Infrared Spectra of Perdeuterated Naphthalene, Phenanthrene

and intensities of perdeuterated naphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene, and chrysene. We also report matrix- isolation spectra for these four species...
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J. Phys. Chem. A 1997, 101, 2414-2422

Infrared Spectra of Perdeuterated Naphthalene, Phenanthrene, Chrysene, and Pyrene Charles W. Bauschlicher, Jr.,* Stephen R. Langhoff, and Scott A. Sandford NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California 94035

Douglas M. Hudgins Department of Chemistry, Adrian College, Adrian, Michigan 49221 ReceiVed: NoVember 8, 1996; In Final Form: January 17, 1997X

Calculations are carried out using density functional theory (DFT) to determine the harmonic frequencies and intensities of perdeuterated naphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene, and chrysene. We also report matrixisolation spectra for these four species. The theoretical and experimental frequencies and relative intensities for the perdeuterated species are in generally good agreement. The effect of perdeuteration is to reduce the sum of the integrated intensities by a factor of about 1.75. This reduction occurs for all vibrational motions, except for the weak low-frequency ring deformation modes. There is also a significant redistribution of the relative intensities between the out-of-plane C-D bands relative to those found for the out-of-plane C-H bands. The theoretical isotopic ratios provide an excellent diagnostic of the degree of C-H(C-D) involvement in the vibrational bands, allowing in most cases a clear distinction of the type of motion.

I. Introduction Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are thought to be ubiquitous and abundant in interstellar space.1,2 PAHs of intermediate size are expected to become deuterium enriched in space through the selective loss of hydrogen during photodissociation events.1,3 This process is temperature independent and is expected to occur for PAHs exposed to UV radiation. For PAHs in the appropriate size range, the number of degrees of internal freedom is sufficiently small that, after the absorption of a UV photon, enough energy can be concentrated in a specific bond to induce bond rupture before radiative relaxation occurs. The most likely bonds to be broken are those between peripheral carbon atoms in the aromatic skeleton and their attached hydrogen atoms. Since the aromatic C-D bond has a zeropoint energy that is about 30% lower than that of the aromatic C-H bond, hydrogen loss is favored over deuterium loss. For PAHs exposed to the interstellar radiation field, the rupture rate is expected to be 2.5-3.5 times larger for C-H than for C-D.1 Once a peripheral H is lost, the resulting molecular site is free to bond with the next molecular species the PAH encounters. In the interstellar medium, this will most likely be another H atom, but will occasionally be a deuterium atom or other atomic or molecular species. In typical interstellar environments, such photodissociation events are expected to happen to small PAHs on the order of once per year.4 Since the cosmic D/H ratio is ≈10-5, small PAHs would be expected to replace one hydrogen atom with a deuterium atom on time scales on the order of 105 years. Similar enrichments by this process are not expected for the known nonaromatic interstellar molecules because, unlike the PAHs, they are not stable against complete photodestruction. There is currently evidence gathered from the study of meteorites that supports the idea that this process is occurring in interstellar space. The carbonaceous fraction of primitive meteorites and collected samples of interplanetary dust are known to contain a variety of different PAHs.3,5,6 The carbonaceous fractions of these meteorites and dust grains are also observed to carry extremely large deuterium isotopic enrichments.7,8 These X

Abstract published in AdVance ACS Abstracts, March 1, 1997.

S1089-5639(96)03740-1 CCC: $14.00

enrichments have long been accepted as evidence that some or all of these organic fractions have an interstellar origin.9 Studies of the different molecular components of these carbonaceous fractions have demonstrated that one of the major carriers of deuterium is the PAHs.10 Furthermore, the distribution of D in the meteoritic organics is qualitatively consistent with the suggested photodissociation process. Photodissociational D enrichment in interstellar PAHs is expected to be most significant for molecules in the range of sizes spanned by naphthalene (C10H8, C/H ) 1.25) and hexabenzocoronene (C42H18, C/H ) 2.33).3 Deuterium enrichments are not expected in benzene because this aromatic molecule is not stable in the interstellar radiation field. Enrichments in PAHs containing more than about 40 carbon atoms are not expected because they have a sufficiently large number of internal degrees of freedom to absorb UV photons without any subsequent bond rupture occurring. Comparisons of the D/H ratio versus C/H ratio in meteoritic organics show just this sort of distribution.3,11,12 To gain some insight into the effect of deuteration on the spectra of PAHs, we report here a joint theoretical and experimental study of four perdeuterated neutral PAHs, namely, naphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene, and chrysene. Although one would not expect perdeuterated species to exist in interstellar space considering the low D/H ratios, we felt that perdeuteration was the least ambiguous approach of examining the effect of deuteration. We find that the isotopic ratios are very useful for identifying the nature of the vibrational motion for the bands. The scaled theoretical harmonics obtained using density functional methods are in excellent agreement with the fundamentals observed in matrix isolation, as are the relative intensities. A considerable number of weak overtone and combination bands are also observed in the matrix. The theoretical harmonics for both hydrogenated and deuterated pyrene are also in excellent agreement with earlier infrared and Raman spectra obtained in solution and in the solid.13,14 With a few exceptions the band assignments of the earlier study are shown to be correct. II. Methods We follow the approach used in our earlier study15 of neutral PAHs in that we compute the harmonic frequencies using the © 1997 American Chemical Society

