Ingrid Meier has always been fascinated by wetting and foam. - C&EN

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Ingrid Meier has always been fascinated by wetting and foam.

IngridMeier, the perfect

Ph.D.; is Air



chemist ~




a team player. And as part of a great team, she's significantly


science she seemed


Chemist Ingrid M e i e r was b o r n curious

Ingrid's d e d i c a t i o n is j u s t o n e e x a m p l e

and determined. So, when someone said

of what our 18,000 e m p l o y e e s in over 30

it w a s n ' t p o s s i b l e t o c r e a t e a w e t t i n g

countries d o every day. As the world's only

a g e n t t h a t was a g o o d d e f o a m e r , she

c o m b i n e d gases and chemicals company,

t o o k it as a personal challenge. Ingrid's

we've been providing solutions t o virtually

team developed the EnviroGem™ family

every industry for over 60 years. W h a t can

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to as a child. p r o d u c t s w o r k better, w i t h m u c h less foam in formulation and application. ©2002 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

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