Inorganic Microchemistry

(154) Scalamandre, A.A., and Guerrero, A. H., Anales assoc, quim. Argentina, 39, 28-30 (1951). (155) Schaffer, F. L., Fong, J., and Kirk, P. L., Anal...
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V O L U M E 2 6 , N O . 1, J A N U A R Y 1 9 5 4 (149) Sahashi, Y.. and Shibasaki, H., J . Agr. Chem. SOC.J a p a n , 25, 57-9 (1951-52). (150) Sakamoto, S., J. Phurm. SOC.J a p a n , 72, 509-10 (1952). (151) Salt, H. B., Analyst, 78, 4-14 (1953). (152) Sarakhov, A. I., DokZudy A k a d . S a u k S.S.S.R., 86, 989-92 (1952). (153) Savacool, R. V., and Lllyot, G. E., ANAL. CHEM.,24, 714-17 (1952). (154) Scalamandre, A. d.,and Guerrero, A. H., Anales assoc. qvdm. A r g a t i n u , 39, 28-30 (1951). (155) Schaffer, F. L., Fonp, J., and Kirk, P. L., ANAL.CHEM.,25, 343-6 (1953). (156) Schoniger, W., Mikrochemie ver. Mikrochim. Acta, 38, 132-5 (1951). (157) Ibid., 40, n - 9 (1952). (158) Schoniger, W., M i t t . Lebensm. Hug., 43, 105-16 (1952). (159) Schoniger, W., and Lieb, H., Ibid., 38, 165-7 (1951). (160) . . Schoniger. W.. Lieb. H.. and Gassner. K.. 2. anal. Chem., 134. 188-91 '(1951). (161) Schreiner, H., Mikrochemie rer. Mikrochim. Acta, 38, 273-7 (1951). (162) Seligson, D., and Seligson, H.. . I . Lab. C'lin. iMed., 38, 324-30 (1951). (163) Sheers, E. H., and Cole, AI. S., AKAI..CHEM.,25, 535 (1953). (164) Shelberg, E. F., Ibid., 23, 1492-3 (1951). (165) Shishikura, Y., J . J a p a n . Biochem. Soc., 19, 145-9 (1947). (166) Sickels, J. P., and Schultz, H. P., Quart. J . Florida Acad. Scz., 14, 35-7 (1951). (167) Singer, E., J. phys. radium, 12, 654-62 (1951). (168) Sirotenko, .4.A , , Mikrochemie ver. Mikrochim. Acta, 40, 30-1 (1952). (169) Slavik, K., and Smetaiia, R., Chrm. Listy, 46, 648-9 (1952).

121 (170) Smith, D. M., Mitchell, J., Jr., and Billnieyer, A. M., ANAL. CHEM.,24, 1847-9 (1952). (171) Staemmler, H. J., Biochem. Z., 323, 74-7 (1952). (172) Steyermark, A., and Faulkner, 11. B., J . Assoc. Ofic.A n . Chemists, 35, 291-304 (1952). (173) Steyermark, A., and Garner, M.W., Ibid., 36, 319-35 (1953). (174) Steyermark, A., McNally, &I. J., Wiseman, W. A., Nivens, R., and Biava, F. P., ANAL.CHEM.,24, 589-90 (1952). (175) Stock, J. T., and Fill, M. d.,Mikrochim. Acta, 1953, 89-118. (176) Sugiyama, N., and Furuhashi, K., J . Chew. SOC.J a p a n , Pure C h m . SCC~., 72, 583-5 (1951). (177) Sundberg, 0. E., and-Royer, G. I,., ANAL.CHEM.,24, 907-8 (1952). (178) Yaekeres, L., F6ti, G., and PBlyi, E , Magyar Kdm. Folydirat, 56, 377-8 (1950). (179) Thompson, R. C., ANAL.CHEM.,25, 535-6 (1953). (180) Thorn. J. A.. and Hhu. P.. Can. J . Chem.. 29. 558-62 (1951). ( l 8 l j Throckmordn, W. H., and Hutton, G. H., ANAL.'CHEM., 24, 2003-4 (1952). (182) Toennies, G., and Bakay, V., Ibid., 25, 160-5 (1953). (183) Unterzaucher, J., Analust, 77, 584-95 (1952). (184) UpSon, u.L., d X . 4 L . CHF..\f.. 25, 977-9 (1953). (185) Vandenheuvel, F. A , , Ibid., 24, 847 51 (1952). (186) Van Etten, C. H., Ibid., 23, 1697-8 (1951). (187) Van Etten. C. H.. and Wiele. 11.B.. Ibid.. 25. 1109-11 (1953). (l88j White, L. if,, and Morris, R. T., Ibid., 24, 1063-4 (1952). (189) Willits, C. O., Ibid., 23, 1565-7 (1951). (190) Wilson, C. L., Mikrochim. Acta, 1953, 58-70. (191) Witekowa, S., WCZ'iado?ndsci Chem., 4 , 174-89 (1950). (192) Wurzschmidt, B., ,Mitt. Lebensm. Hyg.,43, 126-8 (1952). (193) Zacherl, M ,K., and Stockl, W., Mikrocheinie W T . Mikrochirn. Acta, 38, 278-87 (1951). (194) Zimmerniann, W.. Ibid., 40, 162-9 (1952).