IR Spectra of Perdeuterated PAHs density functional theory (DFT) approach. We use the B3LYP hybrid functional,16 which includes some rigorous Hartree-Fock exchange as well as a gradient correction for both exchange17 and correlation.18 The B3LYP calculations were performed using the Gaussian 92/DFT computer codes19 on the Computational Chemistry IBM RISC System/6000 computers. We have used the 4-31G basis set20 throughout. Calibration calculations,21 which have been carried out for the fully hydrogenated systems, show that a single scale factor of 0.958 brings the B3LYP harmonic frequencies computed using the 4-31G basis set into excellent agreement with the experimental fundamentals; for example, in naphthalene the average absolute error is 4.4 cm-1 and the maximum error is 12.4 cm-1. Using the 6-31G* basis set increases the average and maximum error to 11.2 and 36.3 cm-1, respectively. For the 6-31G* basis set, scaling the C-H stretch separately (i.e. using two scale factors) yields average and maximum errors for the non-C-H stretches of 6.2 and 15.1 cm-1 and 0.4 and 2.5 cm-1 for the C-H stretches. Thus using two scale factors in conjunction with the 6-31G* basis set still produces a larger error than the 4-31G basis set with one scale factor. For large basis sets, such as 6-311G(2d,2p), the two scale factor results are superior to those obtained with the 4-31G basis set and one scale factor; however, such sets are impractical for the largest systems. While scaling the 4-31G harmonics yields very reliable frequencies, the calibration calculations21 also show that the computed B3LYP/4-31G intensities are accurate except for C-H stretch. For CH and naphthalene increasing the basis set reduces the C-H stretching intensities.21 For CH very accurate calculations show that the intensity of the fundamental is very similar to the large basis set B3LYP result within the double-harmonic approximation, while the B3LYP/4-31G result is about a factor of 2 larger. For naphthalene the difference between the B3LYP results using the 4-31G and largest set is somewhat less than a factor of 2. Thus the B3LYP/4-31G C-H stretching intensities are expected to be about a factor of 2 larger than the experimental gas-phase results. Since the gas-phase results22 tend to lie between the theoretical and matrix isolation values, it is possible that the matrix may slightly reduce the C-H stretching intensity. We should note that for two closely spaced bands of the same symmetry the relative intensity of the bands is somewhat sensitive to the level of theory, and thus the sum of their intensities is more reliable than the individual values. For naphthalene,21 excluding the C-H stretching intensities, the average absolute difference between the B3LYP/4-31G and B3LYP/6-31++G** intensities is smaller than the corresponding difference between the B3LYP/6-31G* and B3LYP/ 6-31++G** intensities. Overall the calculations support the use of the B3LYP/4-31G approach using a uniform scaling factor for the frequencies. The only systematic error is the approximately factor of 2 overestimation of the C-H stretching intensity. In addition this basis set facilitates a comparison with our earlier work15 for the hydrogenated species and can be used to study larger systems. It should be noted, however, that this approach relies on a cancellation of errors, and while it can be applied with confidence to the PAH molecules since they have similar bonding, it should not be applied to other systems without additional calibration studies. III. Experimental Section The matrix-isolation technique was employed to isolate individual perdeuterated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules in an argon matrix, where their infrared spectra were measured. Argon matrices are known to be suitable for vibrational studies, typically causing small band frequency shifts

