Integrated Differential Evolution for Global Optimization and Its

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Integrated Differential Evolution for Global Optimization and Its Performance for Modeling VaporLiquid Equilibrium Data Haibo Zhang,† G. P. Rangaiah,*,† and Adrian Bonilla-Petriciolet‡ †

Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Engineering Drive 4, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117576 ‡ Department of Chemical Engineering, Instituto Tecnologico de Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico 20256 ABSTRACT: Parameter estimation in thermodynamic models has been of great interest in chemical engineering because of its complex nature, including nonlinearity, flat objective function in the neighborhood of the global optimum, badly scaled model, and nondifferential term(s) in the equations. In this article, a stochastic global optimization algorithm called integrated differential evolution (IDE) is introduced to solve the parameter estimation problems for modeling vaporliquid equilibrium (VLE) data. In IDE, the choice of mutation strategy and associated parameters are adapted according to the learning experience from previous generations. The tabu list used in IDE can avoid revisiting the same area and avoid unnecessary function evaluations. A novel and effective stopping criterion based on the number of rejected points during the generation of a trial vector is tested and compared with other criteria. Furthermore, IDE uses a local optimizer after the global search to find the optimum accurately and efficiently. The performance of IDE for benchmark functions and VLE modeling is compared with that of other stochastic algorithms such as DE, DE with tabu list, particle swarm optimization, simulated annealing, and the deterministic algorithm Branch and Reduce Optimization Navigator (BARON). IDE is shown to be better than or comparable to these algorithms for parameter estimation in modeling VLE data.

1. INTRODUCTION Parameter estimation in models plays a very important role in developing better mathematical models that can be used for understanding and analyzing a physical, chemical, and/or biochemical system. Parameter estimation in a (thermodynamic) model refers to determining the values of model parameters that best fit the model predictions to the given experimental data. Mathematically, it is formulated as the minimization of a suitable objective function subject to constraints arising from the model equations. For many thermodynamic models, the objective function and constraints are multimodal (nonconvex). Hence, it is necessary to estimate the model parameters by using a global optimization method because traditional gradient-based optimization methods often provide a local solution only.1,2 In general, global optimization has been a fast-growing area in the past two decades because of the increasing needs of practical applications in many areas such as mathematics, science, and engineering. Available global optimization methods can be classified into two broad categories:3,4 deterministic methods59 and stochastic methods.10,11 Deterministic algorithms are most often used for specific problems and when a clear relation between the characteristics of the possible solutions and the problem is available. 12,13 They can guarantee the global optimality of the final solution under certain conditions such as continuity and convexity.4,14 However, no algorithm can solve general global optimization problems with certainty in finite time.4,13 If the relation r 2011 American Chemical Society

between a candidate solution and the objective function is too complicated or the dimensionality of the search space is very high, it becomes harder to solve an optimization problem deterministically. 4,13,15 The most challenging global optimization problems in real life are those without any known structure that can be used, so-called black-box optimization problems.3,16 Stochastic optimization algorithms, whose search and outcome are random, are designed to deal with such problems and with highly complex problems. They generally require little or no additional assumptions for the optimization problem; are simple to implement and use; and do not require transformation of the original problem, which can be treated as a black box. This characteristic is especially useful if the researcher has to link the optimizer to a simulator such as Aspen Plus or Hysys. On the other hand, stochastic algorithms cannot guarantee global optimality (except for infinite iterations), but they can locate the global optimum with high probability in modest computation times.4,15,17 Many stochastic global optimization methods have been developed and used for diverse applications. The well-known stochastic global optimization methods include genetic algorithms, evolutionary strategies, simulated annealing (SA), differential evolution (DE), tabu search, and particle swarm Received: October 29, 2010 Accepted: July 27, 2011 Revised: July 19, 2011 Published: July 27, 2011 10047 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 10047–10061

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


global search reliably and use a local optimizer for finding the minimum accurately and efficiently. The resulting algorithm, referred to as integrated DE (IDE) in this article, has been tested on many benchmark functions.32 In the present work, IDE is further evaluated on other benchmark functions and then applied to parameter estimation in vaporliquid equilibrium (VLE) data modeling using both the least-squares and error-in-variable approaches; these application problems involve three different thermodynamic models: NRTL, Wilson, and UNIQUAC. Results obtained by IDE are compared with both deterministic (BARON) and other stochastic methods and are discussed. Further, the effectiveness of the novel termination criterion is compared with that of another used earlier.2,21,23,24,34,35 Note that an effective stopping criterion is critical for efficiently and reliably solving application problems where the global minima are unknown, and yet, the effectiveness of stopping criteria has not received much attention in the literature on stochastic global optimization. The remainder of this article is organized as follows: Classical DE is outlined in section 2, and development and description of IDE are presented in section 3. The performance of IDE on benchmark functions is reported and discussed in section 4. The application of IDE to VLE data modeling problems and performance comparison of IDE with other stochastic global algorithms and BARON are presented in section 5. Finally, section 6 concludes this article.

2. DIFFERENTIAL EVOLUTION ALGORITHM DE is a population-based, real-coded direct search algorithm. It can be used to solve optimization problems of the form j

j min Fobj ðx j Þðj ¼ 1, 2, :::, DÞ subject to xmin e x j e xmax

Figure 1. Pseudocode of the classic DE algorithm.

