Inexpensive holder for multiple samples - Journal of Chemical

A model for valence shell electron-pair repulsion theory. Journal of Chemical Education. Prall. 1990 67 (11), p 961. Abstract: Using magnets as models...
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Inexpensive Holder for Multiple Samples

In applications where many solid samples must be rigidly held in place for drying, painting, or viewing etc, it is required that samples of interest be held in place without touching one another and yet be easily accessible from various angles. Adequate clearance is required so that air or other reactants can pass over the samples. The sample holder should be lightweight, compact, and electrically nonconducting. All of the ahove can be accomplished by an inexpensive, easily assembled sample holder rack shown schematically in the figure. The rack consists of wooden or plastic clothpins, each one glued to the one below it so that it forms a cross pattern when viewed from above. Individual clothpins in the stack can he held together by hot melt (polypropylene) or any other strong glue. Jaws and handles of individual -------"--> clothpins are arranged so that they alternate as they are positioned in the stack, that is, jaws of any particular clothpin lie above the handles of the clothpin below it. Samples can be removed from or inserted into a particular clothpin without touching or disturbing any of the other samples. Mbhael Binder Power Sources Division U.S. Army LABCOM SLCET-PR F M Manmouih N.J. 07703 (201) 544-4795


Journal of Chemical Education