Ingrid Meier has always been fascinated by wetting and foam. - C&EN

Ernesto Carmona Feted as an Icon of Organometallic Chemistry. Organometallics celebrated the career of organometallic chemistry superstar Professor Er...
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Ingrid Meier has always been fascinated by wetting and foam.

Chemist Ingrid Meier was born curious

Ingrid's dedication is just one example

the perfect Air Products

and determined. So, when someone said

of what our 18,000 employees in over 30

surfactant chemist -

it wasn't possible to create a wetting

countries do every day. As the world's only

inquisitive, tireless, and

agent that was a g o o d defoamer, she

combined gases and chemicals company,

took it as a personal challenge. Ingrid's

we've been providing solutions to virtually

team developed the EnviroGem™ family

every industry for over 60 years. What can

of environmentally friendly Gemini-based

we do for you? Please visit our web site or

surfactants. Now all kinds of waterbome

call 800-345-3148.

Ingrid Meier, Ph.D., is

a team player. And as part of a great team, she's significantly advanced the science she seemed drawn to as a child.

products work better, with much less foam in formulation and application. © 2 0 0 2 Air Products and Chemicals. Inc.

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