ð1Þ optimization (PSO). Our recent book covers these approaches and their applications in chemical engineering.18 Among these methods, DE is a promising population-based stochastic optimization algorithm proposed by Storn and Price.19,20 It has been gaining popularity because of its simplicity, fast convergence, and capability to handle nondifferentiable and multimodal problems.20,21 In the recent past, DE has found many applications in chemical engineering.18 A number of attempts have been made to improve the performance of DE,2227 as summarized recently in ref 18. For example, Srinivas and Rangaiah23,24 improved the computational efficiency of DE by including the tabu list of tabu search, which avoids revisits during the search. Results show that DE with tabu list (DETL) outperforms the classic DE and the modified DE of Angira and Babu.26 In general, users need to choose suitable values of DE parameters (namely, population size, NP; mutation/ scaling factor, F; and crossover rate, Cr) and an appropriate mutation strategy for a given problem to find the global optimum. These selections require effort and expertise, as an improper choice can result in computational inefficiency. To overcome these difficulties, researchers have been studying strategies to adapt the algorithm parameters of DE according to the performance in previous generations.2833 Motivated by the desirable features and performance of DETL and parameter adaptation, both of these approaches are integrated together with a novel termination criterion to stop the

where Fobj denotes the objective function; xj is the jth decision variable; D denotes the number of decision variables in (i.e., the dimension of) the problem; and xjmin and xjmax are the lower and upper bounds, respectively, on each decision variable. DE uses a population of NP D-dimensional vectors, which are also called individuals. It has four main steps, namely, initialization, mutation, crossover, and selection, as outlined in the pseudocode in Figure 1. The mutation and crossover steps generate new individuals, and together with the selection step, they constitute one generation or iteration of the DE algorithm.

3. INTEGRATED DIFFERENT EVOLUTION ALGORITHM The DE algorithm described in the preceding section requires values for algorithm parameters, typically uses the stopping criterion of maximum number of generations, and has scope to improve its efficacy. Hence, several useful strategies are integrated into DE to develop IDE for finding the global optimum reliably and efficiently.32 These are adaptation of mutation parameter and strategy, use of a crossover parameter, inclusion of tabu list and tabu check as in DETL, use of a novel stopping criterion, and application of a local optimizer after the global search. These additions to the classic DE are briefly discussed in the following subsections. The flowchart of IDE is given in Figure 2. 10048 |Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 10047–10061

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Figure 2. Flowchart of the IDE algorithm.

3.1. Adaptation of the Mutation Strategy. A particular mutation strategy performs differently in solving different optimization problems, and an inappropriate choice of strategies and parameters can lead to premature convergence.20,25 Therefore, the mutation strategy candidate pool should contain distinct capabilities for dealing with specific problems at different stages of evolution. Recently, many researchers have studied adapting the mutation strategy and parameters in DE. 25,2831,33 For example, Qin et al.31 developed a selfadaptive DE to adapt mutation strategy, F and Cr, and showed it to be better than the conventional DE and three

recent adaptive DE variants on more than 20 benchmark optimization problems having up to 30 decision variables. Hence, the adaptation schemes of Qin et al.31 were chosen for use in developing IDE. Accordingly, the following four mutation strategies were selected for the candidate pool in IDE. (1) DE/rand/1 Vi, G ¼ Xr1 , G þ FðXr2 , G  Xr3 , G Þ 10049

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Figure 3. Stochastic universal sampling method for selecting four strategies for six individuals.

(2) DE/rand/2 Vi, G ¼ Xr1 , G þ FðXr2 , G  Xr3 , G Þ þ FðXr4 , G  Xr5 , G Þ


(3) DE/rand-to-best/2 Vi, G ¼ Xi, G þ FðXbest, G  Xi, G Þ þ FðXr1 , G  Xr2 , G Þ þ FðXr3 , G  Xr4 , G Þ


(4) DE/current-to-rand/1 Ui, G ¼ Xi, G þ randð0, 1ÞðXr1 , G  Xi, G Þ þ FðXr2 , G  Xr3 , G Þ


Each of the mutation strategies 13 is followed by the binomial crossover operation to produce the trial vector. Mutation strategy 4 directly produces the trial vector and does not need a crossover operation. During evolution in each generation, one mutation strategy is selected from the candidate pool according to the probability pk, k = 1, 2, ..., K, where K is the total number of strategies in the pool. Initially, the probability of each strategy is 0.25 as K = 4 here. In the subsequent generations, the probability of selecting a mutation strategy is based on its success rate in the previous LP generations. The number of trial vectors generated by the kth strategy that are successfully selected in a generation g is recorded as nsk,g; otherwise, it is recorded as nfk,g. After LP generations, the probability of choosing the kth strategy in generation G is given by pk, G ¼

Sk, G

for k ¼ 1, 2, :::, K


∑ k¼1


Sk, G

where G1

Sk, G ¼

g ¼ G  LP G1

g ¼ G  LP

nsk, g þ

for k ¼ 1, 2, :::, K

nsk, g þ ε


g ¼ G  LP

nf k, g ð7Þ

Here, ε = 0.1 is used to prevent the possibility of a null success rate. Therefore, a larger success rate of the kth mutation strategy in the previous LP generations will result in a higher probability of the corresponding mutation strategy being selected in the current generation G.

