Infrared spectrometry - ACS Publications

(967) Walker, P. D.; Batty, I.; Thomson, R. 0.,. Methods Microbiol. 1971, 5A, 219. (968) Wall. J. H.; Carpenter, F. G., U.S.. Dep. Agr.. Agr. Res. Ser...
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(965) (966) (967) (968)

W.; Hausen, A,; Sallaberger. G.. Mikrochim. Acta 1972, ( 6 ) ,861 Wagle, S S . ; House, D . G , J. Pharm. SCi. 1973, 62(6),990. Waldmeier, P ; Maitre, L , Anal. BiOchem. 1973, 51 (2).474 Walker, P. D . ; Batty, I.; Thomson. R . O., Methods M!crobm/. 1971, 5 A , 219. Wall. J. H ; Carpenter, F. G.. U . S . . Dep. Agr.. Agr. Res. Serv., [Rep.] 1971, ARS

72-90, 157 (969) Ward, D C.: Horn, T ; Reich, E., J. B i d . Chem. 1972,247(12),4014 (970) Ward, D . C.; Retch, E.. ibid.. 1972, 247(3),705. (971) Watanabe. M.; Hayashi. K . , Clin. Chlm. Acta 1972, 37, 417 (972) Weber, G., Annu. Rev. Biophys. Bioeng. 1972, 1 , 553 (973) Weber, K ; Kodrnja. D , Kem. Ind. 1971, 20(7), 321; Chem. Abstr. 1972, 76, 92178j. (974) Weber, Karlo; Monforte. J . , Acta Pharm. Jugosiav. 1972, 22(1),25 (975) Weidekamm, E ; Waliach, D F. H ; Flueckiger, R . , Anal. Biochem. 1973, 54(1), 102 (976) Weigele, M ; DeBernardo, S.; Leimgrub-

(986) White, D . C.; Dundas. C. R., Cell. Biol. Toxicity Anesth.. Proc. Res. Symp. 1970 (Pub. 1972), 168; Chem. Abstr. 1972, 77, 1099OOj. (987) White, D . C.; Wardley-Smith, B.; Adey, G., LifeSci. 1973, 12(10)(Pt.2 ) , 453. (988) White, R. C.; Jones, I . D.; Gibbs, E.; Butler, L. S., J. Agr. Food Chem. 1972, ZO(4).773. (989) Wiedemann, E.; Brocke, W. A,. Messtechnik (Brunswick) 1973, 81 (a),249. (990) Wiersma, J. H.;Lee, G. F., Environ. Sci. Techno/. 1971, 5(12), 1203. (991) Wilk, S . ; Green, J . P., J. Neurochem. 1972, 19(12).2893. (992) Williams, C. H.: King, D . J . ; Cairns, J . , Biochem. Med. 1972,6(6),504. (993) Williams, D . E., "Fluorimetric determination of europium, terbium, and samarium," Diss. Abstr. Int. B. 1973, 33(9).

4166. (994) Wilson, D. L . ; Wirz. D . R . ; Schenk. G. H . , Anal. Chem. 1973,45(8),1447. (995) Wilson, D. M.; Lever, M . , N.Z. J. Med. Lab. Techno/. 1972, 26(2),70. (996) Wilson, D M . ; Lever, M.; Brosnan. E. A,; Stillwell. A.. CIin. Chim. Acta 1972, 36(1).260. (997) Windsor. M . W., U.S. Nat. Tech. Inform. er, W , Biochem. Biophys. Res, ComServ.. A D Rep. 1971, No. 735483; Chem. mun. 1973, 50(2),352. Abstr. 1972, 76, 1 6 0 7 4 0 ~ . (977) Weigele, M . ; De Bernardo, S ; Leimgrub(998) Winefordner, J. D., J. Res. Nat. Bur. er, W ; Cleeland, R.; Grunberg, E., ibid.. Stand.. Sect. A 1972, 76(6).579. 1973, 54(3),899. (999) Witt, S. C.; Bickoff, E. M.; Kohler, G. O., (978) Weigele. M ; DeBernardo. S. L.; Tengi. J. J. Ass. Otfic. Anal. Chem. 1973, 56(1), P ; Leimgruber, W.. J. Amer. Chem. SOC. 167. 1972, 94(15),5927. (1000) Wittgenstein, E.; Sawicki, E., Int. J. Envi(979) Weinreb, A , Org. Sonti// Liquid Scintili. ron. Anal. Chem. 1972, 2(1),11 COUflting, PrOC. Int. Conf. 1970 (Pub. (1001) Yagud, S L.; Barshtein, Yu. A , , Mikro1971). 45; Chem. Abstr. 1972, 76, bioi. Zh. lKiev) 1971, 33(5), 641; Chem. 51988e Abstr. 1972, 76, 32748k. (980) Weinreb, A.; Werner, A , , Photochem. (1002) Yakatan, G. J.; Juneau, R. J.; Schulman, Photobid. 1972, 15(5).443. S G ,Ana/. Chem. 1972,44(6),1044. (981) Weise, M . ; Eisenbach. G. M , €xper/ent/a (1003) Yamagata, S.; Minamishima, Y . ; Mori1972, 28(2),245. sawa, S . . Osaka City Med. J. 1972, (982) Wellner, D ; Lichtenberg. L A , Methods 1 8 ( 1 ) ,95. Enzymol. 1971, 1 7 ( ~ t13). . 593. (1004) Yamagata, S . ; Minamishima. Y.; Mori(983) Weste,'S M ; Penington, D G.. J. Histosawa, S , ibid., p 85. chem. Cytochem. 1972, 20(8),627 (1005) Yamamoto. D . ; Kawamura, T . , Meiji Dai(984) Wetterau, H.; Von Lengerken. J ; Muelgaku Nogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku 1971, ier. V . . Patent, Ger. (East) 89,262; No 26, 1 Chem. Abstr. 1972, 77, 137142g (1006) Yamane, Y., Bunseki Kagaku 1972, 21(6). 815; 21(7), 947; Chem. Abstr. (985) White, C. E.; Weissler, A , Anal. Chem. 1972, 44(5),182R. 1972, 77. 1 0 8 9 5 7 ~ .

(1007) Yamane, Y.; Miyazaki. M.; Kasamatsu. T.; Murakami, N.; Kito, S.; Komuro. H.. ibid., 1973, 2 2 ( 2 ) . 192; Chem. Abstr.

1973, 79, 13173q. (1008) Yang, K. W.; Brown, E V . . Anal. Lett. 1972, 5(5),293. (1009) Yeransian, J. A.; Sloman, K . G.; Foltz, A. A , , Anal. Chem. 1973,45,77R. (1010) Yauerabide, J., Methods Enzymol. 1972, 26(Pt C ) . 498 (1011) YIP, K F , Tsou, K C , Tetrahedron Lett 1973, (33) 3087 (1012) Yoshino, M.; Takagi, T., Anal. Biocnem. 1973, 54(1),290. (1013) Young, A. B.; Snyder, S. H.. J. Neurochem. 1973, 21 ( 2 ) . 387. (1014) Yuki, H.; Sempuku, C.; Park, M . ; Takiura, K., Anal. Biochem. 1972, 46(1), 123. (1015) Zaharia. C. N.. Stud. Cercet. Virusol. 1972, 23(4), 325; Chem. Abstr. 1973, 78, 68826q. (1016) Zalis, 8.; Capomacchia, A. C.;Jackman. D . ; Schulman, S. G.. Talanta 1973, 20(1),33. (1017) Zebrowski, A,, Ann. Imrnunol. 1972, 4(1-2), 79. 1018) /bid., p 73. 1019) Zech. L.. Biochem. J. 1971, 124(5),38P 1020) Zhuravlev, A . I . , T r . Mosk. Obshchest. Ispyt. Prir. 1972, 39, 17; Chem. Abstr. 1973, 78, 120341~. 1021) Zhuravleva, E. D . : Karyakin, A . V I Nettegazov. Geol. Geotiz. 1971, 16(11), 26; Chem. Abstr. 1972, 76, 1 3 1 1 7 5 ~ . 1022) Zhuravleva, V. A , ; Klimova, L. A , ; Nersesova, G. N.; Utkina. L. F.. Ural Konf. Spektrosk.. 7th 1971, No, 2 , 141; Chem. Abstr. 1973, 78, 57243w (1023) Zimmerman, R L . , Jr.; Guilbault, G G , Ana/. Chim. Acta 1972, 58(1),75 (1024) Zinchuk, V . K . ; Komlev, A . I , Zh. Anal. Khim. 1973, 28(3), 616; Chem. Abstr.

1973, 79, 132191. ( 1 025) Zweidinger, R . A , ; Barnett, L.; Pitt. C. G . , Anal. Chem. 1973, 45(8),1563. (1026) Zweig, A,, Pure Appi. Chem. 1973,

33(2-3). 389. (1027) Zurauskiene. E.; Beleckiene, I . , Liet. Fiz. Rinkinys 1971, l l ( 4 ) . 691: Chem. Abstr. 1972, 77, 1 8 1 0 ~ . (1028) Zynger, J.; Crouch, S. R , Appi. Spectrosc. 1972, 26(6),631

Infrared Spectrometry Robert S. McDonald General Electric Corporate Research and Development Center, Schenectady,

This review covers the publications cited in Chemical Abstracts ( C A ) , volumes 76-79 (1972-73). By using the same window on the literature as CA, the reviewer can be assured of complete coverage from review to review, without overlap. Most journal coverage is current, but a few items date back to 1970 or 1969. These belated items are mainly books, papers from conference proceedings, or technical reports. Selection of References. The initial selection of references was based on a computer search of Chemical A b stracts Condensates (CAC) in SDF (Standard Distribution Format) on 9-track magnetic tape. This version of CAC is a marked improvement over the earlier 7-track version used for the 1970-71 review, both in accuracy and completeness. Sufficient information is present in the database to reproduce the literature citations as they appear in the printed version of CA. The bibliography was managed throughout in computer readable form by means of a computer program called

N.Y .


LISE (LIterature Search and Edit), which was described briefly in the review for 1970-71. LISE is an experimental program whose development as a bibliographic tool is a spare-time occupation of the reviewer. The complete CAC database for 1972-73 was first searched with a very broad profile to isolate a spectral database containing all hits for spectroscopy, lasers, vibrational structure, etc. This contained more than 40,000 items, filling two full reels of ma netic tape, down from about 650,000 items abstracted by 8 A . The spectral database was next searched for all items containing ir, infrared, or infra-red in either titles or keywords. The resulting infrared database contained about 7700 items. There were very few irrelevant items-i.e., on the ZR-8 strain of rice, for example. The more than 100 hits on infrared astronomy are not considered irrelevant, although they sometimes have little to do with laboratory infrared analysis. There was no problem with hits on it as the atomic symbol for iridium as reported in the previous

A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 46

NO. 5, A P R I L 1974

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Table I. Sub-search Hits on Infrared Database Topic


Adsorption and catalysis Biological applications Carbonyl groups and metal carbonyls Coatings Computer applications Detectors Drugs Far infrared Food analyses Forensic applications Fourier spectroscopy Infrared gas analyzers, non-dispersion analyzers Hammett sigma correlations Hydrogen bonding Infrared intensities Infrared lasers Lignin Matrix isolation Minerals infrared Polarized infrared Pollution Polymers Quantitative analysis

394 201 225 70 39 84 69 555 11 3 53 64 33 511 154 277 33 191 252 117 146 713 407

review. The full name is now used exclusively for the keyword for iridium, and ir, for infrared. Perhaps it should be mentioned at this point that all searching was carried out without regard to capitalization-i e., IR, Ir, and ir, all of which appear in the database, were treated as equivalent by the search algorithm. The infrared database was small enough for repeated searching, using profiles to isolate various sub-topics as shown in Table I. About one minute of processor time on a Honeywell 600 computer was required for as many as ten simultaneous profiles. The experienced computer user will recognize that the management of the sub-files in original and modified versions is not a trivial task. The iterative procedure was required because all operations were carried out on magnetic tape. The size of the initial database, over 200 million bytes, precluded loading it onto available random access storage. The entire spectral database was also searched for books and reviews These terms are used as keywords in the CAC database. The results of these searches and of the infrared search were listed completely, including keywords. The listings were scanned to select items for further investigation and to note keywords used for various topics. This reviewer found that he could screen these citations at the rate of 400-500 per hour. Selected items were then combined into files which were now small enough for storage on available random access storage. These items were again listed in order of their CA citations, and all were looked up in CA This could be done at the rate of about 400-500 per day, taking notes, and locating a few interesting papers which had not been seen before. After the selection was complete, the entire bibliography was printed by LISE on a high-speed printer equipped with capital and lower-case characters, and this listing was submitted as the manuscript for the bibliography to Anal>tical Chemistn. It occupied the high speed printer for about 10 minutes. As this is written, only 8 minor typographical errors have been detected, half of them due to problems with the capitalization algorithm of LISE which converted the titles from the lower-case format of CA As nearly as this reviewer can determine, the quality of the literature citations is up to the high standard he has come to expect from the printed version of CA One of the advantages of maintaining the bibliography in computer readable form is that literature citations can be added and deleted up to the last minute. Proof reading for details can be carried out ahead of time. Another advantage is that by using the citations as prepared by specialists at CA, the reviewer is assured of accurate journal references without the painstaking job of copying them 522R

accurately and legibly, not to mention using the proper abbreviations for journal names. This should, in theory, a t least, leave him free to concentrate on the critical job of reviewing the content of the literature. At this stage of development, there are still problems associated with immediacy of access to the computer readable database. While much progress has been made, the amount of effort required for preparing the bibliography for this review was not less than by older methods. Presentation of the Bibliography. The bibliography is divided into four parts: Books(B), Reuiews(R), Papers of Special Interest(S), and Quantitatiue Infrared Anulysis( Q ). Books and reviews were selected from the full spectral database. They contain items which were not classified under ir, or infrared. The classification as to book or review is that provided by the keywords in CAC. Items which cover a broader area than infrared analysis have been included in these two sections because of the scope of the work of many infrared spectrometrists, who are often called upon to be experts in infrared heating, photography, etc. as well as infrared analysis. References to work in foreign journals in unfamiliar languages has been included as an indication of good work being done elsewhere. Selection of journal articles for the last two sections has necessarily been more restrictive in order to keep the size of this review within bounds. The section on Papers of Special Interest is an attempt to bring together papers on a variety of topics which are of general interest to many infrared spectrometrists-i. e., on improvements in experimental apparatus and technique, important current analytical problems, catalogs of spectra, group frequency assignments, and novel developments. The final section on Quantitative Infrared Analysis is intended to give an overview of current work in this field, which appears to be one of the growth areas of infrared spectrometry. Unfortunately, it has been necessary to exclude a very large number of interesting papers. Journal articles which describe applications of infrared spectrometry to .structural problems, to the study of unstable species, to adsorption and catalysis, and other topics which fall more in the field of physical than analytical chemistry have been largely excluded. Few would be of interest to a large cross section of readers, but any one of them could be of interest to a few readers. The back-up which these papers provide for analytical work is very important. Fortunately, they are quite completely indexed in the General Subject Index of CA under infrared spectra. More than six pages of very fine print, three columns wide (approximately 1500 citations), are required for the index entries for each ofthe two volumes of CA for 1972. As this is written, the indices for 1973 have not arrived, but they will presumably contain a similar number of entries. It may be desirable for active infrared spectroscopists t o maintain a file of these pages at close hand. Each citation in the bibliography contains the complete title in English as given in CA. This follows a strong personal preference of the reviewer. In order to compensate for the space required by the titles, the text has been kept brief. The titles are really part of the text. Comments are omitted from the text where the reviewer feels that the title suffices. The language of the original publication is given for all except books. However, no notice is given for English translations of foreign journals. References are listed in order of their CA citations to facilitate scanning of the abstracts, and the CA citations are included. Journal citations were manipulated by means of the CA citations in preparing the bibliography. They provide the briefest possible citation, and they are uniquely orderable for filing purposes. It is regrettable that it is not more convenient to locate the CA citation when one has the journal reference, title, or the author’s name. Possibly the on-line computer search services which make use of inverted files to speed the searching of CAC will make it practical to locate the CA citations. This will, in turn, make it practical to order the primary entry in personal literature files on the CA citation. In retrospect, after looking up a large number of the

A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 46, N O . 5, A P R I L 1974

Robert S. McDonald is a member of the Materials Characterization Operation at the Corporate Research and Development Center of the General Electric Company. He graduated from the University of Maine in 1941. He received the Ph.D. degree in Physical Chemistry from MIT in 1952. From 1942 to 1946, he was with the Stamford Research Laboratories of the American Cyanamid Company, where he was associated with development of the prototype of the Perkin-Elmer Model 12 infrared spectrometer. He was a Research Associate at the MIT Spectroscopy Laboratory from 1946 to 1951. He joined General Electric in 1951, where he has been involved in infrared analytical service up to the present. His research interests have included the study of surface functional groups and point defects in solids by infrared spectrometry. I n addition to infrared spectrometry, his present interests include mass spectrometry, computer processing of spectral data, and the chemical literature. He IS a member of the ACS, APS, and the Coblentz Society. He has been a member of the Board of Governors of the Coblentz Society and is presently Chairman of an ASTM Task Group of Committee E l 3 on “Recommended Practice for Exchanging Spectroscopic Data in Machine Readable Form.” and a member of the IUPAC Subcommission on Storage and Retrieval of Spectroscopic Data (1.5.2)

original articles from the bibliography, this reviewer is tending toward sorting to bring together items from the same original journal, rather than in CA order. This is because the original publication is usually harder to locate than CA. Once located, all papers of interest in the document should be consulted a t the same time. In the 1970-71 review, a section of the bibliography was devoted to relatively complete lists of CA citations for various sub-topics in infrared spectrometry. The classification of papers under these topics has been carried out for this review, but the feature has been omitted because so little interest was evident. The number of citations in each class is given in Table I. Lists of the CA citations will be provided by the reviewer on request. Table I1 contains cross references for various subject classifications. The reader is reminded that the number of items under each classification does not represent the distribution of topics in the infrared literature as a whole because of the way in which the bibliography was selected. General Trends in Analytical Infrared Spectrometry. To this reviewer, the most immediate trend is the increase in publications on infrared topics from 6500 in 1970-71 to 7700 in 1972-73. This increase of nearly 20% is about double that for the chemical literature as a whole as judged by the number of citations in CA. There seems to be a trend for infrared analytical applications to be published in applied or trade journals, which are often more difficult to locate than the more fundamental journals. In the 1970-71 review, this reviewer commented on the advance of NMR, GC, MS, and Raman into areas of analysis which were formerly dominated by infrared spectrometry. This advance continues, with combined GCMS and I3C NMR skimming off many problems for which unequivocal answers are very difficult by infrared alone. GCMS has an enormous advantage in the analysis of more or less votatile mixtures in that quantitative estimates of concentration can be derived from the GC data, and the identity of components can be deduced from the mass spectra, often with minimal consultation of reference spectra. I3C NMR has the advantage that there is often a completely resolved peak for each non-equivalent carbon atom. In addition, intensities are less ambiguous than for infrared. The major threat which these methods pose is that when new compounds are identified, the infrared spectrometrist may not be a t hand to see that the reference spectra are measured carefully and entered into the reference library. Infrared is increasingly applied in monitoring chemical processes, for quality control, and in other situations where cost is important. The papers cited in the bibliography under Quantitative Infrared Analyses give more or less of a cross section of such applications (see also Analytical applications in Table 11). Use of infrared analyzers

in process monitoring and control is increasing (see Gasanalyzers in Table 11). Pollution, both in the form of foreign gaees in air, and as pesticide residues, oil, dust, etc. is possibly the largest growth area for infrared applications. Some of the Biochemical applications have considerable potential, also. Infrared detectors are still being developed, with the pyroelectric detector receiving the most attention. The tunable laser is receiving the greatest attention in the field of instrumentation. There are already some application areas of the tunable laser (see Atmospheric measurements in Table 11). So far, the size and cost of equipment to operate some of the tunable sources is excessive for routine applications. Literature a n d t h e Infrared Spectrometrist. Like most chemists, the infrared spectrometrist is finding it increasingly difficult to strike a balance between keeping abreast of the expanding literature and carrying out his other duties. As mentioned above, articles related to analytial applications are increasingly being published in less common journals. Most articles can be located by careful scanning of CA, but many of the larger subject classifications must be covered, and this is very time-consuming. An alternative is to subscribe to a current awareness computer search. Most relevant papers can be located by a primary profile consisting of the terms ir, infrared, and infra-red, applied to titles and keywords. About 5% of the hits would have been missed in the present search if it had been confined to keywords. If the broader aspects of vibrational spectroscopy are of interest, this profile will miss 10-15% of the papers, which are mainly non-analytical. Infrared is frequently discussed in papers on Raman spectrometry, but inclusion of this as a search term will result in several thousand more hits per year. It is desirable to separate out books and reviews. This can be done by suitable weighing of the search terms. Collected Papers. A number of collections of papers by different authors (R33, R127, R145, R164, R166, R220, R252, R270, and R275) are represented by citations of individual papers, mainly under Reviews, rather than Books. The book on laboratory methods edited by Miller (R275) is also represented under Books (B45).This collection will be of interest to all experimental infrared spectrometrists. Each of the others offers a relatively rich collection of papers on infrared, usually in a specialized field. COMMENTS ON SELECTED AREAS Fourier Spectrometers. Griffiths ( S l 2 8 ) has described the “trading rules” for Fourier transform spectrometry, and they turn out to involve time, resolution, and SIN in the same way as for dispersion spectrometers. The constants seem to be more favorable, so the Fourier spectrometrist has more room for trading. He has another advantage over the conventional spectrometrist in that his built-in computer permits him to manipulate the trading rules after the spectrum is in memory. The conventional spectrometrist usually has to commit himself as to his choice of resolution, recording time, and S / N before he starts recording the spectrum. The light gathering power of the Fourier spectrometer is being put to use for problems in which only a small fraction of the normal ener is available: infrared emission (S50), micro-sampling ( 267), measurement of solutes in water solution (S129, S260), and in on-the-fly measurement of gas chromatographic fractions (S223), which is discussed later. The full potential of the Fourier spectrometer is not likely to be achieved as long as the plotting of a spectrum is the rate-limiting step. Electrostatic plotters have the required speed, but their present resolution (0.007-0.010 inch) is marginal for plotting the region from 200-4000 cm-1 on the usual 34-inch long charts. Fast plotting would emphasize one of the spectrometrist’s problemsnamely, that of dealing with over-size pieces of paper. The large charts are difficult to handle. difficult to CODY. _ - , and d i a c u l t to file. Grille SDectrometers. The light gathering Dower of a conventional dispersion spectrometer-can be Improved by replacing the slits with certain types of moving grilles.


