap. plication of such a model in Europe. Westinghouse Electric Corp. has signed a letter of intent with the South Texas Project to provide two pressurized water reactors in Matagorda County, Tex., south 01 Bay City. Value of the order including the initial fuel load is expected to exceed $100 million. Total cost of the plant will be several hundred miilion dollars. The South Texas Project is a consortium of electric utility companies including Houston Lighting 13 Power Co., Central Power and Light'Co., and CPS ot San Antonio. Houston Lighting & Power will own 40% of the plant with Central Power & Light and CPS each holding bo%. Hlltman Corp. (Columbia, Md.) has been awarded a contract by the West Virginia Surfaoe Mining and Reclamation Association to assist in a study of a new surface mining meth.. od under a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency. The purpose of the four-year study will be to Investigate technology for longwall strip mining. The longwail method is currently used in underground operations exclusively. Fluor Englneerr and Conlractora (Los Angetes, Calif.). Pipeline Technologists, Inc., Fluor Ocean Services, and Dames & Moore, Inc., are beglnning studies involving environmental, geotechnical, and engineering aspects of El Paso Natural Gau Co.9 proposed Arctic natural gas line. The studies are the first part of a three-phase $3 billion project. Phase I is a $2-miKon preliminary study to investigate potential routes for the pipeline. Jackron-Rand Corp. hgs purchased the assets of Flomatcher Go. Inc. (Corvallis, Ore), Flomatcher manufactures variable speed pump motor controls for use in water supply and sewage systems. Jackson Rand is a new company incorporated in Nevada. Flomatcher is presently its only

Zurn Indurtrkr, Inc., has remked its firat order for a large utility cooling tower since entering the fieid in 1971 after a licensing agreement with Balcke Cooling Ca. of W. Germany. turn's tower will be a five-cell mechanical draft unit for Louisiana Power & Light Co. (Sterlington, La.) at the Sterlington Steam Electric Station Unit No. 7. The tower wiii have a capacity of 85,500 gal of water Per minute reducing temperature from 11l 0 Fto 89°F. Ethyl Corporation has applied to the French government for approval to purchase a majority interest in a French specialty Chemical firm for 10.3 million French francs (about $2.0 million) and plans to construct a $4.4million aluminum alkyl manufacturing facility at one of the firm's plant sites. Ethyl wants to purchase 70% of the outstanding shares of capital stock of the French company, Produits Chimiques du Sidobre Sinnova, S.A.. at Neuilly, France. Ethyl plans la provide technical, patents, and capital lor the construction 01 an aluminum alkyl facility at Bousscrns, France. Mixing Equipment Co. (Rochester, N.Y.) has begun construction of a $500,000 facility for conducting deep tank waste and water treatment aeration research. The new facility will be a 5 0 4 square. 3 2 4 deep, 600,000-gal tank, housed in a selfcontained, heated building. The Torit Corp. has entered into an agreement with the Hosokawa 'lion Works Ltd. (Osaka, Japan) to form Hosokawa-Torit Go., Ltd., a 50-50 joint venture. Tho new company will manufacture and sell Torit's line of air pollution control equipment in Japan. The Inrtltule of Oar Trchnology has received a $l~,l60,000 contract from the U.S. Dapartment 01 Interior's Office of Coal Research for development of the Steam-Iron Process for coal gasification. The 26.month contract will be funded on a costsharing b a s k two thirds provided by the Office of Coal Research and one third by the American Gas Assoc. It is part of a four-year program for thr development of clean hlgh-BTU gas from all types of coals. Bendix Corp'r Aerospace Systems Division has been awarded a 671,000 contract by the U.S. Dept. of Labor to study health arid economic consequences of the proposed heat stress standards embodied in the Occupatlonal Safety and Health Act of 1970. (Continued on page 980)

Volume 7, Number 10, October 1973 ##

Tho rtudy is rcheduled to be completed by December 31 of this year. Pollullon Control-Wallhrr, Inc., ha8 received an order from the Tennersee Valley Authority for two electrostatic precipitators valued at $2.2 mlllion. The units will be delivered to the Colbert Station Unit No. 5 at Pride, Ala. The order for the precipitators which will handle 2 million Cfm flue gases with an efficiency of 99.5% brings Pollution Control-Walther's backlog to a record $22 million.

last 3 years? NUS scientists and engineers are energy and environmental consultants here and abroad. We are assisting a variety of clients in finding solutions to some of the most important problems confronting us today. As we continue this expansion, we have the following positions available: Coordinator for Environmental Studies and Report Preparation: to coordinate multi-disciplinary efforts in the preparation of site selection studies, environmental impact reports, safety analysis reports, state and federal permit applications, air and water pollution control and thermal discharge programs. Demographers, meteorologists, hydrologists and geologists to contribute to power plant selection studies. Environmental analysts experienced in cooling tower effects, coolant blowdown radiological impact, effluent control systems (nuclear and non-nuclear) or post and pre-operational site monitoring programs. Licensing Engineer familiar with licensing requirements and procedures to provide clients with information on current licensing action and trends. Individual should be familiar with BWR and/or PWR plant design and have on-site operating experience. Start-up Engineer: Individual will preferably have two reactor startups "under his belt" and be familiar with pre-operational test procedure and requirements. Person also required to have experience running tests and punching systems, Must also be willing to trave! and accept site assignments. Chemical Engineer: Position requires ten years' experience in nuclear plant water and corrosion technology. Additional experience in high pressure steam plants desirable but not mandatory, For further information on these positions plus additional positions in fuel design, terrestrial ecology, aquatic ecology, chemical and mechanical engineering, health physics and management sy5 tems, please send resume to the attention of Nancy Root, Personnel Director.

4 Research Place, Rockville, Maryland 20850 An Equd Opportunity Employer (M/F) Cirrlc NL !Iw RwLlrs' Smkm Carl 980 Environmentrl Sclonoe h Technology

Ecodyne Corp. has received the largest single order lor a wet/dry cooling installation to date. The order, placed by the Baltimore Gas I Electric Co., calls for the construction of four wet/ dry towers at the Brandon Shores power plant, south of Baltimore in Anne Arundel County on the Patapsco River. Value of the contract is approximately $10.7 million. Work beglns on two of the towers in March 1975 followed by two more one year later. On-line operation will begin in 1977 and 1978. Nichols Engineering (New York City) will design and erect a multihearth sludge incinerating furnace for Gulf States Paper at the company's 500tpd mill in Tuscaloosa, Ala. Construction of the incinerator will begin this fall with completion slated for April 1974. Value of the contract is approximately $400,000. Metex Core. (Edison, N.J.) will supply exhaust converter supports f ~ Ford r Motor Co.'s catalytic conver;. ' on 1975, 1976, and 1977 model cars. The value of the three-year contract, which includes "mutually agreeable cancellation provisions" is $15-20 million. I

UOP'r new Fluid Sciences Division has received a contract from Green Bay Packaging, Inc. (Green Bay, Wis.), for the paperboard industries first application of reverse osmosis equipment to pollution control. The 28,800-gpd reverse osmosis unit will become the final link in a closed loop system designed to recover process water for recycling. The system is partially financed by the EPA under the research development and demonstration grant program.

Amorican Cyanamid Co. and Japan Catalytic International, Inc., in a newly formed partnership, have been awarded a three-year contract by General Motors to supply part ot GM's exhaust catalysts needs. The partnership will supply Aero-Ban. a noble metal catalyst containing both platinum and palladium in pellet form, to (3M for use beginning with 1975 model year cars.