Instrument for Controlled-Potential Electrolysis

Gaz., 108, 446 (1947). (2) Freed,V. H., Science, 107, 98 (1948). (3) Hanks, R. W., Bot. Gaz., 108, 186 (1947). (4) Rooney,H. A. ... Gaz., 107, 507 (19...
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V O L U M E 2 2 , NO. 3, M A R C H 1 9 5 0 cedure herein described is actually determining the compound possessing the physiological activity characterized by 2 , P D . ACKNOWLEDGXIENT

The authors wish to express their appreciation to Paul K. Brown for his valuable assistance in these experiments. Thanks are also extended to H. Robert DeRose for his cooperation in pel’forming the leaching of the soil samples and to Robert Weintrauli for determining 2 , P D on wveral samples by the biological me thotl .


(1) Bandurski, R. S., Bot. Gat.,108,446 (1947). Science, 107, 98 (1948). (2) Freed, V. H., (3) Hanks, R. W., Bot. Gat., 108, 186 (1947). (4) Rooney, H. A., ANAL.CHEM.,19,475(1947).

(5) Sato, Y.,Barry, G. T., and Craig, L. C., J . BWZ. Chem., 170, 501 (1947). ( 6) Swanson, C. P., Bot. Gaz.,107, 507 (1946). (7) Tinker, J. F.,and Brown, G. B., J . BWZ. Chem., 173, 585 (1948). (8) Warshowsky, B.,and Schantz, E. J., ANAL.CHEM., 20,951(1948). (9) Williamson, B., and Craig, L. C., J . BioZ. Chem., 168, 687 (1947). RECEIVED April 8, 1949

Instrument for Go ntrolled- Potent ial Electrolysis R. W. LAMPHERE AND L. B. ROGERS’ Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. An instrument is described which will usually hold the cathode-solution potential, measured against a reference half-cell, to *2 mv. over a 24-hour period. Oscillograms show that large rapid periodic fluctuations in cell potential, which are occasionally encountered in the deposition of trace amounts of an element, may strikingly broaden the limits of control. The effects of changes in the electrolyte, the electrode material, and the impressed voltage on the fluctuations were examined briefly.


LECTRODEPOSITIOS is a common method for separating and determining many elements present in solution. Because an electrolysis involves only a few simple operations and can be easily carried out by remote control, the method is a very promising one for the separation of radioactive elements. Some of the existing electrolytic procedures could be improved and many new procedures introduced by carefully selecting and regulating the cathode-solution potential. Sand ( I d ) and his coworkers were the first investigators to carry out successful experiments. Using various metals in combination with different solutions of electrolytes, Sand obtained potentials from dissolution of the metals which he impressed upon a second “inert” electrode. Although the potentials were fairly constant for long periods of time, i t was often difficult to obtain the desired value without resorting to a somewhat cumbersome experimental setup. The dilficulty was fmally eliminated by the development of instruments for the regulation of cathode-solution potentials. INSTRUMENTAL ASPECTS

Varying degrees of automatic control of cathode-solution potential have been attained by previous workers. In 1942 Hickling (6)reported on a regulator which he designed, using all-electronic control. Anode current was passed from a battery through a triode which had its grid potential controlled by the cathodesolution voltage variation from a fixed reference, through a thyratron and an intermediate vacuum tube. Although electronic in nature, the circuit was slow, taking 1 to 5 seconds to respond to an out-of-balance condition. It ~ o u l d control in both directions, but had poor sensitivit! and v a s subject to drift, resulting from changes in the thyratron control characteristic. Over the past few years, Diehl ( I ) and his associates have developed a regulator which gives closer (ca * 10 mv.) regulation, but compensates for changes only in one direction. Plating current up to 10 amperes and 20 volts is supplied from a full-wave selenium rectifier. The rectifier is fed from a Variac which is turned by an amplifier-controlled motor to decrease voltage in order to limit the plating current and theieby prevent the cathodePresent address. Department of Chemistry, Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Mass