A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 46, N O . 5, A P R I L 1974


T a b l e 11. S u b j e c t Classification of Publications Cited in Bibliography Adsorption, catalysis, monomolecular films: (B33, R41, R68, R96, R147, R163, R217, R219, R261, R266, R287, S19, S25, S30, S70, S71, S104, S149, S208, S217, S244, S273) Analytical applications: (R18, R24, R25, R60, R64, R74, R81, R89-91, R95, R108, R110, R133, R198, R206, R230, R240, R246, S17, S48, S68, S89, S96, S109, S126, S137, S138, S144, S163, 5'166, S175, S183, S193, S225, S239, S241, S251, S253, S.257, S265, S274, S282, S283, S296, S298, S300, Ql-219) Anomalous effects with small particles: (S73, S179, S219, S233, S237, S245, S297) Atmospheric measurements, remote sensing (see Pollution): (R29, R36, R99, R172, S49, S75, S80, S a , S85, S95, S98, S103, S124, S127, S151, S152, S201, S214, S227, S228, S232, S242, 5243, S257, S261, 5276, S277, Q163, Q176). ATR: (R3, R63, R113, R229, R230, R275, S23, S60, S89, SI 10, SI 36, SI 74, S234, S236, S262, S293) Biochemical applications: (R9, R18, R37, R44, R45, R59, R98, R105, R l l l , R138, R162, R230, R235, R252-256, S47, S96, SllO, S133, S134, S157, S169, S170, S240, S251, S252, 818, Q114, Q123, Q129, Q135, Ql66, Q191, Q202,Q203,Q210) Catalogs of spectra, indices, etc.: (B5, B7, B13, B14, B15, B21, B23, B35-37, B43, R15, R80, R108, R128, R131, R132, R175, R179, R180, R238, R252-256, R259, R272, S296) Cells: (l34, B45, SlO, S56, S58, S61, S173, S180, S190, S203, S208, S244, S301, Q31) Cells, high temperature: (R286, S29, S108, S212, S218, S222, S263, S295) Cells, low temperature: (R73, R103, R185, R286, S29, 5'43, S63, S78, S86, 588,S140, S142, S156, S215, 5216, S270, S303) Cellulose, lignin: ( R l , R91-94, R199, R200, S7, S23) Coatings: (S40, S60, S171, S172, Q71, Q72, Q89, Q111) Computer applications: (B47, R27, R31, R55, R62, R88, R114, R241, S46, S88, S102, S107, S119, S1.22, S123, S150, S176, S184, S188, S198, S229, S254, S287) Conformations: (R5,R138, R150, R194) Continuous measurement and/or control: (R38, R151, R247, d7-9, S151, S153, S205, S268, S299) Detectors: (R4, R28, R141, R148, R149, R154, R192, R215, R249, R260, S24, S32, S33, S55, S72, S91, S92, S143, S185, S186, S192,S206, S207, S231) Detectors, tunable: (S187;5284) Dichroism: (R196, S4, S54, S147, S216) Diffuse reflectance: (R257, S30, S64, S130, S197, Q34) Emission: (R222, S50, Q124) Experimental technique, general: (B45, R275-287, S l l , S14, S54, S74, SI 78) Far infrared: (BlO, R32, R117, R118, R145, R146, R152, Rl54-156, Rl58-161, R164, R165, Rl71-174, R187, R191, R208, R209, R220, R273, R274, R280, S21, S57, s79, S231, S284-286, Q130,Q160) Fibers: (R89,S12, S200,QlS; Q79; Q145) Filters: (S52, S94, 5181, S211, S286) Fourier and grille spectrometers: (B17, R50, R129, R136, R139, R171, R173, R221, R282, S I , S40, S45, S50, s79, S95, S128, S139, S172, S223, S256, S267) Frequency calibration: (R208,R209, S22) Gas analyzers, non-dispersion analyzers, process analyzers, correlation mask technique: (B44, R18, R38, R151, S9, S69, S134, S167, S240, S268, S299, Q30, Q125, Q127, Q129) Group frequency correlations: (R34, R72, R84, RlOl, R102, R105, R126, R131, R166, R170, T179, R204, R259, R268, S51, S117, S120, S168, S199)


Infrared and gel permeation chromatography: (S194, S224, Q51) Infrared and gas chromatography (on-the-fly) : (SI 64, S223, S226, S28l) High resolution: (R121, R258, S92, SlOl, S125, S131, S146, S247. S302) Hydrogen bonding, OH groups: (R2, R9, R16, R67, R70, R105, R193, R195, R202, S51, S230) Imaging with infrared: (R243, R244, S37, S72, S91, S121, S192) Intensities: (R250) Lasers (see also tunable sources): (B18, R122, R146, R191, R248, S145, S285) Matrix isolation: (R13, R23, R57, R115, R127, R218, R264, R270, S78, S210) Minerals, coal, petroleum: (B9, R7, R53, R56, R77, R82, R112, R203, R220, R227, S79, S106, S279, Q90, Q94, Q l O O , Q104, Q l l 6 , Q157, Q174, Q181, Q212, Q218) Non-linear spectroscopy, saturated spectrascopy, double resonance, double irradiation, microwave techniques in the infrared: (R124, R134, R135, R224, R265, S5, S82, S84, S118, S161, S246, S250, S255) Phase changes and pressure effects: (R17, R22, R143, R155, R167, R283, SlO, S154, S230, S295, Q67, Q 9 l ) Pollution (see atmosphere): (R8,R64, R66, R207, R212, S48, S49, S70, S112, S115, S116, S144, S153, S196, S258, S266, S300, Q12, Q48, Q54, Q57, Q121, Q140, 8164, Q179, Ql80, Q195, Q198,Q219) Polymers: (B21, B35, R5,R9, RlO, R45, R51, R59, R65, R75, R76, R86, R89, R108, R138, R145, R150, R176, R196, R198, R205, R235, R242, R245, R246, R272, S2, S3, S38, S39, S53, S54, S59, S126, S137, S147, S158, S159, S.235, S254, S264, S272, S282, S298, Q l , Q7, Q l O , Q l l , Q26, Q36, Q43, Q44, Q46, Q47, Q52, Q61, Q62, Q64, Q65, Q72, Q73, Q87, Q93, 895, Q96, Q112, Q119, Q133, Q139, Q147149,8156, Q162, Q193, Q200, Q209) Polymers, end-group analysis: (S126,Q43, Q149) Reflection: (R106, R107, R222, R223, S44, S132, S156, S159, S172, S217, S249, Q115) Sample preparation: (B4, B45, R8, R276, R277, R285, S15, S16, S41, S42, ,368, S88, S96, S111, S114, S165, S200, S267, S278) Solids: (B19, B25, B29, B30, B32, R20, R30, R42, R58, R69, R83, 11100, R123, R152, R153, R156, R158, R186, R210, R211, R214, R225, R233, S163, S189) Solvent effects: intermolecular interactions (see hydrogen bonding): (B34,R6, R87, R262, R268, S27) Space applications: (R14, R121) Spectrometers: (R278, S21, S31, S62, S87, S182, S202, S209) Spectrometer accessories (see cells): ( S l l , S44, S54, S174, S248, S249) Theory: (BlO, B l l , B28, B30, R20, R32, R40, R69, R120, R233) Trace analysis: (R8, R64, 5'88, S96, S243, S267, Q8, Q14, Q29, Q63, Q68, Q69, Q80, 886, 899, Q121, Q140, 8170, 8179, Q180, Q188, Q191, Q199) Tunable sources: (R125, R212, S18, S20, S35, S83, S124, S125, S131, S141, S162, S221, S227, S247, S291) Vibrational excitation, relaxation, dissociation, fluorescence, infrared photochemistry, isotope separation: ((R43,R236, R239, S28, S90, S148, S155, S177, S213, S220, S269, S292, S294) Water, water solutions, hydrates: (B42, R l l l , R213, R263, R284, S6, S7, S47, S99, S100, S129, S260, S275, S280, Q13, Q23, Q28, Q31, Q40, 869, Ql20, Q131, Ql60, Q171, Q191, Q201,Q207, Q216,Q217) Windows(mu1tiphonon absorption): (R137, S191, S288-290) Workbooks: (B39, B40)


The principles are discussed by Moret-Bailly (S139). Grille spectrometers have been used effectively for measurement of spectra of astronomical objects in the near infrared, where it is difficult to build an interferometer with the requisite precision for high resolution measurements. A spectrometer based on the Hadamard-transform has been described by Decker (S45).This machine makes use of a pair of masks (or grilles) in place of the slits of a grating spectrometer. With a 2047-line mask, the theoretical gain in S / N is more than 20. While this is not as high as is claimed for Fourier spectrometers, it is nevertheless quite respectable. Spectra are reported for the mercury lines between 1 and 2 microns for 255- and 2047-line mask systems. The main mercury lines in this region are recognizable in the spectrum for the 255-line masks, but not for the 2047-line masks, as they should have been. No reason is given for the discrepancy. Infrared Combined with GC, On-the-Fly. The most elegant way of avoiding contamination of a component which has been separated for infrared analysis by GC is to pass it directly into the infrared spectrometer, never handling it in the usual sense at all. Progress in this direction is being made, but the sensitivity is still several orders of magnitude poorer than for the corresponding GCMS systems. Identification of the components from infrared spectra is likely to be more difficult than for mass spectra, also. Roughly, the sensitivity of the infrared system may be compared with that of thermal conductivity detectors, and the sensitivity of the MS system, with flame ionization detectors. Most on-the-fly systems for the infrared are designed to measure the spectrum while the carrier gas is transporting the fraction through an infrared gas cell (S226, S281). High scan speed is required to complete measurement of the spectrum while the component is in the cell. The Fourier spectrometer seems like a natural for this a plication because of its high speed. However, Penzias (8226) has demonstrated a dispersion sepctrometer which can produce a creditable spectrum in 6 seconds. An alternative sampling scheme has been demonstrated in which the fractions are trapped temporarily in a cholesteric crystal (S223) while spectra are measured. The spectrum of the eluent is obtained by difference. The spectra measured in this way are claimed to be comparable with spectra for liquids, thus permitting use of standard infrared reference spectra for identifications. In the systems which measure vapor spectra, identifications are difficult because of the often large difference between the vapor spectrum, as obtained by the instrument, and the liquid spectrum from the reference files. A major break-through will be required for the infrared technique to challenge GCMS for general applications. However, low cost infrared systems may be viable for special applications where enough sample is available. Infrared Combined with Gel Permeation Chromatography. Infrared detectors for gel permeation chromatography are still much less sensitive than either refractive index or UV detectors. Work is just starting to be reported on the combination of IR with GPC (S194, S224, Q31). The specificity of infrared spectrometry for particular chemical functional groups is important for analyzing polymer blends and copolymers and for studying polymer degradation. Considerable effort is warranted to develop the use of infrared methods, such as employment of multiple infrared detectors, on-line computer analysis of data, and modification of the chromatograph if that will help. This reviewer looks for considerable growth in this area. Micro Sampling Technique. Environmental and forensic applications have sensitivity requirements which challenge most analytical techniques, and infrared spectrometry is no exception. Normally it is necessary to perform a separation to attain sensitivity in the low ppm range by infrared spectrometry. After a sample consisting of a few micrograms of a component is isolated, it must be prepared for infrared measurement, either by concentrating it into as small an area as possible, or by spreading it on an ATR plate. These techniques have been ably discussed by Blinn ( R 8 ) , who points out that it is a relatively routine matter to obtain the spectrum of 5-10 micrograms of material. This is about where this reviewer would place the routine practical limit. With great care, spectra of

smaller amounts can be obtained, but contamination is an ever-present danger. So much effort is required for each sample, that there is a tendency to by-pass the requisite blanks and replicates. Infrared Reference Spectra. Among the publications cited under Books are the ASTM Molecular Formula and Serial Number Lists of Compound Names and References to Published Infrared Spectra (B14, B15). These books are required for use of most computer search programs based on the ASTM infrared index. These books were cited somewhat belatedly by CAC, since they were actually published in 1969. Their appearance is a reminder that with the issuance of the 15th Supplement to the index in the coming year, ASTM activities in encoding infrared spectra will be suspended. This is due to failure of income from sale of books and magnetic tapes to pay the cost of collecting and encoding the information. Much of the work was done by a few public-spirited individuals in their spare t i m e - a t no cost to t h e ASTM, even so. The cataloging work is quite well caught up, and it may be a good time for consolidation. Actually, with approximately 150,000 items, the database is becoming embarassingly large for some computer systems. The indexing of chemical compounds whose infrared spectra are reported in the literature will probably continue for the time being. Support for building up catalogs of the infrared spectra themselves is also difficult to arrange. The cost of preparing and purifying chemical compounds and measuring their spectra is such that it is desirable to capture the spectra whenever possible for the use of the scientific community at large. Actually, spectra can be obtained free if means are provided for publishing them and for providing acceptable publication credit. To a degree, the Coblentz Society Evaluated Spectra are filling a need in this area, but the volume of their sales is too low to keep the cost within bounds. The same is true of the commercial suppliers of spectra. This reviewer's files contain more than $10,000 worth of purchased reference spectra. But, often as not, needed spectra are not in the collection. Possibly an order of magnitude more spectra would suffice, but not at proportional cost. There is also need for improvement in the quality of reproduction of spectra. Most reference spectra suffice for qualitative identifications, but that is all. Modern spectrometers are capable of recording spectra with sufficient accuracy for measurements from one machine to be used for quantitative analysis on another. The necessary techniques are being developed for routine recording of high quality spectra (S74). The only way to preserve the accuracy. of such data is to store them in digital form. Too much is lost in trying to recover data quantitatively from an analog plot. Many spectra are now being taken initially in digital form, because of the increasing use of the F'TS spectrometer. Magnetic tape can provide a temporary answer to the storage problem but, in the long run, some sort of unit record which can be handled separately, and copied in the Xerox machine, will be required-for example, a piece of paper containing an analog spectrum and a computer readable representation of the original spectrum. This is actually technically feasible now, but the facilities for reading the digital spectrum are not generally available. Laser Excitation of Vibrations. This topic may seem somewhat peripheral to infrared analysis, but the analytical infrared spectrometrist is likely to be drawn into discussions of such work, and some analytical applications may develop. Much effort is currently being applied to the study of gases which are subject to very high power levels of monochromatic radiation from lasers (see Vibrational excitation in Table 11). Many more papers would have appeared if the search profile had included the term uibration. The driving force behind this work seems to be the idea that it may be possible to effect separation of isotopes by selective vibrational excitation of one isotopic species as the first step of a multi-step process. This would be followed by a step, as yet undefined, whose rate is enhanced for the vibrationally excited species. Vibrational Fluorescence, Work continues on vibrational fluorescence of gases excited by high intensity ra-

A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 46, NO.


A P R I L 1974


diation from a C02 laser (S28, S155, S294). Vibrational relaxation of polyatomic molecules is so rapid that an inordinate amount of power is required to obtain measurable fluorescence signals. Water vapor is particularly effective in promoting vibrational relaxation. Hence, this technique does not appear to be broadly applicable for analytical purposes. The vibrational fluorescence of CO, however, is quite a different story. CO is almost unique in that its vibrational fluorescence can be readily excited without a laser. A high specificity CO analyzer which makes use of a source based on the vibrational fluorescence of CO has been reported (8105). Tunable Lasers. One of the very bright spots on the horizon is the field of tunable infrared lasers (see Tunable lasers in Table 11). Such sources provide a more highly monochromatic beam than any spectrometer, and with very high intensity. The most obvious application is to use such a source as a spectrometer. Applications of this sort are on the rise. Some of the sources have a rather restricted range, and may be usable for only one or two rotational lines of a particular gas. So, one has to be fortunate enough either to find a laser to fit his application, or vice versa. There seem to be enough tunable lasers that before long one may be able to find one for almost any desired narrow band of the infrared. Ways of increasing the tunable range are being developed. Developments are coming rapidly, and the interested reader is advised to watch the latter journals in Physics. Noxi-Linear Spectroscopy. In addition to straight-forward applications of lasers as spectrometers, new types of experiments are possible. Some tunable lasers have high enough power density to saturate a given vibrational transition, or at least to build up an appreciable population in an excited vibrational state. The reader is referred to a review paper by Brewer (R139) for an overall view, (see Non-linear spectroscopy in Table 11). Lamb dip spectroscopy, hole burning, and double resonance are additional keywords for these applications. It appears that we are on BIBLIOGRAPHY

Books ( B l ) A Systematic Approach to the Interpretation of Infrared Spectra, Szymanski. Herman A., (Hertillon: Cambridge Springs, Pa.) 1971, 245 pp., Chem. Abstr., 76, 8818N (1972). (82) Spectroscopy and Its Instrumentation. Bousquet, P., (Hilger: London, Engl.) 1971, 239 pp., Chem. Abstr.. 76, 8821H (1972). ( 8 3 ) Applied Spectroscopy Reprints and Review Articles, Vol. 1, 1970, Ferraro. J. R . , Horrocks, D. L., Murray, B. B., Editors, (Applied Spectroscopy: Randallstown, Md.) 1970, 137 pp., Chem. Abstr.. 76, 8827Q (1972). ( 8 4 ) Spectroscopic Tricks, Vol. 2, May, Leopold, Editor, (Plenum: New York, N.Y.) 1971, 374 pp.. Chem. Abstr.. 76, 29464J (1972). ( 8 5 ) Diterpene Resin Acids. A Compilation of Infrared. Mass, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Ultraviolet Spectra, and Gas Chromatographic, Zinkel, Duane F.. Zank, Lester C.,Wesolowski, Martin F.. (USDA, Forest Serv., Forest Prod. Lab.: Madison, Wis.) 1971, Unpaged, Chem. Abstr., 76, 34429F (1972). (B6) Infrared Spectroscopy, Vol. 1: Molecular Vibrations. 2nd ed, Barchewitz, P., (Gauthier-Villars: Paris, Fr.) 1969, 246 pp., Chem. Abstr., 76, 66251H (1972) (87) Vibrational Spectra of Group IVb and Vb Heteroorganic Compounds, Chumaevskii, N. A., (Nauka: Moscow, USSR) 1971, 244 pp., Chem. Abstr., 76, 66255N (1972). (88) Use of Ultraviolet, Infrared. and NMR Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry [Textbook for Chemical Specialties of Universities], Kazitsyna, L. A,, Kupletskaya, N. B., (Vyssh. Shkoia: Moscow, USSR) 1971, 264 PD.,Chem. Abstr.. 76, 71923H (1972) (B9) Use of Infrared Spectrometry in Petroleum Geochemistry, Glebovskaya. E. A ,









I8171 i



the verge of an era in which double resonance techniques which have been so powerful in microwave and NMR will be widely used in the infrared. Diffuse Reflectance. It has always been a painful fact of life for infrared spectrometrists that considerable radiation is scattered diffusely when one measures the transmission spectrum of a powder. So much energy is lost that the nujol mull and KBr pellet were invented to circumvent the problem. The scattered light contains information about the surface of the powder, but it is more or less evenly distributed throughout a hemisphere, with very little concentrated in any one direction. Modern spectrometers are beginning to cope with this problem, and the field of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in the infrared is represented by several papers (R257, S30, S64, ,9130, S197,


Miscellaneous Applications. Determination of D2O in urine has been used for measuring total body water (Q191). Pulmonary diffusin capacity has been measured by infrared gas analysis (&29). Ethanol is being determined in breath by non-dispersion analyzers (Q39, Q59, Q81). Metal carbonyl vapors have been determined in the 0.01 to 0.001-ppm range in air (Q29).The U S . Bureau of Mines has worked out a standard method for determining alpha quartz in respirable coal mine dust (S144). Primers and other sensitive explosive materials have been analyzed by the KBr technique, apparently without hazard (S41). A micro-gas method has been used to measure COn released by the skin (S96). A technique has been worked out for measuring dichroism of polymers continuously during high speed stretching ( S 5 4 ) . Oxygen in silicon has been determined in the 20-ppb range by measuring the 9micron S i 0 band at liquid nitrogen temperature (Q188). ACKNOWLEDGMENT The reviewer wishes to acknowledge the forbearance of many of his associates whose patience has been sorely tried during the preparation of this review, and especially that of his family.