The stochastic universal sampling method,36 which provides zero bias and minimum spread, is employed to choose one of these four strategies for mutation, based on probability. The probabilities of these strategies are calculated at each generation, using eqs 6 and 7. This method for four strategies and six individuals is illustrated in Figure 3. Here, the four strategies are mapped in black/continuous lines such that the size of each strategy is equal to its probability (i.e., 0.18, 0.31, 0.24, and 0.27 in Figure 3). The equally spaced pointers (individuals) are placed on the green line to indicate the strategy to which they belong. The first individual position is given by a randomly generated number in the range [0, 1/6]. For example, the first individual is randomly generated at 0.1, and the strategies are assigned to individuals as follows: strategy 1 to individual 1, strategy 2 to individuals 2 and 3, strategy 3 to individual 4, and strategy 4 to individuals 5 and 6 (Figure 3). It is obvious that the higher probability of a mutation strategy (because of the higher success of the trial individuals produced by this strategy in the previous generations) leads to more chances for producing the new trial individuals by this strategy. The probabilities of mutation strategies are calculated once in each generation, which results in adaptive learning to choose the more suitable strategy for the particular problem being solved. This, in turn, makes the algorithm more reliable and robust. 3.2. Adaptation of F and Cr. The mutation factor (F) is very important for DE as it is closely related to the convergence speed. Therefore, to maintain the balance between exploration and exploitation, F is randomly chosen using a normal distribution with a mean of 0.5 and a standard deviation of 0.3. The crossover rate (Cr) is another important parameter in DE that significantly affects the reliability of the algorithm. The Crk value follows a normal distribution with a mean of Crmk (where k is the mutation strategy used) and a standard deviation of 0.1. The initial value of Crmk is set at 0.5, and the successful Cr k values of each strategy are stored into CRMemory k. After LP generations, the median of values stored in CRMemoryk is used for Crmk . Thus, the Cr k value is gradually changed by learning from the previous generations. This option will lead to promising Crk value for different kinds of problems and to greater reliability. 31 3.3. DE with Tabu List. The hybrid of classic DE with TL was proposed and tested on benchmark functions by Srinivas and Rangaiah23 and subsequently applied to nonlinear and mixedinteger nonlinear programming problems.24 The tabu check is implemented after the mutation and crossover steps. In this step, if the Euclidean distance between the new trial individual and any of the individuals in the tabu list is smaller than the specified tabu radius value (which indicates that the trial individual is similar to an individual already visited), the trial individual is rejected, and another trial individual is generated by the mutation and crossover steps. This procedure is repeated until the Euclidean 10050 |Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 10047–10061

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Table 1. Benchmark Problems function



global minimum


2 e xi e 2

3.0 at x = {0, 1}


100 e xi e 100

1.0 at x = {π, π}


10 e xi e 10

186.7309 at x = {0.0217, 0.9527}

Hartmann 3 (H3)a Fobj = ∑4j=1cj exp[∑ni=1aji( xi  p i,j)]


0 e xi e 1

3.86278 at x = {0.1146, 0.5556, 0.8525}

Rosenbrock (ROSn)a

2, 5, 10, 15, 20

5 e xi e 10

0.0 at x = {1, ..., 1}

2, 5, 10, 15, 20

5 e xi e 10

0.0 at x = {0, ..., 0}


6 e xi e 6

0.0 at x = {3, 2}

2, 5, 10, 15, 20

600 e xi e 600

0.0 at x = {0, ..., 0}

5, 10, 15, 20

600 e xi e 600

0.0 at x = {0, ..., 0}

Goldstein and Price (GP)a Fobj = [1 + (x1 + x2 + 1)2(14x1 + 3x12 14x2 + 6x1x2 + 3x22)] [30 + (2x1  3x2)2(18  32x1 + 12x12 + 48x2  36x1x2 + 27x22)] Easom (ES)a Fobj = cos(x1) cos(x2) exp{[(x1  π)2 + (x2  π)2]} Shubert (SH)a Fobj = {∑5j=1j cos[( j + 1)x1 + j]}{∑ 5j=1j cos[(j + 1)x2 + j]}

Fobj = ∑ni=1[100(x i2  xi+1) 2(xi  1)2] Zakharov (ZAKn)a Fobj = (∑ni=1 xi2) + (∑ni=10.5ixi2)2 + (∑ni=10.5ixi2) 4 modified Himmelbalu (mHB)b Fobj = (x12 + x2  11)2 + (x1 + x22  7)2 + 0.1[(x1  3)2 + (x2  2)2] Rastrigin (RASn)b Fobj = 10n + ∑ni=1(xi2  10cos(2π xi)) Griewank (GWn)b Fobj = ∑ni=1(x i2/D)  a

√ i=1cos(xi/ i) + 1


Moderate functions. b Difficult functions.

distance between the trial individual and each of the individuals in the tabu list is greater than the tabu radius. This procedure makes the individuals in the population more diverse, enhances the exploration of the search space, and avoids unnecessary evaluations of the objective function. Tabu radius is one of the parameters used in the algorithm, and it prevents revisiting the same neighborhood. Thus, the higher the value of the tabu radius, the larger area that will be forbidden for revisiting and vice versa. Obviously, higher values of tabu radius will cause larger numbers of rejected points and result in faster termination of the global search by the rejection-based stopping criterion. For problems having a local optimum very close to the global optimum, it is better to choose a smaller tabu radius for higher reliability. The tuning of the tabu radius and nominal values are reported in ref 23. The objective function is evaluated at the trial individual only if it is away from all of the points in the tabu list. After each evaluation, the tabu list is updated dynamically to keep the latest points in the list by replacing the earliest entered point(s). Thus, the new point is added to the list by rejecting the oldest point in the list so that the recently added points are retained (i.e., first-in first-out basis). The tabu check avoids revisiting the same area, increases the diversity of the population, and avoids unnecessary function evaluations. Thus, the ability of global exploration is greatly enhanced. The tabu check requires extra computational effort, but this is negligible in application problems where objective function evaluation is computationally intensive. 3.4. Stopping Criteria. One of the disadvantages of stochastic optimization algorithms is a lack of proper stopping criteria. The improper stopping of the algorithm will lead to either a final solution at a local optimum (stopping too early) or the waste of computational resources (stopping too late). The commonly used stopping criteria for stochastic optimization algorithm in the literature can be classified as (1) closeness of the optimum found to the exact/known optimum;29,31 (2) maximum number