solution potential from exceeding a preset value. Cathode-solution potential changes are amplified by a direct current amplifier and used to actuate a relay in the motor circuit. Lingane (9) has pointed out that in many cases control in both directions is essential, and he has built and used a very simple regulator that will do this. Plating current is supplied to the cell through a motor-driven rheostat. The motor does not turn when the solution potential is correct, but turns when the potential differs from the preset value by an amount sufficient to actuate the relay. Cathodesolution potential is in series opposition with the preset voltage on the slide wire. Differences cause current to flow in the circuit, which also contains a contact-making galvanometer that controls motor rotation. With the motor running freely, the potentiometer makes a full turn in 5 minutes. Sensitivityisabout *20 mv. with negligible drift; the probe current is several microamperes. Heyd, Ohmart, and Hites ( 5 ) have developed an electronic regulator which has many good features. It is electronic in nature, having fast response. It controls in both directions, and to within 1 mv. over a short time. However, over 24 hours a drift of several millivolts may be expected. This regulator passes all current through vacuum tubes, and is designed to supply up to 60 ma. Its chief limitation is low current capacity; a comparatively minor disadvantage is the possibility of a small “zero” drift during a prolonged electrol? sis. More recently, an instrument using rectified alternating current has been described ( I O ) , as well as one that can perform other related tasks (8). The present instrument employs a mechanical regulation of the potential, which is faster and permits closer control than earlier regulators of this type. Although elertronic regulation may br preferable because of the instantaneous response, its extension to current ranges of 1 ampere and more is more cumbersome. DESCRIPTIOA OF INSTRUMENT

Figure 1 is a photograph of the instrument, and Figure 2 is a schematic wiring diagram. The plating current is obtained from storage cells and will supply up to I ampere and 18 volts. Control is within 1 2 mv.



connected together. Under these conditions a W H stant potential will he msintained between mode and cathodr. An interest,ing point in connection with tho G e w era1 Radio, Type 20013 Variae used as a direc.t current pat,entiameter is t,he smoothing effect of t,he carbon brush. This Vsriac has about 500 turns. which result,s in 24 mv. ver tum when used Ivith 8 lZvolt, biLtterF-; yet the regulator i d 1 maintain anode-cathode voltage within 5 mv., indieatine that t,he brush. which contacts several tums at'bnce, smooths out to a lame extent the potential steps between turns. Meter shunt,s are not given in Figure 2. Convenient current ranges are 5,100,250,500,and 1000 ma.; anode voltage ranges, 1, 10, and 20 volts; and prohe reference voltages, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, and 5.0 volts. The probe voltmeter requires 50 PR. for full-scale deflection. Referring t,n Figure 2, 8, and 8, are limit switches m.hich stop the motor if the Variac brush reaches either end of the ,\,inding. If this hapFigure 1. I n s t r u m e n t for Controlled-Potential Electrolysis pens, I,, or L, vi11 light. After proper itdjustnients have heen made, the regulator may be started again by pressing the corresponding push button, In some cases i t is desired to change t,he cathode-solution pofor slow changes, and the regulator works equally well In either tential to a new setting without interrupting the electrolysis. If dircction. "Regulation," defined as absolute departures from a reverml of sign (os. the reference cell) isenticipated, the situation voltage setting, may be greater than 2 mv. in exceptional cases can he readily handled hy connecting on additional battery in series with the cell anode and the regulator. where extremely rapid changes in potential are encountered. The 4000-pfd., 25-volt, electrolytic condenser shown hetween Therefore, if periodic cathode phenomena occur, no definite figanode and cathode is for the purpose of reducing transients caused ures can be given for the limits of regulation, hut a study of the bv variations in brush contact resistance. This is not noticeable at low current, but at high rurrent t,he condenser is required. oseilloerams in Fieure 4.esueciallv B and 6 , shorn the regulator to be beneficial, though too slaw in response to compensate completely for such changes. I



The desired cathodesolution voltage is set on the reference slide wire, using a potentiometer ronneoted between the vrobe and the cathode.

vlus calomel half-cellb'otent,ial. changes in the

alternating current. Because the convert& is driven a t GO cycles by a coil connected to line frequency, the phase of this inverted direct current with respect to that of the line depends only on the direction of flow of the direct current. Reversal of the "prohe" signal current causes a 180" phase r e v e d in the alternating current which leaves the converter and flows through the inout couoline transformer. This is amulified in'the 4st'ace jlternatina current amulifier (Part

grid) and fed to one phase of the tho-phase motor (Part 76750.3, Brown Instrument Company). The other phase is conneoted to the line. Therefore, the motor will remain fined if there is no signal, or run in a direotion determined by direction of flow of direct current in the p circuit. The motor contains some velocity dam: due to the zero-signal direct current (d 16 ma.) floming through the t,wo 7N7 ou tubes. Further damping current, up to 44 : is supplied by the small selenium rectifier w i t . This heavy velocity damping prev overshooting and instahility under unusual ditions which are discussed more fully he The instrument anticipates ita balance point cause of capacitive coupling between anode probe, and so i t slows down as the balance p is approached. This further discourages hunting, allowing the instrument to be used with full gain under all conditions. At full gain, the motor will rotate for a Zmv. unbalance, and cathode potential will be regulated to * 2 mv. If i t is desired to use the device as 8 simple two-terminal regulator, the prohe and anode leads may be


Figure 2.