Inorganic Microchemistry PHIUP W. WEST Coates Chemical Laboratories, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La.


TOTAL of 970 references have been considered in making up the present review. The limitation of space has necessitated discontinuing the former practice (191) of including an annotated bibliography. The references cited are not necessarily the most important individual contributions during the period under consideration; instead, they often typify important trends and illustrate points of significance in a critical appraisal. Many interesting papers have been omitted because they will appear in accompanying reviews of other fields. Most of analytical chemistry is developing along lines that are essentially microchemical. To keep abreast of developments in microanalysis requires, therefore. consideration of the work in microscopy, fluorometry, x-ray diffraction and x-ray spectrometry, polarography, colorimetry, nucleonics, electrometric methods, mass spectrometry, emission spectroscopy, Raman and infrared spectroscopy, extraction methods, ion exchange. and chromatography. Obviously, reviews of other fields must be correlated with the present one to obtain a true perspective. A general profile of the field of inorganic microchemistry can be obtained by a gross classification of the current literature. The present review, covering the 2-year period since October 1951, is based on a collection of almost a thousand references dealing generally with microchemical apparatus, separations, organic reagents, spot teste, microscopy, gravimetry, titrimetry, and colorimetry. Of these, 64 dealt with instruments and apparatus. and 151 were primarily contributions in the field of separations. I t is interesting to note that 397 papers dealt with the application of organic reagenta and very little attention was paid to inorganic reagents except where their utilization was incidental to the use of organic compounds. Spot tests appeared to be by far the most important qualitative technique, with a total of 93 references. Quantitative analyses described were very largely in the field of

colorimetry, a total of 330 contributions falling in this category. There were 93 and 126 papers dealing with gravimetric and titrimetric methods, respectively. This reviewer considers microanalysis to embrace all analytical operations dealing with small amounts of material (100 micrograms or less), regardless of dilution. Analysts in general prefer instruments or techniques that possess high sensitivities and the trend is toward operations applying to dilute systems. Of special interest is the development of electrometric methods of great sensitivity. Couloinetric titrations of exceptional delicacy are being reported in increasing numbers, and sensitive electrodeposition procedures are also proving significant. Highfrequency titrations have proved useful for titrimetry of dilute solutions, especially in instances where satisfactory indicators or electrodes have not previously been available. Specificity of reagents is still more of an aim than an actuality, and most instruments are restricted to measurements on isolated systems. Therefore, separations are an important factor in the progress of microchemical analysis. Of special interest jn this connection is the great number of contributions dealing with ion exchange and inorganic chromatography that have appeared recently. The true value of this work can be assessed only through practical application. It is certain that many of the contributions have appeared because i t is a new and intriguing field I n fact, some of the separations described can be acconiplished in seconds rather than hours by using the same systems applied to solvent extraction methods rather than resorting to the use of paper or column chromatography. A number of difficult separations have been solved by chromatography or ion exchange, however, and work in these fields is contributing greatly to the furthering of inorganic microchemistry. A passing observation of special interest to those in academic


122 fields is the wide application of coordination chemistry in microanalysis. Over 60% of the papers reviewed dealt with some form of coordination, with applications ranging from masking of interferences by complexation through utilization of complexes as reagents or reacting substances. The following sections will serve to show actual examples of trends and practices considered to be of special significance; attention is directed to accompanying reviews of related fields, and to critical reviews and theoretical discussions that have appeared elsewhere during the past two years. REVIEWS

A number of phases of inorganic microchemistry have been reviewed by Furman (59). Singer (161) has dealt with microbalance techniques. Osborn (15Q and Vermeulen and Hiester (211) have discussed analytical applications of ion exchange resins, and the theories and practices of solvent extraction methods have been surveyed by Sandell (149). The recent progress in automatic gravimetry has been discussed by Duval (39); Parka has reviewed the applications of amperometric titrations to microanalysis (>%) ; and coulometric titrations have been evaluated by Tutundzic (189). The discussion of radiochemical techniques by Hudgens (81) presents a number of ideas of value to the microanalyst, and the summary by Haberlandt (71) of the use of luminescence in trace analysis is important. A brief but valuable review of micromethods for determining physical constants has been presented by Sobotka (170). The article by Bose (19) on the use of bioassay methods should be stimulating to those microanalysts not familiar with such techniques. A number of papers have appeared dealing with the question of reaction sensitivity and its designation-e.g., 72, 113. This reviewer still favors the designations, “limit of identification” and “limiting concentration,” in the forms originally proposed by Feigl and by Hahn. The use of the negative logarithm of the concentration as advocated by Wenger, Duckert, and Gillis does have value in the graphic indication of the effect of cosolutes on dilution limits. APPARATUS