of function evaluations (femax) or generations (Gmax);4,20,28,30 and (3) maximum number of successive iterations without improvement in the best objective function value found so far, which is also known as an improvement-based stopping criterion (SCmax).2,21,23,24,34,35 The first criterion is suitable only for benchmark functions for which the optimum is known. It is not applicable for real-world optimization problems where the optimum is not known a priori. The second criterion can be applied to typical optimization problems, but it is difficult to choose a proper femax or Gmax value. First, the choice is highly dependent on the optimization problem being solved. Second, the stochastic optimization algorithm contains some randomness, so the same problem solved at a different time might need a different femax or Gmax value. The wrong choice of femax or Gmax will lead to a local solution or excessive computation time. The third criterion has been used in application problems.2,23,24,26,34 This is consistent with the conclusion of Zielinski and Laur35 that it is better to use a stopping criterion that considers knowledge from the state of optimization run. Here, a novel stopping criterion specifically for IDE is employed after observing detailed results on a number of benchmark functions. It is based on the number of rejected individuals when producing a new trial individual for a target individual in a generation. As the generations proceed, individuals in the population congregate together, owing to the nature of DE. When they are close enough, the new trial individual is more likely to be rejected by the tabu check, which is performed using the Euclidean distance between the new trial individual and every individual in the tabu list. If the Euclidean distance is smaller than the tabu radius, then the new trial individual is rejected, and another trial individual is generated. Thus, many rejections of the new trial individual for a target individual in a generation indicate convergence of the algorithm. A stopping criterion based on the number of rejections thus monitors the positions of individuals rather than the objective function values. Hence, it is more robust 10051 |Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 10047–10061

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research than the stopping criteria mentioned previously (SCmax and Gmax). A stopping criterion based on number of rejections is appropriate for IDE, which includes tabu check. In this work, the effectiveness of this stopping criterion is compared with that of SCmax used earlier. 3.5. Hybridize with Local Optimization. Different approaches can be used to hybridize global optimization with local optimization methods.37 Traditional hybridization methods are based on a global search followed by a local search. In this approach, the switching time between the global and local searches is very important. Early switching increases the probability of becoming trapped in a local optimum. Conversely, a late switching time wastes computational resources.38 In this article, results are presented later to show that the tabu check in DETL and the stopping criterion based on the number of rejections can determine the switching time efficiently (i.e., the global search is expected to terminate in the valley containing the global optimum). To find a precise optimum efficiently, a local optimizer is used after completion of the global search, as in our previous works.23,24 Some researchers have used a local optimizer during the iterations of the global algorithm.3941 However, this approach increases computational effort, and its benefit is unclear, so it was not chosen for the IDE algorithm. IDE and its application to benchmark functions and VLE modeling are implemented in MS Excel spreadsheet environment using VBA (Visual Basic Application) language because of its ready availability and use by researchers and practitioners in diverse fields. The Solver tool in Excel is used as the local optimizer; it can solve different types of optimization problems and employs the generalized reduced gradient (GRG) method for solving nonlinear problems. The GRG method is an efficient local optimizer and uses the finite-difference approximation for numerical derivatives of the objective function. A user-friendly interface was developed in a worksheet for coding the objective function and calling the optimization algorithm by anyone who can use the spreadsheet. Decision variables in the problem given by the user are normalized between 0 and 1, inside the program.

4. EVALUATION OF IDE ON BENCHMARK FUNCTIONS 4.1. Benchmark Functions and Evaluation Procedure. The performance of the IDE algorithm was tested on common benchmark functions involving a few to thousands of local optima and 220 variables.23 The details of the benchmark functions are summarized in Table 1. As shown in this table, some of these functions are considered to be moderate, whereas the rest are considered difficult to solve.23 Of the nine benchmark functions in Table 1, five functions (GP, H3, ROS, ZAK, and mHB) can be solved by BARON, and four functions (ES, SH, RAS, and GW) cannot be solved by BARON because of cosine terms in the objective function. The following parameters were used for all benchmark functions: population size, NP = 30; learning period, LP = 10; tabu list size, TLS = 50; and tabu radius, TR = 103D and 106D for moderate and difficult functions, respectively.23 The stopping criterion was the satisfaction of either the maximum number of rejections, NRmax = 20, or the maximum number of function evaluations, Gmax = 30D and 60D for moderate and difficult functions, respectively. All of these parameter values are the same as those in Srinivas and Rangaiah23 except NP and LP. Gmax was used as another stopping criterion to avoid infinite loops. IDE


Table 2. Performance Results of DETL and IDE for Benchmark Functionsa


DETL with SCmax

IDE with SCmax

IDE with NRmax





















99 100

684 678

100 100

990 883

100 100

1279 1230




























3071 1269















98 100

9507 4894

97 100

11490 4748

98 100

3043 4378











































GW10 GW15

100 99

11580 11105

100 100

12517 11505

100 100

4960 6483








GSR total NFE used


99.3 114235

total NFE reduced compared to DETL (%) a


99.8 128638 12.6

97388 14.7

Lowest NFE required for solving each problem by an algorithm is in bold.

was evaluated both with an improvement-based stopping criterion (SCmax) and with the new number-of-rejections-based stopping criterion (NRmax). Because IDE is a stochastic optimization algorithm, convergence speed (computational efficiency) and reliability of finding the global optimum can be affected by random numbers. Hence, 100 independent runs, each starting from a different random number seed, were performed on each of the benchmark functions. A successful run means that the algorithm found the objective function value very close to the known global optimum value, f(x*). Here, a run of an algorithm is considered to be successful if the objective function value found is e[f(x*) + 1 105] for all benchmark functions. Convergence speed and reliability are assessed using average number of (objective) function evaluations (NFE) and success rate (SR), respectively. NFE for the local optimizer is not included here because it is not provided by the Solver tool in Excel; however, our experience shows that local optimization contributes only a small percentage to the total NFE for finding accurate final solutions.23 Note that NFE is a good indicator of computational efficiency because function evaluation involves extensive computations in application problems. Further, it is independent of the computer and software platform used, and so, it is useful for comparison by researchers. The reliability of the algorithm is measured in terms of SR, which is the number of times in 100 runs that the algorithm located the global optimum to the specified 10052 |Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 10047–10061

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Table 3. Details of VLE-LS Problems no.



