Infrared Laser Ablation Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization Mass

Jan 4, 2012 - Fan Cao , Fabrizio Donnarumma , Kermit K. Murray ... Jaime Orejas , Kevin P. Pfeuffer , Steven J. Ray , Jorge Pisonero , Alfredo Sanz-Me...
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Infrared Laser Ablation Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization Mass Spectrometry Anu Vaikkinen,†,‡ Bindesh Shrestha,‡ Tiina J. Kauppila,† Akos Vertes,*,‡ and Risto Kostiainen*,† †

Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, P.O. Box 56, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Department of Chemistry, W. M. Keck Institute for Proteomics Technology and Applications, George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052, United States

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: In this paper we introduce laser ablation atmospheric pressure photoionization (LAAPPI), a novel atmospheric pressure ion source for mass spectrometry. In LAAPPI the analytes are ablated from water-rich solid samples or from aqueous solutions with an infrared (IR) laser running at 2.94 μm wavelength. Approximately 12 mm above the sample surface, the ablation plume is intercepted with an orthogonal hot solvent (e.g., toluene or anisole) jet, which is generated by a heated nebulizer microchip and directed toward the mass spectrometer inlet. The ablated analytes are desolvated and ionized in the gas-phase by atmospheric pressure photoionization using a 10 eV vacuum ultraviolet krypton discharge lamp. The effect of operational parameters and spray solvent on the performance of LAAPPI is studied. LAAPPI offers ∼300 μm lateral resolution comparable to, e.g., matrixassisted laser desorption ionization. In addition to polar compounds, LAAPPI efficiently ionizes neutral and nonpolar compounds. The bioanalytical application of the method is demonstrated by the direct LAAPPI analysis of rat brain tissue sections and sour orange (Citrus aurantium) leaves.


and 10 eV ultraviolet light for photoionization. In DAPPI, polar compounds can be ionized via proton transfer and less polar compounds via charge exchange with ions derived from the spray solvent.12 However, as analytes are desorbed thermally from the substrate, DAPPI is not suitable for large molecules and thermolabile compounds, such as peptides and proteins. Mass spectrometric imaging (MSI) is a promising application of desorption ionization techniques for the mapping of molecular distributions on surfaces.6,7 Molecular images showing the chemical identity of multiple compounds cannot be obtained by other analysis techniques. To date, mainly MALDI and DESI have been applied in the MSI of biological surfaces. Although MALDI is effective in peptide and protein analysis with high to moderate lateral resolution (5−300 μm), the local analysis of small molecules suffers from matrix interferences. DESI has been applied to the imaging of phospholipids, drugs, and drug metabolites in tissue with resolutions ranging from hundreds of micrometers down to 40 μm.13 As it requires no matrix, DESI is better suited for the analysis of small molecules than MALDI. To analyze nonpolar and neutral compounds from biological matrixes by DESI, however, selective, reactive spray additives are needed.14,15 DAPPI has been demonstrated for the direct imaging of nonpolar compounds, i.e., cholesterol from rat brain16 and nonpolar analytes from Salvia leaf.16 Unfortunately the lateral

esorption ionization techniques are a fast growing field of mass spectrometry (MS) for the rapid analysis of solid samples and surfaces. Desorption ionization includes several techniques, such as secondary ion mass spectrometry, fast atom bombardment, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI),1−3 laser desorption electron impact,4 and the more recently introduced desorption electrospray ionization (DESI),5 to name a few. MALDI, which uses an ultraviolet laser for analyte desorption and ionization, has an established role in the analysis of large biomolecules.6,7 DESI, introduced in 2004, has proved its potential in the analysis of compounds directly from diverse untreated surfaces.8 In DESI, the charged solvent droplets, generated by electrospray, pick up the analytes from the sample surface and ionize them in a process similar to conventional electrospray. Whereas MALDI and DESI are best suited for ionic and polar compounds, their ionization efficiency for neutral and less polar compounds may be poor. In vacuum, nonpolar and neutral analytes can be analyzed by secondary ion mass spectrometry or laser desorption electron impact. Techniques that rely on different ionization mechanisms, e.g., chemical ionization (desorption atmospheric pressure chemical ionization, DAPCI),9 metastables in plasma (direct analysis in real time, DART),10 and photoionization (desorption atmospheric pressure photoionization, DAPPI),11 can enable ambient ion production from neutral and nonpolar compounds. Among these methods, DAPPI has been demonstrated to provide high ionization efficiency for nonpolar as well as polar compounds. DAPPI employs a heated solvent spray for analyte desorption © 2012 American Chemical Society

