INSTANT PROTECTION anywhere there's wear - C&EN Global

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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anywhere there's wear ft/ *

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A low-drag, long-wearing, abrasion-resistant barrier providing instant protection against wear on plant machinery and equipment. Hercules l-P Tape is a unique polymeric tape with an extremely low coefficient of friction. Can be applied to a variety of substrates, including metal, plastic, or wood to provide instant Ρ ^ ° ΐ ι ο η w h o ­ ever high abrasion exists. Hercules l-P Tape has excellent slip properties, is, with a pressure-sensitive adhesive providing strong an­ chorage. lOmilsthick, with d l * ) a 5-mil adhesive backing. I I jP"* Available in 1", 2", 3", and 1 1 L· 4" widths, in 54-foot rolls. • • n Writeforpricesandfurther ^ __ product information. Mail the coupon today. QP67-I2R H E R C U L E S •Hercules trademark



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Polymers Department Hercules Incorporated Wilmington, Delaware 19899 Please send me complete data and prices on Hercules l-P Tape.


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