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AUGUST 1, 1987

Analytical CHEMISTRY




59(15) 9 1 1 A - 9 8 0 A / 1 8 8 9 - 2 0 1 6 (1987) ISSN 0003 2700 Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; Copyright 1987 by the American Chemical Society ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY (ISSN 0003-2700) is pub­

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933A Electrochemical biosensors. Jane E. Frew and H. Allen O. Hill of the University of Oxford discuss en­ zyme electrodes, electron transfer mediators, conducting salt elec­ trodes, electrochemical immunoas­ says, cell-based sensors, and related topics

969A FOCUS On the cover. Analytical biotech­ nology for pharmaceutical quali­ ty control. Assays used to evaluate the identity, purity, safety, and po­ tency of recombinant biologies in­ clude tryptic mapping, amino acid analysis, protein sequencing, elec­ trophoresis, and ELISA tests



EDITORIAL 929A Biotechnology-analysis interface. As traditional chemistry and biology are drawn closer together, the newly emerging field of biotechnology will rely heavily on the expertise provided by analytical chemists NEWS 931A John A. Smith is appointed ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY'S first Associate Editor for analytical biotechnology. • Nominations sought for ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Awards. • Lippincott, Palmer awardees named MEETINGS 948 A The 14th annual meeting of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies will be held Oct. 4-9 at the Detroit Convention Center, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Mich. 962 A BOOKS Critical reviews. A book on gaseous ion chemistry and MS, as well as one on MS in biomedical research, are reviewed by A. G. Harrison and David L. Smith NEW PRODUCTS & MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE

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