Received: November 2, 2011 Accepted: January 4, 2012 Published: January 4, 2012 1630 | Anal. Chem. 2012, 84, 1630−1636

Analytical Chemistry


resolution of DAPPI is relatively low, ∼1 mm, because the desorption of analytes relies on thermal energy that is delivered by heated gas flow. Thus, the MSI of nonpolar compounds with high sensitivity and high lateral resolution has remained a challenge. In this contribution, we combine infrared (IR) laser ablation with photoionization to introduce a novel ambient ionization technique for the analysis of compounds with a wide range of polarities. Mid-IR laser ablation has been previously combined with electrospray in laser ablation electrospray ionization (LAESI)17 and chemical ionization in IR-LAMICI.18 The mid-IR laser is operated at 2.94 μm wavelength to transfer energy to the water molecules in the sample. This leads to partial vaporization and ejection of solid sample material or liquid droplets from the surface layer.19 As artificial matrix is not used, the background interferences in the low mass range are minimized. In LAESI, the ablated sample is picked up by an electrospray plume and the analytes are ionized similar to conventional electrospray. In IR-LAMICI the analytes are ionized by a metastable plume. Recently, 30 μm lateral resolution has been achieved with LAESI, when an optical fiber tip was used to focus the laser beam.20 IR-LAMICI has been applied to the analysis of tablets and algal tissue18 and the applications of LAESI include two and three-dimensional tissue imaging17,21−23 and the analysis of small cell populations and even single cells.20,24 We show that laser ablation atmospheric pressure photoionization (LAAPPI) provides finely localized ablation and high ionization efficiency for both polar and nonpolar compounds, readily produces radical cations (M+•) that have not been observed in LAESI or IR-LAMICI, and can be successfully applied for the analysis of tissue samples.

Sour orange (Citrus aurantium) saplings (20 in. tall), obtained from the USDA laboratory in Weslaco, TX, were maintained in natural light and watered twice a week with ∼2 L of tap water prior to the analysis. The Citrus aurantium leaves were collected just before analysis, rinsed with deionized water to remove possible dust particles, dried with lint free tissue, and attached onto a microscope glass slide with adhesive tape. Mass Spectrometer. A JEOL AccuTOF JMS-T100LC mass spectrometer (JEOL Ltd., Peabody, MA) was used for mass analysis. The inlet cone (orifice) temperature was set to 150 °C and voltage to 20 V. The ion optics was optimized for the MH+ ions of DHEA and verapamil using microchip APPI25 for the ionization. The data acquisition time was set to 1 s. To efficiently transfer the ions with different m/z values to the time-of-flight (TOF) analyzer, the peaks voltage setting of the ion guide was optimized. The reported analyte and sample spectra were recorded using an ion guide peaks voltage of 1200 V, and the reactant ion spectra were recorded at 500 V. The m/z values in rat brain analysis were internally calibrated using cholesterol. LAAPPI Ion Source. A LAAPPI ion source was constructed according to the schematic in Figure 1. All mechanical parts such as stands and microscope glass slide holder were from Thorlabs (Newton, MA). A sample stage, either the Peltier stage or a microscope glass slide, was positioned in front of the mass spectrometer ∼12 mm below the inlet orifice. An infrared laser beam was guided with two gold-coated mirrors (PF10-03-M01, Thorlabs) to pass vertically in front of the mass spectrometer inlet and focused with a 50 mm focal length planoconvex CaF2 lens (Infrared Optical Products, Huntington, NY) to a small spot at the sample surface. The beam was produced by an optical parametric oscillator by converting the output of a Nd:YAG laser (Vibrant IR, Opotek, Carlsbad, CA) in the form of 5 ns pulses at 2.94 μm and 10 Hz. This way the laser energy was conveyed to the water molecules of the sample causing its ablation.19 The spot size was measured by exposing thermal paper (multigrade IV, Ilford Imaging Ltd., U.K.) to the focused beam. The laser beam produced approximately 0.08 mm2 circular marks (∼300 μm in diameter) on the paper. The laser pulse energy at the target was 0.3 to 2.5 mJ/pulse, which, for the given focusing conditions, corresponded to a fluence of 0.4 to 3.5 J/cm2.

EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Chemicals and Biological Tissues. Toluene (HPLC grade, 99.9%), anisole (≥99.0%), methanol (LC−MS grade), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA, ≥99%), verapamil hydrochloride (verapamil, 99%), estrone (99%), cholecalciferol (≥98%), glyceryl trioctanoate (tricaprylin, ≥99%), α-tocopherol, and bradykinin fragment 1-8 acetate hydrate (bradykinin 1-8, peptide content 86%) were from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). Water (HPLC grade) was from Ricca Chemical Company (Arlington, VA) and cholesterol (96%) from Alfa Aesar (Ward Hill, MA). Nitrogen nebulizing gas was obtained via the mass spectrometer nebulizer gas line from refrigerated industrial grade liquid nitrogen (99.8%, GTS-Welco, Inc., Allentown, PA) in a tank, regulated with a needle valve (Swagelok, Solon, OH) and measured with a panel-mounted single flow tube (Aalborg, Orangeburg, NY). Stock solutions of the analytes were prepared at 10 mM concentration in methanol except the 5 mg/mL solution of bradykinin fragment 1-8 acetate hydrate (corresponding to 4.8 mM of the peptide) was prepared in water. The stock solutions were diluted in a water/methanol (1:1, v/v) mixture to prepare the working solutions, except that bradykinin 1-8 was diluted in water. The 5−50 μL aliquots of the liquid samples were applied onto microscope glass slides for the LAAPPI analysis. The rat brain samples were prepared and sectioned as described elsewhere.23 Rats were treated according to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (NIH). To minimize tissue dehydration during the MS analysis, the rat brain section was kept cold, approximately at −4 °C determined by an infrared thermometer (845, Testo Inc., Sparta, NJ) on a Peltier cooling stage. The cooling stage was built in-house with a ceramic thermoelectric module (Ferrotec Corp., Bedford, NH).

Figure 1. A schematic representation of the LAAPPI ion source (not to scale) with a photo of the ionization region shown in the inset. 1631 | Anal. Chem. 2012, 84, 1630−1636

Analytical Chemistry


Approximately 12 mm above the sample, the ablation plume was intercepted by a hot narrow solvent jet directed toward the mass spectrometer inlet. A heated nebulizer microchip (Aalto University, Espoo, Finland) was used to generate the jet. The microchips and their fabrication26 and the microchip holder27 have been previously described in detail. Toluene (ionization energy (IE) 8.8 eV),28 anisole (IE 8.2 eV),28 toluene/anisole (9:1, v/v), and toluene/methanol (1:9, v/v, methanol IE 10.8 eV)28 were used as spray solvents. They were introduced to the microchip using a syringe pump (Physio 22 by Harvard Apparatus, Holliston, MA) and vaporized inside the microchip with the aid of nitrogen gas flow (70−300 mL/min) and high temperature (∼240 °C, HY 3005 power supply by RSR Electronics). The sample plume and the solvent spray mixture were ionized with 10.0 and 10.6 eV photons produced by a radio frequency (rf) krypton discharge vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization lamp (PKR 100 from Heraeus Noblelight, Cambridge, U.K.), which was positioned orthogonally to the ablation plume. The VUV lamp was powered by a C210 13 MHz rf source (Heraeus Noblelight), which gives a typical rf lamp power input of 0.5 W. The rf power source was operated using a HY 3005 dc power supply (RSR Electronics) at 15.0 V and 0.06−0.09 A.

