currents for the six hollow cathode tubes help speed up analytical procedures. Totally solid-state, modular “in a drawer" ... TRENTON. ·. MONTREAL...
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A BURNING QUESTION! ATOMIC ABSORPTION OR FLAME EMISSION? Some elements are best analyzed by atomic absorption - others including alkali metals, boron, uranium and the rare earths by flame emission. The IL Model 153 Absorption-Emission Spectrophotometer analyzes elements with either technique simultaneously. No need to compromise. Dual channels of double beam spectroscopy permit determinations in the mode of analysis that produces the greatest precision with the utmost sensitivity. This unique feature provides the ability to simultaneously read out two elements in concentration, or to determine a single element with an internal standard. The procedure insures the greatest possible analytical versatility, with maximum ease in sample handling. Other exclusive features include a new AA Counter-Flo Jet Nebulizing System that enhances sensitivity and improves precision; completely automatic burner flame ignition with programmed fail-safe circuitry; push button controls for automatic baseline and calibration corrections, and an integral electronic test circuit for checkout of possible malfunctions. Simplified zone balance with independent currents for the six hollow cathode tubes help speed up analytical procedures. Totally solid-state, modular " i n a drawer" electronics insure reliability. No other atomic absorption unit has so many of the " e x t r a s " built-in. No other instrument can give higher analytical precision, or faster, safer analyses. Let us show you how this advanced Absorption-Emission Spectrophotometer can provide the best solution to your analytical problems. See for yourself the ease with which each sample can be evaluated and how much laboratory time can be saved without loss of sensitivity or accuracy. Ask us for a no-obligation demonstration. Or, for further information write for Data 153. Instrument leasing program details upon request. INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY INC. 113 HARTWELL AVE., LEXINGTON, MASS. 0 2 1 7 3 OFFICES IN: ATLANTA · BALTIMORE · BOSTON · CHICAGO · CLEVELAND * DALLAS · DENVER DETROIT • HOUSTON · LOS ANGELES · NEWARK · NEW YORK · PHILADELPHIA · SAN FRANCISCO · ST. LOUIS · TRENTON · MONTREAL * -TORONTO · VANCOUVER · ZURICH

Circle No. 41 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 4 1 , NO. 7, JUNE 1969


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