(Nedra, Leningrad. Otd.: Leningrad, USSR) 1971, 141 pp., Chem. Abstr., 76, 88818A (1972). Submillimeter Spectroscopy. A Guide to the Theoretical and Experimental Physics of the Far infrared, Chantry, G. W.,.(Academic: London, Engl.) 1971, 386 pp., Chem. Abstr., 76, 106336Y (1972). Theory and Calculation Of Intensity in vibrational Spectra of Molecules, Mayants. L. S., Averbukh, 8 . S., (Nauka: Moscow, USSR) 1971, 142 pp,, Chem. Abstr., 76, 106338A (1972). Absorption and Emission by Sulfur Dioxide between 1050 and 1400 Cm-' (9.57.1 Micrometers) (PB-203 523). Burch, D. E., et ai., (NTIS: Springfield, Va.) 1971, 59 pp., Chem. Abstr.. 76, 119821C (1972). Literature Data for IR, Raman, and NMR Spectroscopy of Silicon, Germanium, Tin, and Lead Organic Compounds, Licht, Kurt, Reich, Peter, (Deut. Verlag Wiss.: Berlin, Ger.) 1971, 623 pp.. Chem. Abstr., 76, 1606948 (1972). ASTM Serial Number List of Compound Names and References to Published lnfrared Spectra, Vol. 3, American Society for Testing and Materials, (ASTM: Philadelphia. Pa.) 1969, 759 pp., Chem. Abstr., 77, 12201U (1972). ASTM Molecular Formula List of Compound Names and References to Published Infrared Spectra, Vol. 1, American Society for Testing and Materials, (ASTM: Philadelphia, Pa.) 1969, 610 pp.. Chem. Abstr., 77, 12202V (1972) Infrared Spectroscopy: Applications in Organic Chemistry, Avram, Margareta, Mateescu, Gheorge D , (Wiley-lnterscience: New York, N.Y.) 1972, 520 pp., Chem. Abstr., 77, 27304D (1972) lntroductorv Fourier Transform Soectroscopy, Bell, Robert John, (Academic: New York, N . Y . ) 1972, 398 pp., Chem. Abstr.. 77, 41265Y (1972). Semiconductor Lasers (AD-732 700), Defense Documentation Center, (NTIS:

A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 46, N O . 5, A P R I L 1 9 7 4








(826) (827)


Springfield, Va.) 1971, 132 pp.. Chem. Abstr.. 77. 412662 (19721 , , Infrared Spectra of Inorganic Glasses and Crystals, Vlasov. A. G.. Florinskaya, V. A,, Venediktov. A. A,. et ai.. (Khimiya. Leningrad. Otd.: Leningrad, USSR) 1972, 303 pp,. Chem. Abstr., 77, 54795W (1972) Index of Vibrational Spectra of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds, Vol. 1, Greenwood, N . N., Ross, E J. F., Straughan. 8 . P., (Butterworth: London, Engl.) 1972, 762 pp., Chem. Abstr.. 77, 684365 (1972). Infrared Analysis of Polymers, Resins, and Additives: an Atlas, Vol 1: Plastics, Elastomers, Fibers, and Resins. Pt. 1: Text, Hummel. Dieter 0 , (Wiley-interscience: New York. N Y.) 1971, 224 pp., Chem. Abstr., 77, 89064J (1972) A Programmed Introduction to infrared Spectroscopy, Cook, B. W , Jones, K., (Heyden: London, Engl.) 1972, 192 p p , Chem. Abslr.. 77, 133118F (1972) Vibrational Spectra of Hydroxyiamine and Its Coordination Compounds, Kharitonov, Yu. Ya., Sarukhanov, M A , (Fan: Tashkent, Uzb. SSR) 1971. 191 pp., Chem. A b s t r , 77, 133119G (1972) Basic Infrared Spectroscopy. 2nd ed, Van der Maas, J H . , (Heyden: New York. N . Y ) 1972, 109 p p , Chem. Abstr., 77, 1331218 (1972). Infrared and Raman Spectra of Crystals. Turrefl, G.,(Academic: New York, N . Y ) 1972, 366 pp.. Chem A b s t r . 77, 133122C (1972). Spectroscopy, 2nd ed, Whiffen, D H . , (Wiley: New York, N.Y ) 1972, 206 p p , Chem. Abstr.. 77, 1461423 (1972). Infrared Spectroscopy, 2nd ed (The Allyn and Bacon Chemistry Series), Conley, Robert T:, (Allyn and Bacon: Boston, Mass.) 1972, 355 pp., Chem Abstr.. 77, 1586788 (1972) Introduction to the Theory of Molecular Vibrations and Vibrational Spectroscopy. Woodward, L. A,, (Oxford Univ. Press:

(R20) Factor Group Analysis of the Vibrational London, Engl.) 1972, 370 pp.. Chem. Rleviews Spectra of Crystals. Review and ConsoliAbstr.. 77, 158679C (1972) ( R l ) Infrared Spectra [of Lignin], Hergert, dation, DeAngelis. Bernard0 A., Newn(829) Vibrational Spectroscopy of Solids, SherHerbert L., Lignins, 267-97 (1971) ham, Robert E.. White, William B . , wood, P. M . A,. (Cambridge Univ. Press: (Eng), Edited by Sarkanan, K. V., InterAmer. Mineral., 57, 255-68 (1972) New York. N.Y ) 1972, 254 pp,, Chem. science: New York, N.Y.. Chem. Abstr.. (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 64387H Abstr.. 77, 158681): (1972). 76, 50310 (1972). (1972) (830) Infrared and Raman Selection Rules for (R2) Near-infrared Spectrometric Studies of (R21) Nature of Carbon-Halide Bonds, MikhailMolecular and Lattice Vibrations: The Hydrogen Bonding, Kuopio, Ritva. Kiviov, 0 . M., Usp. Khim.. 40, 2121-44 Correlation Method, Fately, William G., nen, Antti, Suom. Kemistilehti A, 44, (1971) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 76, Dollish, Francis R., McDevitt, Neil T., 161-71 (1971) (Finnish), Chem. Abstr., 655562 (1972) Bentley, Freeman F , (Wiley-lnter76, 19632Y (1972). (R22) Effect of Phase and Pressure Changes science: New York, N.Y ) 1972, 240 pp.. (R3) Internal Reflection Spectroscopy in the on Vibrational Spectra, Davies, J. E. D.. Chem. Abstr., 77, 171154): (1972). Infrared Spectral Region, Kunath. DietJ. Mol. Struct., 10, 1-30 (1971) (Eng). (831) Infrared Structural Analysis: a Dualistic mar, Reklat, Angelika, Z. Chem., 11, Chem. Abstr.. 76, 65567D (1972) Interpretation Scheme, Weitkamp. 361-71 (1971) (Ger), Chem. Abstr.. 76, (R23) Infrared Spectra of Free Radicals and Horst, Barth, Ruth, (Thieme: Stuttgart. 19648H (1972). Chemical Intermediates in Inert MatriGer.) 1972, 83 pp.. Chem. Abstr.. 78, (R4) Infrared Detectors, Ewing. Galen W., J. ces, Andrews. Lester, Annu. Rev. Phys. 10085F (1973) Chem. Educ.. 48, A521-A522, A524Chem., 22, 109-32 (1971) (Eng), Chem. 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New Vork, N.V., Chem. Abstr., 77, 158039U (1972). Methods for Studying the Nature of Humus Substances. Infrared Spectra of Soil Humic Acids and a Table of Wave Numbers, Orlov. D. s., Shul'man. Yu. A,. Vukhnin, A . A,. Org. Veshchestvo Tselinnykh Osvoennykh Pochv, 245-56 (1972) (Russ), Edited by Kononova, M . M., "Nauka": Moscow, USSR., Chem. Abstr.. 77, 163418W (1972). Physicochemical Tests, Luther, Horst. Mineraloele Verw. Prod., 2. Autlage 1, 155-274 (1969) (Ger). Edited by Zerbe, Carl, Springer: Berlin, Ger , Chem. Abstr.. 77, 166844T (1972) Nonlinear Spectroscopy. Brewer, Richard G., Science, 178, 247-55 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 170603F (1972). Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Molecules. Shimoda, Koichi. Shimizu, Tadao. Progr. Quantum Electron.. 2, 45-139 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 170606J (1972). Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, Becker. Edwin D.. Farrar. T. C., Science, 178, 361-8 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 170608M (1972) Multiphoton Absorption in Crystals and its Uses, Goerlich, P., Koetitz, G , Krist. Tech.. 7 , 365-85 (1972) (Ger). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 17062OJ (1972) Molecular Conformations of Polyamino Acids, Masuda, Vukio, Kagaku No Jikken. 23, 1195-200 (1972) (Japan), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 4541 (1973) Fourier Transform Spectrometry in Chemical Research, Dunn, S. Thomas, Foskett. Charles T., Curbelo, Raul, Griffiths. P. R., Comput. Chem. Bfochem. Res.. 1, 107-73 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 9532T (1973) Vibrational Spectral Studies of Electrolyte Solutions and Fused Salts, Irish, D . E., lonic Interactions. 2, 187-258 (1971) (Eng), Edited by Petrucci. S., Academic: New York, N.Y.. Chem. Abstr., 78, 20731C (1973). Photodetectors for the Infrared Wavelength Region, Soa, Ernst Adolf, Exp. Tech. Phys.. 20, 525-31 (1972) (Ger). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 223992 (1973). Vibrational Spectra of ?r-Bonded OrganoTransition Metal Complexes, Davidson, G . , Organometal. Chem. Rev.. Sect. A, 8, 303-50 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 28631 R (1973). Compound Classes of Organic Substances Whose I R Spectra Depends to a High Degree on Physical Conditions, Karagounis, G . , Agathokli. J., Prakt. Akad. Athenon. 44, 338-42 (1970) (Greek), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 28637X (1973). Vibrational Spectroscopy. Applications to Organic Chemistry, Devlin, J. Paul, Cooney, R . P. J.. Tech. Chem. ( N . Y . ) , 4, 121-224 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 28643W (1973). Low Frequency Vibrations of Polymers, Zerbi, Giuseppe, Far-Infrared Prop. Solids. Proc. NATO Advan. Study Inst. 1968 (Pub. 19701, 497-515 (Eng), Edited by Mitra, Shashanka S.. Plenum: New York, N.Y., Chem. Abstr.. 78, 30211X (1973). Far-Infrared Sources, Genzel, Ludwig, ibid., 51-102 (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 35596M (1973) Optical and Spectroscopic Methods for the Study of Surfaces, Jones, Colin E., Klier, Kamil. Annu. Rev. Mater. Sci., 2, 1-32 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 78, 35597N (1973) Applications of the Infrared Detectors in the 5-30 p m Range, Jezykowski, Ryszard, Persak, Tadeusz. Postepy Fiz.. 23, 399-416 (1972) (Pol), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 35604N (1973). Photon Infrared Detectors in the 3-25 p m Range, Pykacz. Henryk, ibid., 36998 (Pol), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 35605P (1973). Conformational Statistics of Polymeric Chains. Stress-Optical and -Dichroic Coefficients of Polymeric Networks, Nagai, Kazuo, Progr. Polym. Sci., Jap..

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1, 215-320 (1971) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 43997H (1973). Infrared Analyzers for Ethylene Oxide Processes, Dailey, W. V., Chem. Eng. PrOgr.. 68, 39-45 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 454512 (1973). Modification of Lattice Vibrations by Im. purities, McCombie. C. W., Far-lntrared Prop. Solids. Proc. NATO Advan. Study Insf. 7968 (Pub. 1970). 297-359 (Eng), Edited by Mitra, Shashanka S., Plenum: New York, N.Y.. Chem. Abstr.. 78, 48994Q (1973). Localized Vibrational Modes in Crystals, Balkanski. M., Comput. Solid State Phys.. Proc. lnt. Symp. 7977 (Pub. 1972). 367-84 (Eng), Edited by Herman, Frank, Plenum: New York. N.Y., Chem. Abstr.. 78,49004D (1973) Far-Infrared Detectors, Richards, P. L., Far-lntrared Prop. Solids, Proc. NATO Advan. Study lnst. 7968 (Pub. 19701, 103-20 (Eng), Edited by Mitra, Shashanka S.. Plenum: New York, N . Y . , Chem. Abstr.. 78, 49886T (1973) High Pressure Research in the Far-lnfrared Region, Ferraro. John R . , ibid.. 451-74 (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 498928 (1973) Far-Infrared Electronic Transitions in Rare Earth Ions. Hadni, Armand, ibid.. 535-60 (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 49894U (1973) Infrared Spectroscopy, Ewing, George E.. Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem., 23, 141-64 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 49900T (1973). Lattice Absorption in the Very Far-lnfrared. Hadni, Armand, Far-lntrared Prop. Solids. Proc. NATO Advan. Study lnst. 7968 (Pub. 1970). 561-87 (Eng). Edited by Mitra, Shashanka S . , Plenum: New York, N.Y., Chem. Abstr.. 78, 49902V (1973), Far-Infrared Absorption in Superconductors, Tinkham, M . . ibid.. 223-46 (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 49903W (1973). Recent Progress on the Low Frequency Spectra of Coordination Compounds, Ferraro, John R., ;bid.. 475-96 (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 49904X (1973). Far-Infrared Dispersion and the Raman Spectra of Ferroelectric Crystals, Barker. A. S . , Jr., ibid.. 247-96 (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 49911X (1973) Determination of Pulmonary Diffusing Capacity by Infrared Gas Analysis, Houben, Wilhelmus P I Process lnstrum Div.. Clfn Med.. 79, 11-13 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 54933K (1973). Infrared Spectra of Adsorbed Species on Metals, Pritchard, J . , Surface Defect Prop. Solfds. 1 , 222-35 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 625468 (1973). Pseudorotation of Five-Membered Rinas, Laane, Jaan, Vib. Spectra Struct.. -1, 25-50 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 643222 119731. Far-Infrared Spectra of Four-Membered Ring Compounds, Blackwell. C. S . , Lord, R . C.. fbid.. 1-24 (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 64323A (1973). infrared Spectral Study of Organic ComDounds Possessina the Nitroso Grouo. Colette, Maurice, Ann. Sci. Univ. Besahcon. Chim.. No. 8, 80 pp. (1971) ( F r ) , Chem. Abstr.. 78, 643248 (1973) High Pressure Vibrational Spectroscopy, Melveger, A J . , Vib. Spectra Struct., 1, 51-72 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 64335F (1973). Vibrational Spectra of Transition Element Compounds, Prater, B. E., Spectrosc. Prop. lnorg. Organometal. Compounds. 4, 312-64 (1971) (Eng). Chem Abstr.. 78, 64340D (1973) Vibrational Spectra. General Introduction and Definitive Spectra, Straughan, 8.P., ibid.. 215-47 (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 64341E (1973). Characteristic Vibrational Frequencies of Compounds Containing Main-Group Elements, Prater, B. E., ibid., 248-31 1 (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 64342F (1973). Interferometric Spectroscopy, Gebbie,







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(R274) (R275)



(R278) (R279)




Young, R. P., ibid.. 16-24, 359 (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 79, 151008R (1973) (R282) Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, Griffiths, P. R.. ibid., 84-96, 361 (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 79, 151009s (1973) (R283) Techniques for the Measurement of Infrared Spectra Under High Pressures, Whyman. R.. ibid.. 149-64, 363-4 (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 79, 151010K (1973) (R284) Aqueous Solutions and Dispersions, Manning, D . J . , ibid.. 165-74, 364-5 (Ena), Chem. Abstr.. 79, 151011M (1973) (R285) Sample Handling Techniques. Price, W J., ibid.. 97-128, 361-2 (Eng). Chem Abstr.. 79, 151012N (1973). (R286) Methods of Obtaining Spectra at High and Low Temperatures, Adams, D M., Hooper. M. A,, ibid., 129-48, 362-3 (Eng), Chem. A b s t r . 79, 151015R (1973). (R287) Surface Absorbed Samples, Parkyns, N D . , f b d , 318-39, 373-4 (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 79, 151021Q (1973). Papers of Special Interest (S1) Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy in Flavor Analysis. IV. Spectra of Gas Chromatography Fractions, Low, M J D . , J. Agr. Food Chem., 19, 1124-7 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 2604T (1972). (S2) Infrared Studies of Chain Folding in Polymers. I X . Amylopectin and Amylose, Vasko, P. D . , Koenig, J L., J . Macromol SCl. Phys., 6, 117-27 (1972) (Eng), Chem. A b s t r , 76, 4277N (1972). (S3) Infrared Studies of Chain Folding in Polymers. X. Polycaproiactam, Frayer. P D . , Koenig, J. L., Lando, J. B , ibid.. 129-49 (Eng), Chem. Abstr . 76, 4278P (1972). (S4) Determination of the Direction of Transition Moments by Measurement of Infrared Dichroism. 4. Solutions of n-Poiyy-Benzyl-L-Glutamate Oriented by an Electric Field, Maschka. Anton, Bauer. Guenther, Dora, Zsigmond, Monatsh. C h e m , 102, 1516-25 (1971) (Ger). Chem. Abstr.. 76, 8311s (1972). (55) Double Irradiation of Ammonia by Infrared and Hertzian Radiations, Fourrier. M , Redon, M . , Van Lerberghe, A., Borde, C., Rev. Phys. A p p l . 6, 263-5 (1971) ( F r ) , Chem. Abstr.. 76, 8496F 119721 ( S 6 ) I'nfrared Spectra of Salt Hydrates. Correlation between the Fundamental Symmetric and Asymmetric Stretching Frequencies of the Water Molecules, Bellamy, L J.. Blandamer. M . J , Symons, M. C. R . , Waddington, D . , Trans Faraday SOC.. 67, 3435-40 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 8570A (1972) (S7) On-Line Moisture/Basis Weight for Creped Tissue by Infrared Techniques, Brunton, D. C , Miller, Otmar C.. Pap Trade J . 155, 43-4 (1971) (Eng). Chem. Abstr . 76, 15902P (1972) (S8) On-Line Measurement of Blown and Extruded Fiim. Profiie and Average Gauge Utilizing Infrared Techniques. Miller. Otmar C.. Mounsey, Robert B , T A P P l Plast -Pap. Coni.. 26rh. 293-301 (1971) (Eng), Tech Ass Pulp Pap Ind.. New York, N Y., Chem Abstr. 76, 16173P (1972) (S9) Continuous Monitoring of Suifur Dioxide in Flue Gas by a Nondispersive Infrared Gas Analyzer, Tanaka, Masao. Nishiyama. Chikara, Omatsu, Koji. Oka. Syotaro, Shimadzu Hyoron. 28, 123-7 (1971) (Japan), Chem. A b s t r . 76, 17465X (1972). (S10) Cell for Studying the infrared Absorption Spectra of Liquids Under Pressures between l and 1600 Bars, Martin, J. J . . Lazarre, F , Daleau, G., Devaure. J . , Method. Phys. A n a l . 7, 250-3 (1971) ( F r ) . Chem Abstr.. 76, 19956G (1972) (S11) Positioning Device for Infrared Microsampies, Croll, B T.. Chem. lnd. ( L o n don), 1156 (1971) (Eng), Chem Abstr.. 76, 19957H (1972). (S12) Methods for the physical-Chemical Analysis of Man-Made Fibers and Their Intermediate Products. Schoenherr. Freimut.

