Inorganic chemistry from the perspective of an ... - ACS Publications

Laboratories. Murray Hill, NJ 07974. Inorganic Chemistry from thePerspective of an Industrial Chemist. The solid state chemistry of electronic materia...
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Inorganic Chemistry from the Perspective of an Industrial Chemist

R. A. Laudlse Bell Laboratories Murray Hill. NJ 07974

The solid state chemistry of electronic materials is a foundation stone of the modern electronics industry-one of the largest and most dynamic industries in the world today. Inorganic chemical preparative and purification techniques including zone refining, crystal pulling, and vapor and liquid phase epitaxy have provided materials ranging from high purity-high perfection silicon through gallium arsenide and its cogeners, magnetic and laser garnets, quartz and optical fibers. One of the basic~oalsof inorganicchemistry in general and solid state chemistry in particular: understanding the connection between chemical bonding and structure and


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Robert A. Laudise is Director of the Physical and Inorganic Chemistry Research Labaratories at Bell Laboratories. He joined Bell in 1956 after receiving a PhD in inorganic chemistry from MIT. He is a member of the National Academy of Eneineerine, the author of more than 80 o&licatio& includine one book. and ~





762 / Jwrnal of Chemical Education



properties is perhaps nowhere better illustrated than in solid state chemistry. Thus the solid state and preparative chemistry of inorganic materials of electronic interest is of high oresent research interest. is an imoortant emolovment area ior future chemists, isvital for the tutureof 11,s.society, and is an area with which an informed. technicdv educated citizen should have some acquaintance. It should f&m an important part of a modern inorganic chemistry curriculum. The preparation and properties of solids lends itself well to illustrating many important concepts in inorganic chemistry as shown by a t least one very successful undergraduate course at a major university (MIT). Important subjects which might be included in a modern inorganic course include the law of mass action in solids and defect solids, elementaw band theory and semiconductors, preparation, properti& and doping of semiconductors, the properties and preparation of mametic materials as illustrated hv rare earth parnets and an " introduction to the concepts of corrosion chemistry. If we are concerned hv the decline of student interest in inorganic chemistry, it is reasonable that we consider whether what we are teachina is interestine. Solid state chemistrv is intellectually challen$ng, economiedy useful and, in the Aew of the author, fun. Let us take out whatever we need to put some fun into the inorganic chemistry curriculum.