Influence of Hydrogen-Ion Concentration on the ... - ACS Publications

Influence of Hydrogen-Ion Concentration on the Color of Vegetable Tanned Leather. R. O. Page, A. W. page. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1929, 21 (6), pp 584–585...
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Influence of Hydrogen-Ion Concentration on the Color of Vegetable Tanned Leather' R. 0. Page and A. W. Page WOOLSTON TANNERIES, WOOLSTON, N E W ZEALAND

HE influence of the pH value of a tan liquor on its color


has been studied by Wilson and Kern,2 who showed that the color of solutions of gambier and quebracho extracts was a function of their hydrogen-ion concentration, the color darkening steadily with increasing pH. This change was reversible in the absence, but irreversible in the presence, of air. As practical experience, however, has shown that the color of a tan liquor is not necessarily an index of the color it will give t o a hide or skin tanned in it, and as no detailed information of the relation of pH value to leather color could be found in the literature, the following study of this relationship was made. Change in Color with Variation in pH Hide pieces from the butt of an ox hide after soaking in water for 48 hours were placed for 6 days in saturated limewater, in presence of excess lime made 0.01 normal in sodium sulfide. After being unhaired, the pieces were bated in the usual manner with pancreatin in the presence of ammonium chloride, and were then well washed. This procedure gives a standard that is easily reproducible. The hide pieces were then placed in 0.1 iM phosphoric acid solutions to which hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide had been added in quantities sufficient to give a series of solutions ranging in pH value from 1.0 t o 9.0 as determined by the hydrogen electrode. The pieces were left in these solutions for 48 hours, the pH value being adjusted where necessary after the first 24 hours. Two tan liquors were prepared, one from wattle bark and the other from chestnut wood extract, materials selected as representing two types of tanning agents widely different in nature and behavior. From the stock solutions series of liquors were prepared containing in each case 25 grams of solid matter per liter, and by the addition of hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide made to range in pH value from 1.0 to 9.0. Both wattle and chestnut liquors when a t pH 5 \yere free from insoluble matter, but in the case of chestnut a precipitate was formed a t lower pH values. The hide pieces on removal from the buffer solutions were placed in tan liquors of corresponding pH, thus insuring that there would be no significant change in hydrogen-ion concentration during the tanning process. After 24 hours in the tan liquors the pieces were removed and their colors compared. With both tanning materials it was found that, whereas the liquors showed a progressive darkening of color with increasing pH value, the variation in color of the leathers themselves did not show a corresponding straight-line progression but followed closely the curve of swelling. Thus in both cases the color of the leather was a minimum a t pH 5 , rising to a maximum a t p H 2 with a marked fall toward pH 1. With both wattle and chestnut this fall was accompanied by a change to a somewhat redder shade. I n the case of the chestnut, as there is considerable precipitation at low pH values, i t is conceivable that the lightening in color may be due to the 1 Presented before the Division of Leather and Gelatin Chemistry a t the 70th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Swampscott, Mass., September 10 to 14, 1928. 2 U'ilson and Kern, J. IND. E h G . CHEM., 13, 1028 (1921).

decrease in amount of tannin in solution, but with the wattle, as there is no precipitation even a t pH 1, such an explanation is not possible. At pH values above 5 the color of the leather darkens, gradually up t o pH 7 , but very appreciably a t pH 8, especially in the case of chestnut, and still more noticeably a t pH 9. With wattle the darkening is not so marked a t pH 8, but becomes prominent a t pH 9. These color differences persist without much alteration when the leather pieces are dried, except that pieces tanned a t pH 8 and above have a greater tendency than the others t o darken by oxidation. Cause of Color Changes

As it appeared probable that the observed color changes were due to actual changes in hide structure brought about by variation of hydrogen-ion concentration, a second series of experiments was run to test this view. Hide pieces treated as before were brought into equilibrium with a buffer solution of pH 5 and tanned a t the same pH in wattle bark liquors containing, as before, 25 grams solid per liter. They were then transferred to a series of wattle bark liqiiolors of the same concentration but with pH values of from 1 to 9, corrected after 24 hours. After 48 hours in these solutions the leather pieces showed a regular gradation in color. That from the solution of pH 1 'was the lightest, with a progressive deepening of shade up to pH 9, although the color of the leather from the liquor of pH 9 was not so dark as that of the hide piece immersed in a liquor of this pH value directly on removal from the buffer solution. In a further set of experiments standard hide pieces were placed for 48 hours in buffer solutions of high and low pH value, respectively, then brought to equilibrium with a buffer solution of pH 5, and finally tanned as before in wattle bark solutions of pH 5 , together with pieces brought t o a pH value of 5 without pretreatment. I n each case the color of the pretreated pieces was darker than that of the standard, the increase in color being approximately equal for pieces pretreated a t pH values of 2 and 13, respectively. These experiments indicate that pretreatment of hide with solutions of varying pH value produces in the collagen itself changes which affect the color of the resultant leather. When the pretreated hide is tanned a t p H 5 , these changes correspond t o the changes in swelling produced by such pretreatment. This result is in striking agreement with the work of Gustavson,3 on the effect of pretreatment of hide powder on the fixation of vegetable tannins. This investigator states that the amount of fixed tannin plotted against the pH values of the solutions employed in the pretreatment gives a curve with a first maximum a t a pH between 2 and 3, a minimum in the isoelectric range, and a very pronounced maximum a t a pH of about 12, exhibiting a close resemblance to the swelling curve of hide powder. Also in his work on the behavior of formaldehyde-tanned hide powder towards chromium compounds,3 Gustavson shows that it is the pH value of the formaldehyde solution which determines the amount of chromium oxide that combines with the hide powder. The 8