A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 46, NO. 5, A P R I L 1974

Dawczynski, Hans, Langner, Karl, Deut. Textiltech., 21, 487-93 (1971) (Ger). Chem. Abstr., 76, 26261E (1972). (S13) Pseudo-Brewster Angle Determination of Carrier Concentration, Keenan, W. A,, Schumann, P A,, Jr , J. Electrochem. Soc 118, 2010-14 (1971) (Eng). Chem A b s t r , 76, 289356 (1972) 15141 Metroloaical Problems in Infrared Soec. . trophotrhetry, Nikitin, V. A,, Vorob'ev, V . G., Zh. Prikl. Spektrosk., 14, 1050-4 (1971) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 29456H (1972) (S15) Thin-Layer Chromatography and Detection of Separated Materials by Infrared Spectroscopy Directly on the Plate after Volatilization of the Silica Adsorbent by Hydrogen Fluoride, Beyermann. Klaus, Dietz, Johannes, Fresenius' Z. Anal. Chem.. 256, 349-51 (1971) (Ger). Chem. Abstr.. 76, 30401T (1972). (S16) Simpie Preparation of Solvent Cast Films for Infrared Spectroscopy, Rossbach, V.. Nissen, D . , Polymer, 12, 655-7 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 35109P (1972). (S17) Infrared Analysis of Process Emissions, Wilks, Paul A,, Jr., Chem. Eng. (New Y o r k ) , 78, 120-122, 124 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr , 76,37063T (1972). (S18) Infrared Generation by Coherent Excitation of Polaritons, De Martini, F., Phys. Rev 6 [3] 4 , 4556-78 (1971) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 76, 39368V (1972) (S19) Experimental Development of ReflectionAbsorption Spectroscopy. Infrared Spectrum of Carbon Monoxide Adsorbed on Copper and Copper Oxide, Tompkins, Harland G.. Greenler, Robert G., Surface Sci.. 28, 194-208 (1971) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 76, 39737Q (1972). (S20) Tunable Coherent Radiation Source in the 5-p Region, Pidgeon, C. R . , Lax, B., Aggarwal, R . L., Chase, C. E , Brown, F.. A w l . Phys. Lett.. 19, 333-5 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 40002C (1972) (S21) Spectrometer for Far Infrared Broadening of the First Rotation Line of Gaseous Hydrogen Fluoride by Argon at 40 c m - ' , Bachet, G.. Coulon, R . , J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiaf. Transfer, 1 1 , 1827-37 (1971) (Fr), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 40110M (1972). (522) Calibration of Infrared Spectrometers and Spectrophotometers of Medium and Low Resolution Based on Wave Numbers, Vorob'ev, V. G.. Nikitin. V. A,, Opt. -Mekh. Prom.. 38, 54-60 (1971) (Russ), Chem. Abstr, 76,401130 (1972) (S23) ATR [Attenuated Total Reflection] Infrared Spectroscopy Study of the EpoxyCellulose Interface, O'Brien, R . N . , Hartman, K . , J . Polym. S o . . Part C. 34, 293-301 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 47440C (1972). (S24) Doped Triglycine Sulfate for Pyroelectric Applications, Lock, P. J . , Appl. Phys. L e t t . 19, 390-1 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 51534D (1972). (S25) Infrared Spectroscopy of Adsorbed Layers 2 . Calorimetric Infrared Spectroscopy, Gentsch. H , Snaith, J C., J . Phys E . 5 , 33-4 (1972) (Eng), Chem. A b s t r . 76, 52155T (1972). (S26) Infrared Spectroscopy of Adsorbed Layers. 1. Possible Sensitivity Improvements, Snaith, J. C.. ibid.. 30-2 (Eng). Chem. Abstr , 76, 5215611 (1972) (S27) Effect of Solvent on the Frequency of Antisymmetric Valence Vibrations of the Silicon-Oxygen-Silicon Bridge in Siloxanes. Konopka, R . , Stojczyk, B , Acta Phys. Pol. A. 40, 537-41 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr , 76, 52343C (1972) (S28) Carbon Dioxide Laser-Excited Infrared Fluorescence, Bailey, R T., Cruickshank, F. R . , Jones, T. R . , Nature (London), Phys. S o . . 234, 92-3 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 52392T (1972) 1529) Cuvette for Absorption Spectroscopy from -180 to f 1 0 0 " . Regenstein, W., ~ x p . Tech. ~ h y s . . 19, 303-5 (1971) (Ger), Chem Abstr.. 76, 52819N (1972). (S30) Measuring Arrangement for the Spectroscopy of Sorption Processes on Pow-

dered Materials in Scattering I R Transmission, Kunath, D., Moeller, K., ibid.. 295-301 (Ger), Chem. Abstr., 76, 52822H (1972) (S31) Design and Operation of a High-Resolution Infrared Spectrometer, Robertson, Charles W.. Hunt, Robert H., Plyler, Earle K . . Appl. Spectrosc., 25, 593-6 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 52825M (1972). (S32) Compensated Silicon-Impurity Conduction Bolometer, Kinch. M . A.. J. Appl. Phys.. 42, 5861-3 (1971) (Eng), Chem. A b s t r . , 76, 52833N (1972) (S33) High D * Pyroelectric Poly(Viny1 Fluoride) Detectors, Phelan. Robert J.. Jr., Mahler. Robert J., Cook, Alan R . , Appl. Phys. Lett.. 19, 337-8 (1971) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 76, 60407s (1972). (S34) Infrared Spectrum of Benzene in a Solid Hydrogen Chloride Matrix, Szczepaniak. Krystyna. Person, Willis E., Spectrochim. Acta, Part A. 28, 15-26 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 65887H (1972). (S35) Tunable Infrared Gas Lasers, Bagratashvili, V . N., Knyazev. I . N.. Letokhov, V. S.. Opt. Commun.. 4, 154-6 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 66151A (1972) (S36) In-Process Thickness Monitor for Polycrystalline Silicon Deposition, Kamins, T. I . , Dell'Oca. C. J . , J . Electrochem. SOC.. 119, 112-14 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 66247M (1972). (S37) Infrared Holography with Wax and Gelatin Film, Kobayashi, Shigeaki, Kurihara. Kyoko, Appl. Phys. Left.. 19, 482-4 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 663012 (1972). (S38) Defect Induced Infrared Absorption of Polymers, Zerbi, Giuseppe, Pure Appl. Chem.. 26, 499-512 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 72896P (1972). (S39) Infrared Studies of Chain Folding in Uniaxially Oriented Poly(Hexamethyleneadipamide), Koenig, J. L . . Itoga, Masaaki. J . Macromol. Sci.. Phys.. 6, 309-26 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 72932X (1972) (S40) Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy in the Coatings Industry. I l l Transmission/Absorption Spectra, Low, M . J. D , Goodsel. A J., J Paint Techno/.. 43, 49-57 (1971) (Eng), Chem. A b s t r . 76, 73808Y (1972). (S41) Qualitative Analysis of Primers, Tracers, Igciters, Incendiaries, Boosters, and Delay Compositions on a Microscale by Use of Infrared Spectroscopy, Chasan. David E., Norwitz, George, Microchem. J.. 17, 31-60 (1972) (Eng), Chem. A b s t r . 76, 74430F (1972). (S42) Use of Adamantane as a Pelleting Material for Far Infrared Spectroscopy of Solids, Pensenstadler, David F., Carlson, Gerald L., Fateley. William G., Bentley, Freeman F.. Spectrochim. Acta. Part A. 28, 183-5 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 78833N (1972). (S43) Cryostat with a Pneumatic Device for Optical Measurements in the Far Infrared Region, Vodop'yanov, L . K . , Kopanev. V. D , Prib. Tekh. Eksp.. 182-4 (1971) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 79236G (1972) (S44) Reflecting Attachment for an Infrared Spectrometer, Karpinos, D . M , Listovnichaya, S. P., Aivazov, V. Ya.. ibid.. 190-1 (Russ). Chem. Abstr . 76, 79237H (1972). (S45) Hadamard-Transform Spectrometry New Analytical Technique, Decker, Jonn A,, Jr , Anal. Chem.. 44, ( 2 ) , 127A130A, 132A-134A (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 80508D (1972) (S46) New Computerized Infrared Substance ldentification System, Sebesta, Robert W., Johnson, Gerald G., Jr., !bid. 260-5 (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 80872T (1972). (S47) Hydration and Denaturation of Collagen as Observed by Infrared Spectroscopy, Susi. H . . Ard, J. S., Carroll, R. J., J Amer. Leather Chem. Ass.. 66, 508-19 (1971) (Eng). Chern. A b s t r , 76, 87199N (1972) (S48) Direct Infrared Analysis of Alpha Quartz

Deposited on Filters, Toma, Sam 2.. Phys.. 56, 4028-31 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Absfr.. 76, 133994T (1972) Goldberg, Samuel A , , Anal. Chem., 44, 431-2 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 76, (S66) Infrared Reflectance Apparatus for Powdered Sorbents, Schoenemann. M . . Eck89693T (1972). ermann, Th.. Kunath. D., Kriegsmann, (S49) Infrared Absorption by Atmospheric H . , EX^. Tech. Phys.. 20, 43-9 (1972) Aerosol Substances, Volz, Frederic F.. J. Geophys. Res., 77, 1017-31 (1972) (Ger), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 134060X (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 76, 89703W (1972) (1972) (S67) Use of Group Frequencies of Structural Analysis in the Raman Compared to the (S50) Infrared Emission Spectroscopy. I . Basic Infrared, Sloane, Howard J., Amer. Considerations, Griffiths, Peter R . , Appl. Chem. SOC.. Div. Org. Coatings Piast. Spectrosc.. 26, 73-6 (1972) (Eng), Chem., Pap 30, 27-42 (1970) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 76, 92445U (1972). Chem. Abstr., 77, 5945M (1972). (S51) Simple Deuteration Technique for the (S68) Infrared Analysis of Polymer Surfaces ldentification of OH and NH Vibrations in and Strata by Potassium Bromide Abrathe Far Infrared Region, Carlson, Gerald sion Techniques, Pearson. Louis R . L.. Fateley. William G.. Bentley. Freeibid.. 91-2 (Enq). Chem Abstr. 77, man F., Spectrochim. Acta. Part A. 28, 7360R (1972) 177-9 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr., 76, (S69) Hydrocarbon Analysis in Auto Exhaust by 926082 (1972) Various Instrumental Methods, Houben, (S52) Infrared Dispersion Filters for the 10-50 William P , Air Qual. Instrum.. 1, 138-48 p Spectral Region. Borisevich. N . A , (1972) (Eng). Chem Abstr.. 77, 9259P Vereschagin, V. G.. Chumakov, P N., (1972) Zh. Prikl. Spektrosk.. 15, 756-61 (1971) (Russ), Chem. Abstr., 76, 92901Q (S70) Application of Infrared Spectroscopy to the Study of Gas-Solid Interactions be(1972). tween Sulfur Dioxide in a Simulated Flue (S53) Infrared Studies of Drawn Polyethylene. Gas and Various Solid Adsorbents. BurI l l . Orientation of Vinyl and Methyl End ton, James s., Develop Appl. SpecGroups, Glenz, W., Peterlin. A , , Makrotrosc., 9, 143-59 (1971) (Eng). Chern mol. Chem., 150, 163-77 (1971) (Eng). Abstr.. 77, 9293V (1972) Chem. Abstr.. 76, 100219R (1972). (S71) Chemisorption of Carbon Monoxide on (S54) Apparatus for Instantaneously Measuring Tungsten. Correlation of Reflection-AbUltraviolet, Visibie, or Infrared Dichroism sorption Infrared Spectra with Carbon from Thin Polymer During High-speed Monoxide Binding State Population. Stretching, Wilkes, Garth L.. Uemura. Yates, John T., Jr., King, David A , SurY., Stein, Richard S., J . Polym. S o . . face Sci.. 30, 601-16 (1972) (Eng). Part A-2, 9, 2151-63 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 99222 (1972) Chem. Abstr., 76, 1003970 (1972) (S55) Pyroelectric Properties of Poly(Viny1i- (S72) Pyroelectric Thermal Imaging Devices, Putley. E. H . , Watton. R , Ludlow, J H , dene Fluoride) and its Use for Infrared Ferroelectrics. 3, 263-8 (1972) (Eng), Detection, Glass, A. M.. McFee, J. H . , Chem. Abstr.. 77, 10986E (1972) Bergman. J. G., Jr., J. Appl. Phys.. 42, (S73) Infrared Absorption in Small Ionic Crys5219-22 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. tals, Genzel. L., Martin. T P., Phys S f a 76, 1007640 (1972). tus Sohdi B. 51, 91-9 (1972) (Eng), (S56) Absorption Cell for Studying Corrosive Chem. Abstr.. 77, 116332 (1972) Gases at Low Temperature, Houdeau, J P., Larvor, M., Haeusler, C., Bull. Soc (S74) Happiness is a Class I! Spectrum. Sci. Bretagne, 46, 17-20 (1971) ( F r ) , Smith. A. Lee, Potts, W. J., Appl. Spectrosc., 26, 262-9 (1972) (Eng). Chem Chem. Abstr.. 76, 106319V (1972) Abstr.. 77, 117498 (1972) (S57) Echelette Gratings for Far Infrared. Quintard, Pierre, Belorgeot, Claude, Gili(S75) Routine Ozone Observations Comparibert. Yvon, Delorme. Pierre, Nouv. Rev. son of the Umkehr to the Infrared MethOpt. Appl., 2, 327-9 (1971) (Fr). Chem. od, Vigroux, E., Ann. Geophys , 27, A b s t r . 76, 106326V (1972) 507-11 (1971) ( F r ) . Chem Abstr 77, (S58) Demountable Gallery Infrared Cell for 12159M (1972). Soft Semisolids, Tovrog, T., Krawetz, A. (S76) Quantitative Spectral Purity MeasureA , , Rev. Sci. Instrum., 43, 564-6 (1972) ments on a Far Infrared Spectrophotom(Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 106328X eter, Erley. W.. Grosse, P., Z Angew (1972). Phys.. 32, 318-23 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 12191R (1972) (S59) Infrared Studies of Drawn Polyethy\ene, Glenz, W., Peterlin, A,, Kolloid-Z 2. (S77) Electric-Field Induced Vibrational SpecPolym.. 247, 786-94 (1971) (Ger), trum of Liquid Tetrachloroethylene, Chem. Abstr.. 76, 113693R (1972). Jones, D E. H.. J . Chem. S o c , Chem (S60) Application of the FMlR Frustrated MulCommun., 435-6 (1972) (Eng), Chem. tiple Internal Reflection\ Technique to Abstr.. 77, 18815U (1972) the IR-Spectroscopic identification of (S78) Cryostat for Studying Chemical ReacCoated Films and Papers, Jayme. tions by the Method of Matrix ConfineGeorg. Traser, Guenter. Angew. Makroment, Maltsev, A. K , Mikaelyan, R G , moi. C h e m . 21, 87-104 (1972) ( G e r ) , Nefedov, 0. M . , Cryogenics. 12, 146-8 Chem. Abstr.. 76, 115072M (1972) (1972) (Eng), Chern. Abstr. 77, 220655 (S61) infrared Absorption Cells for Use with (1972) Hydrogen Fluoride Gas, Popplewell, R . J (S79) Use of Far-Infrared Interferometric L . , . J . Phys E . 5 , 307-9 (1972) (Eng), Spectroscopy for Mineral ldentification, Chem Abstr.. 76, 119779V (1972) Larson, Sylvia J , Pardoe. G. W F., Gebbie. H A,, Larson. E E.. Amer. Minerai.. (S62) New Instrumentation for Far Infrared Fourier Spectrophotometers, Thorpe, L 57, 998-1002 (1972) (Eng), Chem Abstr.. 77, 22816N (1972) W., Neale, D. J., Hayward, G. C . Aspen l n t . Conf. Fourier Spectrosc., [Proc.] (S80) Infrared Laser System for Extended Area Monitoring of Air Pollution. Snowman. L 1970 (Pub. 1971), 187-99 (Eng), Edited R.. Gillmeister, R. J . , Joint Cont Sensing by Vanasse, George A,, NTIS: SpringEnviron. Pollutants. Coilect Tech Pap. field, Va , Chem. Abstr.. 76, 119782R 7977 (Pub. 1972), 71-1059, 9 pp (Engi, (1972). Amer lnst. Aeronaut Astronaut.. New (S63) High Precision Cryostat for Reflection York, N Y , Chem A b s t r . 77, 24312U and Transmission Studies, Kachare, A (1972). H., Layfield, J. D., Andermann, G., Rev Sci. Instrum.. 43, 625-8 (1972) (Eng), (S81) Usefulness of the Infrared Heterodyne Chem. Abstr.. 76, 11978511 (1972). Radiometer in Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Poilutants. Menzies, R T , Shu(S64) Diffuse Reflectance Spectra of Several Clay Minerals, Lindberg, James D . . Snymate, M . S . . !b!d.. 71-1083, 4 pp (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 24352G (1972) der, David G.. Amer. Mmerai.. 57, 48593 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, (S82) Study of the Stark Effect on a Vibrational-Rotational Transition of Ammonia 1337423 (1972) by Saturated Absorption Spectroscopy. (S65) Precision Spectroscopy of the Nitrous Ouhayoun. Michel. Borde. Christian, C. Oxide, 00"1-10"0 Laser Band by FreR. Acad. S c i . Ser. .B. 274, 411-14 quency Mixing in an Infrared. Metal(1972) ( F r ) , Chem. Abstr.. 77, 26875D Metal Oxide-Metal Point Contact Diode, (1972) Sokoloff, D . R . . Javan, A,, J . Chem. A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 4 6 , N O . 5, A P R I L 1 9 7 4


Spectroscopy between 5 and 6 e m with a Tunable Spin-Flip Raman Source, Wood, R. A,, Dennis, R . B . , Smith, J . W., Opt. Commun.. 4, 383-7 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 77, 269780 (1972) Four-Hundredth-Order Harmonic Mixing of Microwave and Infrared Laser Radiation Using a Josephson Junction and a Maser, McDonald. D . G., Risley, A. S., Cupp. J. D.. Evenson, K. M.. Ashley, J. R . , Appl. Phys. Lett.. 20, 296-9 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 77,272238 (1972). Infrared Spectra of Ammonia in the Atmosphere, Kiseleva, M. S., Sinel'nikova, G. E., Fedorova. E. O . , Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Fiz. Afmos. Okeana. 8, 333 (1972) ( R u s s ) , Chem. Abstr., 77, 27251J (1972). Optical Cryostat with Controlled Cooling in the Range 5 to 260"K, Osipov, Yu. V.. Cryogenics. 12, 233-4 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 27281U (1972) Measurement of the Apparatus Function of Infrared Spectral Devices Using Gas Lasers, Gomenyuk, A S., Ratner, E. S.. OptLMekh. Prom.. 39, 58-9 (1972) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 27283W (1972). Low Temperature and Small Sample Spectra Obtained by FTS [Fourier Transform Spectroscopy] with a Large Computer. Lauer, James L., Peterkin, Melvin E.. Develop. AppI. Spectrosc., 9, 73-107 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr , 77, 27298E (1972). Application of Multiple Internal Reflection Spectrometry to Aircraft Materials Evaluation, Bartels. T. T.. Anal. Chem.. 44, 1065-8 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 35412C (1972). Two Chemical Reactions That Can be Activated by the Infrared Radiation of a Carbon Dioxide Laser, Laurent, Volker. Kikindai, Tivadar. Bull. SOC. Chim F r . , 1258-64 (1972) ( F r ) , Chem. Absfr., 77, 39667N (1972) Pyroelectric Thermai Imaging Devices, Putley, E. H., Watton. R . , Ludlow, J. H., / E € € Trans Sonics Ultrason.. 19, 263-8 (1972) (Eng), Chem. A b s t r . 77, 40387C (1972). Infrared Spectrometry at 12 with a Mercury-Doped Germanium Detector. Application to the v , Band of Gaseous Carbonyl Sulfide. Nguyen-Van-Thanh, Rossi-Sonnichsen, Inga. Infrared Phys.. 12, 51-5 (1972) ( F r ) . Chem. Abstr.. 77, 411296 (1972). Far I R Fourier Spectrophotometer with Built-in "Real Time" Data Processing System, Milward, R . C., Irslinger. C.. Lossau, H . , Messtechnik (Brunswick), 79, 247-53 (1971) (Ger), Chem. A b s t r , 77, 41254U (1972) Specular Reflection of the Echelette Grating and Its Use as a Filter in the Far Infrared Region, Kudo. Keiei, Ogawa, Tsutomu, Arai. Toshihiro, Sci. Light (Tokyo), 20, 45-65 (1971) (Eng), Chem Absfr.. 77, 412611) (1972) Use of a Michelson Interferometer for Continuous Gas Anaiysis in the Far lnfraRed, Chantry. G. W., Fleming, J W., Fuller, D W.E., Gebbie, H.A,, lnfrared Phys., 12, 35-44 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 77, 42663P (1972). Micro Method for Measuring the Carbon Dioxide Release by Small Skin Areas, Thiele, F. A. J., Van Kempen, L. H J., Brit. J . Dermatoi.. 86, 463-71 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77,45076K (1972) Infrared Studies of Oxygen-Containing Groups on the Surface of Carbon Black, Studebaker. M. L , Rinehart. R . W., Rubber Chem. Techno/.. 45, 106-16 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 49718U (1972). Infrared Absorption Coefficients for Certain Pollutant Gases, Campani, P., Fang, C. S., Prengle. H. W., J r . , Appl. Spectrosc.. 26, 372-8 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 52034Y (1972) Infrared Spectrum of Water Dimer in Carbon Tetrachloride Solution, Atkins. P. W., Symons. M C. R , Mol. Phys.. 23,

