Integrated deliveries reduce costs... SHELL CHEMICAL

Page 1 ... ical your source for solvents, you can be sure that the products you receive will meet or exceed the highest purity standards set by indust...
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Ml "Integration," an impression by C. Arthur Rosser


Acetone Methyl Ethyl Ketone

Integrated deliveries reduce costs...


Methyl Isobutyl Ketone Mesityl Oxide

GOOD WAY τ ο keep solvent costs down is to take full advantage of savings possible through integrated deliveries. When . your total order equals a tank car quantity, you can buy individual solvents at bulk prices. Compartmented tank cars and tank trucks permit multi-prod­ uct deliveries. Prompt delivery is assured from conveniently located storage facilities.

Ethyl Amyl Ketone

And when you make Shell Chem­ ical your source for solvents, you can be sure that the products you receive will meet or exceed the highest purity standards set by industry. Our technical service staff is pre­ pared to work directly with you to help you make your own products better and less costly. Write for specifications and quotations on particular solvents.

Diacetone Alcohol Ethyl Alcohol Neosol® solvent Isopropyl Alcohol Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol Hexylene Glycol Secondary Butyl Alcohol Isopropyl Ether

SHELL C H E M I C A L C O R P O R A T I O N CHEMICAL SALES D I V I S I O N , 3 8 0 Madison A v e n u e , N e w York 1 7 , N e w York


Atlanta · Boston · Chicago · Cleveland • Detroit • Houston · Los Angeles · Newark · New York · San Francisco * St. Louis IN CANADA: Chemical Division, Shell Oil Company of Canada, Limited · Montreal · Toronto · Vancouver For further information, circle number 35 A on Readers' Service Card, page 115 A VOL. 4 9 , N O . 5

MAY 1957

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