RESULTS LAAPPI Setup. The geometry of the LAAPPI ion source had a significant effect on the overall sensitivity and stability of the ion signal. The geometry was optimized by analyzing a 100 μM mixture of verapamil, DHEA, and cholecalciferol (see Figure S1 in the Supporting Information for analyte structures) with toluene/anisole (9:1) as the spray solvent. The best sensitivity was achieved when the VUV lamp was positioned orthogonally with respect to the laser beam, and the distance of the VUV lamp from the ablated plume and the solvent spray, i.e., from microchip to mass spectrometer inlet axis (x + y in Figure 1), was kept as short as possible (∼5 mm) to minimize the spreading of the divergent light beam and the absorption of the VUV light by the ambient air. The optimum distance of the microchip nozzle tip from the laser beam (y in Figure 1) was approximately 1−2 mm, and the signal intensity was significantly reduced at longer distances (by ∼80% when y was 4 mm). A short y distance ensures that the temperature of the solvent spray is high enough to vaporize the ablated sample droplets because the temperature of the solvent spray decreases rapidly when the spray exits the microchip.29 The optimum distance of the laser beam, and thus the ablated sample plume, from the mass spectrometer inlet orifice (x in Figure 1) was ∼10 mm, allowing the efficient vaporization of the ablated sample droplets and the subsequent gas-phase photoionization reactions to occur. The distance of the sample plate from the solvent spray axis (z in Figure 1) did not have a significant effect on the analyte signal between 7 and 21 mm, and ∼12 mm was used in the experiments. Optimum direction of the solvent spray was directly on-axis to the mass spectrometer inlet, whereas spraying by only 2 mm off-axis reduced the analyte signal intensities by ∼70%. The optimum solvent spray temperature was 200−250 °C (when y was ∼2 mm and the N2 gas flow rate was 300 mL/min). The optimum flow rate of the spray solvent depended on the solvent composition. Typically the signal intensity grew when the flow rate was raised, but the background ion signal also increased. To obtain a high signal-to-noise ratio for the analytes, the solvent flow rate

Figure 2. LAAPPI mass spectra of 100 μM verapamil (Mr = 454.6) obtained with toluene (1 μL/min) as the spray solvent with (a) the IR laser on and the VUV lamp off, (b) the IR laser off and the VUV lamp on, and (c) both the IR laser and the VUV lamp on.

was set in the range between 0.5 and 10 μL/min, depending on the used spray solvent. Ablation and Ionization. The contribution of the IR laser and the VUV lamp to the performance of the LAAPPI source was studied by using verapamil as the sample and toluene as the spray solvent. When the IR laser was turned on and the VUV lamp was turned off, no signal was detected indicating that the IR laser was not ionizing the analyte (Figure 2a). When the IR laser was turned off and the VUV lamp was turned on, the spectrum showed abundant ions originating only from toluene and the ambient environment (Figure 2b), indicating that the sample (verapamil) is not desorbed by the hot spray solvent jet alone. When the IR laser and the VUV lamp were both turned on, intense signal of the protonated verapamil was detected (Figure 2c) indicating that the sample is ablated by the IR laser and the ablated analytes are photoionized by the VUV lamp. Effect of Spray Solvent and Sample Solvent on Ionization. The spray solvent (S) is known to have a major role in atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI)30−32 and DAPPI.12 As LAAPPI employs a similar VUV lamp for ionization to these techniques, also in LAAPPI the UV light ionizes the abundant gaseous low IE (