831-4 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 77, 5 4 3 2 2 ~(1972). (S100) Optical Constants in the Infrared for Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Chloride, Querry, Marvin R . , Waring. Richard C.. Holland. Wayne E., Hale, G. Michael, Nijm. William, J. Opt. SOC. Amer., 62, 849-55 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Absfr.. 77, 54407W (1972) (S101) Infrared Spectroscopy in the Coming Decade, Overend, John, Anal. Instrum., 8, 11-5, 1-2 (1970) (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 77, 54418A (1972). (S102) Computer-Aided Visual Spectrum Analysis, Davis, A. R . , Irish, D . E., Roden, R. B., Weerheim, A. J.. Appl. Spectrosc.. 26, 384-9 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr., 77, 54458P (1972). (S103) Two-Beam Recording Device for Measurements of the Atmospheric Spectral Transmission in the Infrared, Georgievskii, Yu. S.. Shukurov. A. Kh.. Chavro, A. I . , Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Fiz. Atmos. Okeana. 8, 466-70 (1972) (Russ), Chem. Abstr., 77, 54788W (1972). (S104) High-pressure, High-Temperature Infrared-Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer Cell for in Situ Catalyst Studies, Tinker, H. Burnham. Morris, Donald E., Rev. Sci. Instrum.. 43, 1024-6 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 54792T (1972). (S105) High Specificity Carbon Monoxide Analyzer, McClatchie, E. A , , Compher, A. 8.. Williams, K G., Ana/. Instrum.. 10, 67-9 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Absfr., 77, 55936E (1972). (S106) Difficult Carbonaceous Materials and Their Infrared and Raman Spectra. Reassignments for Coal Spectra, Friedel. R . A.. Carlson, G. L.. Fuel, 51, 194-8 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 64460X (1972). (5107) Complex of Computer Programs for Processing infrared Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules, Kruglov. V. P., Gribov. L. A,. Zh. PrikI. Spekfrosk.. 16, 855-8 (1972) (Russ), Chem. Abstr., 77, 68019H (1972). (S108) High-Temperature Cell for Infrared Spectroscopy, Syal, S . K . , Yoganarasimhan. S. R., Indian J. Chem. Educ.. 3, 21-2 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 68429s (1972). ( s l o g ) Infrared Analysis for the Bench Chemist, Wilks, Paul A , . Jr., Amer. L a b . 3, 35-6. 38-9 (1971) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 69816C (1972). ( S l l O ) Attenuated Total Reflectance Studies of the Skin, Puttnam, N . A,, J . SOC. Cosmet. Chem., 23, 209-26 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 77, 69925N (1972). (S111) Sandwich Potassium Bromide Disk for Scanning Volatile Pesticides. Giang, Paul A,. Anal. Chem. 44, 1340-2 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 712318 (1972). (S112) Application of a Small Infrared Spectrophotometer in Pollution Analysis, Manning, Robert J.. Amer. Lab.. 3, 35-8, 40, 42 (1971) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 791170 (1972). (S113) Grid Polarizers for Use in the Near Infrared, Auton, J. P.. Hutley. M. C.. Infrared P h y s , 12. 95-100 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 820632 (1972) (S114) New Infrared Mulling Agent. Marr, David H., Anal Chem.. 44, 1551-2 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 89009V (1972) (S115) Infrared Spectroscopic View of Atmospheric Particulates over El Paso, Texas. Blanco, A J . , Mclntyre. R. G , Atmos. Environ.. 6, 557-62 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 92361J (1972) (S116) Oil Pollution Signatures by Remote Sensing, Catoe. Clarence E , McLean, James T , Ins?. Environ. S c i , Tech. Meet., Proc.. 18, 357-67 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 92522N (197P) (S117) Far Infrared Group Frequencies I I I . Symmetrical Aliphatic Ethers, Craven, S. M . . Bentley, F. F.. Appl. Spectrosc.. 26, 484-5 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 94933W (1972) (S118) Observation of the Inverse Lamb Dip for Intrared-Microwave Two-Photon Transi-

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tions. Freund. S. M . , Oka. T.. Appi. Phys. Lett.. 21, 60-2 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 94990N (1972) (S119) Infrared Spectral Data Retrieval by Computer, Massios. George A , Amer. Lab.. 3, 55-61 (1971) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 950190 (1972) (S120) Far Infrared Group Frequencies. 1 1 . Primary Amines, Craven, Stephen M.. Bentley, Freeman F.. AppI. Spectrosc.. 26, 449-53 (1972) (Eng). Chem Abstr.. 77, 950702 (1972). (S121) Infrared Holography in the 10.6 e Range and Its Use for Detecting Internal Defects in Materials, Karlov, N . V., Krynetskii. B. B., Mishin, V. A., Petrov, R . P., Kratk. Soobshch. F i z , 3-9 (1971) (Russ), Chem. A b s t r . 77, 95327P (1972). (5122) Computer System for Identification of Chemical Compounds from Their Spectral Characteristics. I I . Computer Search System for Retrieval of Sadtler Standard Infrared Spectra, Drobyshev. Yu. P., Nigmatullin, R . S.. Lovanov, V. I., Koroveinicheva. I K . , Bochkarev, V S.. Koptyug, V. A,, Izv Sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim. Nauk. 108-14 (1972) (Russ), Chem. A b s t r , 77, 96627Y (1972). (S123) Automated Chemical Structure Analysis of Organic Compounds. Computer Program for Analysis of Small-Sized Compounds, Abe. Hidetsugu, Sasaki, Shinichi, Sci. Rep Tohoku U n i v . Ser 1. 55, 63-80 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 100270M (1972) (S124) Tunable Infrared Laser Spectroscopy of Atmospheric Water Vapor, Blum, F. A,. Nill. K. W., Kelley, P. L , Calawa, A R , Harman, T. C.. Science, 177, 694-5 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 107171Y (1972). (S125) High-Resolution Spectroscopy Using Magnetic-Field-Tuned Semiconductor Lasers. NIII, K. W., Blum. F . A , . Calawa. A R , Harman T C AppI Phys Lett 21, 132-4 (1972) (Eng)'. Chem Abstr 77. 107496H (1972) , , (S126) Accurate Measurement of Carboxyl and Hydroxyl End-Group Concentrations in Poly(Ethy1ene Terephthalate) Film by Infrared Spectroscopy, Addleman. R L.. Zichy, V. J. I , Polymer. 13, 391-8 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr. 77, 115264W (1972) (S127) Remote Sensing of Air Pollution in Urban Atmospheres, Griggs, M , Ludwig, C B . . Streiff. M. L . , Proc. Int. Ciean A i r Congr., 2nd 7970 (Pub 1971). 500-3 (Eng). Edited by Englund. H. M . . Academic: New York, N Y , Chem Abstr 77, 117708T (1972) (S128) "Trading Rules" in Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, Griffiths. Peter R . . Ana/ Chem. 44, 1909-13 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr. 77, 120094V (1972). (S129) Fundamental infrared Spectrum of the Ammonium Ion in Aqueous Solutions, Low, M. J. D.. Yang, Ralph T., Spectrosc. Lett.. 5, 245-9 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr., 77, 120197F (1972) (S130) Infrared Reflection Spectra of Compressed Powders, Brunel. R . , Vierne, R . , Vergnoux, A M . , Powder Techno/. 6, 121-31 (1972) ( F r ) , Chem Abstr.. 77, 120336A (1972). (S131) Spectroscopy Using a Laser Source. I Experimental Study of the Line Intensities and Widths of the 0031-(10'002"O) I Transition of Carbon Dioxide, Arie. Eric, Lacome, Nelly, Rossetti. Colette, Can. J. Phys.. 50, 1800-4 (1972) (Eng), Chem Abstr. 77, 120364H (1972) (S132) Preparation and Calibration of Standards of Spectral Specular Reflectance, Richmond, J. C., Hsia. J . J , Nat B u r Stand. ( U . S . ) , Spec. P u b / . 1972. No 260-38, 47 pp (Eng), Chem. A b s t r , 77, 1206790 (1972) (5133) Electric-Field-Induced Shifts in the Infrared Spectrum of Conducting Nerve Axons, Sherebrin, M H , MacClement. Bera A. E , Franko, A J . , Biophys. J . .

12, 977-89 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 123071W (1972). (5134) Unit Containing an Infrared Gas Analyzer for Studying the Intensity of Gas Metabolism in Plants, Kiprin, V. I . , Voronkova, E. N . . Gavrilenko. V. F , Efol. Nauki. 15, 136-9 (1972) (Russ). Chem Abstr.. 77, 123495N (1972). ( S 135 I Kramers-Kronig Dispersion-Analysis Method for Treating Infrared Transmittance Data, Neufeld. J D.. Andermann. G , J . Opt SOC Amer.. 62, 1156-62 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 132730N (1972). (S136) Use of the NPVO-1 Perturbed Total Internal Reflection Attachment for Determining Optical Constants in the I R Region, Somsikov. A I . . Chmel, A. E., Opt. -Mekh Prom.. 39, 22-4 (1972) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 133115C (1972) (S137) Distribution of Carbonyl Groups in Polyethylene During Aging, Zabara, M . Ya., Piast. Massy. 37-9 (1972) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 140817M (1972). (S138) Infrared Spectrophotometric Study of the Mechanism of Aging of Catalytic Light Gas Oil, Mandl, Mladen, Nafta (Zagreb). 23, 264-71 (1972) (Croat), Chem. Abstr . 77, 142062K (1972) (S139) Instrumental Techniques. Grille Spectrometers, Moret-Bailly, Jacques, Mol. Spectrosc: Mod R e s , 327-41 (1972) (Eng). Edited by Rao, K. Narahari. Academic: New York, N Y., Chem. Abstr. 77, 146129K (1972) (S140) Low-Temperature Infrared Cell for Examining Unstable Gases, Liquids, and Solids, Bayersdorfer. L.. Minkwitz. R . , Jander. J , 2 Anorg. Allg. Chem.. 392, 137-42 (1972) (Ger). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 146136K (1972) (S141) Generation of Infrared Radiation in a Metal-to-Metal Point-Contact Diode at Synthesized Frequencies of Incident Fields. High-speed Broad-Band Light Modulator, Sanchez, A,, Singh. S. K . , Javan. A , Appl. Phys. Lett.. 21, 240-3 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 77, 146139P (1972) (S142) Variable Temperature Cryostat for Far Infrared Measurements at High Pressures, Keeler, G. J . , Batchelder. D . N . . J . Phys. E . 5, 931-2 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 77. 154343R (1972) (S143) Pyroelectric Infrared Detector, Yamaka, Eiso. Hayashi. Takeo, Masumoto, Mikio. Nakamura, Kunio, Shigiyama, Keigoro, Akiyama. Masaki, Kitahori, Kiyoharu, Nat. Tech. Rep (Matsushita Eiec. lnd. C O . Osaka), 18, 141-52 (1972) (Japan). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 15435311 (1972). (S144) Bureau of Mines Procedure for Evaluating Quartz Content of Respirable Coal Mine Dust, Goldberg, Samuel A , Jacobson, Murray, U s.. Bur. Mines Inform. Circ.. 1972, No. 8545, 10 pp. (Eng), Chem Abstr.. 77, 155971F (1972) (S145) Action o f a Laser of Powerful Carbon Dioxide on the infrared Spectra of Certain Gases. De Hemptinne, Marc, Bull. Ci Sci., Acad. Roy. Belg.. 57, 1020-8 (1971) ( F r ) , Chem. Abstr.. 77, 158201R (1972) (S146) Instrumental Techniques Large Plane Gratings for High-Resolution Infrared Spectrographs, Rao, K Narahari, Mol. Spectrosc.: Mod. Res.. 343-52 (1972) (Eng), Edited by Rao, K. Narahari. Academic: New York, N.Y.. Chem. Abstr.. 77, 158667X (1972) (5147) Measurement of Infrared Dichroism. Stress, and Strain of Elongated Polymers, Read, B. E., Huahes. D A , , Barnes, D C , Drury, F W - M , Polymer 13, 485-94 (1972) (Eng), Chem Abstr 77. 1652132 11972) (S148) Infrared Laser Modulated Molecular Beam Mass Soectrometrv Kaldor A Hastie J W Chem P i y s Lett 16, 328-31 (1972) (Eng) Chem Abstr 77, 170215F (1972) (S149) Cell for the Combined Study of Infrared and Raman Soectra of Adsorbed Molecules, Ravi, A.. Hardin, A. H.,Chem SCr. 2, 101-2 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 171133Q (1972).

(S150) Determination of the Origin of Greek Amber Artifacts by Computer-Classification of Infrared Spectra, Beck, Curt W . , Adams, Audrey B., Southard, Gretchen C., Fellows, Constance, Sci. Archaeol.. Symp. Archaeol. Chem.. 4th 1968 (Pub. 1971), 235-40 (Eng). Edited by Brill, Robert H.. MIT: Cambridge, Mass.. Chem. Abstr.. 78, 3290R (1973). (S151) Automatic Gas Analyzer and Results of Recording Carbon Monoxide in the Air, Pevzner. E. A , Saitsev. A S . , T r . GI. Geofiz. Observ. No. 254, 198-204 (1971) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 7383W (1973). (5152) Interference Spectrometer for the Remote Sensing of Pollutants, Schindler, Rudolf A,, J . Spacecr. Rockets. 9, 71415 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 7391): (1973). (S153) Continuous Measurement of Hydrocarbons in Vehicle Exhaust, Simpson. C. C., Aust. J. Insfrum. Contr., 28, 58-61 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Absfr.. 78, 7392Y (1973) (S154) Lattice Vibrational Spectra of Five Crystal Modifications of Thiourea. ~. Bandv. Alan, Cessac, ~GeraldL., Lippincott, Ellis R . , Spectrochim. Acta. Part A, 28, 1807-12 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr., 78, 9623Y (1973). (S155) Laser Induced Infrared Fluorescence. Thermal Heating, Mass Diffusion, and Collisional Relaxation in Sulfur Hexafluoride, Bates, Richard D., J r . , Knudtson. J. Thomas, Flynn, George W., Ronn, A. M.. J. Chem. Phys., 57, 4174-90 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 98036 (1973). (S156) Apparatus to Measure Very Small Changes of Infrared Reflectivity at Low Temperatures and High Magnetic Fields, Apps. M . J.. Huntley. D . A.. J. Phys. E. 5 , 1075-80 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 10078F (1973). (S157) Infrared Spectroscopy Used to Study the Chemical Composition of Plague and Pseudotuberculosis Antigens, Taranenko, T. M., Dal'vadyants. S. M . , Borovikova. T. P., Kovalev, I . F.. Dernova, V. S., Probl. Osobo Opasnykh Infek.. 37-41 (1972) (Russ). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 14277T (1973). (S158) Automated infrared Analyses of Ethylene/Propylene Copolymers, Brame. Edward G.. Jr.. Barry, James E., Toy, Francis J . , Jr.. Anal. Chem.. 44, 2022-6 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 16590P (1973), (S159) Use Of infrared Specular Reflectance in Study of Ultraviolet Degradation of Polymer Films, Isakson, Kenneth E.. J . Paint Technol.. 44, 41-62 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 17732Y (1973). (S160) Temperature Dependence of the Width of Infrared Absorption Bands of Organic Liquids, Moharram. Mohamad A. K., 2. Phys. Chem.. (Leipzig), 251, 33-40 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 22100V (1973) (S161) Infrared-Microwave Double Resonance in Formaldehyde with a Zeeman-Tuned 3.5 p m Helium-Xenon Laser, Takami. Michio, Shimoda, Koichi, Jap. J. Appl. Phys.. 11, 1648-56 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 22116E (1973). (S162) Stimulated Spin-Flip Raman Scattering. Magnetically Tunable Infrared Laser. I , Dennis, R. B., Pidgeon. C. R . . Smith, S D.. Wherrett. B. S., Wood, R . A,. Proc. Roy. SOC. London. Ser. A. 331, 203-36 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 22328A (1973) (S163) Infrared Spectrophotometry for Carbon in Silicon as Calibrated by Charge Particle Activation, Endo, Yoshiyuki. Yatsurugi, Yoshifumi, Akiyama, Nobuyuki, Nozaki, Tadashi. Anal Chem.. 44, 2258-62 (1972) (Eng), Chem Abstr.. 78, 23569s (1973). (S164) "Application of Fourier Transform Spectroscopy for Gas Chromatograph Effluent Analysis and Structural Studies." Lephardt, John Oscar, (Univ. Maryland, College Park, Md.) 1972 135 pp., (Eng). Univ. Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Order No. 72-21.124.. Chem. Abstr.. 78, 23588X (1973). ~~

(S165) Technique for the Transfer of Alkaloids from Thin-Layer Plates to Potassium Bromide Discs for Spectroscopy. Court, W. E., Habib. M . S., J . Chromatogr , 73, 274-6 (1972) (Eng), Chem. A b s t r . 78, 25953M (1973) (S166) Accurate Estimation of Low Carbon Dioxide Content of Fluids by Infrared Analysis, Van Kempen, L H . J.. Kreuzer. F , Oxygen Affinity Hemoglobin Red Cell Acid Ease Status. Proc. Alfred Benzon Symp.. 4th 7971 (Pub. 1972). 247-9 (Eng). Edited by Roerth: M . , Munksgaard: Copenhagen, Den., Chem. Abstr.. 78, 25994A (1973) (S167) Signal Modification in the CorrelationMask Sensing Technique, McCreight. C. R . , Tien, C. L.. J. &ant Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. 12, 1707-12 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 35639C (1973) (S168) Far Infrared Group Frequencies. IV. Unsymmetrical Hydrazines. Craven, S. M . . Bentley. F F., Pensenstadler. D. F , Appl. -Spectrosc.. 26, 646-8 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 35858Y (1973). (S169) Structure of the Carbon Monoxide Binding Site of Hemocyanins Studied by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Fager, Lei Yen, Alben, James O., Biochemistry. 11, 4789-92 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 3963311 (1973) (S170) Chemical Structure of Highly Purified Antigens of Coliform Bacteria and their Derivatives Based on Infrared Spectroscopic Data, Rostovtseva. N . A,. Zvenigorodskaya, V. P.. Tsvetkova. N . V . , Vaktsiny Syvorotki. No 12, 50-5 (1970) (Russ). Chem Abstr. 78, 41268X (1973). (S171) Identifying Finishes by Infrared Spectroscopy. Fluorochemicals and Flame Retardants, Morris, Nancy M . , McCall, Elizabeth R., Tripp, Verne W., Text. Chem. Color.. 4, 283-6 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 44906Q (1973) (S172) Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy in Coatings Industry. I V . Reflection/Absorption Spectra, Low, M . J . D . , Mark, H.. J . Paint Technol.. 44, 52-7 (1972) (Eng), Chem Abstr. 78, 45124V (1973). (S173) Gas Cell with a Long Path Used in the Far Infrared, Belorgeot. CI., Quintard. P., Gilbert, Y.. Delorme. P., Nouv Rev. Opt. Appl.. 3, 217-20 (1972) ( F r ) , Chem. Abstr.. 78, 50462H (1973) (S174) Practical Approach to Internal Reflection Spectroscopy, Wilks. Paul A,, J r . , Amer. Lab.. 4. 42-44. 46-48. 50-2. 54-5 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Absir.. 78, 52020M (1973). (S175) Infrared Spectroscopy in Testing Insulating Materials, Biacs, Peter, Elektrotechnika. 65, 175-80 (1972) (Hung), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 59945A (1973). (S176) Spectroscopy and Computers, Saeki, Shinnosuke, Kagaku No Ryofkf. Zokan. No. 98, 9-26 (1972) (Japan), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 64316A (1973) (S177) Kinetics of Excitation of Molecular Vibrations by Infrared Laser Radiation, Letokhov, V. S., Makarov, A A , , Z h . Eksp. Teor. Fiz.. 63, 2064-76 (1972) (Russ). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 64366s (1973). (S178) Effect of Atmospheric Exposure on the Infrared Reflectance of Silvered Mirrors with and without Protective Coatings, Burge. D K . , Bennett, H E.. Ashley, E. J , Appl. Opt. 12, 42-7 (1973) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 644592 (1973). (S179) Infrared Absorption by Surface Phonons and Surface Plasmons in Small Crystals, Genzel, L.. Martin, T P., Surface Sci.. 34, 33-49 (1973) (Eng), Chem. A b s t r . 78, 64676T (1973). (S180) Cuvette for Studying Infrared Multiple Reflection Spectra of Molecules Adsorbed on Metal Films, Muktritdinov, L. A,. Lygina, I A , , Zh. Fiz. Khim , 46, 2948-50 (1972) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 65065E (1973). (S181) Band-Pass Filters for the 20-100 p m Wave Region, Kozyrev. B. P., Mezenov, A. V., Shakunov, Yu. M . . lzv. Leningrad Elektrotekh. lnst. No. 94, 55-8 (1970)

