Industry's Atomic Fuel Gamble - Chemical & Engineering News

Nov 5, 2010 - But on the other hand, the business will grow and the stakes are big. ... Wilson has his own estimates of just what the demand will be f...
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Industry's Atomic Fuel G a m b l e Fabrication of fuel elements is particularly tricky because of number of variables and lack of standardization NEW YORK.-People looking for good as can b e done today. But h e is short-term profits should not enter the even more optimistic. H e believes that atomic fuel fabrication business. But the level of d e m a n d over this period, on the other hand, the business will and especially towards the latter part, grow a n d t h e stakes are big. This is is much more likely to be near the the opinion of Carroll L. Wilson, vice maximum than near the m i n i m u m president of Metals & Controls Corp., curves given in the survey's report. Here are some of the problems and formerly general manager for Atomic Energy Commission. Wilson Wilson visualizes for the fuel element spoke before a recent meeting spon- fabricator: Repeat orders d u r i n g the sored b y t h e Atomic Industrial Forum. next five or 10 years will grow s l o w l y T h e r e a r e probably more variables most jobs will involve doing some and less approximation to standard things for the first time. Fabricators types i n the hiel element field than in must be ready to h a n d l e tons of mateany of the component parts of reactors, rial for natural uranium fuel loadings says Wilson. H e is in full agreement for big power reactors and at the other into with t h e A I F survey .(C&EN, May 30, extreme, also b e ready to fabricate 235 for page 2 2 8 4 ) conclusion that the reactor precise forms highly enriched U component deserving the greatest propulsion type reactors. Trie r a t e of amount of further research and develop- change in the shape, form a n d general character of fuel elements is going to ment is the fuel element. Wilson h a s his own estimates of just be rapid, he predicts. Wilson looks for t h e role of the A E C what t h e d e m a n d will b e for fuel element:; in t h e next three years. Largest to change during the coming 10-year increase in reactor core requirements period. "The commission should, and will b e for the research or small pack- I am confident will, increasingly shed age power reactors. These will require repetitive production functions involvnot only initial loading but also re- ing components including fuel eleplacement cores periodically. Based ments, and devote its major efforts to on t h e number of now proposed re- pioneering in new a n d radical types of search reactors to be built and the reactors, and to t h e development of needs of t h e materials testing reactor, fundamental information n e e d e d by he estimates that not less than 40 cores all concerned if this field is to progress," of a reasonably similar character will says Wilson. R a d i o a c t i v e W a s t e Problem. Probe required—he expects that these cores will be furnished by private jected expansion of t h e atomic energy program carries with it the knotty probindustry. Cores for two and possible three lem of disposal of radioactive waste malarge p o w e r reactors may be needed in terials. The worst ofiFender and the this next three-year period. Wilson controlling nuclide 9 0among waste fiswith a half life predicts that furnishing the initial load- sion products is Sr ing for these reactors will call for 100 of 20 years, says Ronald A. Brightson, to 150 metric tons of partially enriched president of Nuclear Science & 9Engi0 by uranium. Fuel elements for these neering Corp. Inventory of Sr 1964, based on the A I F survey maxipower reactors will be furnished by mum prediction of a nuclear power private industry. industry of 70,000 mw., will amount T w o of the AEC's five reactors (planned for t h e next five years) are to 250 million curies. At t h a t power to be of the homogeneous type and will level the annual production rate is of therefore not require fuel elements. the order of 120 million curies, warns Fuel elements for the remaining three Brightson. In 1964 alone he estimates we will reactors a r e likely to b e fabricated in AEC facilities b u t at least one of these be producing something like 60 milmay b e furnished by private industry, lion gallons of radioactive waste. Most says Wilson. T h e AEC will also fabri- practical solution for t h e next 10 years cate, either partially or completely, appears to him to b e evaporation to cores required for the propulsion proj- minimum volume, semipermanent fixation in concrete or clay and l a n d burial. ects, h e points out. Future Fuel D e m a n d s . Turning to He favors land burial over s e a disposal the A I F survey's prediction of fuel de- because the former technique leaves mand, Wilson believes t h e general pro- the path open for future access if jection given for the 1958-65 period is desired. 2364