Regulator Cirouit

V O L U M E 22, NO. 3, M A R C H 1 9 5 0 Table 1. KO,


0.1 IM NaCN 1.0M + N ~ O H (10-1 M As+) 0.1 M KCN 0 . 1 -M KCN

3.1 38 3C 4A

o . i ~ ~ a C ~ p ~ l Put r 1 . 0 iM NaOH 0 . 1 .M NnCNplus Pt 1 .0$1 NaOli 0 . 1 M NaCNplua Pt 1.0 M NaOH 0 . 1 IM NaCN DIU Pt 1.0 M N ~ O H 0.1 ,wN&N ~ 1 " ~ Pt 1.0 M N ~ O H 0.1 M NaCNplus Pt 1.0 M NaOH 0.l2dNaCNplus Pt 1.0 M NsOH 0.1 M N*CN ,,ius Pt

4B 4C 4D 4~

4F 4G


MnN 0 ,1l .n MN C~ NO p lH us 1 .O M NsOH 0.1MNaCNplua l.O.WNsOH 1 . 0 M IICiO,

5B 6C 64

Experimental Detail for Oscillograms

St'.. Cathode ring Pt Yes

Pt Pt


Total Swing, Mu. 1.5

ITcp" -1.300

VAc" 4.1


-0.760 Yes: -0.760 h-0 yes -0.5000

3.6 3.5


























17 28


































-0.60 -0.1n 0.00 0.50



1.0 .M HCIO. T& ivo + ~ . O O O -8.0 1 .O :M HCIOa T& NO +,.ooo --1.3 1.0 M HCIO, Ta No +3.000 - 3 . 9 6 E 1 . 0 M HCIO. T& yes -1.10o + 2 . 9 7 Conod. CuSOi Pt Ye8 -1.100 f8.2 0 . 3 M HsSO4 VAG = anode-cathode potential, volb. V C P cathode-probe Dotentid, volts. I I = Ourrent Rowinz into solution from anode, ~im. k Regulator off in all O B Q except ~ ~ as noted. 6C 6D



16 3 3


Because a direct ourrent amplifier is not used, the only drift

is that due to the reference batteries, and this has been found

ordinarily to be less than 1 mv. in 24 hours. The instrument responds t o any unbalance over 2 mv., with a speed such that, one full turn of the current-regulating Variac takes about 10 seconds. Probe current is negligible, because 0.1 pa. is sufficient to initiate corrective action. Bemuse the instrument amplifies allternating current only, it may be turned on and used immediately without any long warmup period.

Remarlif Regulator on, good oontroi

(he cathode-solution potential, .using an electrolysis setup described elsewhere (a) and 12 volts &cross the Varisc-potentiometer.

Tlie cell consisted of il piece of 25-mm. inside diameter glass tubing about, Sem.long, pressed Beeinningof variations down onto R sheet of platinum which served as the cathode. Regulator on, approximately The resulting cathode surface 1.75 cp., irregular Approximately 1 DP., irregular area exposed to the solution wns 5 sq. em. The thin metal Spasmodic l-oyole variations. 3 cathode was backed up by R t o 7 aec. apart SDrsrnodio 1-oyole variations. lhick piece of smooth brass, 22 QeD. apart with i~ sheet of insulation heSpaamodic variations about 63 tween and the glass tuhe held SeC. &"art Approximately I e*. down tightly by means of a clamp. The solut,ion to be elec.Ahout 0.5 01'. trolyzed was poured into the .4bout 0.7: ol,. tube. A glass stirring rad driven a t about 300 r.p.m. exBeginning of amreciahlo contended vertically down into duetion the solution almost to the Predominant sawtootli at *bout 300 pattern ~(hode. t i n r i s l l ~ohanging m a n y freFor the tests below 20 ma., a wenties UP t o 1 !& O n CRO platinum anode was connected ~ e ~ t d a r ~ u ~1sOD. es. to the solut,ion through a salt R ~ Z U I WP U I S ~ S 1 ep. R E g ~ h puke*,' r 1 each 5 seoonda hridge. For the higher current Reerilar pulses. 1 each 5 seconds tests, a 1 x 40 mm, Variation highly erratic, interwire anode w m dipped directly mi anode of P t irit,o the solution. Two saltbridge probes were used, each mnnected to a separate saturated calomel half-cell of about 50 sq. em. area. The electrode of one calomel cell was eonnected to the regulator, and the mensuring instruments were connected between the second calomel cell and the "cathode" in order to minimize any effect of the instruments on the behavior of the regulator, In every case, the end of the salt hridge from the probe should be placed close to the "cathode" in order to avoid measuring any of the resistance drop component of voltage across the solution. If possible, its ends should he turned upward to avoid collection of bubbles. When huhhles accumulitte a t the end of, or in, the salt bridge, they greatly increase its resistance and thereby cause poor regulstirRegulator on, poor control Stirrer started and stopped