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(Eng). Chem Abstr.. 78. 90656F 11973) New Fiber-Sampling Technique for Infrared Spectroscopy as Applied to Nylon 6 and Poly(Ethy1ene Terephthalate). Tir- (S218) pak, G. A,. Sibilia. J P.. J Appl. Polym. S o . . 17, 643-8 (1973) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 98855R (1973). High-Resolution Spectra of the ,Stratosphere between 30 and 200 c m - , Baluteau. J. P.. Bussoletti. E., Nature (Lon- (S219) don). Phys. Scr.. 241, 113-14 (1973) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 104315H (1973). Original Devices for an Infrared Mono- (S220) chromator ( 1 - 3 3 ~ )for Multiple Investigations. Cadene, M . , Benoit, C.. Rev Phys. Appl.. 7, 395-402 (1972) ( F r ) , Chem. Absfr., 78, 104343R ( 1973) Absorption Cells for the Study of Hydro- (S221) gen Halides at Variable Temperatures, Larvor, M., Houdeau, J P., J. Phys E . 6, 132-3 (1973) ( F r ) , Chem. Abstr.. 78, 104355W (1973) Chemistry of an Insect Wing, Brother Thomas McCullough. J . Chem. E d u c , (S222) 50, 101 (1973) (Eng), Chem Abstr. 78, 109927U (1973). Infrared Gages-Their Use, Deficiencies, and Applications for On-Line Control, Overhoff, M. W., Tappi. 56, 70-3 (1973) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, (8223) 112932X (1973). Sensitivity Limits for Extrinsic and Intrinsic Infrared Detectors. Blouke, M . M , Burgett, C 8 . . Williams, R L , Infrared P h y s , 13, 61-71 (1973) (Eng), Chem. (S224) Abstr , 78, 117487R (1973) Liquid Helium Cooled Photon Detectors. Cause, Prevention, and Remedy of Contamination, Dybwad. Jens P., Logan. Lloyd M . , ibid.. 73-4 (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 117493Q (1973) Improved Infrared in Situ Celi for Gas Adsorption Studies, Igarashi. A., Ogino. Y., Onodera, S I Rev. Sci. Instrum.. 44, (S225) 321-2 (1973) (Eng), Chem Abstr.. 78, 117496T (1973) Spectrographs and Spectrophotometers Operating from the Far to the Near Infrared Regions of the Spectrum, Aidarov, T. K , Ural. Konf. Spektrosk. 7th No 1, 5-9 (19711 ( R u s s ) , Chem Abstr.. 78, 1174971) (1973). Puised Matrix Isolation. Comparative Study. Perutz. R. N.. Turner, J . J , J . (S226) Chem SOC, Faraday Trans. 2 . 69, 45261 (1973) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 1 17505V ( 1973). Spectral Transmission of Polyethylene Powder Filters with a One-Component (S227) Filler in the 4000-40cm-' Spectral Region. Chernyavskaya, N . A , Rudyavskaya, I G.. Petrova, T. N , Opt Mekh. Prom.. 39, 61-2 (1972) ( R u s s ) , (S228) Chem. Abstr.. 78, 125554A (1973). Compact, Windowless Reflectance Furnace for Infrared Studies of Corrosive Melts, Barker. A. J . , J Phys E . 6. 241-4 (1973) (Eng), Chem Abstr.. 78, (S229) 126164K (1973). Infrared Nondestructive Testing Techniques in Which a Scanning Carbon Dioxide Laser Heat Source is Used, Amoruso, M . J , Van Damme, G E.. McGarvey. J. W , U . S . Nat Tech l n - (S230) form. Serv.. AD R e p , 1970, No. 752461, 18 pp. (Eng), Avail NTIS, Chem. Abstr , 78, 126344U (1973) Stratospheric Nitrogen Dioxide from Infrared Absorption Spectra. Ackerman. M . , Muller, C., Nature (London). 240, (S231) 300-1 (1972) (Eng), Chem. A b s t r . 78, 127267H (1973) Cryostat with Pneumatic Device for Optical Measurements in the Far Infrared Region, Vodop'yanov. L. K . . Kopanev. V (5232) D.. Cryogenics. 13, 108-10 (1973) (Eng), Chem Abstr.. 78, 138283M (1973) Cryostat for Studying Optical Absorption Under Uniaxial Stress, Dzhafarov. T . D.. Rodkin. E. A., ibid.. 111-12 (Eng). (S233) Chem. Abstr.. 78, 138284N (1973) Reflection-Absorption Infrared Spectrum of aipha Carbon Monoxide Chemisorbed on Polycrystalline Tungsten. Yates. John (S234)

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J. Amer. Ceram. Soc.. 55, 53-4 (1972) (Eng) , Chem. Abstr , 76,89434J (1972). Metal Carbonyl Vapors. Rapid Quantitative Analysis by Infrared Spectrophotometry. McDowell. Robin S., Amer. lnd. Hyg. A s s . . J , 32, 621-4 (1971) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 76, 897202 (1972) Specialized Instruments for the Determination of Sulfur by the Combustion Method I I I , Nebesar, Boris, J . Chem. Educ., 49, A63-A64, A66. A68. A70, A72 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 76, 94052N (1972) Thin Liquid Infrared Cell for Quantitative Studies Using Aqueous Solutions, Rissmann, E F.. Anal. Chem.. 44, 644-6 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 940912 (1972) Infrared Spectrophotometric Determination of MPMC [3.4-Xylyl N-Methylcarbamate] and MTMC [m-Tolyl N-Methylcarbamate], Kotakemori. Masato, Yamaoka, Katashi, Obayashi. Kenzo. Meiii Seika Kenkyu Nempo. 22, 9-12 (1970) (Japan), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 95561Q (1972) Far-Infrared Interference Technique for Determining Epitaxial Silicon Thickness, Saifi, M A , , Stolen, R H , J . Appi. P h y s , 43, 1171-7 (1972) (Eng), Chem A b s t r . . 76, 105988A (1972). Application of Diffuse Reflectance Spectrum in the Infrared Region to Analytical Chemistry I . Relation between the Concentration and Absorbance of Diffuse Reflection Spectrum in the Infrared Region, Ishii. Eizen. Mamiya, Masato. Murakami. Tetsuro, Nippon Kagaku Kaishi. 353-8 (1972) (Japan), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 107505Q (1972) Determination of Primary and Secondary Fatty Aiiphatic Amines in the Presence of Large Amounts of Nitrile by Near-lnfrared Spectroscopy, Stage, R . B , Stanley, J. B.. Moseley, P. B . , J Amer. Oi/ Chem SOC. 49, 87-9 (1972) (Eng). Chem Abstr . 76, 1076888 (1972). Determination of the Crosslink Density of Divinyibenzenestyrene Copolymers, Laskorin, B N . . Fedorova. L A., Stupin, N P I Plast. Massy. 46-9 (1971) ( R u s s ) , Chem A b s t r . 76, 1140722 (1972) Determination of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Petroleum Fractions by Infrared Spectroscopy. Fallah, A , . Badakhshan, A.. Etemad-Moghadam, P , Seyed-Ahmadi. A , Bull /ran Petrol. I n s t . . No. 44, 1-13 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 1 15684N (1972) Procedure for Determining the Concentration of Hydroxyl Groups on Silica Surfaces. Madelev. J D . . Richmmond, R . C , Z Anorg Ailg Chem.. 389, 92-6 (1972) (Eng), Chem Abstr.. 76, 117792V (1972) Instrument for the Determination of Ethanol in Breath in Law-Enforcement Practice, Harte, R. A,. J . forensic Sci.. 16, 493-510 (1971) (Eng), Chem A b s t r . 76, 1224902 (1972). Use of IR Spectroscopy for Determining Dissolved Water Content in Liquid Hydrocarbons. Aiekseeva, N . M . . Yudovich, E. E., Zh. Priki Spektrosk , 15, 1076-9 (1971) (Russ). Chem A b s t r . . 76, 128372J (1972) Silica Determination. Comparing Methods X-Ray and Infra-Red Spectrography, Fernandez. C , M e d Segur Trab 19, 39-44 (1971) (Span). Chem Abstr.. 76, 131126N (1972). Application of Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy to Examination of Drugs and Their Preparations. XXI . Determination of the Mixture of Polymorphic Forms of Silicon Dioxide (Cristobalite and Quartz) by Potassium Bromide Disk Method, Kolima. Shigeo. Horibe. Takashi, Oba, Takuma, Eisei Shikenjo Hokoku. 9-13 (1971) (Japan), Chem. A b s t r , 76, 131431H (1972) infrared Determination of Carboxyl and Hydroxyl Contents of Functionally Terminated Polybutadienes, Tompa. Albert S . , Ana/ Chem.. 44, 628-30 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 76, 142056R (1972).

(Q44) Infrared Spectroscopic Determination of Combined Acrylonitrile in Butadiene-Nitrile Rubbers, Zafranskii, Yu. N . , Ivanova, Z. M . . Lukashevskaya, A. V.. Libman, 2. G., Sidorova. K . P., Prom. Sin. Kauch. Nauch.-Tekh. Sb.. No. 11, 17-19 (1970) (Russ), Chem. Abstr., 76, 142058T (1972), ( 0 4 5 ) Quantitative Determination of Pyrene and Fluoranthene in the Coal-Tar Fractions by Infrared Absorption Spectra, Noskova, Z. I . , Lipatova, L. F., Khim. Prod. Koksovaniva Ualai Vostoka SSSR. No. 6. 237-41 ( i 9 7 0 j (Russ), Chem. Ab%: 76, 14327111 (1972). (Q46) Quantitative Analysis of Polybutadienes Using Difference Infrared Spectra, Vodehnal. J.. Koessler, I., Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun., 36, 4040-6 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 76, 155205P (1972) (Q47) Determination of the Nature of Styrene Arrangement in Molecular Chains of Butadiene-Styrene Copolymers, Masagutova. L. V., Guseva, V. I., Alekseeva, K. V., Semenova, L. P.. Prom. Sim. Kauch. Nauch.-Tekh. Sb. No. 12, 5-8 (1970) (Russ), Chem. Abstr., 76, 155235Y (1972) (Q48) Determination of Alkylbenzenesulfonate in Polluted Water by Methylene Blue Colorimetry and Infrared Spectrometry, Ambe, Yoshinari, Hanya, Takahisa, Bunseki Kagaku. 21, 252-6 (1972) (Japan), Chem. Abstr., 76, 157982P (1972) (Q49) Possible Determination of a Concentration Profile in Heavily Doped lon-lmplanted Silicon Layers Based on I R Reflection Spectra, Strel'tsov. L. N.. Khaibullin, I , B., Fiz. Tekh. Poluprov.. 6, 589 (1972) (Russ), Chem. Abstr., 76, 159986s (1972). (Q50) Determination of Nicotine in Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke by Infrared Spectroscopy, Nikolin, B., Nikolin, A,, AlicDzemidzic, A,, Glas. Hem. Tehnol. Eosne Hercegovine. No. 17, 31-4 (1969) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 1413P (1972). ( Q 5 l ) Determination of Monomer Distr/bution in Copolymers Using Gel Permeation Chromatography and Infrared Spectroscopy, Anderson, Dennis G., Isakson, Kenneth E , Amer. Chem. SOC.. Div. Org. Coatings Plast. Chem.. Pap. 30, 123-8 (1970) (Eng), Chem. A b s t r . . 77, 5949R (1972). (Q52) Quantitative Analysis of Nitrocellulose in Alkyd Lacquers by Infrared Spectroscopy, Ages, D . T., Bowen, B. C.. J. Mater 6, 766-73 (1971) (Eng). Chem. Abstr. 77, 7376A (1972). (Q53) Quantitative Analysis of Mixtures of Bassanite. Anhydrite, and Gypsum by the Infrared Absorption Method, Gallus-Oiender, Joanna, Chem. Anal. (Warsaw). 17, 139-45 (1972) (Pol), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 13596P (1972) (Q54) Infrared Spectrophotometric Determination of Domestic Aerosol insecticides Containing Dimethyl 2.2-Dichlorovinylphosphate (DDVP). I . Mixture of DDVP, Methylene Chloride, and Freon, Morgantini, Marcello, Spina, Anna M . , D'Acunzo, Guiiiano. Piombino, Orlando, Boil. Lab. Chim. Prov.. 22, 735-9 (1971) (Ital), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 15355H (1972). ( 0 5 5 ) Quantitative Determination of Methyl Octadecadienoate Hydroperoxides by Infrared Spectroscopy, Fukuzumi, K . , Kobayashi, E., J . Amer. Oii Chem S o c . 49, 162-5 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 219500 (1972) (Q56) Cation Determinative Curves for Magnesium-Iron-Manqanese Olivines from Vibrational Spec'ira, Burns, Roger G . , Huggins, Frank E , Amer. Minefa/.. 57, 967-85 11972) (Enol. Chem. Abstr.. 77. 22829U (1972) ( 0 5 7 ) Gas Chromatography Versus Infrared Spectrometry for Determination of Mmera1 Oil Dissolved in Water Jeltes R Den Tonkelaar W A M , Water Res 6 , 271-8 (1972) (Enq) Chem Abstr 77, 24595P (1972) (Q58) Solvent Effects in the Determination of Cyclopentanone by Infrared Spectrosco-
















py, Cook, C . D . , George, W. O., Analyst (London), 97, 250-3 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 77, 28620R (1972) Determination of Breath Alcohol by Infrared Gas Analyzer, Fukui, Yuko. Yamamota. Yoshiko, Med., S o . Law, 11, 182-6 (1971) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 29866N ( 1972), Infrared Spectroscopic Determination of P- and 0-Substituted Phenol Rings in Phenol-Formaldehyde Novolak Resin, Shvets. D. P.. Yakovleva, G. F . , Fiz.Khim. Metody Ana/., No. 1, 96-9 (1970) (Russ). Chem. Abstr., 77, 35345H (1972), Identification and Determination of Selected Polymers Using Infrared Spectroscopy, Jasper, B. T., J. l R l (Inst. Rubber lnd.), 3, 72-6 (1969) (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 77, 359342 (1972) Determination of Tread Vulcanizate Polymers by Pyrolysis-Infrared Spectrophotometry, Mills, W., Jordan, M. J . , ibid., 4, 60-6 (1970) (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 77, 35964J (1972). Determination of Methane Traces in Hydrogen on an IKS-12 Infrared Spectrometer, Salamatina, G. A , , Sarina. M. G.. Fiz.-Khrm. Metody Anal., No. 1, 69-90 (1970) (Russ), Chem. Abstr., 77, 42909Y (19721. Method of the Quantitative Measurements of I R Spectra of Pectin Films, Filippov, M. P., Shteinman, B. I . , Uglevody Sel.-Khoz Rast.. 82-6 (1971) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 45077M (1972). Characterization of Linear Polyethylene SRM 1475. II. Determination of Total Methyl Content by Infrared Spectrophotometry, Brown, James E , J . Res. Nat. Bur. Stand.. Sect. A. 76, 141-2 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 77, 48958K (1972) Infrared Quantitative Analysis of Mixtures Containing lsopropenyl Stearate, Steric Acid, Stearic Anhydride, and Mixed Stearic-Acetic Anhydride, Calhoun, Mary J.. DellaMonica, Edward S.. Appl. Spectrosc . 26, 96-9 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 50515G (1972) Determination of Polymorphous Forms of Chloramphenicol Palmitate by Infrared Spectrophotometry, Ebel, Franlo, Mastilovic, Olivera, Jehnika (Beigrade), 27, 546-51 (1972) (Croat). Chem. Abstr , 77, 5226011 (1972) Comparison of Infrared and Activation Analysis Results in Determining the Oxygen and Carbon Content in Silicon. Gross, Chris, Gaetano. Gianni, Tucker, T. N . , Baker, J, A,, J. Electrochem. SOC.. 119, 926-9 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 560538 (1972). Determination of Acetonitrile in Aqueous Solutions by I R Absorption Spectrophotometry, Panovici. loana I., Crisan. loan AI., Lucr. Conf. Nat. Chim. Ana/.. 3rd. 2, 181-5 (1971) (Rom). lnst Cent. Cercet. Chim : Bucharest, Rom., Chem. Abstr.. 77, 56210A (1972). Determination of Aniline, Ethylbenzene, Nitrobenzene, and Styrene in a Mixture by I R Absorption Spectrometry, Tomi, Balasa, Simion, Alexandru. Manoliu, Corneliu. ibid.. 187-92 (Rom). Chem Abstr.. 77, 56212C (1972) Chemical Composition of Amorphous Phosphate Conversion Coatings on Aluminum as Determined by infrared Spectroscopy, Nimon, Larry A , , Korpi, Glen K., Piafing (East Orange. N . J . ) , 59, 421-4 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Absfr.. 77, 63472R (1972) Infrared Spectroscopic Determination of the Amount of Melamine-Formaldehyde Resin in Paper, Inshakov, M . D., Moshkovskaya, L V , Tr. Vses. Nauch.-lssled. lnst. Tse//yu/.-Bum Prom.. No 57, 175-80 (1970) '(Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 636666 (1972) Infrared Determination of Nitrogen in Raw Nitrocellulose and Nitrocellulose Contained in Propellants on a Macro and Semimicro Scale, Norwitz, George, Chasan, David E., U . S . Nat. Tech. Inform. Serv.. A D Rep.. 1972, No. 738850, 20