Costs of radioactive waste disposal are staggering- O n basis of present calculations, waste disposal in 1964 will cost approximately $60 million. T h e reduction in these waste disposal costs is a potentially profitable challenge in radiochemical engineering, declares Brightson. in the long-term cost reduction picture Brightson makes a n observation: 30 to 5 0 % of t h e costs of the evaporation-fixation-burial process occur in the evaporation step—this c o s t might be reduced to almost zero by Harnessing solar energy for the evaporation. Radioactive waste disposal is an example of the t y p e of critical technological problem that d e m a n d s substantial government research effort, declared former A E C commissioner E u g e n e M. Zuckert in a luncheon address before the forum meeting. T l i e A I F report indicates that industry spent only $8000 on waste disposal research, in 1953 and Zuckert calls that, "not even a drop in the bucket in relation to the problem." Chemical Industry Spends $1900 Per M a n on Plant a n d Equipment Chemical companies a r e n o w spending more than twice as much per production worker on plant and e q u i p m e n t than manufacturing industries generally. In fact the industry e x p e c t s to spend $1.11 billion this year—an average of $1894 per production worker as compared with $813 for a l l manufacturing combined. Except for the petroleum industry, annual capital outlays per production worker are probably higher in the chemical field than in a n y other manufacturing activity, according to the May Chemical and Rubber Industry Report published b y Business and Defense Services Administration. Record level of chemical capital expenditures per worker occurred in 1953, when it r e a c h e d $2333. This peak was primarily attributable t o heavy requirements of the Korean emergency, BE)SA says, and the resulting governmental policy of accelerated t a x amortization to encourage building of new facilities related to defense a n d mobilization efforts. The continuing high level of capital outlays pei production worker in the chemical field appears to b e a direct outgrowth of the h e a v y costs involved in increasing a u t o m a t i o n , as w e l l as the constant development of new chemical productive processes r e q u i r i n g extensive investment. B D S A says the cyclical and continuous nature of m u c h chemical processing a n d manufacture






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RECLAIMS CHROMATE. This cycle picks up chromic acid r e m o v e d f r ο m t h e r i nse water and returns it tô the plating bath. C h r o m a t e saved in t h e p l a t i n g b a t h a n d rinse w a t e r often p a y s for t h e entire ion exchange i n s t a l l a t i o n !

S A V I H J S S FOR S M A L L PLANTS. Ion exchange economies apply to small plating plants as well as large. RINSE

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Ion Exchange Cuts Process Costs A fast-growing unit process, ion exc h a n g e is already a multi - million -ayear business. Here-are some of the jobs it's doing n o w : • W a t e r Conditioning is biggest ion exchange use . . . removing scale-forming h a r d n e s s for homes, steam boilers . . . softening cooling water s o it can b e u s e d over a n d over . . . purifying process water for T V tubes, synthetic fibers . . . reclaiming waste water ( e . g. c h r o m a t e plating rinses). • Process applications: Removing impurities from formaldehyde, glycerin, alcohol, plating baths and other chemicals, also wines, sugar solutions ; recovering c o p p e r a n d zinc from rayon plant VOLUME

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wastes; concentrating metals i n dilute solutions such as plating rinses, mine waters; removing iron from phosphoric acid pickling solutions; producing colloidal silica used in textiles, waxes, foundry molds; making antibiotics, e.g. streptomycin, and other medicinals. • L a r g e s t m a n u f a c t u r e r of ion exchange equipment, T h e Permutit Company (Ν. Υ.), got a h e a d start in ion exchange with the natural zeolites first used in water conditioning . . . now manufactures highly efficient synthetic resin ion exchangers of all types. Per­ mutit is the only U. S. producer of both resins and equipment. Making both al­ lows proper "mating" of t h e two . . . en­ JUNE



ables Permutit t o take responsibility for performance of t h e entire installation. If you have a problem involving the recovery, concentration or separation of chemicals in solution, a Permutit ion exchange process can probably help you. Address: T h e Permutit Company, Dept. C N - 6 , 3 3 0 West 4 2 n d St., New York 3 6 , Ν. Υ.