Balances of various types continue to be of interest, and Hodsman (79) has reviewed the factors influencing modern deciign. Singer (161) has reviewed the present status of microbalances and Bromund and Benedetti-Pichler (24) have discussed the use of the assay balance in microanalytical work. A glass microbalance has been described by Ambrosina (9) and various types of quartz fiber instruments have been discussed (20, Mj 74). An electronic balance was described by von Brockdorff and Kirsch (25) and a magnetically controlled quartz fiber balance was proposed by Edwards and Baldwin (429, who gave details of construction and performance data on their instrument. The increasing interest in analysis on the microgram scale has resulted in a number of papers which deal with the special apparatus required for such work. El-Badry and Wilson (46) have discussed the apparatus and techniques involved in microgram analysis and Brindle and Wilson (62) described a micronianipulator for use with syringe micropipets. Alvarez Querol has also dealt with the problem of apparatus for ultramicroanalysis and has suggested various pieces of equipment of value for such work (7, 8). Chromatographic and ion exchange methods generally require only the simplest of apparatus, However, certain innovations are of interest in these fields, as, for example, the instruments developed for automatic paper chromatography. Muller and Clegg (119) have developed a photometer for use in reading paper chromatograms. Incident light is reflected to a barrier layer photocell for reflectance studies or a modified instrument can be used for transmittancy measurements. Either developed chromatograms can be studied or continuous readings of chromatograms can be recorded during development. Rapid scanning of strips during separation should disclose peculiarities or other details of value in

interpretation not available in completed chromatograms, Sato, Norris, and Strain (161) have developed an apparatus for continuous electrochromatography. The instrument serves to impress a potential of 200 to 500 volts across a paper strip carrying a solution of electrolytes to undergo separation. The actual technique employed is considered under the general discussion of separations. -4capillary buret has been described by Grunbaum and Kirk (69) suitable for conventional use or adaptable for use with a reagent-generating ion exchange column. In the latter use standard acid or base solutions are generated a t the time of utilization by passing aqueous potassium chloride over an exchange column of Dowex 50 resin washed with hydrochloric acid or amberlite X E 6 7 previously washed with potassium hydroxide. A useful unit for paper chromatography capable of holding up to 50 strips a t one time has been developed (160). Liquid-liquid extractors of different types have been proposed. A special syringe extractor for use with solvents of low density has been suggested by Medalia and Stoenner (121) and a continuous extractor for high density solvents was discussed by Harman (73). Spence and Streeton proposed the use of a microrotary extractor (171),and Meinke and Anderson devised (162) a continuous extractor utilizing a nitrogen lift followed by a two-stage bubble extraction during the gravity return cycle. The photomultiplier conversion of the Beckman DU spectrophotometer is of interest where an increase of sensitivity is desired ( 3 2 ) . Opler and Miller (134) have also suggested modifications for the Bcckman DU instrument to gain greater sensitivity and versatility. An apparatus for microanalysis of gas samples was proposed by Madley and Strickland-Constable (11I). The characteristics of porcelain microchemical apparatus have been studied by Whalley and Wyatt (ZUZ). A convenient micro drying oven has been devised (163) and micropipets have been described (13, 154). Flaschka has devised a reductor tube to be attached to a microburet so as to supply freshly reduced iron(I1) or titanium(II1) solutions (67). Lambert, Moore, and Arthur suggested a filtration apparatus for producing confined spots for spot test colorimetry (102). Various pieces of microchemical apparatus of simple construction have been pictured by Stock and Fill (172). SEPARATIONS

Separations remain the heart of most analytical methods. The true meaning of this statement becomes clear upon noting that over 15% of all papers studied for this review dealt solely with such operations, and over 28% of the papers considered were found to contain relatively novel examples of isolation or separation. In studying the current literature i t is impossible to overlook the rather sudden impact of chromatography and ion exchange. Of the papers on separations as such, over 75% were based on these two approaches. I t is to be expected that the number of the papers appearing in a relatively new area of investigation such as the chromatography of inorganic compounds would be of questionable value. Such is the case, but fortunately a substantial number of important contributions have also appeared, and a number of interesting trends can be noted. Some unusual and difficult separations accomplished by paper chromatography include the separation and detection of various rare earths (142) through use of complex-forming &quinolinol in butanol solutions. Lederer proposed similar separations based on the use of acetylacetone as the complexing agent (106). Francium has been isolated in a radioactively pure state by means of a combination of ascending paper chromatography and chemical separations (139). Kember and Wells (89) described the separation of zirconium and hafnium; Lacourt, Sommereyns, and Soete proposed (97) a method of isolating uranium from iron and aluminum; and Lewis and Griffiths have developed a method of descending-liquid phase chromatographic separation of a number


