Infrared Analysis of Phenol, Cresols, Xylenols, and Ethylphenols

Archiv der Pharmazie 1971 304 (S6), 145-161. The infra-red spectra of alkyl phenols. D.D. Shrewsbury. Spectrochimica Acta 1960 16 (11-12), 1294-1311 ...
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sis. A comprehensive training i n these fields gives one the basic attitude necessary for the most expeditious solution of analytical problems In approaching an analytical problem, for example, a background in mineral analysis teaches one how to judge possible analytical methods from the viewpoints of interferences, necessary preliminary treatment, and valid interpretation of the experimental measurements obtained. The man with good basic academic training, given the necessary intellectual qualifications, can readily lrarn how to use-01 at least, and pel haps more importantly, when to use-the multitudinous analytical techniques now a t our disposal. The analytical chemist should be taught principles, not methods; he should learn “instrumentation,” not “instrumental analysis.” I n closing, i t might be pertinent to quote Beverly Clarke again ( 6 ) : “The analyst of today uses constantly, to a greater extent perhaps than workers in any other branch of chemistry, the fact and theory of all the subdivisions of chemical sciencr.” LITERATURE CITED

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