like laboratories in pleasant sur- roundings. Other pertinent factors include soil conditions and topography which will affect construction costs not ...
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like laboratories in pleasant surroundings. Other pertinent factors include soil conditions and topography which will affect construction costs not only for the building itself but for access roads and utilities. A host of factors is involved in this one aspect alone. Typical examples are rock, organic matter, water table, bogs, etc. The type and amount of roads needed must be considered. Climate, drainage, loads, etc., are pertinent in this regard. Planning utilities is a most important factor. Costs are such that provision for long-range needs must be thought out in great detail. Preliminary plans must be revised as planning develops. If future utility needs are expected to be large, provision must be made for a centrally located steam plant and related facilities. The merits of central versus individual heating and cooling are debatable. A central plant may not be justified if only one building is involved. If planning, however, calls for several buildings in the future, then a central utility building may be desirable. Air conditioning has been considered a luxury in many cases, particularly in college laboratories. The trend toward more year-round use of college laboratories makes consideration of air conditioning essential. Other factors governing site location include importance of the building to others in the group, the need for service functions to serve more than one building, the nature of use of the building, topographical requirements, separation of buildings, and parking. The last factor is one of growing importance. A figure of 0.67 to 0.9 parking spaces per person is common. Materials of Construction

There are two absolutely limiting factors in selecting materials of construction. These are the purpose for which the building is to be used and adherence to building codes. Since fireproof construction is almost always involved, use of wood is eliminated. Selection of materials depends on material costs and labor conditions.

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VOL.34,NO.10,SEPTEMBER1962·2 9 A