Experimental Setup. Tests were mado with vasious chemical solutions to determine how closely the regulator could maintain

Figure 3.

Variations three instrurr

Rreords of Cathode-Solution Potvntial Variations, Cathode Xegative



Figure 4.

Records of Cathode-Solution Potential Variations, Cathode Negative

1. A potentiometer capable of measuring steady direct currcnt potentials to 0.5 mv. This was used to detect drift. No drift was ever detected except on overnight tests and then it w m always less than 1mv. 2. A Brush, Type BL211, alternating current amplifier and recording oscillograph. This device had a constant input impedance of 10 megohms re8iShnce. It could record accurstely variations over B frequency range from 0.2 to 100 cp. with a sensitivity of up to 1 mm. of chart deflection per mv. 3. A Dumont, Type 208B, cathode-ray oscilloscope. It had a n input impedance df 2 megohms resistance and 30 mmid. shunt capacity, and would respond faithfully over a frequency from 2 to 100,OW cp. I t was always used a t full gain, where bhe sensitivity was ea. 2 mm. per mv.. This instrument Was used t0 observe visually any erratic variations in cathode-solution pqtcntial, particularly above 100 cp. where the reoarding oscillograph was ineffective.

Figure 5.

Results. In the vast majority of cas=, the regulation B&S cmellent. F~~cathode.solution potentials between +1.5 and -1.5 volts and for current ranging from 0.1 to 500 ma., control was often better than *2 mv. A typical oscillogram i s shown in Figure 3 ~and , the are listed in ~~b~~1, Regulation was slightly affect,edby changing from a n external "anode" (resistance of salt bridge was approximately 2000 ahms) to an internal anode, With the internal anode, rewlbtian to ea. *6 mv. was obtained, though it could be improved bp reducing the voltageacross theVariac to 6 volts ar less. Thereason for the wider variation lies in the fact that the current-carrying Potentiometer Variac) has a finite number Of turns, and introduces discontinuities of ahout 5 mv. when connected to a

Cathode-Solution Potential Variations. Cnthndr Positivr

V O L U M E 22, NO. 3, M A R C H 1 9 5 0


Fi,atrre 6 . Cathode-Solution PotenLial Variations Tantalum cathode in 1 M p ~ ~ c h l o r acid ir

12vult plating battery. When a high resistance such as a salt bridgeis in the anode circuit, the fraction of the discontinuity that appears between the oathode and probe is appreciably smaller than when an internal anode is used. The regulator was helpful in decreasing the magnitude of slow changes in potential that resulted from stirring the solution. A comparison of Figure 3 8 and C also shows that the fluctuations were directly the effect of stirring. That was generally found to be the case, except for tantalum electrodes, discussed below. For all oscillograms, timeincreases toward the right, and upward deflection indicates a change toward more positive cathode-solution potential. Figure 4 illustrates a series of experiments starting a t a slightly negative potential, where the anode current and cathode-solution potential fluctuations were very small. When the cathode was made more negative, a region covering about 0.5 volt was found where regulation was very poor. At still more negative potentials regulation was regained. In an effort to examine the nature of the phenomena that resisted regulation, changes in the cathodesolution potential were studied a t a number of impressed voltages. The effects of stirring and electrode material on the phenomena were examined simultaneously. The oscillograms shown in Figure 4 were taken in stirred solutions with the regulator off. Changes in potential were too rapid to allow any effective control by the instrument. In addition to the general trend of the pattern illustrated by Figure 4, the direetion of the initial change is reversed in going from D to E, and the fluctuations become regular in size and in periodicity. In going from E to F, the individual peaks hecome larger but the time interval hetween peaks heoomes longer. Figure 5 presents similar evidence in which the polarity of the “cathode” was changed to positive. A region of instability was found, but the fluctuations were very much smaller. The importance of the past history of the electrode was clearly evident. In several experiments, the potential on a platinum electrode in contact with a solution of cyanide was very steady for several hours, Generally, however, the sharp flnctuatious began to appear about 30 minutes after electrolysis began, and on several occasions they appeared almost immediately. Experiments with tintalum, tungsten, and rhodium confirmed the importance of the electrode history, but this discussion is

