Inexpensive filmstrip system

AnInexpensive Filmstrip System. Visual aids are most often used directly in the classroom and include the blackboard (1), overhead projector (2), slid...
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David N. Harpp McGlll University Montreal, Quebec. Canada


An Inexpensive Filmstrip System

Visual aids are most often used directly in the classroom and include the blackboard (1). overhead oroiector (2).slides (3). films ( 4 ) . and television ( 5 ) .Some OF these systems are not easilv amenable for student studv outside the classroom while others have Iwen packaged in some form for ruhsequent use. Efforts in the latter area have included filmstri~s,microfiche (6), automatic slide-tape programs (46,7), simple 35mm slide packages (7b,8),super 8mm cartridge films (41, and TV cassettes (9).In all cases, however, either prohihitive expense or inconvenience appears to have precluded undergraduate use on any basis other than via a study center or a short-term borrowing system. Our own efforts with the extensive use of 35mm slides for classrwm (10) and pre-laboratory instruction (11) created a need for a system whereby students could preor re-study the visual materials used in the classroom or laboratory (12). The results of employing a study center (13), equipped with audio and visual materialsl.similar in scope to others described recently (Sa, 14) have been disappointing in terms of overall student response. Thus, we felt the need for a more effective delivery system. Such a classroom complementary aid must have several features: it should be readily prepared and easily up-dated, inexpensive enough for individual student ownership (or full-time use), and applicable to any course where visuals are to be used. A filmstrio . .oroeram .. which aooears . . to fulfill the above criteria involves the use of a multi-slide tbrmat with four frames 11. oer 35mm frame (Fie. . . . a hand-held olastic viewer-mamifier i ~ i2),~ and . printed explanations of the visuals. The opportunity to see four frames a t once permits a series of pictures to be evaluated a t a glance and obviates the necessity of moving the filmstrip back and forth for beforelafter se'These included audiotapes of lectures,TV cassettes, 35mm slides; no slide-tape programs were tested. I (a1 Template far sl des to oe photograpned. lo1arrangement of slldes lor me muiizams me camera .sfocussed only on meadges 01 tlw sloes n aoer to maximize picture size. Distances are in cm,

Figure 2. Hand-held. 5X plastic viewer-magnifier. Distances are in ern.

Volume 54. Number 5, May 1977 1 307

quences. Details on the production of the filmstrip are given in the Experimental Section. To date this system has been applied to couraes in inorganic and organic chemistry, practical organic chemistry synthesis laboratory, and anatomy. While the results vary somewhat in terms of student response, it should be pointed out that in each situation the filmstrip, viewer, and printed summary of slide content were made available to each student on a volunteer basis. The materials were sold a t cost (~$2-3)for a strip of 2W300 miniframes. The most enthusiastic student reaction was ohtained when the filmstrip consisted of color slide reproductions as opposed to black and white diamams. The latter are reoroduced at low cost by standard printing techniques. s t u d i t interest was equally high for sequences oriented towards skills (lab) or concepts (lecture, lab) as opposed to cultural or historical frames. Tvoical series used in oreanic chemistry contained color slid& bf molecular model representations of &lohexane conformation and twist-hoat interconversions, chemical reactions, laboratory manipulations, and equipment use. From the point of view of discipline, enthusiasm was highest for the anatomy series. In this course students were expected to retain, for exam purposes, aspects of certain slides shown in class. Theseslides had not been available to the students until the f h t r i p technique was introduced. Interest was sufficient that on a questionnaire about the filmstrips, over half of the class of 100 volunteered to assist with the updating of the package for the following year. In all cases the visual material was presented in the lectures. In the oreanic course for instance. students were neither frequently prompted and remindedto use the system, nor was the package required although nearly all students purchased it (>90%). The lack of encouragement was intentional in order to achieve the best possible assessment of the "true" impact of our classroom visuals. While day-to-day classroom attendance was very high (-95%), roughly one-third of the participants used the filmstrip system extensively, one-third regularly, and one-third relatively little or not a t dl. Many in this latter category indicated, however, that they would have used the strios more if encouraeed to do so. & he a useful, inexpensive, and ~ h i s ' f i l m s t r isystem ~ convenient method for nackaeiua color classroom visuals. In addition, i t would appear tohave significant potential for enlivening and personalizing non-lecture or correspondence-type courses. Experlrnental Section

