Inorganic qualitative analysis: Semimicro technique with estimation of

Harold A. Fales, Professor ofChemistry, Rutgers University,. Newark Colleges, and Frederic Kenny, Assistant Professor of. Chemistry, Hunter College, N...
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MAY, 1954 0



A. Fales, Professor of University, Newark Colleges, and Frederic Kenny, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Hunter College, New York. Third edition. Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., New York, 1953. xii 284 Pages. 3 9 figs. 15 tables. 14.5 X 21.5 cm. $3.


THIS is the third edition of the book, whioh first appeared in 1943. I t is intended for students who have had only two quarters or one semester of general chemistry, and can be sdapted to either s. year or a. half-year course. I t should also serve well for the laboratory part of a comprehensive course in the inorganic chemistry of the metals and nonmetals durina- the last Dart of the first year. The hook is divided into two sections. The first deals with theoretical material: the second deals with laboratorv teehniaues knowns. A few of the supplementary experiments are used to illustrate theoretical topics discussed in the first p m t of the book. The authors attempt to correlate lecture and laboratory work but their attempt is only partly succesnful. It is difficult to eorrelate such topics as atomic structure, acids and bases, ionization, conductivity, and pH with the laboratory separation and identification of metals.

discussed. The more or leas standard analytical scheme is used. Sulfide ions are furnished by H9S and centrifuges are used to separate precipitates. Cu++ and Cd++ are separated with powdered iron. Many instructors feel that KCN or NarS1O4give somewhat better results. The anion procedure provides for the identification of 12 anions. Stand81.d tests me used, in general, but a scheme of analysis similar to cation analysis is set up rather than elimination tests and then individual tests for ions not eliminated. The book is well written and easily understood, and should receive eon~ideratianfrom anyone looking for a text of this type. RAY WOODRIFF



Discussions of the Faraday Sooiety, No. 12. Aberdeen University Press, Ltd., Aberdeen, 1952. vii 319 pp. mustrated. 15.5 X 25 Em. 35s.


THIS book contains the technical papers presented s t a General Discussion on Gdiation Chemistry held by the Faradsy Society a t Leeds University in April, 1952. With respect to oreanization. the book is divided into four sections. each of which is &eluded with a general discussion of the pa