P = 100 mmHg,



global optimum


tert-Butanol +1-Butanol system Wilson and ideal gas models

ndat = 9

D = 2;

Fobj = 0.01026,

θ1, θ2 ∈ (8500, 320000)

θ1 = 567.96,

Alvarez et al.42

θ2 = 745.33 LS-2

P = 700 mmHg,

Fobj = 0.013690,

ndat = 9

θ1 = 733.95,

Bonilla-Petriciolet et al.33,45

θ2 = 1318.23 LS-3

P = 500 mmHg,

Fobj = 0.006852,

ndat = 9

θ1 = 718.01, θ2 = 1264.74

Gau et al.41

Water + 1,2-Ethanediol system LS-4

P = 430 mmHg,

Wilson and ideal gas models

ndat = 18

D = 2;

Fobj = 1.039134,

θ1, θ2 ∈ (8500, 320000)

θ1 = 5072.361

D = 2;

Fobj = 1.408547,

θ1, θ2 ∈ (5000, 20000)

θ1 = 1131.84,

D = 3;

θ2 = 3617.65 Fobj = 1.253531,

θ1, θ2 ∈ (2000, 5000);

θ1 = 678.99,

R12 ∈ (0.01, 10.0)

θ2 = 3046.13,

Bonilla-Petriciolet et al.33,45

θ2 = 1921.62 LS-5

UNIQUAC and ideal gas models


NRTL and ideal gas models

Bonilla-Petriciolet et al.33,45

Bonilla-Petriciolet et al.33,45

R12 = 0.621375 Benzene + Hexafluorobenzene system LS-7

T = 50 °C,

Wilson and ideal gas models

ndat = 11

D = 2;

Fobj = 0.008935,

θ1, θ2 ∈ (8500, 320000)

θ1 = 424.08,

Bollas et al.44

θ2 = 983.06 Fobj = 0.014860, θ1 = 432.49,


P = 300 mmHg, ndat = 17


P = 760 mmHg,

Fobj = 0.014616,

ndat = 29

θ1 = 334.70,

Bonilla-Petriciolet et al.33,45

θ2 = 992.85 Gau et al.41

θ2 = 704.74 LS-10

T = 30 °C,

Fobj = 0.011783,

ndat = 10

θ1 = 467.76,

Bonilla-Petriciolet et al.33,45

θ2 = 1313.94

accuracy. SR and NFE of the benchmark functions are summarized and discussed in the next section. 4.2. Results and Discussion. First, IDE and DETL are compared using the same stopping criterion (namely, SCmax = 7D for moderate functions and SCmax = 12D for difficult functions) as used by Srinivas and Rangaiah23 (see Table 2). For an overall comparison of the algorithms, we report the global success rate (GSR), defined as the mean success rate for all benchmark functions tested (nb) GSR ¼


∑ i i ¼ 1 nb SR


where SRi is the success rate for function i. The results in Table 2 for the SCmax criterion show that, of 21 benchmark functions tested in this study, IDE achieved 100% SR for 16 benchmark functions compared to 100% SR for 10 benchmark functions by DETL. The GSRs for all benchmark functions listed in Table 2 are 97.6% and 99.3% for DETL and IDE, respectively. It is clear

that IDE is more reliable than DETL for the benchmark functions. The total NFE used for all 21 benchmarks was 114235 and 128638 for DETL and IDE respectively; thus, the total NFE used for IDE increased by around 12.6%. This might be partly because DETL used different parameter settings for different sets of benchmark functions, whereas IDE used the same parameter settings along with parameter adaptation for all benchmark functions tested. In any case, using the SCmax criterion, IDE with a higher reliability at the expense of a slight increase in NFE is preferable to DETL. Next, IDE was tested using the NRmax = 20 stopping criterion. These results in Table 2 show that IDE with the NR stopping criterion achieved 100% SR for 18 of 21 benchmark functions tested, with the highest GSR (99.8%). Further, the NFE taken by IDE with the NR criterion is less than those of the other two algorithms for 11 of 21 problems tested, with a total required NFE 14.7% less than that of DETL. Thus, IDE with NRmax is more reliable and efficient than DETL and IDE with SCmax. Comparing the performance of IDE with NRmax and SCmax, it 10053 |Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 10047–10061

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Table 4. Details of VLE-EIV Problems for the Benzene + Hexafluorobenzene System Using the Wilson and Ideal Gas Modelsa no.



global optimum


D = 34;

Fobj = 19.998720,

Bonilla-Petriciolet et al.33,45

ndat = 16,

θ1, θ2 ∈ (10000, 200000);

θ1 = 429.85,

σ (0.003, 0.0029, 1.7, 0.083)

xtij ∈ (xij  3σ, xij + 3σ);

θ2 = 1029.32

P = 500 mmHg,


Tt ∈ (T  3σ, T + 3σ) P = 300 mmHg,


D = 36

θ1 = 437.72,

ndat = 17, σ (0.003, 0.0029, 1.7, 0.083) T = 30 °C, ndat = 10,


θ2 = 1003.12 D = 22

θ2 = 1274.32

T = 40 °C,

D = 22

θ1 = 462.51,

ndat = 10,

θ2 = 1197.31

T = 50 °C,

D = 24


Bonilla-Petriciolet et al.33,45

Fobj = 25.671042, θ1 = 415.76,

ndat = 11, σ (0.003, 0.0029, 1.7, 0.083) T = 60 °C,


Srinivas and Rangaiah43

Fobj = 11.170496,

σ (0.001, 0.01, 0.75, 0.1) EIV-5

Gau and Stadtherr49

Fobj = 11.898795, θ1 = 472.00,

σ (0.001, 0.01, 0.75, 0.1) EIV-4

Esposito and Floudas48

Fobj = 42.343724,

θ2 = 944.57 Fobj = 19.401593,

D = 22

ndat = 10,

θ1 = 437.05,

σ (0.003, 0.0029, 1.7, 0.083)

θ2 = 1065.04

Bonilla-Petriciolet et al.33,45

Bounds of variables used for all EIV problems as given in EIV-1.