V O L U M E 26, NO. 1, J A N U A R Y 1 9 5 4 of metals (107). Lacourt and associates have applied paper chromatography to separations of anions on a microgram scale (96). Williams and his associates have used cellulose columns to separate tantalum from niobium (26,27, 207). The fluoride complexes are chromatographed and final separation is then accomplished by eluting with methyl ethyl ketone-water or methyl ethyl ketone-hydrofluoric acid mixtures. Niobium and tantalum can also be separated as the oxalates on activated alumina (186). The chromatographic separation of chelated compounds holds considerable promise ( 7 7 ) . Al-Mahdi and Wilson (6) have studied the separation of certain metal-diethyldithiocarbamates, and a number of investigators have worked on the chromatagraphy of metal complexes of 8-quinolinol (77, 103, 1 4 7 ) . Cobalt can be isolated and determined by chromatographing the cobalt complexes of nitroso R salt (34) or 2-nitroso-1-naphthol ( 2 2 ) . The reverse process of separation by complex elution is of proved value (162). Elertrochromatography has gained attention (104, 136, 274, 175). It consists essentially of electromigration combined with paper chromatography. Various combinations of cations and anions can be separated, and a considerable amount of flexibility in devising cation separations can be effected by use of complexing addenda whereby anion or cation complexes can be produced. Ion exchange methods are becoming well established. An excellent application of such techniques is the isolation of trace materials. Various mixtures of materials that are ordinarily difficult to separate lend themselves to separation on ion exchange columns, particularly in combination with complex elution methods-for example, rare earths can be handled with relative advantage in this manner (146, 146, 188). Extraction methods are rapidly gaining interest. Sandell has discussed the principles of the method (149). Selective extraction of lead iodide has been studied by West and Carlton (194), and a method for the isolation of copper has been reported (200). White and Rose reported a highly selective procedure for extracting antimony (204): rhenium has been extracted selectively as aryl phosphonium complexes (186, 287): and a study has been made of the extraction Reparation of chromium from vanadium (25). Group separations by means of extraction techniques are of considerable importance. Gorbach and Pohl (65, 66) have recommended extraction with organic reagents as a means of concentrating traces of metals, and Abrahamczik (1) has presented a general discussion of various extraction methods. Bock has studied (17’) the extraction of various metal thiocyanates. and Bock, fiusche, and Bock have separated metallic bromides b!ether cvtraction (18). Miscellaneous evtraction methods include: the separation of antimony (197); bismuth (87, 201); niolybdenum (118); sodium and potassium (205); platinum (41); nickel (64); and iron, gallium, hafnium, indium, scandium, tellurium, uranium, vanadium, and zirconium (56). Gathering agents mentioned as collectors for trace metals include hydrated iron oxide for beryllium (98, 99) and tellurium for silver (250). Electrographic separations are elegant (SO) and electrodeposition finds use for separation even in the microgram range (6). Strictly speaking, complexation is not a means of separation in most cases. It does serve the same purpose, however, and masking interferences by adding complexing agents is an extrrmely useful technique. For example, germanium can be determined in the presence of many potential interferences by the expedient of adding oxalic acid (230). Iron and aluminum interferences in the determination of beryllium havr been obviated by means of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ( 2 ) . Germanium has been sequestered as the fluoride complex ( 2 1 ) and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid complexes of lanthanons (291) have been used in accomplishing their separation. This latter example serves to illustrate the actual physical separation of materials by means of

complexation. The lanthanon complexes are selectively released by fractional acidification so as to produce individual separations. QUALITATIVE TECHNIQUES

Spot test methods make up the bulk of references dealing with qualitative analysis. Feigl (49) has reviewed the chemistry of specific, selective, and sensitive reactions and West has discussed the methods utilized in developing spot tests (193). West and Hamilton have shown that the characteristics of spot teste are greatly dependent on the nature of the reaction medium (188). Various spot tests for use in identifying alloys have been summarized by Kilshaw (208), and Monk has reviewed (128) the development of electrographic analysis. Individual contributions of special interest include the hydrazine test described by Feigl and Mannheimer (52). As little a s 0.0017 of hydrazine on spot test paper gives a red color with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde. When the test is run on paper, a salmon-pink fluorescence is obtained; when the test is performed on the spot plate, no fluorescence can be noted and even the normal test color is changed (yellow instead of red). A very sensitive test for copper, using Alizarin blue, has been proposed by Feigl and Caldas (50), and Feigl and Heisig have utilized “lake” formation as the basis for test for palladium and cyanide (51). h general test for the rare earth elements, based on the use of o-arsenobenzeneazo-2’,1’,8’-diliydroxynaphtha~en~3’,6’disulfonic acid, has been described by Kuznetsov (95). Pizarro has studied the use of gossypol as a reagent for detecting tin(1V) (240) and molybdenum(V1) (141). Benzhydroxamic acid is capable of detecting as little as 0 . 0 0 5 ~of vanadium (33); diphenyl phosphate has been recommended as a reagent for the detection of bismuth, iron, aluminum, and titanium; and the 1-methyl-2-niercaptoglyoxaline-bismuth complex has been suggested as a reagent for the detection of iodides (109). A new spot test for zinc has been described by Belcher, Xutten, and Stephen (14);and West and Lmgacre have proposed a catalytic test for cobalt (299). The fluorescence test for lead described by Slijivic (263) is of significance. A fe\y new microscopical tests have been proposed. The microscopical distinction of zirconium and hafnium has been described by van Kieuwenburg and van Ligten (136) and the formation of thallium thiocarbamide perchlorate crystals is suggested (112) as a test for thallium. West and Granatelli have shown that chromiuni(II1) can be detected as the phosphate (196) and Ryan, Yanowski, and Cefola (148) have suggested trioxalato complex formation as a general test for iron, aluminum, chromium, and cobalt. An innovation in microscopical procedure is the fusion technique described by X e s t and Granatelli (19.9, whereby inorganic salts are fused with 8-quinolinol on the hot stage and the resulting chelates and acid salts of 8-quinolinol serve for the simultaneous identification of both cations and anions. The use of the ultraviolet microscope is interesting and the work of Stolyarov (275) in this field should be consulted. Polarized light microscopy deserves far more attention than it is now being given ( 2 5 ) . Applications of the classical schemes of qualitative analysis to microchemical methods have been of restricted interest, except for the 11-ork of Kilson and his associates in developing methods for ultramiciochemical analysis ($5, 46, 4 7 ) . Infrared spectra serve for the analysis of inorganic compounds, and the salts of polyatomic ions can often be identified (124) by noting the positions and intensities of the I R absorption bands. GRAVI-METRY