Gustavson, J . A m . Leather Chem. Arsocn., 2 2 , 126



June, 1929 same author4 also shows that acid or alkali pretreatment shifts the isoelectric point of hide powder. The color of the leather formed in solutions of vegetable tanning materials is apparently yet another property that is determined by the acid or alkali pretreatment of the hide, and a property that varies in the same manner as the poner of tannin fixation. 4

Gustaison, J I i i t e r n SOL Leather Trades Ckem , 10, 203 (1926)


The color of leather tanned in chestnut wood or wattle bark liquors is a function of the p H value, rising to a first maximum at about pH 2, falling to a minimum at a p H value in the neighborhood of 5 , and rising sharply again at a pH value between 8 and 9. This color change is due to the action of solutions of varying pH on the hide itself rather than to their direct influence on the actual combination of hide substance and tannin.

Sulfur Compounds in Pressure-Cracked Naphtha and Cracked Naphtha Sludge' D. S. McKittrick STANDARD 011,COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, RICHMOND, CALIF.

O N E time ago it was decided t o attempt the


A method is described for obtaining a concentrated mixture of the sulfur compounds in cracked naphtha by the use of inert solvents. It has been found that the sulfur compounds in cracked naphtha are members of the thiophene series, a number of which have been isolated and identified. It has been further found that the sulfur compounds in the light oil obtained by diluting and distilling cracked naphtha acid sludge are of a very different character, being sulfides of unknown structure, probably cyclic.

isolation and identification of the sulfur compounds in pressure-cracked naphtha in order to establish ,Ilogical foundation for further work on their technical ieinoval. The first step was to devise a method of obtaining; a concentrated mixture o f these substances. I n the small amount of n-ork that has been done in the past on the reinoval of sulfur compounds from petroleuni,2 t,hc light oil obtained by diluting, neutralizing, and distilling a sulfuric :acid sludge has been the source of raw material. I n removing substances of unknomm structure with a drastic reagent such as sulfuric acid, there is no certainty that the coinpourids obtained are the same as those originally present in the oil, though in a few instances thesame compounds have been obtained from the oil by less doubtful means, as were found in the acid sludge. Under these circumstances it was decided to develop, if possible,.a method of fractional extraction using inert solvents. It \vas found, as will be shown later, that the compounds obtained by this means were very different from those obtained by the use of sulfuric acid. GENERAL PROCEDURE


Choice of a suitalile solvent was governed k~yfour considerations: (1) selectivity of the solvent for sulfur compounds, ( 2 ) solubility of naphtha in the solvent, (3) ease of separation of solvent and extract'ed oil, and (4) cost. After trial of a great many solvents, both organic and inorganic, three mere finally chosen as best sat'isfying the coiiditionsliquid sulfur dioxide, aniline, and ethylene glycol diacet'ate. (Other solvents showing good selectivity for the sulfur compounds were furfural, triacetin, and acetic anhydride.) These solvents were used in the order named. The solubility of the original naphtha in these solvents decreases in this order and the cost increases. As the successire extractions Received October 13, 1928. Mabery and Smith, A m . Chem. J . , 13, 232 (1891); Mabery a n d Quayle, Proc. A m . I c a d . Sci., 41, 89 (1906). Since t h e commencement of our work several further papers on t h e sulfur compounds in petroleum have appeared: Thierry, J . Chem. Soc., 127, 2736 (1925); Birch and Iiorris, Ibid., 127, 898 (1925); Tomekichi Kan, J . SOC.Chem. Ina'. ( J a p a n ) , 30, 129 (1927); C. i l . , 21, 1344 (1927). 1

proceed the extracted naphtha becomes more and more soluble in the solvent until the two finally become niiscible. When this stage has been reached a new solvent is used in which the naphtha is only partially soluble, but Tyhich if used in earlier extractions would have had insufficient solvent powers. The more costly solvents were used when the volume of naphtha to be treated has been reduced by the previous use of a cheaper material. Decreasing the temperature of treatment decreases the solubility without changing the sulfur content of the extracted oil. Fractional Extraction

The naphtha used in this work was a product from the cracking of a fuel oil (specific gravity 0.953 a t 15" C.) from California hlidway crude. It had an initial boiling point of about 30" C., and an end point of 250" C. The specific gravity was 0.786 a t 15" C. and the sulfur content 1.0 per cent. TKOhundred and twelve liters of this material \\-ere extracted with liquid sulfur dioxide a t temperatures between -20" and -30" C. Six successive washes of 25 per cent by volume were made. The sulfur dioxide was boiled off the extract by heating to 40" C. in a still with a 10-foot (3-meter) packed column using a reflux condenser cooled with liquid ammonia t o prevent loss of naphtha. The recovered oil was neutralized with sodium hydroxide and water-washed. This treatment gave: SLLFLR PER CENT

Extract oil (37 8 liters) Residual oil

3 5 0 3



0 830 0 767

The extract oil was submitted to a series of fractional extractions, first with aniline and then with ethylene glycol diacetate, a t temperatures from -10" to -20" C. Each wash was 12.5 per cent by volume of the naphtha treated. The oil from each wash was separated and analyzed for sulfur. These oils were then combined into groups depending on their sulfur content and submitted to further extraction. The extracted oils were freed from aniline by washing with 3 AT hydrochloric acid, and from ethylene glycol diacetate by washing with a 25 per cent alcohol and water mixture. A diagrammatic summary of this work is given in Figure 1.