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Gravshenko. A. I., Zh. Anal. Khim.. 27, pp. Eng Avail. NTIS. Chem. Abstr.. 77, 1224-6 (1972) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 64193N (1972) 77, 121903V (1972) Infrared Spectroscopic Quantitative Determination of CH2 and Me Groups in (Q89) Infrared Spectroscopic Investigations on Coated Papers. Quantitative DeterminaParaffin-Naphthene Fractions of Petroletion of Coating Components by the FMlR ums, Proskuryakova, E. E., Gromova, N. [Frequency-Modulated Infrared] TechS., Tr. Vses. Nauch.-lssled. Geologonique, Jayme, Georg. Traser. Guenter, razved. Neft. lnst. No. 97, 33-44 (1970) Papier (Darmsfadt), 26, 345-51 (1972) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 64343M (Ger), Chem. Abstr., 77, 128372E (1972). (1972) I R-Spectroscopic Determination of Aromatic CH- and CH3-Groups in Coals. (Q90) Determination of the Degree of Orientation of Kaolinite by Infrared InvestigaAngelova, G., Zgurovska. E., Lazarov, L., Izv. Otd. Khim. Nauki. Bulg. Akad. tion, Reh, Herbert, Ber. Deut. Ges. Geol. Wiss.. Reihe E, 15, 345-61 (1970) Nauk.. 4, 605-10 (1971) (Bulg). Chem. (Ger), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 128798Y Abstr.. 77, 64454Y (1972). (1972). Methods of Qualitative Determination of the Composition of Stilbite Minerals, Fili- ( Q 9 l ) Infrared Spectrophotometric Determination of Chloramphenicol Palmitate Polyzova, L. D . , Kirov, G. N.. Petrov, S. L . , morphs, Ebel, Franjo, Mastilo-Vic, OlivD o k l Bolg. Akad. Nauk, 24, 1679-82 era, Hem. lnd.. 26, 102-7 (1972) (1971) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 77, (Croat), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 130666): 64588V ( 1 972). (1972). Determination of Cobalt Carbonyls in Products of Oxo-Svnthesis by Infrared (Q92) Quantitative Criterion for Selecting OptiSpectrophotometry, Svajgl, Oldrich, mum Wavelengths for the Analysis of Multicomponent Mixtures Based on AbChem. Prum.. 22, 233-9 (1972) (Czech), Chem. Abstr., 77, 696906 ~ , r ~AF:r~ :a,"a2i, n ~ ~ 8 ~ 119721. Determination of Lebaycid and Precur(Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 134861E (1972). sors by Gas Chromatography, Infrared Spectroscopy, and Radiochromatogra- ( 0 9 3 ) Determining the Content of Bound aphy, Martin Mira, J., Garcia Perez, M . , Methylstyrene in Butadiene-&-Methylstyrene RubbersG,, bySidorova, Infrared SpectroscoParellada. R . . Angoso, M.. Rev. AgroK, p , Ivanpuim Tecnol Aliment.. 11, 446-56 py, ova, 2 . M . . Prom. Sin. Kauch.. Nauch.(1971) (Span), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 71221Y (1972). No.77, 10,141167M 13-15 (1971) (Russ), Tekh. Sb., Chem. Abstr.. (1972). Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis of Fiber Blends l i Quantitative Analysis of AN (Q94) Selective Dissolution and Differential Infrared SDectroscoDv in Quantitative MinIAcrvlic-Nvlonl Fiber Blends. Cho. hwan. C h i , Yong Suk. Lee, Kwang Bae, eralogical Analysis-of Volcanic-Ash Soil Chung, Won Kyu, Sumyu Konghak Hoeii. Clays, Wada. K., Tokashiki, Y., Geoder8, 125-30 (1971) (Korean), Chem. ma. 7, 199-213 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 142513H (1972). Abstr.. 77, 764710 (1972). Determination of Trace Quantities of Vol- (Q95) Quantitative Analysis of Copolymers by atile Fiuoride in Uranium Hexafluoride I R Spectroscopy, Perepletchikova. E. Using an Infrared Spectrophotometer. M., Pomerantseva, E. G , Tsareva. L. A , Aubeau, Raymond, Blandenet. Gerard, Andreeva. G. V., Krats. E. 0 . . Plast. Brogniart, Guy, Anal Chem.. 44, 1628Massy. 71-2 (1972) (Russ). Chem. 40 (1972) (Eng). Chem Abstr.. 77, Abstr , 77, 152784M (1972) (Q96) Absolute Determination of the Crystallini83197H (19721. ty of Poly(Ethy1ene Terephthalate) Fiber Application of infrared Gas Analyzer to Determination of Breath Alcohol, Fukui, by Infrared Spectrophotometry, EdelmYuko, Yarnamoto, Yoshiko, Arukoru ann, Kurt, Wyden, Horst, Kauf. Gummi Kenkyu 6, 39-44 (1971) (Japan), Kunstst.. 25, 353-7 (1972) (Ger), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 15364OY (1972) Chem. Abstr.. 77, 84094J (1972) Infrared and Chemical Investigation of ( 0 9 7 ) Determination of Hexahydro-l,3,5-Trinithe Acid Tin Chloride Method of Detertro-s-Triazine (RDX) in Octahydromining Quinones in Humus, Mathur, 1,3,5.7-Tetranitro-s-Tetrazocine (HMX) SOC. Amer.. Proc , by Infrared Spectrophotometry, Grindlay, Sukhdev P., Soil Sci J. W.. Anal. Chem.. 44, 1676-8 (1972) 36, 611-16 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 87096X (1972). (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 154615F Quantitative Infrared-Spectroscopic In(1972) vestigations of Hydrothermaily Hardened ((298) Determination of N-Butyryl-N,-CarLime Sand Masses, Henning. Otto. bethoxymethylendiamine by IR SpectroGerstner, Bernd, Wiss. Z. Hochsch. Arphotometry, Sterescu, M., Wohl, L., Arichitekt B a u w , Weimar. 18, 599-604 zan, S.. Voinov, V . , loan, c., Chim. (1971) (Ger), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 92274H Anal. (Bucharest), 2, 132-4 (1972) (1972). (Rom). Chem. Abstr., 77, 15636111 Combined Column-Chromatographic and (1972). Infrared Spectrophotometric Determina- (Q99) Infrared Spectrophotometric Determination of Diosgenin and Yamogenin in tion of Small Amounts of Lactic and PyFenugreek Seed, Hardman. Roland, Jefruvic Acids, Riva, Alfredo, Bisognani, feries, T M., Analyst (London), 97, Mario, Anal. Chem.. 44, 2101 (1972) 437-41 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 159894F 98437K (1972) (1972). Infrared Spectroscopic Methods for the (QlOO) Determination of Impurity Composition Direct Determination of 6-Caprolactam in and Formation Temperature of Vein and Polycaprolactam. Zapol'skii. D . G.. Oleiother Quartzes from Infrared Spectra. nik, V . G., Narbut, A. V., Plyasun. G. G., Dolomanova, E. I., Gasoyan. M. S., RudBil'dinov, K. N . , Khim. Volokna. 14, nitskaya, E. S.. Tyutneva. G. K., Uspen18-20 (1972) (Russ). Chem. Abstr.. 77, skaya. A. E., Tr. Mineral. Muz.. Akad. 1031190 (1972). Nauk SSSR. No. 21, 35-50 (1972) Determination of Phthalimide Pesticide (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 167110N Residues in Wine, Biro, Mrs Laszlo, Ne(1972). hezvegyip. Kut Intez. Kozlem.. 4, 123- (0101) Infrared Spectroscopic Determination of 30 (1972) (Hung), Chem. Abstr.. 77, Poly-@-HydroxybutyricAcid in Hydrogen Bacteria, Anistratova. N . A., Eroshin. N. 112550A (1972). Infrared Spectroscopic Determination of S , Trubachev. I . N.. Sid'ko. F. Ya , l z v . the Degree of Unsaturation of Oligoester Sib. Otd. Akad Nauk SSSR. Ser. Bioi. Acrylate Films, Mogilevich. M . M.. UdalNauk. 139-41 (1972) ( R u s s ) , Chem. ova, A V . . Karyakina. M. I , i a k o k r a Abstr.. 78, 1669): (1973). soch. Mater. lkh Primen.. 47-50 (1972) (Q102) Determination of c 6 - C ~ by Infrared (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 77, 116139W Spectroscopy, Baranova, G I . , Shmuly(1972). akovskii, Ya. E., Gidroformilirovanre. Spectrophotometric Determination of 229-31 (1972) (Russ), Edited bv IrnyanAnhydrides of Dibasic Acids in Their Moitov. N S . , Chem. Abstr.. 78, 11297P nomethyl Esters, Antonenko, N . S . , (1973)


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((2103) Determination of 1-Octene and Products of its Catalytic Isomerization, Sokolov. A. G., Karasev. Yu. 2 . . Nettepererab. Neftekhim. (Moscow), 41-2 (1972) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 184750 (1973), (Q104) Determination of Dolomite and Magnesite by Infrared Spectrophotometry, Predali, Jean Jacques, Berube. Yves. Bull. SOC. Fr. Mineral. Cristallogr., 95, 392-6 (1972) (Fr), Chem. Abstr., 78, 235322 (1973). (QlO5) Infrared Spectroscopic Determination of the Solubility of Water in Chlorinated Hydrocarbons, Simonov, V. D.. Popova, L. N., Shamsutdinov, T. M., Pogulyai, V. E., Mamina, F. A,, Dokl. Neftekhim. Sekts., Bashkir. Respub. Pravl., Vses. Khim. Obshchest.. No. 6, 346-51 (1971) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 23675Y (1973). ((2106) ComDarison of Manometric and Infrared Methods for Determining Carbon Monoxide in Blood, Myhre. Loren G., Clin. Chem.. 18. (1972) -, 909-10 ... , - -, 1Eno) >a , Chem. Abstr 78. 248096(1973\ (Q107) ; o Determination ~ ~ ~ of~ Malathion ~ j and Diethyl Maleate, Biro, Mrs. Laszlo, Nadasy, Miklos, Somogyl, Mrs. Antal. Nehezvegyip. K u t . lntez. Kozlem., 4, 93-7 (1972) (Hung), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 25070W (1973). (Q108) Determination of Isophos[0-(2.4-Dichlorophenyl) -N- I sopropylamino (Chloromethyl)Thiophosphonate] by Instrumental Methods, Kovacs, Mrs. Jozsef, Biro. Mrs. Laszlo, Nadasy, Miklos. ibid.. 99106 (Hung), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 25071): I




(0109) Infrared Spectrophotometric Determination of N-m-Tolylphthalaminic Acid, Biro, Mrs. Laszlo, ibid., 107-11 (Hung). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 25072Y (1973) ( Q l l O ) Determination of Tetradifon (Tetrachlorodiphenyl Sulfone) in the Technical Material and Formulations by Infrared Spectrophotometry or Gravimetrically after Chromatographic Separation, Gwiazda. Zygmunt, Kotarski. Andrzej. Pr. Inst. Przem. Org.. 2, 63-87 (1970) (Pol). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 25101G (1973). ( Q l l l ) Infrared Spectroscopic Investigations on Coated Papers. Quantitative Determination of Coating Components by the FMlR [Frustrated Multiple Internal Reflection] Technique, Jayme, George, Traser, Guenter, Papier (Darmsfadt), 26, 34551; ( l o ) , 506-11 (1972) (Ger), Chem. A b s t r . 78, 31673M (1973). (Q112) Determination of the Curing Extent of Polybutadiene-Based Composite Propellants by Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy, Matsunaga, Katsuj i , Yamashita, Tadataka, Kogyo Kayaku. 32, 315-18 (1971) (Japan), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 32211W (1973). ((2113) Quantitative Measurements and Infrared Analyses of Troublesome Paraffin Deposits in Sarukawa and Fukubezawa Crude Oils, Yamasaki. Yoyohiko, Fukumoto. Akira, Sekiyu Gijutsu Kyokaishi. 37, 177-84 (1972) (Japan), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 32291): (1973). ( Q l 1 4 ) Methods of Determination of Vitamin B, (Thiamine or Aneurin Hydrochloride). Visible and Infrared Spectral Characteristics of the Product Obtained, Teodorescu, Grigore, Rev. Roum. Chim.. 17, 1621-7 (1972) ( F r ) , Chem. Abstr.. 78, 339512 (1973). ( Q l l 5 ) Quantitative Analysis by Infrared Reflection Spectra, Avdeenko. V. P.. Ural Konf. Spektrosk.. 7th. No. 2, 96-8 (1971) (Russ). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 37411W (1973). ( Q l 1 6 ) Rapid Method for the Quantitative Analysis of Binary Mixtures of Calcite and Aragonite, Rao. M. Subba, Murthy. A R . Vasudeva, Curr. Sci.. 41, 774-6 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 375002 (1973). ( 0 117) Infrared Spectroscopic Determination of Some Oxygen- and Carbon-Containing Compounds in Titanium and Silicon Tetrachlorides, Korolev. V. V , Shokina. N T., Lifanova, T. A,, Ural. Konf. Spek-

trosk . 7th. No. 2, 157-9 (1971) (Russ), Chem Abstr.. 78, 37520F (1973). ( 0 118) Spectroscopic Determination of 4-Acetyldiphenyl Ether in the Products of Acylation of Diphenyl Ether with Acetic Anhydride, Kaminskaya, E G , Rad'ko. L. V , Gitis, s. S , Kaminskii. A. Ya., Vulakh. E L . , Sin.. Anai. S t r u k t Org. Soedin.. No. 3, 134-40 (1971) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 377256 (1973) ( Q l 19) Quantitative Determination of Methylol Groups in Phenol-Formaldehyde Resins, Gleizer, A M , Turchaninova. K I., Tkachuk, S M . , Bragina. M . N . , Il'ina. V. M . , Piast. Massy. 66-7 (1972) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 44363K (1973) ( Q l 20) Determination of Water of Crystallization in Gypsum by Infrared Spectroscopy in the Presence of Clay Minerals, Bartl, M . . Analyst (London), 97, 854-9 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 4731 1C (1973) (Q121) Determination of Trace Amounts of Dispersed Oil in Waste Water by Solvent Extraction-Infrared Analysis, Saito, Toshihide. Hagiwara. Kazuyoshi, Ozasa, Yoshio, Bunseki Kagaku. 21, 1235-8 (1972) (Japan), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 47502R (1973) (Q122) Infrared Spectroscopy for Quantitative Analysis of Drugs. I Determination of Certain Barbituric Acid Derivatives, Pawelczyk. Ewaryst, Marciniec, Barbara. Pluta, Izabella, Acta Poi. Pharm.. 29, 375-83 (1972) (Pol), Chem Abstr.. 78, 47850C (1973) (0123) Coupling of Chromatographic Techniques with Microinfrared Spectrometry for the Determination of Phenothiazine and Related Drugs, De Leenheer. A,, J . Chromatogr.. 74, 35-41 (1972) (Eng), Chem. Absfr.. 78, 47866N (1973) ( Q l 2 4 ) Determination of the Concentration of Sulfate Ions in Melted Potassium Chloride by Emission Infrared Spectroscopy, Smirnov, M . V , Yurinov, Yu. V., Kudyakov, V. Ya., Urai. Konf. Spektrosk.. 7th. No. 2, 107-9 (1971) (Russ), Chem Abstr.. 78, 52116): (1973). (Q125) Automatic Instrumentation for Determination of Organic Oxygen Using Nondispersive Infrared Analyzer, Araki, Tadayoshi, Tamura, Hideo. Hozumi. Keiichiro, Eunseki Kagaku. 21, 1479-85 (1972) (Japan), Chem. A b s t r , 78, 52340R (1973) (Ql 26) Spectrophotometric Determination of Benzene in Carbon Tetrachloride, Olikov, I I . , Zhadanov. B. V . , Dobryakova, G M , Tr. Vses. Nauch.-lssled. i n s t Khim. Reaktiv. Osobo Chis: Khim. Veshchestv. No. 33, 174-8 (1971) (Russ), Chem. Absfr.. 78, 52405R (1973). (0127) Rapid Determination of Carbon and Hydrogen in Organic Compounds by Nondispersive Infrared Absorption, Thuerauf, W . . Assenmacher, H , Fresenius' Z. Anal. Chem.. 262, 263-6 (1972) (Ger), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 52407T (1973). (Q128) Identification and Determination of Heroin in Illicit Seizures by Combined Gas Chromatography-Infrared Spectrophotometry. Shaler. R . C.. Jerpe. J . H . , J . Forensic Scf.. 17, 668-73 (1972) (Eng). Chem Abstr.. 78, 535300 (1973). (0129) Determination of Pulmonary Diffusing Capacity by Infrared Gas Analysis. Houben. Wilhelmus P , Process lnsfrum Div.. Ciin. M e d 79, 11-13 (1972) (Eng). Chem. A b s f r . 78, 54933K (1973) (Q130) Determination of Crystallinity of a-D-Lactose by Far Infrared Spectroscopy, Susi, Heino. Ard, Jesse S., J. Ass Office Anal. Chem.. 56, 177-80 (1973) (Eng). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 56544H (1973) (Q131) Infrared Identification and Potentiometric Determination of Glycine in Dietetic Beverages,,Coppola, Elia D.. Hanna, J Gordon, ibid.. 227-9 (EnG), Chem. Absfr.. 78, 56545J (1973). (0132) Infrared Spectroscopic Determination of the Structure of Monoaikylresorcinols, Lille, U , Peinar, U . , Bitter, L. A,, Tr. Tal/in Poiitekh. Inst.. No. 311, 103-13 (1971) (Russ), Chem Abstr.. 78, 5726413 (1973)

(Q133) Structure of Poly(p-Tolyl Methacrylate) Determined by I R and NMR, Gueniffey, Henri. Klesper, Ernst. Kaemmerer. Hermann, Makromoi. Chem. 162, 199-204 (1972) ( F r ) , Chem. Abstr . 78, 589186 (1973) (Q134) Spectrophotometric Determination of the Hydroxyl Number of Mixtures of Aliphatic Secondary Alcohols, Goryunova, L K., Shtivel, N . Kh , Neftepererab Neftekhim. (Moscow), 43-4 (1972) (Russ). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 60024F (1973) (Q135) The Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Pharmaceuticals IV. The Infrared Spectroscopic Determination of Content, Purity, and Stability of Chloramphenicol, Moll, F . , Wertz, M . , Arch. Pharm. (We7nhefm. Ger.), 305, 877-85 (1972) (Ger), Chem Abstr.. 78, 622378 (1973) (Q136) Determination of di-n-Butylamine and Triethylamine by Gas-Liquid Chromatography, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, and Infrared Spectroscopy, Warner, D . K., Attalla. A,. Report. 7972. MLM-1928, 15 pp. Eng. Avail. Dep. NTIS, Chem. Abstr.. 78, 66673P (1973) (0137) Determination of the Number of Functional Groups in Biuret by an Infrared Spectroscopic Method, Uvarov. A. V.. Blagonravova, A. A.. Pronina, I A , Zosimova, A I . , Zhidkova. L. D , Lakokrasoch Mater. I k h Primen.. 49-51 (1972) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 66689Y (1973) (Q138) Quantitative I R Absorption Spectrometric Analysis of Atrazine. Simazine, and Propazine in Commercial Products and Wetting Powders, Surzhikova, L. V Vasil'ev, A. F . , Khim Sredstva Zashch. R a s f . No. 1 , 210-16 (1970) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 68013X (1973) (Q139) Determination of Ethylidenenorbornene in Copolymers of Ethylenene. Propylene, and Ethylidenenorbornene by I R Spectroscopy, Zyabina, V. A,, Korobova. L M . . Lifshits, I . A.. Novikova, N . N , Nel'son, K V . , Zh Priki. Spektrosk . 17, 1048-51 (1972) ( R u s s ) , Chem. Abstr.. 78, 73326F (1973). (0140) Determination of 2.4-Tolylene Diisocyanate in the Air by Infrared Spectroscopy, Zavorovskaya, N A,, Nekhorosheva, E V., Simonov, V A , , Nauch. Rab. Inst. Okhr. T i Vses Tsent. Sov Prof. Soyuz.. No 72, 80-2 (1971) (Russ), Chem. Absfr.. 78, 75528X (1973) (Q141) Use of Infrared Spectroscopy for the Determination of Prednisolone. Mynka, A F , Gusyakov. V P I Farm. Zh. (Kiev). 27, 41-4 (1972) (Ukrain), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 75912T (1973). (Q142) Errors in Measuring the Thickness of Silicon Epitaxial Layers Determined from the Interference of Infrared Rays, Kuznetsov, Yu. N , Karikh, V. P.. Voskresenskii. V N . , Zavod. Lab.. 38, 1488-90 (1972) (Russ), Chem. Abstr 78, 768168 (1973) (Q143) Quantitative Determination of Reactive Species in Alkali Metal Halide Disks, Lambert. Don G I Kimmel. Howard S . . Spectrosc L e t t . 5, 415-19 (1972) (Eng). Chem A b s t r , 78, 79355M (1973). (Q144) Determination of 9-(Cyanoethyl)Carbazole Content in the Product from Cyanoethylation of Carbazole, Murshtein, M. K , Negodyaev, N D.. Aglitskaya, K V . , Balakin, S. M , Sb Nauch Tr. Khim . Sverdiovsk. i n s t . N a r . Khoz , 85-8 (1971) (Russ), Chem. A b s t r . 78, 79454T (1973). (Q145) Identification of Acrylic Fibers by Polymer Composition as Determined by Infrared Spectroscopy and Physical Characteristics, Smalldon, K W., J Forensrc S c i . 18, 69-81 (1973) (Eng), Chem. Absfr . 78, 80439Y (1973) (Q146) Spectrometric Determination of Ursolic Acid, Muravev. I A,. Shatilo, V . V . , Semenchenko, V . F., Khim. Prir. Soedin. 738-40 (1972) (Russ). Chem Abstr.. 78,84570G (1973) (Q147) Copolymers from Vinyl Halides and Olefins. I I Quantitative IR Spectroscopic Investigations on Vinyl Chloride-lsobu-

tene Copolymers, Brueck. Dieter, Hummel, Dieter O., Makromoi Chem.. 163, 259-69 (1973) ( G e r ) , Chem. Abstr. 78, 84941D (1973) ((2148) Copolymers from Vinyl Halides and Olefins. I l l I R Spectroscopic Sequence Analysis of Vinyl Chloride-lsobutene Copolymers and Determination of the Copolymerization Parameters from the Measured Concentration of Diads, Brueck, Dieter, Hummel. Dieter O., ibid.. 271-9 (Ger), Chem Abstr.. 78, 84942E (1973) (0149) Infrared Spectroscopic Determination in the Molecular Weight of Poly( Phenylene Oxide), Dindoin, V. I , Goncharov, L V , Filatov, I . S . . Yudkin, 6. I . , Piast Massy. 66-7 (1973) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 98169V (1973) (Q150) Infrared Spectroscopic Determination of the Degree of Aging of Bitumens in Minera1 Salt Solutions, Kurinov, B S , Geoi Stroen. Polezn. iskop. Kaimytsk. ASSR, No 1, 88-90 (1971) (Russ), Chem. A b s t r , 78. 100161G (1973) ( Q l 5 l ) Direct Qualitative and Quantitative Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis of Zinc Dialkyldithiocarbamates without Preceding Separation, Sztark, W , Malissa, H., Kellner. R . . Anai. Chim Acta. 63, 28593 (1973) (Ger). Chem. A b s t r . 78, 1056282 (1973) ((2152) Identification and Determination of l,2Epithioalkanes, Suhara, Yasuo, Yukagaku. 22, 9-13 (1973) (Japan), Chem Abstr.. 78, 105761N (1973) (0153) Determination of Oil in Urea, Mushkin. Yu. I., Gal'perin, V A., Shiryaeva, T M , Balabanova. E A,, Zavod Lab. 39, 29-30 (1973) (Russ). Chem. Abstr . 78, 10577411 (1973) (Q154) Infrared Method for the Determination of Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide Levels in Cigarette Smoke, Williams, T B . , Belk, C. W., 1 1 , Beitr. Tabakforsch 6, 210-15 (1972) (Eng), Chem Abstr 78, 108416Q (1973) ((2155) Rapid Determination of Constituents of Whole Soils Using Infrared Absorption, Fieldes, M . , Furkert, R J , Wells, N..N Z. J Sci.. 15, 615-27 (1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr , 78, 109678P (1973) (0156) Infrared Spectroscopic Determination of Functional Groups Formed in Rubber by Various Agents, Malyshev. A I , Rostovtseva, E E., Muromtseva, G P , Kotova, I P , Maksimova, E. A. Proizvod Shin Resfnotekh. Asbestotekh. izdeiii. Ref Sb.. No. 6, 19-20 (1972) ( R u s s ) . Chem. A b s f r , 78, 112435N (1973) (0157) Techniques for Use in Determinative Mineralogy at Newmont Exploration Limited, Odekirk, J. R , Quart C o b Sch. Mines. 68, 5-17 (1973) (Eng). Chem Abstr.. 78, 118760M (1973). ((2158) Method for Qualitative and Quantitative infrared Spectroscopic Analysis of Metal-Tetramethylene Dithiocarbamate Mixtures without Preceding Separation. Malissa, H , Kellner, R . . Anal Chim Acta. 63, 263-75 (1973) (Ger). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 118896K (1973) ((2159) Quantitative Determination of Fat, Protein, and Carbohydrates of Soy Products with Infrared Attenuated Total Reflectance, Wilson. John M . , Kramer, A,. Ben-Gera. I . J . Food S c i . 38, 14-17 (1973) (Eng), Chem Abstr.. 78, 122731V (1973). (Q160) Use of the Far Infrared Spectrum for Determining the Amount of Water in Liquids, Aleksandrov, A N . Zh. Priki. Spektrosk.. 18, 153-5 (1973) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 131835J (1973) (Q161) Constituents of Capsicum Quantitative Determination of Olefinic and Saturated Components by NMR. and of TransComponents by I R . Spectroscopy in a Capsaicinoid Mixture from Natural Source, Mueller-Stock. Anneliese, Joshi. R. K , Buechi. J , Heiv Chim Acta. 56, 799-803 (1973) (Eng), Chem Abstr.. 78, 13336213 (1973) (Q162) Rapid Method of Determining the Epoxy Number in Bisphenoi A Epoxy Resins, Pyatyshev, L. V , Golenev. A N , Sb. Tr , Mosk lnzh.-Stroit. i n s t . No 104,