limited to a few experiments with tzntalum elect.rodes. Oscillograms with a new cathode a t a particular potential could be gravely affected by a momentary reversal of cathode polarity, by soratching the electrode surface, or by approaching the potential from differentdirection. The speed and periodicity of the fluctuations were very marked, and characteristically different from those obtained with platinum in contact with cyanide. Using the cathode-ray oscilloscope,uniform periodic fluctuations of 2- to 10-mv. amplitude and of the order of 1000cp. were often observed in addition to those that could be detected by the recorder. At any specific potentihl the frequency increased and decreased irregularly, although sometimes i t remained fairly constant for intervals of several seconds. The hehevior of tantalum was also characterized by the possibility of attaining very large positive cathodesolution potentials (up to 6 volts, whioh was the limit of the authors’ instrument) without passing anode currents greater than 0.5 ma. However, such behavior is consistent with the rectifying properties of tantalum as observed by others (3, 7). After the surface of the electrode was scratched with a. glass rod, the current increased more than tenfold, hut the fluctu&ms in potential increased only ahout 50%. However, it was still possible to reach unusually high potentials. At .negative cathode-solution potentials, the tantalum behaved normally, and a maximum potential of - 1.5:volts was reached. It Seems probable, therefore, that the high oxygen overvoltage was due to the presence of a nonconducting coat of oxide on the tantalum surface. The oscillograms in Figure 6 are typical of those encountered with tantalum and were obtained within a few minutes of one another in the same order in which they appear in the figure. Between D and E, the cathode-prohe potential was made more negativein stepsof 1volt. Conditionswereverysteadybetween +3.0 and - 1.0. At -1.1 volts the potential reached its maximum instability on the negative side, hut the variations were tiny compared to those found on the positive side. The preceding studies are of particular importance in the electrodeposition of radioactive tracers, where i t afteu happens that the total amount of depositable element involved in the electrolysis is insufficient to cover an “inert” electrode with as much as a monolayer of deposit ( 1 1 ) . In all electrolyses involving the deposition of macroamaunts of an element, regulation was very


468 Table 11. Current-Voltage Relationships Enoountered with New T a n t a l u m Electrode in C o n t a c t with 1 M Perchloric Acid settine I'CP -IA - V"C Remarks



3.30 3.50

1.2 2.8

5.3 7.4

backward SiniilsrtoNo.10 Similar t o No. 10

s;Ltisfactory. However, in an effort to record the regulation under the worst possible conditions, the fallowing experiment was performed: Using t,he regular platinum mthode and an internal plnt,inum anode in the form of a long wire 1 mm. in diameter, the deposition of copper from solution of acidified cupric sulfate was obseyed to proceed with excellent regulation when 0.5 ampere was prtssmg, even though gases were being evolved rapidly st bath electrodes. When the wire anode w m raised slowly out of the solution the current remained essentially unchanged, hut the fluctuations grew larger. When only about 2 mm. of the wire anode were dipping into the solution, the severe Huctuations shown in Figure 7 were recorded. DISCUSSION