The work of Duval and his associates constitutes the most significant development in gravimetric methods of microanalysis. By means of thermogravimetric techniques, this group of investigators has studied practically all of the precipitates used in the gravimetric determination of the various cations and anions. The



data obtained show the optimum temperature ranges for drying or igniting precipitates and disclose a number of erroneous procedures that have been in use in which specified directions for the treatment of precipitatee yield impure or unstable weighing forms The thermogravimetric technique itself holds promise as an automatic microanalytical tool. The many contributions in this field have been summarized by Duval (39) and his book on the subject (40)presents a complete description of the instruments and techniques utilized as well as the data obtained to date on the precipitate studies. Very significant developments have taken place in the analysis of microgram amounts of sample. Balances and other e q u i p ment for such work were discussed under the section devoted to apparatus. Gravimetric procedures for lead, silver, and mercury(I1) have been presented by El-Badry and Wilson (&). These eame authors have proposed (48) a semiquantitative procedure for vanadium on the microgram scale based on the precip itation of lead vanadate, with subsequent centrifugation and estimation of the volume of the pryipitate. A number of new precipitants have been proposed and renewed interest has been shown in some of the old ones. Tetraphenylboron has gained a great deal of attention, and numerous papers dealing with i t have appeared. It is of special interest because i t is a selective precipitant for ammonium] potassium, cesium, rubidium, and calcium (210). It is claimed to be specific for potassium and ammonium when precipitations are performed in 0.1N mineral acid (91). I n addition to the interest in special precipitants, interest should be centered also on conditioning agents used to increase the selectivity of reagents. For example, Pribil has shown (144) that 8-quinolinol becomes a selective reagent for iron, aluminum, magnesium, and uranyl ions when ethylenediaminetetraacetate is used as a “masking” agent in ammoniacal solution. Likewise, ammonia will only precipitate beryllium, zirconium, and titanium from “complexone” solutions. Milner and Wood have been able to determine tantalum as tantalum pentoxide (1?!@ by isolating the fluoride complex by means of a methyl ethyl ketone extraction. The extracted tantalum is precipitated as the tannate. TITRIMETRY

The use of ion exchange resins in the preparation of very dilute standard acids and bases is of considerable interest. Kirk and his collaborators have shoa-n (69, 70) that standard potassium hydroxide ( - 0 . O O l O S ) can be prepared by passing standard potassium chloride through a column of Amberlite XE-67 resin that has been first treated with sodium hydroxide and then washed until the effluent is neutral. Once the column has been prepared and Ret in operation, fresh standard base can be drawn off as needed. The authors found that for 45 titrations, over a 45-day period, titrations against a standard acid gave a standard deviation of f0.171 pl. for an average titration of 43.34 PI. Standard hydrochloric acid can be generated in a similar manner by using an acid treated Dowex 50 resin. Delavault and Irish (35) have proposed the use of direct titrations of metals by means of dithizone. They recommend the use of 80% acetone in water as the solvent, since stable emulsions are formed with carbon tetrachloride solutions of the reagent. Air oxidation of the reagent can be suppressed by adding phenylhydrazine sulfate to the solution to be titrated. hlicrotitrations of metals can be performed using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (68, 166). This titrant should also be well adapted to use with high-frequency oscillators which hold promise for microchemical work on the basis of their sensitivity and because they obviate difficulties often associated with electrodes of potentiometric or conductometric titrators. I n general, high frequency methods hold greatest promise where lack of suitable indicators or electrode systems has restricted the use of titrimetry as, for example, in the case of the titrimetric determinations of thorium (16) and sulfate (166).

Coulometric titrations hold great promise in microanalysis. Modern electrometer tubes can measure extremely small currents and potentiometric indication of end points now makes it possible to work with relative ease in the submicrogram range. Examples of such titrations include the coulometric determination of manganese by Cooke, Reilley, and Furman (36); acids by Carson and KO (69); silver by Lord, O’Neill, and Rogers (108); uranium by Furman, Bricker, and Dilts (60, 62); and vanadium by Furman, Reilley, and Cooke (63). These latter investigators have also pointed out the merits of the coulometric method in cerate titrimetry (62). Amperometric titrations hold promise in microanalysis, particularly when used with some of the organic titrants (86). COLORIMETRY AND SPECTROPHOTOMETRY