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157-9 (1972) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 78, 137228K (1973) ((2163) Determination of the Verticle Distribution (Q178) of Methane in the Stratosphere by a Balloon Borne Infrared Spectrometer, Ackerman. M., Frimout, D.. Lippens, C . . Muller, C , Bull. Cl. S c i , Acad Roy Belg.. 58, 493-501 (1972) (Fr). Chem Abstr.. 78, 142318U (1973). (Q164) Quantitative Determination of Asbestos ( 0 179) by Optical, Chemical, X-Ray, and Infrared Spectrographic Analysis Processes, Heidermanns, Gies, Staub-Reinhalt. Luft. 33, 66-70 (1973) (Ger). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 143447): (1973). (0165) Quantitative Analysis of Benzene-Toluene-Paraffin Mixtures in the Near In( a i 80) frared, Leimer, Hans Juergen, Schmidt, Juergen, Chem. Tech. (Leipzig), 25, 99-100 (1973) (Ger). Chem. Abstr.. 78, 143561E (1973). (Q166) Quick Determination of the Concentration of Carbon Monoxide in Blood by Infrared Spectrometry, Boiteau. H. L . , ( Q l 8 1 ) Gelot, S., J . Eur. Toxicol., 5, 217-22 (1972) (Fr), Chem. Absfr.. 78, 144059J (1973). ((2167) Determination of Furfurole, Methylfurfurole, and Hydroxymethylfurfurole by Infrared Spectroscopy, Bagaev, A. N.. Bu- (0182) dylina, V. V., Bodzinskii. Yu. V., Vyshinskii, N. N . , Tr. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol., 127-9 (1972) (Russ). Chem. Abstr., 78, 154614A (1973). (Q168) Quantitative Infrared Spectrophotometry of Organic Nitrate Esters, Carignan, (0183) Yvon P.. Hickman, Charles L., IV, U.S. Nat. Tech. Inform. Serv.. AD Rep., 1972, No. 753938, 75 pp. (Eng), Avail. NTIS, Chem Abstr.. 78, 154616C

nev, USSR., Chem. Abstr , 79, 23500H 11973). Infrared Spectrofotometric Determination of 2-Chloro-2,6-Diethyl-n-(Methoxymethy1)Acetanalide. the Active Ingredient of Weed Kiiler, Lasso F. C . . Duvenci, Julide, Bitki Koruma E u l . . 12, 153-9 (1972) (Turkish), Chem A b s t r . 79, 28207C (1973) Infrared Spectrophotometric Technique for Determining Residues of Several Organophosphorus Insecticides from Cotton Foliage, Wolfenbarger, Dan A,, Shaver, T. N . , J . Econ. Entomol.. 66, 332-6 (1973) (Eng). Chem A b s t r , 79, 28208D (1973) Use of UV and I R Spectrophotometry for Determination of Residual Amounts of Carbine, Klisenko, M . A . , Aleksandrova, L. G., Probl. Anal. Khim.. 2, 61-6 (1972) ( R u s s ) , Chem. Absfr., 79, 28215D (1973). Determination of Calcite/Aragonite Ratios in MoIIusc Shells by Infrared Spectra, Compere, Edward L., Jr.. Bates, John M . , Limnol. Oceanogr., 18, 326-31 (1973) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 79, 29279Q (1973). 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Abstr.. 79, 43150): (1973) (Q170) Determination of Natural Abundance Concentrations of Methane-d, by In- ( Q l 8 5 ) Methods for the Determination Of Tolazoline. Visible and Infrared Spectra of the frared Spectrometry, Ritchie, R. K.. Kulawic, D., Can. J. Spectrosc.. 17, 150-5 Combination with Ammonium Reinec(1972) (Eng). Chem. Abstr., 78, kate, Teodorescu, Grigore, Rev. Roum. Chim., 18, 501-6 (1973) (Eng), Chem. 167525X (1973). Abstr., 79, 45891P (1973) ((2171) Quantitative Analysis of Aqueous Nitrite,,., and Nitrate,,., Anion Solutions (0186) Determination of N-p-Benzoylethylpiperiby Infrared Internal Reflection Spectrosdine. Visible and I R Spectrum Characcopy, Yang, R . T., Low, M. J. D . , U.S. teristics of the Substance as Such and of the Complex, Teodorescu, Gr., Rev. Nat. Tech. Inform. Serv.. AD Rep., 1973, No. 755750, 26 pp, (Eng), Avail. Chim. (Bucharest), 24, 222-4 ( 1973) NTIS, Chem. Abstr.. 78, 168204D (Rom). Chem. 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Spectroscopy of Mineral Mixtures, ( Q l 8 9 ) Use of the Method of Additions for Determination of the Absorption CoeffiFlehmig, W., Kurze, R . , Neues Jahrb. Mineral.. Abh.. 119, 101-12 (1973) cients of Multicomponent Mixtures, Kats, (Ger), Chem. Abstr.. 79, 13127C M. D., Kravchenko. M. D . , Avtomat. (1973). Usoversh. Tekhnol. Khim. Proizvod.. 3-6 (0175) Infrared Spectrophotometric Method for (1972) (Russ), Chem. Abstr, 79, Quantitative Analysis of Propoxur 2-(161246N (1973). Methy1ethoxy)Phenyl Methylcarbamate in (Q190) Determination of 2.3'- and 3,4'-Diaminothe Reaction Mixture, Gwiazda, Zygdiphenyl Sulfones in 3,3'-Diaminodimunt, P r . lnst. Przem. Org.. No. 3, phenyl Sulfone by Infrared Spectrosco235-43 (1971) (Pol), Chem. Abstr., 79, py. Andrianov, V. F.. Kaminskii, A Ya., 14284P (1973) Gitis. S. S . , Ivanov. A. V . , Golikova. A. ( a i 7 6 1 "Global Distribution of Total Ozone as V., Tr. Vses. Nauch.-lssied. Proekt. lnst. Determined by the Nimbus I l l Satellite Monomerov, 3, 138-45 (1972) (Russ), Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer." Chem. Abstr.. 79, 6128011 (1973). Lovill, James Edward, (Colorado State (Q191) Rapid Method for the Determination of Deuterium Oxide in Urine. Application to Univ.. Fort Collins, Colo.) 1972. 84 pp. (Eng). Univ Microfilms, Ann Arbor, the Measurement of Total Body Water, Mich., Order No. 72-31,332., Chem. Wang, Jack, Pierson. R . N , Jr., Kelly, Abstr., 79, 21912V (1973). W. G.. J. Lab. Clin. Med., 82, 170-8 ((2177) Determination of Linaiool in Essential (1973) (Eng), Chem. Abstr, 79, Oils by I R Spectroscopy, Grushchanskii, 63348W (1973). A. I . , Boronina. Z. S . , Khim. lzmenchiv- (Q192) infrared Spectroscopic Determination of ost Rast.. 90-4 (1972) (Russ), Edited by Carboxylic Groups in Pectins, Filippov, M. P., Zh. Anal. Khim.. 28, 1030-1 Nikolaev, A. G., Izd "Shtiintsa": Kishi-

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5 , A P R I L 1974

(1973) (Russ). Chem. Absfr.. 79, 64630U (1973) (Q193) Determining Polypropylene lsotacticity by Infrared Spectroscopy and Pyrolytic Chromatography, Toader. M . , Chivulescu, E., Bader, P., Boborodea, M . , Mater. Plast (Bucharest), 10, 151-5 (1973) (Rom), Chem. Abstr.. 79, 66993P (1973). (0194) Composition of Sodium Resinate-Aluminurn Sulfate Precipitates Determined by Elemental Analysis and Infrared Spectroscopy, Traser, Guenter, Jayme, Georg. Wochenbl Papierfabr.. 101, 391-94 (1973) (Ger), Chem A b s f r , 79, 68018Y (1973) (Q195) Extraction of Dispersed Oils from Water for Quantitative Analysis by Infrared Spectrophotometry, Gruenfeld. Michael, Environ. Sci. Techno/.. 7 , 639-9 (1973) (Eng). Chem Abstr. 79, 700160 (1973) (Q196) Infrared Determination of Levoglucosan Formed during the Pyrolysis of Cellulose, Basch, A , Lewin, M , J Fire Flammabili t y . 4, 92-8 (1973) (Eng), Chem. Abstr.. 79, 80504M (1973). (Q197) Determination of a-Oiefin Sulfonate, Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate. and Alkyl Sulfates in Detergents by Infrared Spectroscopy, Hashimoto, Shigeru, Tokuwaka, Hiroshi, Nagai, Toshio, Bunsekr Kagaku. 22, 559-63 (1973) (Japan), Chem. Abstr.. 79, 80638H (1973) (Q198) Determination of Cresol Emitted from Wire Lacquering Machines by infrared Spectrometry. Grupinski. Leonhard. Staub, Winfried, Staub-Reinhalt. L u f t . 33, 199-202 (1973) (Ger), Chem Abstr 79, 82932Y (1973). ~ (0199) Determination of Carbon Dioxide Purity by an Infrared Spectroscopic Method, Gerasimenko, V. V., Ferment. Spirt. Prom., 12-15 (1973) (Russ), Chem Abstr.. 79, 90474R (1973) (0200) Spectroscopic Determination of the Degree of lmidation of Polypyromellitimides, Kulikova, N P , Shablygin. M . V , Utevskii, L E , Khfm Volokna. 15, 24-5 (1973) (Russ), Chem. Abstr.. 79, 92637V (1973) (Q201) Determination of the Water of Hydration in Monoionic Montmorillonites by Infrared Spectrometry, Baverez. Michel, Touret-Poinsignon. Christiane, C R. Acad. Sci.. Ser. D. 276, 2423-6 (1973) ( F r ) ,Chem. Abstr.. 79, 946492 (1973) (Q202) Quality of Pharmaceutical Preparations V Determination of Poly(Viny1pyrroiidone) in Drugs by Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy. Minamikawa, Tsutanori, Yamagishi, Noriaki. Eunseki Kagakau. 22, 109-11 (1973) (Japan), Chem. Abstr.. 79, 97044J (1973) ((2203) Infrared Spectrophotometry Applied to the Quantitative Determination of Suifonamides. I . Determination of Sulfanilamide, Sulfamethoxydiazine, and of Sulfadimethoxine, Baloescu C , Farmacia (8ucharest). 21, 131-42 (1973) (Rom), Chem. Abstr.. 79, 970490 (1973). (Q204) Determination of Benzene and Chlorobenzene in Titanium Tetrachloride by Infrared Absorption Spectra. Volynskaya, M . P., Starshenko. V I , Sb Tr . Nauch -Issled. Proekt lnst. Titana, 7-8, 252-4 (1972) (Russ), Chem Abstr 79, 100289A (1973) (Q205) Determination of 3,5-Oinitro-O-Toluamide by I R Spectrometry. Ciupitoiu, A , Vasilescu. V.. Oprescu, Cr , Rev Chim ( B u charest), 2 4 , 295-8 (1973) (Rom). Chem. Absfr.. 79, 100291V (1973) (Q206) Determination of the y-HCH and p . p ' DDT Isomers in Duplitox by I R Spectrophotometry Method, Harnagea, Frasina, ibfd.. 205-6 (Rom), Chem. Abstr . 79, 101506F (1973) (Q207) Determination of the Water Content of Soluble Powdered Coffee Extracts by Near Infrared Spectrophotometry. the Karl Fischer Method. and Drying Oven Methods, Chassevent. F , Daloer. G . colioq int him Cafes [C - R 1, 5 , 162-74 (1973) (Fr) Chem Abstr 79, 1037041 (1973)

(0208) Infrared Milk Analyzer (IRMA) Used for the Determination of Proteins, Fats, and Lactose, in Milk, Corradini, Cesare, Ind. Aliment. (Pinerolo. Italy) 12, 78-80 (1973) (Ital), Chem. Abstr.. 79, 103705U (1973) (Q209) Determination of the Glycerol Content in Regenerated Cellulose Films by an I R Spectroscopic Method, Sushkov, V. I . , Aleksandrovich. I . F . , Rozenberg, A. Ya., Kim, V . P., Gusev, S. S . , Khim. Volokna, 15, 64-5 (1973) (Russ). Chem. Abstr.. 79, 106247G (1973). (Q210) Identification of 2-Phenylethylamine in Human Urine by Infrared and Mass Spectroscopy and its Quantification in Normal Subjects and Cardiovascular Patients, Mosnaim, A . D.. Inwang, E. E., Sugerman, J. H . , Sabelli, H. C., Clin. Chim. Acta. 46, 407-13 (1973) (Eng), Chem. Abstr , 79, 112867A (1973) (0211) Determination of the Composition of a Multicomponent Mixture by Infrared Sensors, Pozdnev. Yu. D . , Mukhin, N . M . , Sinitsyn. I . I . . Liteinoe Proizvod., 19





(1973) (Russ). Chem Abstr., 79, 1178948 (1973) Determination of Zircon by Infrared Absorption Spectra, Plekhanova, E. A . , Lis, G. N., Melekhova, T. F , Izv. Sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim. Nauk. 69-74 (1973) (Russ). Chem. Abstr.. 79, 1215591) (1973). Infrared Determination of Alkali Carbonates by the Pellet Technique Using a Dry Box, Chasan, David E.. Norwitz, George, U.S.Nat. Tech. Intorm. Serv., AD Rep., 1973, No. 762121, 37 pp. (Eng), Avail. NTIS, Chem. Abstr., 79, 121583G (1973). Physicochemical Nature of Hard Tissue VI I I . Determination of Carbonate Ions in the Inorganic Component of Hard Tissue by Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy, Suzuki, Mitsugu, Hirosaki lgaku, 24, 450-6 (1973) (Japan), Chem. Abstr.. 79, 1240368 (1973). Liquid Latex Paint Analysis, Post, Mildred A,, Paint Varn. Prod., 63, 21-5

(1973) (Eng). Chem. Abstr., 79, 127433E (1973). (Q216) Quantitative Analysis of Aqueous Nitrile/ Nitrate Solutions by Infrared Internal Reflectance Spectrometry, Yang. R. T., Low, M . J. D . , Ana;. Chem.. 45, 2014-18 (1973) (Eng), Chem. Abstr., 79, 132563B (1973). (0217) Spectrophotometric Determination of the Water Content in Furfural, Ryabchuk, G. N . , Maisaiya. D . D . , Gidroliz. Lesokhim. Prom.. 15-17 (1973) (Russ), Chem Absfr , 79, 1326982 (1973) (Q218) Determination of the Mineral Components of Soil bv an Infrared SDectrometric Method, Osipova, N . N.. Bioi. Nauki, 16, 116-20 (1973) (Russ). Chem. Abstr.. 79, 142616K (1973). (Q219) Infrared Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Some Thiocarbamic Herbicides, Stanescu, Gratiela, Soare, Aurelia, Rev. Chim. (Bucharest). 24, 463-5 (1973) (Rom). Chem. Abstr., 79, 143464W (1973).

Guide for Use of Terms in Reporting Data in ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY It is important to know the meaning of the terms an author uses. For publications in ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, the following definitions are applicable and it is understood that they are used with a series of normally distributed replicate results with no prior information on bias of the method. They are endorsed by members of the Advisory Board. The Guide is necessarily incomplete and it should be used only with an understanding of its limitations; one is that a value obtained for a term is usually based on a relatively small number of observations and it is therefore to be regarded as an estimate of the parameter. For appropriate background, the reader should consult a reputable text on the subject of data evaluation.

S e t refers to a number

n of independent replicate measurements of some property. Authors are encouraged to report this number n. P r e c i s i o n relates to the reproducibility of measurements within a set, t h a t is, t o the scatter or dispersion of a set about its central value. A c c u r a c y normally refers to the difference (error or bias) b,etween the mean, 8,of the set of results and the value X, which is accepted as the true or correct value for the quantity measured. It is alsoAused as the difference between an individual value X i and X. T h e absolute accuracy of the y e a n is given by Ay - X and of an individual value by X. T h e relative accuracy of the meati? g i y e n p y (8- X)/X, and the percentage accuracy by 1OO(X - X)/X. N Average or M e a s u r e s of t h e C e n t r a l V a l u e of a Set. ~ I E A(or



Xi of the values of individual

hrithmetic LZean) is i.he slim i=l

results divided by the number, n, of results in the set. mean is given by


L ~ E D I . \ Nis the middle result of a n odd number of results, or the average of the central pair for an even number, when they are arranged in order of magnitude. T h e median ip less affected by extreme values than is the mean. M e a s u r e s of P r e c i s i o n within a Set. S T A X D ~ R DD E V I A T I O is K the square root of the quantity (sum of squares of deviations of individual results from the mean, divided by one less than the number of results in the set). T h e standard deviation, s, is given by s =

42 i=l


- 8 ) * / ( n-


Standard deviat,ion has the same units as the measiirement. It becomes a more reliable expression of precision as n becomes large. When the measurements are independent and normally distributed, the most useful statistics are the mean for the central value and the standard deviation for the dispersion. VARIANCE, s2, is the square of the standard deviation. RELATIVES T A K D ~ RDEVIATION D is the staLidard deviation expressed as a fraction of the mean, s / X . It is sometimes multiplied by 100 and expressed as a percentage. Relative standard deviation is preferred over “coefficient of variation.” M E A N(OR AVERAGE) DEVIATIOK is the mean of the deviations of t h e individual measurements from the mean of the set n

without regard to sign.

IXi - 81/n. T h e

It is given by i=l

mean deviation is not recommended as a measure of precision except when the set consists of only a few measurements. RANGE is the difference in magnitude between the largest and smallest resiilts in a set. T h e range is not recommended as a measure of precision except when the set consists of only a few measurements. If range is used, the number of measurements in the set must be indicated. M e a s u r e of P r e c i s i o n of a M e a n . COSFIDEKCELIMITS (or Interval) are the limits around the measured mean within which the mean value for a n infinite number of measurements can be expected t,o be foiind with the stated level of probability. Confidence limits for independent normally distributed measiirements are given by confidence limits =

8 i ts,&

where s is the standard deviation and t is the t-table value a t the stated confidence level. T h e use of standard error, s / d n, to express precision of a mean is acceptable only if the authors clearly make the distinction from standard deviation.

A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , VOL.

46, NO. 5, A P R I L 1 9 7 4