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lends itself more readily and extensively to large scale automation than is the case in most other manufacturing in­ dustries. At t h e same time, BDSA points out., it is ironical that the con­ tinual development of new techniques, process, and products actually increases the rate of obsolescence for equipment installed at high cost. These two op­ posing factors are primarily responsible for the high outlay per worker, as well as a much higher and faster rate of depreciation charge-off, BDSA states.

1950 when Darsyn fir^l charged Gamma with infringement of its patent for manufacture of hydroxyquinoline.

C C I Completes SBudge Acid Regeneration Unît in Texas Consolidated Chemical Industries has completed a large sludge acid regeneration unit at its Bay town, Tex., plant. A second unit at Houston will go on stream in mid-June, making a total of five sludge decomposition units operated by CCI. The new units are capable of producing strong, white acid from any spent sulfuric acid, regardless of hydrocarbon content. CCI says t h e facilities solve oil refineries' spent acid disposal problems and eliminate danger of stream and air pollution. It says they also offer a savings in capital investment on the part of refineries by eliminating need for burners, hydrolyzers, and concentrators in t h e treatment of heavy sludge acid. Certain sludges from chemical plants will also be processed. The new Baytown and Houston plants make use of a process in which sulfur is extracted from heavy sludge acid and recombined into new acid. Blended sludges are fed to a combustion chamber b y a spray burner which atomizes the acid with compressed air. Sludges are burned to sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and water. T h e gases then pass through a dust collector, are cooled in a waste heat boiler, then scrubbed with weak acid. After cooling to 80° F., they are passed through a mist separator. Next, the gases are dried, picked u p by the main blower and passed through heat exchangers, then to the converter where sulfur dioxide content is oxidized in the presence of a catalyst. From the converter the sulfur trioxide is cooled and sent to the absorbing tower where it is converted into 98-99%. After the acid is cooled, it is sent to storage to await shipment by tank truck, tankcar, or barge.

• American Viscose's Sylvania cellophane division is constructing new warehouse facilities on Corsair St., Vail Field Area of Los Angeles' central manufacturing district. Blake, Moffitt & Tovvne, San Francisco, will continue as Sylvania's only sales agent on t h e West Coast.

• Dctrsyn Labs'" petition to the Supreme Court to reopen suit against Gamma Chemical for patent infringement has been denied. This action brings to a close litigation in process since early

• C . H W h e e l e r M f g . h a s sold i t s fine particles g r i n d i n g d e p a r t m e n t to Fluid Energy Processing & Equipment..

Philadelphia. • Chemicals Procurement has been appointed a dealer for rare chemicals, specifically biochemicals, made by H. M. Chemical, Santa Monica, Calif.

Escambia Bay Breaks Ground More than 100 civic and industrial leaders in northwest Florida joined officials of Escambia Bay Chemical in officially breaking ground for the firm's $25 million ammonia plant being built near Pensacola. Here with Escambia Bay president M. A. Abernathy (center) are E. L. Stokes (left), chief accountant, and A. J. Bruno, chief engineer • H a r s h a w Chemical h a s moved its N e w York branch office to the plant site of its newly acquired subsidiary, Zinsser & Co., Hastings-on-Hudson 6, Ν. Υ. • Industrial Rayon has started produc­ tion for commercial delivery of a new 8 denier nylon staple fiber for use by carpet and upholstery manufacturers. • Firestone Tire & Rubber has estab­ lished a synthetic rubber and latex di­ vision. Now that Firestone has pur­ chased two synthetic rubber produc-











by General

