Inexpensive window material for infrared spectroscopy of Nujol-mulls

Inexpensive Window Material for Infrared Spectroscopy of Nujol-Mulls. Because the infrawd ... plastic or cardboard slide mount (available at photograp...
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Inexpensive Window Material for Infrared Spectroscopy of Nujol-Mulls Because the infrawd spectre of Nujul(paraflin oil1 and polyethylmc arc pmcticslly identical, pulyrthvlene film can he s!~hstituredfor n sodium chloride plate to hold a Nujul-mull in the hrnm of nn infrared ~pertrometer.'Huwever. n plnrn polyethylene film (commercial plastic wrap sold for kitchen use) gives rise to an interference pattern in its infrared spectrum. These interference hands may obscure the weak absorption bands of a sample making the film undesirable as a window material for infrared spectroscopy of Nujol-mulls. While studying different commercial plastic wraps by infrared spectroscopy, our Instrumental Analysis class observed that the nlnstie wran sold under the brand name of "Handi-Wrao9'm did not eive anv interference bands and had a clean r spectrum similar t o that uf Nujol on sodium chloride plate. Apparently the textured surfarr ot "Hmdi-Wrap"%eliminntps rhe interference pattern. Our