Techniques and reagents both hold interest in this area. Kirk and his associates have shown how even submicrogram quantities of phosphate can be isolated and then determined using capillary cells in a Becknian DU spectrophotometer (166). A relatively new area of activity is the ultraviolet spectrophotometry of inorganic compounds (IO). Working in the ultraviolet range, Telep and Boltz have deterniined vanadium (181), columbium (282), and cobalt (183). Hines and Boltz suggest determining titanium with ascorbic acid (78), measuring the absorbency a t 360 nib. Rogers and his associates suggest determining iron (37) as well as bismuth, lead, and thallium by ultraviolet spectrophotometry (123). Higginson also used this general approach for estimating mercury (11) (76). An interesting area of colorimetric analysis is radiation dosimetry. One such method for measuring radiation depends on estimating the amount of acid liberated from chloroform in the presence of water, using broniocresol purple as the indicator (178). Polson and Strickland (148) have collected traces of sulfate on barium chromate and determined the sulfur through formation of Lauth’s violet. Martin and 1IcClelland determined cyanate as the dicyanatop>.ridinecopper(I1) complex (119 ) . Miscellaneous colorimetric methods of interest include thc. determinations of millimicrograni amounts of zinc (117), gallium (127), thorium (120), and zirconium (133, 184). Yoe and his associates have proposed important new colorimetric reagents for zinc (211) and molybdenum (222) and Smith with his collaborators have developed new reagents for copper (110, 168, 169) and iron(I1) (205). Murexide is being used for colorimetric calcium determinations (136-138). Ferguson and Banks have studied various dioxinies and recommend cyclohexane-1,2-dionedioxime for determining nickel in calcium (54): They also report that 1,2-cycloheptanedionedioxime provides sensitivity advantages for spectrophotometric determinations of nickel (55). Uhlig and Freiser (190) have proposed the use of 2-isothioureidopropionic acid as a color-developing agent for nickel. ORGANIC REAGENTS

Organic reagents are of utmost importance in the development of inorganic microanalysis; in gravimetry, titrimetry, colorimetry, spot tests, and even in the field of separations, the majority of agents used are organic compounds. All of the organic reagents encountered cannot be mentioned, and it is even impractical to try to discuss new compounds that have been introduced. It is pertinent, however, to call attention to the discussion of the selectivity of organic reagents by Irving and Williams (84) and the remarks of Kuznetsov concerning the bases of color reactions of organic reagents (94). The new reagents developed in the laboratories of Yoe (611, 612) and Smith (110, 168, 169, 205) illustrate the benefits to be derived from systematic research in this field. Other studies worthy of mention are those of Tchakirian and Bavillard on new reagents for germanium (279, ZRO), Malissa and 3Iiller on disubstituted dithiocarbamates (114), Korenman

V O L U M E 26, NO. 1, J A N U A R Y 1 9 5 4


and Sheyanova on reageiits for boric acid (96), and Kantharaj Urs and Neelakantam on pentamethylquercetin as a reagent for horic acid (88). An interesting side light appears in the paper of Feigl and Schaeffer (63), which deals with the difficult problem of decomposing metallo-organic complexes. They recommend the use of persulfate oxidation, catalyzed by traces of silver iou.




-4nalysis by radioactivation promises to be an extremely valu:i Me tool for microanalysis. Because of limitations imposed by the need for sources of radiation, the method is restrict’ed to work done in special laboratories and for this reason is not emphasized here. T h e review on the subject by Smales should be consulted (165). Representative analyses by radioactivation include the determination of uranium ( 1 6 4 , arsenic (166, 167)$ sodium and copper (3): t1i:illium (33, antimony (829,indium (83), and various trace?:impurities in magnesium (11). C‘atalyzed and induced reactions are often ideally suited for qualitative and quantitative microanalysis. A number of contrilmtions appeared in t h i ~field recently, including the work of Ss:il)o and his associates on the deterniination of persulfate (176) :iiltl Krause’s work on the eptimation of iron (93). This latter method is reported capable of disclosing as little as 0.0001y o f iron, and is based on tlie catalysis of hydrogen peroxide de(miposition by iron(I1) hydroxide coprecipitat’ed on copper and cobalt hydroxides. B major proportion of research on catalytic niethods has been carried out in Japanese laboratories. Shiok:tw has studied methods for tieternlining osmium (156, 1.57), van:ttliuni (158), and molybdenum (1-59). Goto and Suautu hsve cvolved catalytic methods for wtimating copper (67),and the (I(,termination of iodide 11:s Iiren studied by Iwasaki, Utsunii. :ind Ozawa (86). Catalytic nirthods have been described for detmiiining copper (100) arid fluoride (201). The iodine-ozide reaction has been used by Ilolter and Lovtrup for the determination t ~ fvarious sulfur compounds (80). -4catalytic tcst for cobalt tias been proposed by West, anti Longacre (199). Bioassay methods are being generally overlooked, in spite of t tic fact that they can offer sensitivities beyond those obtainable rr-ith chemical methods mid may exhibit considerable selectivity. Nicholas has dis:ctiissed the use of AspergiIlir.5 rbiger and i’eriidlium glaucuni in rstiniuting trace metals (131). Copper in w i l p in quantitiee up to 17 can be estimated by means of Asper@us niger (38) and this same organism can be used for molybtlcniim determinations ( 7 ; ) . The value and scope of fluoromet.ric methods can be seen in tlie papers of Zochcr. Feigl: and Torok on the fluorescence of nietal salts of 8-quinolinol (219); Willard and Horton on the clotrriiiination of fluoride (206); and Alford, Shapiro, and \\-hit? on the determination of zirconium (4). Fluorescence is valuable in both qualitative and quantitative analysis and often c:shihita unusually good sensitivity and selectivity. Gas analysis on the micro scale has attracted a limited amount oi attention. Wirth (209) has described an application of the heat conductivity principle to tlie analysis of gas samples of from 1 to 0.001 ml. The samples are absorbed in a U-tube packed with activated charcoal and partially immersed in liquid air. The gas is desorbed by controlled evaporation of the coolant and its lieat conductivity measured i n special cell. Colorimetric analysis of air for industrial vapors and gases has been discussed by Grosskopf (68). Malissa, Musil, and Kreibich have investigated various methods of identifying volatilized inorganic substanrcs (11.5, 116). LITERATURE CITED

