Institute of Chemistry - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

Institute of Chemistry. J. Chem. Educ. , 1928, 5 (3), p 248. DOI: 10.1021/ed005p248.2. Publication Date: March 1928. Note: In lieu of an abstract, thi...
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UNITED STATES CIVIL-SERVICE EXAMINATION The United States Civil-Service Commission announces an open competitive examination for Junior Chemist. Applications for junior chemist must be on file with the Civil-Senrice Commission later than March 24th. The date for assembling of competitors a t washington, D. will be stated on their admission cards and will be about ten days after the close of receipt of applications. The examination is to fill vacancies in the Federal classified service throughout the United States, including the Departmental Service a t Washington, D. C., and the Forest Products Laboratory of the Forest Service a t Madison, Wis. The entrance salary in the District of Columbia is $1860 a year. After the probational period required by the civil-service act and rules, advancement in pay depends upon individual efficiency, increased usefulness, and the occurrence of vacancies in higher positions. For appointment outside of Washington. D. C.. the salary will he approximately the same. Optional subjects are advanced inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Competitors will be rated on general chemistry, elementary physics, and the optional subject selected. Full information may he obtained from the United States Civil-Service Commission a t Washington, D. C., or the secretary of the United States civil-service hoard of examiners a t the post-office or customhouse in any city.


INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY Following the successful inauguration of a Summer Institute of Chemistry a t Pennsylvania State College last year, the American Chemical Society has announced a second session which is to he held on the campus of Northwestern University a t Evanston, Illinois. July 23 t o August 18, 1928. The general plan t o be followed is similar to the one which proved to be so popular and inspiring last year. Living quarters for the chemists are t o be provided in the commodious dormitory, Willard Hall, which will afford everyone an opportunity for personal acquaintance with t h e entire group. A typical day's program will include lectures upon topics of special interest t o chemists, given by men who are able to speak with authority; conferences for discussion of live topics; recreation of various types; moving pictures presenting the best in the chemical industries; popular lectures of interest to chemists and laymen; social gatherings and trips t o a great variety of interesting points within easy reach of Evanston. The delightful campus along the lake shore, the opportunity t o hear and meet many of the leaders in chemistry of America and Europe, the privilege of side trips including music, art, education, the industries, the scenic beauty of the Great Lakes region, and the happy combination of summer vacation with educational privileges makes a most attractive program. Of special interest t o teachers will be a series of discussions in chemical education which will be held throughout the four weeks' session. Watch far detailed infomation concerning the program and plan t o attend during the entire four weeks or as much of it as convenient. Because of the fact that this institute will be popular with both teachers and industrial chemists a large enrolment is certain. Reservations should be made as promptly as possible with the Executive Secretary, Charles D. Hwd, Institute of Chemistry, Evanston, Illinois.