Table 5. NFE and SR of IDE with the Four Different Stopping Criteria SC-1, SC-2, NRmax, and Gmax for Solving VLE-LS Problems with NP = 30 SC-1 = 6D

Gmax = 1000

NRmax = 20























































5 6

52 72

1112 1843

58 75

2746 3948

61 79

6165 4599

22 20

62 79

30000 30000

105 111
















































total NFE a

SC-2 = 12D

54.5 1.16  104




2.34  104

6.68  104

3.00  105

CPU time in seconds.

can be concluded that the NRmax stopping criterion is better in stopping the global search effectively to achieve high reliability with less computational effort. Further, it is more robust than SCmax because the latter required different values for different problems.23 Additionally, IDE has fewer parameters to be chosen compared to DETL because two parameters (F and Cr) that are very sensitive in DE are adapted during the iterations. All of these factors make the IDE algorithm more reliable and efficient for application problems.

5. APPLICATION TO MODELING VLE DATA Parameter estimation in thermodynamic models has been of great interest in chemical engineering because of its complex

nature, including nonlinear, flat objective functions in the neighborhood of the global optimum; badly scaled model functions; and nondifferential term(s) in equations.1,4244 Several deterministic and stochastic global optimization algorithms have been applied the parameter estimation in VLE modeling problems. The stochastic methods include SA,45 genetic algorithm,42 DE,2,46DETL,2 PSO,47 and bare-bones PSO.47 The deterministic methods include branch-and-bound method with convex underestimating,48 interval methods,1,49,50 and bilevel optimization with nonconvex lower-level program.44 In this section, IDE is applied to the estimation of parameters in the vaporliquid equilibrium (VLE) models to fit the experimental data. Parameter estimations based on both the least-squares (LS) and error-in-variables (EIV) approaches are considered in this 10054 |Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 10047–10061

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Table 6. NFE and SR of IDE with the Four Different Stopping Criteria SC-1, SC-2, NRmax, and Gmax for Solving VLE-LS Problems with NP = 50D SC-1 = 6D no.

SC-2 = 12D

NRmax = 20

Gmax = 1000













































5 6

77 99

3661 10260

76 100

6494 21568

79 100

18957 14701

80 100

100000 150000





































GSR 43.4


total NFE 4.00  104

90 8.49  104

93.9 2.47  105

1.05  106

study; both of these approaches minimize an objective function subject to constraints arising from model equations.2,45 Of these, 10 problems are based on the LS approach (Table 3), and another 10 problems are based on the EIV approach (Tables 4 and 10). Performance results of IDE are compared for different stopping criteria and with other stochastic algorithms, namely, SA, PSO, DE, and DETL, as well as a deterministic algorithm (BARON). 5.1. Formulation of Parameter Estimation Problems for VLE Modeling. 5.1.1. Least-Squares Approach. Consider a set of observations qij of i = 1, 2, ..., m response variables from j = 1, 2, ..., ndat experiments, where the responses can be expressed by an explicit model fi(rj,θ) with nl independent variables rj = (r1,j, ..., rnl,j) and npar parameters θ = (θ1, ..., θnpar). Measurement errors in rj are neglected in the LS approach. Different objective functions can be used to estimate the parameter values that provide the best fit for a model.36 In this study, the following objective function involving fractional errors was used because it tends to weigh errors in small and large quantities equally22 " #2 ndat m qij  fi ðrj , θÞ Fobj ¼ ð9Þ qij j¼1 i¼1


The decision variables in the LS approach are npar parameters θ. In the case of VLE data, the excess Gibbs energy equation is normally used for phase equilibrium modeling. Hence, the objective function used in eq 9 can be modified as follows to fit the activity coefficient data !2 exp ndat c γi, j  γcalc ij ð10Þ Fobj ¼ exp γi, j j¼1 i¼1


γexp ij

where is the experimental value for the activity coefficient of component i in the jth experiment, γcalc ij is the calculated value for the activity coefficient of component i in jth experiment, and c is can be calculated the number of components in the mixture. γexp i from VLE data as exp




yi P exp xi Pi0

i ¼ 1, :::, c


Figure 4. Global success rate (GSR) for SA, PSO, DE, DETL, and IDE with different stopping criteria for VLE-LS problems using NP = 30.