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127 (127) Moeller, T., and Cohen, A. J., Annl. Chim. Acta, 4, 316-21 (1950). Spectrophotometric determination of gallium in presence of aluminum. (128) Monk, P. R., Analyst, 78, 141-4 (1953). Brief survey of development of electrographic analysis with special reference to recent British apparatus. (129) Muller, R. H., and Clegg, D. L., Ann. N . Y . Aced. Sci., 53, 1108-18 (1951). Automatic paper chromatography. (130) Nair, C. K. N., and Gupta, J., J . Sci. I n d . Research, I n d i a , IOB, 300-4 (1951). Colorimetric estimation of traces of germanium. (131) Nicholas, D.J. D., Anal~(st,77, 629-41 (1952). Use of fungi for determining trace metals in biological materials. (132) Kieuwenburg, C. J. van, and Ligten, J. W. L. van, Anal. Chim. Acta, 7, 390-2 (1952). Microscopical distinction of zirconium and hafnium. (133) Oesper, R. E., Dunleavy, R. A,, and Klingenberg, J. J., ANAL. CHEX,24, 1492-4 (1952). Rapid method for determination of small amounts of zirconium (by means of m-azo-(3-naphtholmandelic acid). (134) Opler, A , , and Miller, J. H., J . Opt. SOC. Amer., 42, 784-5 (1952). Applications of modified spectrophotometer for microspectrometry, microdensitometry, and continuous flame photometry. (135) Osborn, H.G., Analyst, 78, 221-52 (1953). Bibliography on analytical applications of ion exchange resins. (136) Ostertag, H., and Rinck, SI. E., Chim. anal., 34, 108-9 (1952). Colorimetric estimation of cadmium using murexide. (137) Ostertag, H., and Rinck, E., Compt. rend., 232, 629-30 (1951). Interference by other ions in colorimetric determination of calcium by murexide reagent. (138) Parks, T.D.,Anal. Chim. Acta, 6, 553-66 (1952). Applications of amperometric titrations to microanalysis. (139) Perey, SI,, and Adloff, J. P., Compt. rend., 236, 1163--5 (1952). Chromatographic separation of francium. (140) Pizarro, A. T., Anal. Chim. Acta, 5 , 529-35 (1951). Analytical applications of gossypol. Use for detection of tin (IT). (141) Ibid., 6, 105-11 (1952). .Inalytical applications of gossypol. Use for detection of molybdenum(V1). (142) Pollard, F. H.,SlcOmie, J. F. W.,and Stevens, H. M.,J. Chem. Soc., 1952,4730-4. Analysis of inorganic compounds by paper chromatography. Separation and detection of certain lanthanons. (143) Polson, D. S. C., and Strickland, J. D. H., A n a l . Chim. Acta. 6, 452-61 (1952). Determination of microgram amounts of sulfur in nitrate or chloride solutions. (144) Pribil, R., Chimia, 4, 160-3 (1950). Complexones in gravimetric analysis. (145) Radhakrishna, P.,A n a l . Chim. Acta, 6,351-4 (1952). Separation of thorium and lanthanum by ionic exchange. (146)Ibid., 8, 140-5 (1953). Separation of scandium, lanthanum, and yttrium. (147) Reeves, W ,A , and Crumpler, T . B., ANAL.CHEM.,23, 1576-8 (1951). Paper partition chromatography of cations; cations precipitated in acid solution by 8-quinolinol. (148) Ryan, J. C., Yanowski, L. K., and Cefola, SI., Mikrochemie cer. Mikrochim. Acta, 38, 466-70 (1951). Trioxalato compounds as reagents for tests under microscope. (149) Sandell, E.B.,A n a l . Chim.Acta, 4,504-12 (1950). Rationale of analytical separations by simple immiscible solvent extraction. (150) Sandell, E.B., and Xeumayer, J. J., ANAL.CHEX.,23, 1863-5 (1951). Photometric determination of traces of silver. (151) Sato, T.R., Norris, W.P., and Strain, H. H., Ibid., 24, 776-8 (1952). Apparatus for continuous electrochromatography. (152) Schaffer, F. L., Fong, J., and Kirk, P. L., Ibid., 25, 343-6 (1953). Microgram and submicrogram determination of phosphate. Applications of sealed tube digestion and capillary cell spectrophotometry. (153) Schenck, R.T. E., and Ma, T. S., Mikrochemie ver. Mikrochim. Acta, 40, 23644 (1953). Compact temperature-regulated micro drying oven. (154) Schoniger, W.,Ibid., 40, 27-9 (1952). Wash-out pipet for microliter quantities. (155) Schwarzenbach, G.,Anal. Chim. Acta, 7, 141 (1952). Chelate complex formation as basis for titration processes. (156) Shiokawa, T., Sci. Rept. Research Inst. Tohoku Univ., A2, 443-5 (1950). Catalytic analysis. Microdetermination of osmium by reaction between ceric sulfate and arsenious acid. (157) Ibid., pp. 446-8. Catalytic analysis. Microdetermination of osmium by reaction between potassium permanganate and arsenious acid. (158) Zbid., pp. 612-17. Catalytic analysis. Microdetermination of vanadium with Pulfrich photometer.

