Inorganic Microchemistry - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

A. F. Farr and A. L. Chaney. Analytical Chemistry 1961 33 (12), 1790-1791 ... Weisz , G. C. Gaeke , and George. Lyles. Analytical Chemistry 1960 32 (8...
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Inorganic Microchemistry PHILIP W. WEST Coates Chemical Laboratories, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La.



HE review of inorganic microchemistry is presented as an evaluation of trends in the methods, techniques, and tools of microanalysis. As part of the evaluation, selected topics are cited as being of particular significance, although the reviewer recognizes his inability to judge properly all of the individual advances in such a broad field. Critical examinat,ion and evaluation of details of procedure are especially difficult. Often, however, relatively restricted portions of an investigation may contribute key advances for general techniques. For this reayon, a number of papers are cited which show specific aids rind illustrate their uses. The reviewer considers methods of I., Graus, B., Ibid.. 9, 163-7 (1953). Precise heterometric microdetermination of lead or citric acid. Bobtelsky, N.,Welwart, Y.. Ibid.. 9, 281-6 (1953). Heterometric microtitration of nickel with dimethylglyoxime. Ibid., pp. 374-83. Direct heterometric microtitration of nickel with dimethylglyoxime in presence of other metals, Bode, H., Z . anal. Chem. 143, 182-94 (1954). Systematic examination of uses of diethyldithiocarbamate in analysis. Ibid., 144, 90-100 (1955). Investigations on applicability of diethyldithiocarbamate in analysis. Photometric determination of tellurium and its separation from large amounts of selenium. Branica, AI., Arhiv. K e n . Zagreb 26, 119-20 (1954). d u t o matic microextraction apparatus. British Drug Houses, Ltd., Lab. Pract. 3, 419-24 (1964). Dimethylglyoxime. British Standards, B. S. 1428, Part E 2, 1954. U c r o b e a k e r s . Ibid., B. S. 1428, Part G , 1954. Heating and cooling blocks for microchemical purposes. Buck, R. P., Singhadeja, S., Rogers, L. B., d s a ~ C . m v . 26, 1240-2 (1954). Ultraviolet absorption spectra of some inorganic ions in aqueous solutions. Burkhalter, T. S., Solarek, J. F., Ibid., 25, 1125-6 (1953). Trimethylphenylamnonium iodide, quantitative precipitant for bismuth. Burma, D. P., Anal. Chim. Bcta 9, 513-7 (1953). Separation of lithium, sodium, and potassium present a s sulfates and citrates by paper chrornatography. Bush, V., Duryee. W.R.. Hastings, J. A , Rex. Sci. Instr. 24, 487-9 (1953). Electric micromanipulator. Calmon, C . , J . A m . Water W o r k s Assoc. 46, 470-8 (1954). Ion exchange methods in water analysis. Carlton, J. K., Bradbury, W. C., ASAL. C"af. 26, 1226-7. Detection of bismuth by dithizone in molten naphthalene. Chalmers, R. A, Analyst 79, 519-21 (1954). Spectrophotometric microtitration of calcium. Charles, R. G . , Freiser, H., Anal. Chim. Acta 11, 1-11 (1954). Structure and behavior of organic analytical reagents. Chelates of 2 - ( o - h y d r o s y p h e n y l ) - b e n z o l e , 2-(o-hydroxyphenyl) benzothiazole, and 2-(o-hydroxyphenyl) benzothiazoline. Ibid., pp. 101-10. Structure and behavior of organic analytical reagents. Dimethylglyoxime and its 0-monomethyl ether. Cheng. I