Instrumental methods of analysis. Fifth edition (Willard, Hobart H

Instrumental methods of analysis. Fifth edition (Willard, Hobart H.; Merritt, Lynne L., Jr.; Dean, John A.) Donald P. Olander. J. Chem. Educ. , 1975, ...
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book reviews ehmmatography, solvent extraction, liquid-liquid chromatography, erystallizatian, ion-exchange, liquid-solid adsorption chromatography, other interfacial, adsorption processes (including gas-solid adsorption and adsorptive huhhle separations), and exclusion methods (gel chromatography, elathration). Part Three discusses rate processes based on restricted diffusion or molecular migration, and some other methods whieh ere difficult to broadly classify. Included are chapters on harrier separation processes (membrane diffusion, dialysis, ultrafiltration), electrophoresis, miscellaneous separation prwesses (ultraeentrifugation, thermal diffusion, mass speetrometry), and a final chapter on the comhination of individual methods into a multistep separation scheme for complex mixtures. This hook represents a detailed presentation of the fundamental aspects of separation methods. Considering the wide range of topics covered and the nomenclature problems inherent in attempts to unlfy many diverse disciplines, the authors have done a notable job. Since the approach is rigorous, many mathematical equations appear, for example 77 equations in the chapter on diffusion and mass transport and 51 equations in the chapter on separation equilibria. There is a master list of nomenclature (symbols) at the beginning of the hook and further lists at the ends of the chapters covering specific methods to make it easier for the reader to follow the mathematics and to avoid confusion in the few cases in whieh inconsistencies in symbols are evident. There are also large numbers of useful figures and tables throughout the hook. As is to he expected in a book attempting such wide coverage, certain topics are not given the space which some readers might hope for, depending upon their special interests and the use to which they would want to put the hook. For example, only three of the many gas ehmmatographic detectors are mentioned, and thinlayer chromatography (especially quantitative aspects) is not given adequate coverage in the opinion of the reviewer, considering its present importance as a practical analytical procedure. It would also have been useful to have mare detailed inter-comparisons of methods so as to guide the reader in choosing the optimum method for a specific separation problem from among the possibly bewildering array offered. The material that is presented, however, is for the most part well chosen, accurate, and clearly written, as would he expected from these eminent authors. In fact, this hook has the best coverage of fundamental aspects and theory available anywhere. In the sections on paper and thin-layer chromatography, which were read most carefully because of the reviewer's special interests, only minor criticisms can be offered; for example the statement that 251W fig of material is spotted for analytical tlc would he questioned (it is usually 1-2 pg or less), and Table 10.4 remains unclear to this writing. A136


Journal of Chemical Education

Lists of specific references and/or a general bibliography appear a t the end of each chapter, and a well-prepared subject index is included. Very few typographical or other production errors were noted. The reviewer has used two other hooks (along with selected outside readings to update principles in fast-moving areas, such as high performance liquid ehromatography, and recent applications) in teaching separation methods to undergraduates which should he compared with the present work. Heftmann's classic treatise "Chromatography" (2nd edition, Reinhold, 1967) contains chapters on fundamentals for.the various chromatogrsphic modifications followed by chapters on applications arranged according to compound types. The chapters on fundamentals are primarily descriptive rather than mathematical so that the hook would perhaps appeal to those interested in a more practical and less theoretical appmch to chromatography. Non-chmmatographic methods (except for electrophoresis) are, not covered a t all in this hook. "Chemical Separation Methods" by Dean (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1969) is designed for use in a one-semester course with laboratory and includes problem sets as well as lsboratory experiments in many chapters. This hook also has fewer equations and is less detailed and more descriptive. Many methods are not covered at all or as extensively in the Dean hook. In summary. Karger et al. hare rurcerded m writrnp an excellent hwk which can be used for an advanced, rigomus. unified, up-to-date course in separation methods. Fundamentals as well as practical applications are presented with a definite stress on the former. The mathematical treatments are for the mast part not complex and well illustrate how better results can be obtained in actual separations by varying certain experimental parameters. Each instructor will have to decide if this book will serve his students better than other alternatives available for use in separate courses in separation techniques or to augment the material on separations presented in general analytical texts. Many chromatographic researchers and other scientists using separation methods will find the hook an invaluable addition to their personal libraries. Joseph Sherma Lalayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042

Instrumental Methods of Analysis. Fifth Edition

Hobart H. Willard, University of Michigan, Lynne L. Merritt, Jr., Indiana University, and John A. Dean, University of Tennessee at Knoxville. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York, 1914. xia + 860 pp. Figs. and tables. 17.5 x 24 cm. Generally, it would be economical if publishers of new editions of textbooks could publish a supplement for the benefit of those who own a copy of the next to last

edition; this is the situation with the 5th edition relative to the 4th edition of "Instrumental Methods of Analysis" (Review of 4th edition by H. W. Safford, J. CHEM. EDUC., 43, 506 (1966)). Much of the classical, basic material of the 4th edition has been retained (it is well written and accurate, so why not?) but there are significant revisions to the 4th edition that are necessary to keep the text current. Users of an instrumental analysis book who work wrth equipment chat is less than nste-of-rhr-an vintng~ will benefrt from this edition's continued descriptions of many older, much used instruments. The deletions from the 4th edition are appropriate and necessary. The order of tooies within the text has heen ehaneed. ~ a i chanter h is intended to he mdependent ao that course organizatiun rs optional. New toprrs rn this edition me turbidimetry and nephelometry, vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy, reflectance measurements, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, laser-Ramsn spectroscopy, Mosshauer spectroscopy, interfacing gas, chromatography with mass spectrometry, and all classes of ion selective electrodes. Most topics have heen revised, some extensively, and mast bibliographies have been updated. and expanded. There are more problems (from 371 to 390) a t the end of the chapters, with answers a t the end of the text. Not all chapters include problems. Several chapters include pmhlems containing laboratory type data that can be used for "dry-labbing" experiments. The experiments a t the end of the ehapters are similar to those in the 4th edition; however several experiments have been deleted, and a few new ones added. There are many tried and proven experiments with instructions for the preparation of necessary solutions and adequate proeedures so that students may work independently. However, several experiments, e.g. differential and maximum precision spectrophotometry and gas chromatography, will require considerable designing by the instructor. Laboratory experiments are not included for the sections on infrared, Raman, nmr, esr, and emission spectroscopy, refractometry and interferometry, and mass spectrometry. Although the laboratory exercise portions of the text are not completely satisfactory, they compare favorably with other Laboratory exercise sources with whieh this reviewer is familiar. Teachers of graduate courses concentrating in a particular area will probably find the material in most chapters too ahhreviated to serve alone as a course text. Very little mention of the use of computers in the various areas is included. A section of liquid chromatography would have been appropriate. This hook generally does a g d job of surveying the area of instrumental analysis, both as a textbook and a reference manual, which is the stated objective of the authors. ~









Donald P. Olander

Appalachian State University BoOne, North Cam6na 28608

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