Industry Trends

American Petroleum Institute (api) has awarded a research contract to Av-. Alarm Corp. (Mountain View, Calif.) to study a system of repelling migrator...
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industry trends Chem-Trol Pollution Services, Inc. (Niagara County, N.Y .) has arranged $1.1 million worth of financing to be used for installing a new chemical reclamation and disposal operating facility at Model City, N.Y. Battelle-Northwest (Richland, Wash.) has received a $300,000 contract for a two-year study to determine the environmental effects of Atlantic Richfield’s Cherry Point Refinery near Bellingham, Wash.

Research-Cottrell will provide two hyperbolic natural draft cooling towers for the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Watts Bar Nuclear Plant. Total value of the contract is about $11,400,000.

Culligan has received a $165,000 contract from the Office of Saline Water (osw) to test an improved ion exchange method for desalting brackish water. Culligan will field-test equipment at Davis Dam, Ariz., Artesia, N.M., Gallup, N.M., and La Junta, Colo.

Krebs Engineers (Menlo Park, Calif.) will supply Minnesota Power and Light with the world’s largest gas scrubber. The 1.4 million ACFM scrubber will be used to remove fly ash in stack gases from a 350-MW coal-fired steam generator at Cohasset, Minn.

American Petroleum Institute (API) has awarded a research contract to AvAlarm Corp. (Mountain View, Calif.) to study a system of repelling migratory waterfowl and seabirds from areas where oil spills have occurred.

to explore engineering and marketing techniques and approaches to pollution and refining problems which have been difficult to solve. The firm is now accepting precious metal-bearing salvage. Hydronautics, Inc. (Laurel, Md.) will analyze data collected by Johns-Manville Corp. on performance of oil recovery booms in recent tests off the coast of Santa Barbara, Calif. Tests, conducted on slicks of soybean oil, were conducted for the Coast Guard. Burns and Row Construction Corp. (Chula Vista, Calif.) has, received a $1.6 million contract from the Office of Saline Water (osw) for management, operation, maintenance, and systems development of the San Diego Desalination Test Facility. The facility consists of seven major experimental plants for seawater desalination. S. W. Brown and Associates (New York, N.Y.) has received an award from the New York Association of Consulting Engineers for work in waste heat reclamation.

Dow Chemical Co. has received a contract from the Interior Department to project energy costs and their influence on the economics of desalting at various U S . locations to the year 1990. Value of the contract is $22,110.

Academy Computing Co. (Oklahoma City, Okla.) has formed a new subsidiary-Separator Technology market oil-water separators.

Aqua-Chem, Inc. has received an order for an evaporator of its patented spray design for concentrating radioactive wastes at the Prairie Island nuclear generating station of Northern States Power Co., Red Wing, Minn.

SCA Services, Inc. (Boston, Mass.) has agreed to acquire Commercial Removal, Inc., a solid waste management and disposal company in Southfield, Mich.

The only complete sampling train recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency

lsokinetic Stack Sampler 4500 Series

. . . assures reliable, accurate

Sampling to determine compliance to national emission standards. Features include heavy duty clamp to secure the 5’ a n d 10’ Pitobe . . . leakproof filter, . . fan in the Control Module to cool p u m p . . . ground to stack stack to ground two w a y walkie-talkie system, available as an accessory . . . completely portable, lightest of all commercially available systems.

Cryogenic Technology, Inc. (Waltham, Mass.) is delivering cryogenic refrigerators for the first tonnage LNG plant to be installed in the U S . using the Stirling refrigeration cycle. The machines are being installed at Yarbro, Ark., providing LNG to a 55,000-barrel cryogenic storage plant.


International Recycling Corp. (Sayerville, N.J.) is a new corporation formed




See us at Booth No. 251

590 P i l g r i m Station,

- APCA Show Volume 6 , Number 6 , June 1972 563