From the dat,a presented above, i t appears that there w e two, possibly three, phenomena leading to fluctuations in the cat,hodesolution potential. In the experiments involving a platinum electrode in contact with a solution of cyanide, the greatest. fluctuations in potential occurred in a region just prior to the vigorous evolution of hydrogen. One can imagine the formation of uniform gas film having a high electrioal resistance over the surface of the electrode. Breaking the film to form a bubble of gas would leave bare surface, lowering the resistance and allowing more hydrogen to be formed. In a stirred solution the bubbles would he liberated less regularly but more frequently. Oseillograms obtained by the suthors nearly always confirmed that expectation. Same of the fluctuations encountered in working with tantalum also appeared to be due to bubbles. On several occasions after the suriace had been covercd with many bubbles of assorted sizes, the fluctuations occurring a t moderately positive patent,ials could he eliminated entirely by tapping the cathode support sharply. At first a very large peak an the oscillogram coincided with each tap, but the surges grew smaller and finally disappeared after several minutes of tapping. Even though the fluctuations had disappeared, many bubbles were still visible an the electrode surface. The fluctuations in pot.ential which were obtained a t high ourrent densities (Figure 7) can be explained by variationsin thehigh resistance of the gas film and laker of bubbles around the anode. By placing the stirrer closer to the anode (and farther from the cathode), fluctuations were very much reduced in magnitude. Once u-ith the platinum-cyanide system, and twice v i t h the tantalum-perohlorate system, a distinct maximum was discovered in the anode current upon increasing the cathode-solution potential manually,'and waiting about 2 minutes a t each potent,ial before taking readings. The masimum was not detectable when the potentials were changed in the opposite direction. The data shown in Table I1 are typical and were repeated three times in succession without difficulty. S f t e r the electrolysis had proceeded for about 30, the maximum disappeared. It seems likely, therefore, that bhe increased instability of potential which sometimes occurred upon using a regulator may have been

due to corrective action of rhe slide wire in the wrong a result of the anomalous relationship between changes of potential and current. I n fact, the adverse effeot of using the regulator in such situations can be decreased by gearingdown the Brown motorto smuchslowerrsteofcorrectivechange. The oscillograms presented in this paper indicate that there may often be very large fluctuations in the cathode-solution potential whioh would bo underestimated or completely overlooked if an ordinary voltmeter were employed. In the case of a potentiometer, the g-alvanometer would show ermtic excursions in both directions from the halanee position, hut would give little indication of the true magnitude or frequenoy of the voltsge fluctuations because of inertia of its pointer. In every case where the regulator was used, the average value of the cathode-probe potential remained constant and equal to the regulator setting, and the fluctuations that occurred were about t,his average value. These reasons probably explain why previous users of slow regulators have not reported these fluctuationsin more detail. It is possible that a f a s t regulat,orsurh ~ R O doseribod ~ C by Heyd, Ohmart, and . ~

. .

.-,--.. -





7. . . .

. ..

... . . . . .. .. . . . , ... .


: ..






. . .

. ..



- _ .. .



Figure 7.

Cathode-Solution Potential Variations

hiernel aoode and high current

fluctuations in cathode-solut,ion potentials except in situations similar to that in Table 11, where the relation between changes in potential and current ~WCI'RPS its sign. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The authors wish to thsnk C. E. Pickle far providing the basic design of the instrument, and D. B. Ehrlinger and J. C. Griess, Jr., for carrying out many of the preliminary tests. LITERAIIJRE C l l'ED

. . . . .

11) Diehl. H., ~ ~ ~ l i l e r t r o e l ~ e mAnalysiz ~cal with Graded Cathode

Columbus. Ohio. G. Frederick Rnrith Chemical U"., *- '"'" LZ9". ( 2 ) Griess, J. C. , Jr., 2nd Rogers, I,. B.. J . Electrochem. Soc., 95, 129 Potential Control,"

(1949). (3) Gunthemchi

De Bruvr Heyd, J. W. Heyd, J. W., Uhmert,.'1 b.. and H h s , (2. E., "Four-Unit Plating Control," Laboratory Report of Monsanto Chemical a,, 48-12-65, Dec. 20, 1948. Hickling, A., Trans. Forada~Soc., 38, 27 (1942). Holler, H. D., and Schrodt. J. P.. Bur. Standards, Technol. Pnpers 265 (1024). Lingane, J. J., ANAL.C n ~ w . 21, , 497 (1949). Lingane. J. J., IND. ENO.C n e ~ .ANAL. , Eo., 17, 332 (1945). Penther. C. J.. and Pompco, D. J.. ANAL.CHEM.,21, 178 (1949). Rogers, L. B., Kmuse, D. P.. Griess, J. C., Jr., and Ehrlinger, D. B., J. Electmrhsm. .Sot.. 95, 33 (1949). Sand, H. J. S., "Electrochemistry and Eleotroohemical Analysis." Vol. 11, London, Blaokie and Sons, 1945. Rncezv.;n November 26, 1948. X o r k performed under oontraet 7406 eng, 26. between the Atomic Energy Cornmiasion and t h e Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation.