Inexpensive laboratory manual rack

A. C. ADAMS. King College ... the desk surface, and which also permits dry or solid as to cause the supportingportion to lie flat on the table, while ...
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THE accompanying sketches illustrate an inexpensive rack for keeping the laboratory manual from being damaged by water and other liquids that may he on the desk surface, and which also permits dry or solid

Then bends are made a t C and D, and E and F, which turn up the ends that are to hold the book pages hack. The.fina1bends are made a t G and IT, in such a manner as to cause the supportingportion to lie flat on the table, while the portion that is to support the book inclines a t

reagents which have been spilled on the hook to roll off. An ordinary wire coat hanger is hent with a pair of pliers a t the points A and B as show in Figure 1, until the hanger presents the appearance shown in Figure 2.

a convenient angle with the table. Figure 3 shows the rack as it appears when finished. Figure 4 shows the rack in use. This rack also is very handy when used on the reagent shelf a t about the level of the student's eyes.