INSTRUMENTS - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

INSTRUMENTS. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1958, 50 (8), pp 122A–122A. DOI: 10.1021/i650584a788. Publication Date: August 1958. Copyright © 1958 American ...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Epoxy Compounds. Bulletin announces the availability of a complete family of Hysol 6040 epoxy compounds. Hysol 6040 is a pure, liquid epoxy base resin. Tech. Data Bull. 604O-Î, Dept. IEC, Houghton Laboratories, Inc., Olean, Ν. Y. 104 Epoxy Resins. Comprehensive sum­ mary of uses of epoxy compounds i n metal-forming, plastics-forming, foun­ d r y practice, chemicals processing, and many other industries. Dept. IEC, Marblette Corp., S7-S1 80th St., Long Island City Ι,Ν. Υ. 105 Guar Gum. Technical brochure is available on this cold-water functioning, new organic colloid. Dept. IEC, Stein, Hall & Co., Inc., 285 Madison Ave., New York, Ν. Υ. 106 Hydrogen. New booklet describes hy­ drogen production processes, types of plants, methods of purification, and applications. Dept. IEC, Girdler Con­ struction Division, National Cylinder Gas Co., P.O. Box 174, Louisville 1, Ky. 107 Isobutyl Acetate. Brochure com­ pares isobutyl acetate w i t h other p r i n ­ cipal medium-boiling solvents, n - b u t y l acetate, sec-butyl acetate, and m e t h y l isobutyl ketone. Dept. IEC, East­ man Chemical Products, Inc., Kingsport, Tenn. 108 Methyl Chloride. Brochure discusses physical and chemical properties, speci­ fications, toxicity, and applications of methyl chloride. Dept. IEC, Ansul Chemical Co., Chemical Products Dept., Marinette, Wis. 109 Organic Chlorine Compounds. Eleven organic chlorine compounds available commercially are described in a new 45-page booklet. Applica­ tions are i n fumigants, solvents, degreasing, and as intermediates. Dept. IEC, Union Carbide Chemicals Co., 30 East 42nd St., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 110

Silicones. Eight-page catalog on v a r i ­ ous silicone products including: rub­ ber, fluids, resins, water repellents, i n ­ sulation, release agents, lubricants, paint vehicles, and antifoam agents. Dept. IEC, CDS-129, General Elec­ tric, Waterjord, N.Y. Ill INSTRUMENTS Bellows Flowmeter. New 20-page catalog, C 22-1, covers features, speci­ fications, and applications of bellows meter. T w o basic types are offered— one for flow and one for liquid level i n closed tanks under pressure or vacuum. Dept. IEC, Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co., Industrial Division, 1 22 A

Wayne and Windrim Sts., 44, Pa.

Philadelphia 112

Chemical Concentration Control. D a t a sheet gives a method of con­ trolling concentrations b y titration. Using controlled volume pumps for metering both standard and sample solution, the continuous t i t r a t o r can be coupled w i t h instrumentation for complete automatic control. Dept. IEC, Milton Roy Co., 1800 East Mer­ maid Lane, Philadelphia 18, Pa. 113 Editor's Note. The following item was run i n the M a y issue of I&EC. Name of the manufacturer was incorrect. We regret the error. Computers. Illustrated bulletin de­ scribes digital computer, G-15, which engineers can be taught to use i n 2 to 4 hours. Dept. IEC, Bendix Computer Division, 5680 Arbor Vitae St., Los An­ geles 45, Calif. 114 Electronic Recorder. New data sheet describes operation, limits, and servic­ ing of circular electronic recorder. Dept. IEC, The Hays Corp., Michigan City, Ind. 115 Flowmeter. T w o especially accurate and economical meters, the Propeloflo for liquids and the Shuntflo for air, steam, or gases are the subject of a new bulletin. Bull. 100-R1, Dept. IEC, Builders-Providence, Inc., 345 Harris Ave., Providence 1, R. I . 116 Liquid Level Control. Catalog de­ scribes system of liquid level control which operates w i t h o u t floats and no moving parts. Dept. IEC, B/W Con­ troller Corp., 2200 East Maple Rd., Birmingham, Mich. 117 Moisture Monitor. Wide range—0 to 20,000 p.p.m.—low-cost instrument for accurately measuring minute quantities of moisture i n gaseous mixtures. Bat­ tery pack permits T y p e 26-302 moisture monitor to be used where no electric power is available. Dept. IEC, Bull. 1849, Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., 800 North Sierra Madre Villa, Pasadena, Calif. 118 Nephelometers and Nephelos Sys­ tems. Bulletin B-246 describes appli­ cation of nephelometers to process con­ trol. Complete systems are included i n comprehensive discussion of subject. Dept. IEC, Coleman Instruments Co., 318 Madison St., Maywood, III. 119 Nuclear Instruments. Condensed catalog, sowing complete line of n u ­ clear instruments for research and i n ­ dustrial control, has been published. Dept. IEC, Hamner Electronics Co., Inc., P.O. Box 581, Princeton, N. J.



Process Control Instruments. Three items of interest are offered by a B r i t ­ ish manufacturer of process control i n ­ struments: withdrawable P i t o t tube, publ. 280; oxygen measurement-re­ corder-controller, publ. 352; and high speed electronic indicator-recorder, publ. 396A. Dept. IEC, George Kent Ltd., Luton, Bedfordshire, England 121

Purge Meter. Meter features snap-in tube construction, removable end fit­ tings, and corrosion-resistant glass fiber body. Spec Sheet 10A3135, Dept. IEC, Fischer & Porter Co., 783 Jacksonville Rd., Hatboro, Pa. 122 Radiation Detection Equipment. Bulletin PCC-58 describes three models of a new proportional counter conver­ ter for detecting radioactivity i n pre­ pared samples. Dept. IEC, Nuclear Measurements Corp., 2460 North Ar­ lington Ave., Indianapolis 18, Ind. 123 Remote Controls. Catalog describes operation and construction of H y d r a T r o l remote controls together w i t h t y p i ­ cal applications in industrial, marine, research, and m i l i t a r y fields. Dept. IEC, Crown Controls Division, Trimount Instrument Co., 3119 West Lake St., Chicago 12, III. 124 Remote V a l v e Controls. Manual gives complete design information on flexible shaft valve controls, including valve couplings and remote operating terminals. Dept. IEC, Stow Mfg. Co., 107 Shear St., Binghamton, Ν. Υ. 125 Infrared Spectrophotometer. Com­ prehensive 24-page brochure on I n f r a cord double-beam infrared spectropho­ tometer and its applications has been published. Dept. IEC, Perkin-Elmer Corp., Norwalk, Conn. 126 Temperature Controller. Bulletin 3885 gives complete operating data, i n ­ stallation, and maintenance practices on the Alnor pyrometer, an indicatingcontrolling instrument. Dept. IEC, Il­ linois Testing Laboratories, Inc., 4®0 North La Salle St., Chicago 10, III. 127 Thermocouple Assemblies. Heavyduty industrial thermocouples for tem­ perature ranges from —300° to +2200° F . are described in 12-page catalog, Section E . Dept. IEC, Thermo Elecrtic Co., Saddle Brook, N. J. 128

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