and yexp are the measured mole fractions of compowhere xexp i i nent i in the liquid and vapor phases, respectively, at equilibrium; P0i is the vapor pressure of pure component i at the system temperature T, and P is the pressure of the system. For eq 11, it is assumed that, at low pressure, the fugacity coefficients of the pure components cancel each other and the values of the Poynting corrections are very close to 1. The nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL), Wilson, and universal quasichemical (UNIQUAC) models were used to evaluate γcalc i , and eq 10 was optimized by changing the energy parameters (θ) of these models. Owing to the explicit nature of the equations for γcalc ij , global minimization of the LS objective function, eq 10, can be solved as an unconstrained optimization problem. Details of the test problems used for the LS approach are summarized in Table 3. 5.1.2. Error-in-Variables Approach. Unlike the LS approach, the EIV approach considers errors in the state variables zi,j for the experiments of the system to be modeled (namely, x, y, T, and P for VLE data modeling). This results in the following objective function Fobj ¼

ndat nest

∑∑ j¼1 i¼1

zti, j  zi, j σi 2


subject to gðzti, j , θÞ ¼ 0

i ¼ 1, :::, nest ; j ¼ 1, :::, ndat


Here, g is a vector of model functions, nest is the number of state variables, zti,j is the unknown “true” value of the ith state variable in the jth experiment, and σi is the standard deviation associated with the measurement of the ith state variable. The decision variables of the EIV formulation include the set of zti,j values in addition to the npar parameters θ in the model. This leads to a significant increase in the dimensionality of the optimization problem depending on the number of experimental data points. Bounds for state variables are usually three standard deviations from the measured values. 10055 |Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 10047–10061

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Table 7. Performance and Time Required by BARON for VLE-LS Problems

Figure 5. Global success rate (GSR) for SA, PSO, DE, DETL, and IDE at different iteration levels for VLE-LS problems using NP = 50D.

Assuming that the experiments are conducted at low pressure, VLE problems can be defined by the equations P¼

yj ¼


ðγi xi Pi0 Þ ∑ i¼1 γi xi Pi0 c


ðγj xj Pj0 Þ


i ¼ 1, :::, c


These equations allow VLE problems to be solved as unconstrained optimization problems through their substitution for Pt and yti in eq 12 to give the following objective function for the EIV optimization problem 2 exp exp ndat c ðxti, j  xi, j Þ2 ðyti, j  yi, j Þ2 4 Fobj ¼ þ σ xi 2 σ yi 2 j¼1 i¼1 exp exp # ðTjt  Tj Þ2 ðPjt  Pj Þ2 þ þ ð16Þ σT 2 σP 2


exp The independent variables are the set z = (xexp i , T ) for all measurements. The decision variables for optimization are the sets zt = (xti , Tt) and θ = (θ1, ..., θnpar), and the total number of decision variables is npar + cndat. Both the LS and EIV formulations involve complex, nonlinear thermodynamic models resulting in nonlinear and potentially nonconvex objective functions with local optima. Details of the VLE-EIV problems studied are given in Table 4. 5.2. Test Examples and Evaluation Procedure. Altogether, there are 20 VLE problems, consisting of 10 LS and 10 EIV problems (Tables 3, 4, and 10). All of these problems are multimodal, and their numbers of decision variables range from 2 to 60. Each VLE problem was solved 100 times independently.


global optimum found

CPU time (s)




LS-2 LS-3

yes yes

12 4






















A trial/run is considered successful if the best objective function value obtained is within 1.0  105 of the known global optimum. Also, the GSRs of different algorithms are reported for the LS and EIV problems. The performance (i.e., SR and NFE) of IDE is compared here for four stopping criteria, namely, SC-1 (i.e., SCmax = 6D) and SC-2 (i.e., SCmax = 12D) based on the maximum number of iterations without improvement in the best objective function value, NRmax = 20 based on the maximum number of rejected points, and Gmax = 1000 based on the maximum number of iterations, to find the success rate for a large number of iterations. The results of IDE are also compared with those of other stochastic algorithms and a deterministic algorithm. 5.3. Results and Discussion Using the Least-Squares Approach. 5.3.1. Performance of IDE with Different Stopping Criteria and Population Size. To show the robustness of the IDE algorithm for VLE-LS problems, all of the algorithm parameters were kept the same as those used for the benchmark functions (given in section 4.1), except that the stopping criteria (SC-1 and SC-2) were the same as those in Bonilla-Petriciolet et al.2 The value of SR, GSR, NFE, total NFE, and CPU time (in seconds) for NRmax and Gmax of the IDE algorithm with four stopping criteria used for the 10 VLE-LS problems are summarized in Table 5. Recall that VBA was used in the present study because of its ready availability and use by researchers and practitioners in diverse fields. However, based on our experience, it is about 1 order of magnitude slower than the equivalent Matlab code. It is obvious from Table 5 that IDE with SC-1 has the lowest SR and uses the lowest NFE. IDE with SC-2 has a better SR but requires a higher NFE compared to SC-1. IDE with NR obtains a very good SR, although its NFE is higher than those of SC-1 and SC-2 but much lower than that of Gmax. This is due to the nature of the stopping criteria, where SC-1 and SC-2 force the algorithm to stop when the best objective function value in the population fails to improve after a certain number of iterations. NRmax can overcome this difficulty because it is monitoring the convergence of the whole population instead of the best objective function value. IDE with Gmax obtains the best SR, but it needs a much greater NFE. In general, the higher the iteration level, the better the results; however, the additional iterations with no significant improvement in the results are a waste of computational resources. For example, for LS-4, IDE with NRmax can achieve a 79% SR with an NFE of 7031, whereas IDE with Gmax obtained the same SR but with an NFE of 30000. Thus, it is essential for the optimization algorithm to stop at the right time, incurring the least computational resources without compromising the reliability 10056 |Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 10047–10061

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Table 8. NFE and SR of IDE with Four Different Stopping Criteria (SC-1, SC-2, NRmax, and Gmax) for Solving VLE-EIV Problems SC-1 = 6D no.



