Instrumentation ACS Publications and

ChemMatters. For classroom or in- dividual use, this freemagazine for junior and senior highstudents is de- signed to relate chemical principles to ev...
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o n a t i n g nucleus, linewidths, and spectral width. Calleo Scientific Software Publishers 410 Electrochemistry. Condecon data interpretation software allows users to propose and confirm mechanisms and determine kinetic parameters for experimental cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometric data. EG&G Princeton Applied Research 411 Carbohydrate workstation, based on high-performance anion-exchange chromatography and pulsed detection, is designed for research, process monitoring, quality control, and routine analysis applications. Dionex 401

Instrumentation HPLC. SpectroMonitor 4100 programmable UV-vis detector features time-programmed wavelength and range changes and simultaneous dual-wavelength monitoring. Cells are available for microbore, preparative, and biological applications. LDC Analytical 402 Chiller. BioChiller 2000 is a thermoelectrically cooled unit that controls sample temperatures in the range of - 5 to 25 °C. The temperature of the cooling block is continuously measured and displayed on a three-digit LED readout. Fotodyne 403 IR. InfraPrime near-IR process analyzer is based on high-performance crystal spectroscopy, in which sound waves interact with a tellurium dioxide crystal to produce specific wavelengths of light t h a t are precisely tunable over a continuous spectrum. Bran + Luebbe GmbH 404 AA. Model 5100 ZL multielement graphite furnace atomic absorption system features longitudinal Zeeman-effect background correction and a transversely heated graphite tube with an integrated L'vov platform that provides rapid and uniform heating over the length of the tube. Perkin Elmer 405 Chromatography. Elution volume monitor is designed for the continuous measurement of liquid flows in the range of 0.5-2.0 mL/min. Features include a full RS-232 or 20-mA

current loop computer interface and eight alarm relays that can be assigned to four flow or four volume set points. M-Tek 406 Air analysis. Miran 203 specific vapor analyzer measures ppm concentrations of a single predetermined contaminant in industrial and workplace environments. The IR analyzer can be converted in the field to measure other gases by changing the gas calibration set. The Foxboro Co. 407 Microscope. Standard 25 laboratory microscope accepts up to five objectives for total magnification from 25 to 1000 x. Features include a maintenance-free coaxial coarse/fine focus, large mechanical stage with lowmounted controls, and interchangeable condensers. Carl Zeiss 408 O n - l i n e a n a l y s i s . Sample conditioning system for on-line analyzers takes samples at high temperatures and pressures and reduces the parameters to tolerances acceptable to the on-line analyzer. The system features two manually switchable filter paths to enable continuous operation. Ionics 409

Software M a g n e t i c r e s o n a n c e . NMR" is a second-order nuclear magnetic resonance simulation application for Macintosh computers. The software features user-defined nuclear abundances, spectrometer frequency, res-


Chemometrics. Unscrambler II is a chemometrics program for multivariate analysis using PLS, PCA, and PCR techniques. Features include a windows-like user interface, fast bin a r y file format, cross-validation model saving, and data export to Lotus and other programs. Guided Wave 412

ACS Publications and Services Guidelines for Chemistry and Chemical Technology Programs in Two-Year Colleges. Free information booklet describes guidelines developed by the ACS to help faculties provide chemistry students with the best possible education in the fundamental areas of modern chemistry and its relation to other disciplines and society. 20 pp. 413 ChemMatters. For classroom or individual use, this free magazine for junior and senior high students is designed to relate chemical principles to everyday life. A subscription order form is enclosed. 414 Global Climate Change. Free information pamphlet focuses on how climate could be altered by a changing atmosphere and addresses issues posed by the "greenhouse effect." A list of suggested readings is included. 12 pp. 415

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