J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 101, No. 13, 1997 2415 in the 0-15 cm-1 range. The experimental apparatus and methodology have been described in detail previously23,24 and will be reviewed only briefly here. Briefly, an infrared transparent window (CsI) is suspended inside an ultrahigh-vacuum chamber (P ≈ 10-8 mTorr) and cooled by a closed-cycle helium refrigerator. The vacuum chamber is equipped with multiple inlet ports, and the cooler is mounted in such a way that the infrared window can be rotated to face any of these ports without breaking vacuum. Initially, the CsI window is cooled to 10 K and positioned to face a sample deposition inlet. Samples were prepared by codeposition of a gaseous PAH with a large overabundance of argon to a thickness appropriate for measurement of the PAH’s infrared spectrum. The PAHs used in this investigation were naphthalene-d8 (Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, 99% purity), phenanthrened10 (Aldrich, 97% purity), pyrene-d10 (Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, 98% purity), and chrysene-d12 (Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, 98% purity). All samples were used without further purification. Matheson prepurified argon (99.998% min.) was used in these studies. Naphthalene-d8 is sufficiently volatile that it was possible to premix it in a sample bulb with a known amount of argon at room temperature. The data presented here were obtained from an Ar/naphthalene-d8 mixture of 600/1. Unfortunately, PAHs containing three or more rings do not have sufficient vapor pressure at room temperature to permit their preparation as a gaseous mixture with argon. This necessitates thermal vaporization of a solid sample of the PAH of interest and subsequent co-deposition of the gaseous PAH molecules with larger amounts of argon. To this end, our remaining PAH samples were placed individually in resistively heated Pyrex tubes mounted on the sample chamber. Sample temperatures were monitored using a chromel/alumel type K thermocouple mounted on the exterior of the tube. During PAH volatilization, argon was admitted through an adjacent inlet port in such a way that the two “streams” coalesced and froze together on the surface of the cold window. The argon deposition line was liquid nitrogen trapped to minimize contamination. Sample quality was found to be optimal for PAH deposition vapor pressures in the range 10-30 mTorr. Higher vapor pressures required higher argon deposition rates, which exceeded the thermal conductivity of the CsI window, thereby warming the matrix and resulting in “annealing”, which increased scattering at short wavelengths. Conversely, lower vapor pressures require longer deposition times, which necessarily increased contamination (primarily H2O) in the matrix. Optimum tube temperatures for the PAHs discussed here were phenanthrene-d10, cooled to 9 °C, pyrene-d10, heated to 65 °C, and chrysene-d12, heated to 100 °C. The optimal argon flow rate was estimated to be between 0.5 and 1.0 mmol/h. On the basis of our argon flow rates and the PAH deposition rates estimated from measured band areas using the theoretical intrinsic band strengths presented later in this paper, we can estimate the Ar/PAH ratios for the phenanthrene-d10, pyrened10, and chrysene-d12 deposited in this manner. It was found that in all three cases the argon to PAH ratios of our samples were well in excess of 2000. Thus, all four of our perdeuterated PAH samples were well isolated in argon. After sample deposition was complete, the cold head was rotated to face the beam of an infrared spectrometer so the spectrum could be recorded and ratioed against a “blank” spectrum that was measured prior to sample deposition. The sample chamber was equipped with CsI vacuum windows and suspended in the sample compartment of an FTIR spectrometer (Nicolet Analytical Instruments, Model 740). Mid-infrared

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Figure 2. Spectra in the 2400-2200 cm-1 C-D stretching region of the matrix-isolated perdeuterated PAHs (a) naphthalene-d8 (C10D8), (b) phenanthrene-d10 (C14D10), (c) chrysene-d12 (C18D12), and (d) pyrened10 (C16D10). All spectra were taken at a temperature of 10 K. The argon to PAH ratio was 600/1 for the naphthalene-d8 and in excess of 2000 for the other PAHs.

TABLE 1: Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Infrared Frequencies (cm-1) and Intensities (km/mol) for Perdeuterated Naphthalene Figure 1. Spectra of matrix-isolated perdeuterated naphthalene-d8 (C10D8) through the aromatic CC stretching and CD bending regions: (a) 2000-1500 cm-1, (b) 1500-1000 cm-1, and (c) 1000-500 cm-1. The spectra were taken at 10 K, and the argon to naphthalene-d8 ratio was 600/1. Bands due to contaminant matrix-isolated H2O are indicated with a dot (•).

spectra (7000-500 cm-1) were collected using an MCT-B detector/KBr beamsplitter combination. All spectra reported here were measured at a resolution of 1 cm-1 with a data sampling interval of 0.25 cm-1. Spectra were typically generated through coaddition of 5 blocks of 200 scans, a number that optimized both the signal-to-noise ratio and time requirements of each experiment. IV. Results and Discussion Our matrix-isolation spectra of perdeuterated naphthalene (C10D8) are shown in Figures 1 and 2. The theoretical and experimental infrared frequencies and intensities for perdeuterated naphthalene are compared in Table 1. The absolute theoretical intensities are given first with relative values in parentheses. The relative values are given with respect to the strongest out-of-plane bend that lies in the range 630-635 cm-1. The isotopic ratio of the fully hydrogenated to perdeuterated frequencies is computed for the B3LYP results and also reported in the table using our earlier theoretical results15 for C10H8. Note that while we have included all experimental bands with relative intensity greater than 0.01 in the table, we have not included the weak bands (