128 (159) Ibid., pp. 770-3. Catalytic analysis. Microdetermination of molybdenum with Ukena's colorimeter. (160) Singer, A. J., and Kenner, L., ANAL.CHEM.,23, 387-8 (1951). Versatile paper-partition chromatographic apparatus. (161) Singer, E., J. phys. radium, 12, 554-62 (1951); Bull. Brit. Sei. Instr. Research Assoc., 6, 248 (1951). Present position of microbalance technique. (162) Singh, M. M.,and Gupta, J., J . Sci. I d . Research, India, 10B, 289-90 (1951). Inorganic partition chromatography by complexing elution. Separation of bismuth from lead and copper. (163) Slijivic, S., Bull. SOC. chim. Belgrade, 16, 147-50 (1951). Detection of minute quantities of lead by fluorescence. (164) Smales, A. A., Analyst, 77, 778-9 (1952). Determination of small quantities of uranium in rocks and minerals by radioactivation. (165) Smales, A. A,, Atomics, 4, 65-63, 74 (1953). Scope of radioactivation analysis. (166) Smales, A. A,, and Pate, B. D., Analyst, 77, 188-95 (1952). Determination of submicrogram quantities of arsenic by radioactivation. Determination of arsenic in sea water. (167)Ibid., pp. 196-202. Determination of submicrogram quantities of arsenic by radioactivation. Determination of arsenic in biological material. (168) Smith, G. F., and hlccurdy, W. H., Jr., ANAL.CHEM.,24, 371-3 (1952), 2,9-Dimethyl-l,lO-phenanthroline, new specific (reagent) in spectrophotometric determination of copper. (169) Smith, G. F., and Wilkins, D. H., Ibid., 25, 510-11 (1953). New colorimetric reagent specific for copper. Determination of copper in iron. (170) Sobotka, hl., Mikrochemie ver. ik'ikrochim. Acta, 36/37, 407-1 1 (1951). Micromethods for determination of physical constants. (171) Spence, R., and Streeton, R. J. W., Analyst, 77, 578-82 (1952). Countercurrent microrotatory extractor as analytical tool. (172) Stock, J. T., and Fill, bI. A., Chem. Druggist, 160, 743-7 (1951). Microchemical apparatus. (173) Stolyarov, K.P., J . A n a l . Chem. U.S.S.R., 7, 195-200 (1952). Use of ultraviolet rays in analytical chemistry. Qualitative microchemical analysis in ultraviolet rays. (174) Strain, H.H., ANAL.CHEY.,24, 356-60 (1952). Qualitative separations in two-way and three-way electrochromatography. (175) Strain, H. H., and Sullivan, J. C., Ibid., 23, 81623 (1951). Analysis by electromigration plus chromatography. (176) Szabo, Z. G.,Ceanyi, L., and Galiba, H., 2. anal. Chenz., 135, 269-75 (1952). Catalytic studies on analytical chemistry. Iodometric determination of persulfate ions using mixed catalysts. (177) Tammelin, L. E.,and Mogensen, S., Acta Chem. Scand., 6, 988-92 (1952). Microquantitative determination of calcium as murexide complex in presence of magnesium. (178) Taplin, G. V., and Douglas, C. H., Radiology, 56, 577-91 (1951). Colorimetric dosimeter for qualitative measuremelit of penetrating radiations. (179) Tchakirian, A,, and Bevillard, P., Compt. rend., 233, 256-8 (1951). Specific reagents for germanium. (180) Ibid., pp. 1033-5. Specific reagents for germanium. (181) Telep, G., and Boltz, D. F,, ANAL. CHEM.,23, 901-3 (1951). Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of vanadium. (182) Ibid., 24, 163-5 (1952). Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of niobium. (183) Ibid., pp. 945-7. Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of cobalt with peroxide and bicarbonate. (184) Thamer, B. J., and Voigt, A. F., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,73, 3197-202 (1951). Zirconium chloroanilate complexes. (185) Tikhomiroff,N.,Compt. rend., 236,1263-5 (1953). Separation of niobium and tantalum by chromatography on activated alumina.

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