The slides to be reoroduced are assembled with annrooriate .. . titles. They are grouped in a template as shown in Figure la and ~hotoeraohedon a lieht box usine a 35mm s L R - t v ~ e camera with f:l lens c a p a l h t y so that ihe four frames 6 be photographed are completely within the viewfinder of the camera. The light source is a 250-W bulb (3200°K photoflood) the top of which is fixed approximately 30 cm from the film plane in the camera. The covering on the light box is a translucent milk glass. In this way the master filmstrip is photographed with Kodak 5247 internegative film usually availahle in short lengths from movie film distributing firms. The film simply provides a master negative from which positive prints can be ohtained. One setting can be used for all pictures (HE, s; f 6.8) although

this will doubtless vary depending on individual conditions. The internegative film is then developed at a movie film processing fiim (most larger cities will h&e one or more) and a positive print is ohtained along with the negative at a cost 01-415. Once the correct setting is found and a satisfactory print ohtained, usually on the serond trial, the frames may he numbered hy applying small, hlock press-on numbers (Letrmet, ek.) in a mrner of each frame of the internegative. The positive color print then will have a clean, white number for easy reference. The required number of copies are then orinted from the enumerated interneeative master. The cost decreases in proportion"to the total footage printed. A 100-minislide (25 of the 35mm film)strip, including viewer, can he delivered to a class of -25 for about $2 each. A 300 minislide strip for a clags of 500 costs about $3 oer set. The entire strip may be treated with a scratch resistant material for a very small extra cost so that the resultine film mav be repeatedy handled. The developed fhis obtained from the processing firm on a continuous reel. The strips need only be cut and for student use. In this case the long strip is cut so as to permit storage in a standard business enveloue. This format (four miniframes per 35mm frame) affords a reasonably large picture 134mm2(16mm frame is 70mm2) via the 5X viewer-magnifier. The latter is available from the Edmund Scientific Company, #P-60-875. The overall cost per miniframe is generally about $0.01. Aoknowledgrnenl

We are grateful to the Educational Development Board of McGill University for financial support of the work and to Professor J. P. Snyder (University of Copenhagen), Professor Earl Krakower (Rochester Institute of Technology), and Professors J. J. Hogan and H. Warshawsky of McGill University, for valuable discussions. Finally, thanks is given to Ms. Cynthia Bullen and Ms. Amy Goldwater for expert technical assistance. Literature Clted (I1 Barnard. W. R . J . CHEM.EDUC..45.543 (19681. (2) Barnard, W. R., J. ehem. EDUC., 45.341 (1968); Saran, R. J., and Seger, M.. Edue. Chrm., 11 (1974). (3) Harris,S.P., J. CHEM.EDUC.,51.556 (1974):Neison,G. V., J. CHEM.EDUC.,51. 47 (1974): Lanaur,S., J. CHEM. EOUC.,50.476 (1973): Amend, J. R.,3. CHEM. EDUC..48.272 (1971); Mffirew. L.A.,J.CHEM. EDUC.,48.531~19711. (4) (a1 Meloan. C. E., J. CHEM. EOUC., 48.139 (19711 and references ciled therein; (bl Barnard. W. R.. and Schrsge, S.. J. CHEM. EDUC., 46.325 (1969). Barnad, W. R., (51 N i ~ n h o u ~ e . L E a. n d Nash,E. G.. J.CHEM.EDUC.,48,l4l(1971): and O'Connor. R.,J. CHEM. EDUC.. 45.745 (19681. (6) Barnard. W. R . J. CHEM. EDUC., 46.254 (19691. (71 (81 Andcnon,S.,Bennetto. H. P..and Seelev. M. E,Edue.'Chom., 12,116 (1975); (b) Remrds,R.M..J. CHEM EOUC.,52.243 (1975): (4Wendlaodt, W. W.,Gcanangel, R.A.,andBarry,D., J. CHEM.EDUC.52, IlO(1975): (dl Bsrry,RD.,Stordahl,

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Teehnalagy. prim& mmmurriifioio. (81 ~ u ~D. A ~. J. CHEM. h ~EDIIC., ~ 48. ~n7 ( 1, ~ 7 1 ) . (9) Volter, R,and Simanson. M.. Andiouirualiwtruction, 20.49 (1975): Pantalm. D.C., J. CHEM. EDUC., n,112 (1975): simpson,s.,~duc. them., 10,174 (19731: R, H., J. CHEM. EDUC.. SO, 126 11973); Nclsan, G. V., J. CHEM. EDUC., 46,620 IMY 110. H ~ ~ , , ,n. , N . . ~ ~ S ~ YP ..I ~ ~(:HEM. ~ . . Pncc I . ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ I I K ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : O h . ~ s r p pD, N .and S n ~ a r r .~~' . l l r m r . n n d M o r r w119721:Chm ~.~ n n d ~ q A. 2ltJan. 19111,Plns, L 1isrpp.lI. K . Krskouer. F ,and inldcr. J. I'.J CHEM FI>l'C i 3 . X I Y 7 . ( I l l Harpp, 0. N., &d Hoyge, E.; Conference on Laboratory Inatruetion, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institu&,Troy. N.Y.. Abstracts af Papers. June 1974. ,121 Lcwk Educolion. 2.12 119751. -~ ~ P. ,~~~ ,Tn~hniroiHo~ironrin ~ . ~. (131 Bufler.l. 8.. Chsn.T. H.. H a r..m D.N.,and Hsrrod. J. F., 57thC.I.C. Conference, Resins; sssk., .June 1974. (I41 Atkinsan. G. F.,Tmgaod,G. E., J. CHEM. EDUC.,52.108 (197s);Y w n ~ , J . A . . a n d Lsngford.C. H..J. CHEM,EDVC..48,795 (19711.





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