instant and automatic relief of excess pressure with ... - ACS Publications

6 Nov 2010 - instant and automatic relief of excess pressure with dependable .... Writing your research paper is as important as the research itself. ...
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instant and automatic relief of excess pressure PLATINUM

with dependable corrosion-resistant rupture discs In pressurized apparatus subject to corrosive action, precious metal rupture discs provide the safest, most accurate and dependable relief. Platinum, gold, and silver, are now generally recognized as specifics when dealing with corrosion. Each is resistant to the corrosive effects of an important group of liquids and gases and will remain unattacked under conditions that would render many base metal materials useless. These rupture discs, depending on material selected, are guaranteed to be burst ±5% of specified pressure. Intrinsic value adds to the original cost of these discs but the actual metal value is recovered, no matter how torn or battered the discs may be. Send for literature. BAKER PLATINUM D I V I S I O N • 113 ASTOR STREET NEWARK, N. J.


look to Amersil for all high purity fused quartz requirements. Amersil manufactures and fabricates high purity fused quartz for ultraviolet transmission applications, laboratory ware and production equipment. These products include standard apparatus, plain tubing in many intricate fabrications, crucibles, trays, cylindrical containers and piping in a full range of sizes up to 25" in diameter. Ingots and plates are available in general commercial quality as well as in special optical grades. Amersil engineers are also prepared to assist in developing fused quartz and silica equipment for special requirements. Send for literature. AMERSIL QUARTZ D I V I S I O N • 685 RAMSEY AVENUE HILLSIDE, N. J. D O M E S T I C D I V I S I O N S ! AMERICAN PLATINUM ft SILVER DIVISION • AMERSIL QUARTZ DIVISION • BAKER CONTACT DIVISION • BAKER DENTAL DIVISION • BAKER PLATINUM DIVISION • BAKER SETTING DIVISION • CHEMICAL DIVISION • HANOVIA LIOUtD GOLD DIVISION • INSTRUMENTS ft SYSTEMS DIVISION • IRVINGTON-BAKER REFINING D I V I . SION • O. E. MAKEPEACE DIVISION • RESEARCH ft DEVELOPMENT DIVISION • H . A . W I L S O N D I V I S I O N . COMPANIES ABROAD t ENGELH ARD INDUSTRIES OF CANADA, L T D . , T O . RONTO • ENGELHARD INDUSTRIES L T D . , BAKER PLATINUM D I V I S I O N , HANOVIA PRODUCTS D I V I S I O N , LONDON • SOCIEDAD SURAMERICANA DE METALES PRECIOSOS S . A . . B O GOTA • ENGELHARD INDUSTRIES S. A.R. L., PARIS • ENGELHARD INDUSTRIES A / S . COPENHAGEN • GLOVER ft GOODE PTY., L T D . , MELBOURNE • ENGELH ARD INDUSTRIES. K . K . , TOKYO • ENGELHARD INDUSTRIES, P T Y . , L T D . , MELBOURNE • ENGELH ARD INDUSTRIES, L T D . , ZURICH • INDUSTRIE ENGELH ARD S.P. A . . ROME • GUILI ANO ST ACCIOLI-iMETALLI PREZIOSO S . P . A . . R O M E • INVERSIONES EN INDUSTRIES NACION ALES, S. A . , BOGOTA. ASSOCIATED COMPANI ES I KALIE-CHEMIE-ENGELH ARD K ATALYSATOMCN G . M . B . H . , HANOVER PROMPT PRECIOUS METAL SCRAP RECOVERY SERVICE • ENGELHARD PROCEDURES RECOVER 1 0 0 % OF ASSAYED PRECIOUS METAL CONTENT