Inorganic Chemistry, A Unified Approach (Porterfield, William W

Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry, Third Edition (Douglas, Bodie; McDaniel, Darl; Alexander, John). Journal of Chemical Education. Martin. 19...
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The authors state that the fmt six chaoters prcwa (oncretr principles that can Ire t e t d in the lahoratmy. A t t ~ rthnt, the murr abstract ideas of atomic structure and chemical bonding are presented. Yet, within chapters, theory is commonly discussed before the supporting experimental data. The Bohr "Introduction to Chc~nistrv"is d e s i ~ e d theory is presented before mentioning specfor the fw?Ive 10 4 x t e ~ nweek une-term or tral data and electron structure is mentioned me-semester prrparator). chemistry course. before Mendeleev's oeriodie table. The book is r