SC-2 = 12D SR


Gmax = 1000

NRmax = 20 SR





CPU 3157


































































GSR total NFE


99.2 1.31  106



1.48  106

Figure 6. Global success rate (GSR) for solving VLE-EIV problems by the SA, DE, DETL, PSO, and IDE algorithms with different stopping criteria.

of finding the global optimum. The results in Table 5 indicate that IDE with the NRmax termination criterion can stop the global search effectively. They further indicate that the SR improves with increasing number of NFE initially, but once the algorithm is converged, increasing the NFE will not improve the SR. The values of GSR and total NFE for all 10 LS problems using four different stopping criteria in IDE are reported in Table 5. It is clear that IDE with NRmax and Gmax can achieve better reliability than IDE with SC-1 and SC-2. IDE with NRmax obtained a similarly good GSR as IDE with Gmax, but IDE with NRmax required a much lower total NFE. Furthermore, Gmax is difficult to choose for application problems, especially for unknown problems. Very low Gmax values increase the probability of becoming trapped in a local optimum, and very high Gmax values waste computational resources. To show the implication of the tradeoffs between reductions in NFE and SR between IDE with Gmax and IDE with NRmax, the CPU times for each problem are reported in Table 5. It is clear that IDE with NRmax uses much less computation time than IDE with Gmax. Overall, IDE with the NRmax stopping criterion has better reliability and efficiency. Population size is another control parameter which can affect the performance of the stochastic algorithms. The effect of population size on VLE-LS problems is studied using IDE with

9.64  105

1.60  106

NP of 50D and different stopping criteria. Comparing these results shown in Table 6 with those in Table 5, it can be seen that both SR and NFE are increased with NP = 50D. This is expected because, when the population size is increased, the algorithm can search more thoroughly but requires more computational effort. The results for IDE with each of the four stopping criteria (Table 6) indicate that IDE with NRmax can stop the algorithm effectively. This observation is consistent with the results in Table 5. The overall performance of IDE with each of the four different stopping criteria is reported in Table 6. It is clear that IDE with NRmax and Gmax can achieve better reliability than IDE with SC-1 and SC-2. IDE with NRmax obtained a good GSR similar to that of IDE with Gmax but with only 25% of the NFE. Thus, the stopping criterion (NRmax) is more efficient and robust than the other stopping criteria and performs consistently well for higher population sizes as well. 5.3.2. Comparison of IDE with Other Stochastic Methods. For the 10 VLE-LS problems considered, the GSRs of the IDE algorithm with SC-1, SC-2, and NRmax are compared with those of other stochastic algorithms, namely, SA, DE, DETL, and PSO, in Figure 4; in all of these algorithms, NP = 30. It is clear that the overall reliability (GSR) of IDE for VLE-LS problems is superior to those of SA, DE, DETL, and PSO with SC-1 and SC-2. As expected, Figure 4 shows that all of the algorithms obtained better GSRs when SC-2 was used instead of SC-1 but this was at the expense of computational effort (i.e., greater NFE, as can be seen in Table 5 for IDE). IDE with NRmax obtained the best GSR compared to the other methods and stopping criteria. This again shows that IDE with NRmax is very reliable for solving VLE-LS problems. To illustrate the robustness of the IDE algorithm, Figure 5 compares its GSR with those of SA, PSO, DE, and DETL at different iteration levels without stopping criteria. For PSO, DE, DETL, and IDE, a population of NP = 50D was used. For SA, NS  NT = 50D was used. Note that NT is the number of iterations before the reduction of the annealing temperature and NS is the number of cycles for updating the decision variables. At different iteration levels, the local optimizer was used to find the accurate optimum. Figure 5 shows that IDE achieves a slightly worse GSR compared to SA and DETL at 50 generations. However, at higher iterations, IDE can give very good GSRs comparable to or better than those of SA, DE, DETL, and PSO. Interestingly, SA achieved the best GSR at all different iteration levels. 5.3.3. Comparison of IDE with a Deterministic Method. BARON is a deterministic global optimization solver, developed by Sahinidis and Tawarmalani51 and available in GAMS.52 Purely continuous, purely integer, and mixed-integer nonlinear model 10057 |Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 10047–10061

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Table 9. Performance and Time Required by BARON for VLE-EIV Problems reduced boundsa

original bounds (see Table 4) problem

global optimum found?

CPU time (s)

global optimum found?

CPU time (s)


local optimum





local optimum





no convergence





no convergence





no convergence





no convergence




In this case, bounds on θ1 and θ2 are reduced by a factor of 10 from (10000 to 200000) to (1000 to 20000); bounds for other variables are same as those in Table 4. a

Table 10. Details of VLE-LS Problems Using the EIV Approach with the Wilson and Ideal Gas Model Systemsa no. EIV-7

system tert-butanol +1-butanol

data P = 100 mmHg, ndat = 9, σ (0.003, 0.0029, 1.7, 0.083)

variables D = 20; θ1, θ2 ∈ (10000, 200000); xtij ∈ (xij  3σ, xij + 3σ); Tt ∈ (T  3σ, T + 3σ)

Fobj = 2.677843, θ1 = 674.78, θ2 = 1234.60


tert-butanol +1-butanol

P = 700 mmHg, ndat = 9, σ

D = 20

Fobj = 17.658547, θ1 =


tert-butanol +1-butanol

(0.003, 0.0029, 1.7, 0.083) P = 500 mmHg, ndat = 9, σ

D = 20

780.45, θ2 = 1695.77 Fobj = 7.585433, θ1 =


benzene + hexafluorobenzene

P = 760 mmHg, ndat = 29, σ

D = 60

Fobj = 16.925014, θ1 =

746.22, θ2 = 1498.13

(0.003, 0.0029, 1.7, 0.083)

420.67, θ2 = 1060.34

(0.001, 0.01, 0.75, 0.1) a

global optimum

Bounds of variables used for these EIV problems as given in EIV-7.

types can be solved using this deterministic method. BARON combines the constraint propagation, interval analysis, and duality approaches for problem reduction along with enhanced branch-and-bound concepts. It can solve a wide range of optimization problems, but it cannot solve problems containing trigonometric functions.51,52 However, it requires some reformulation when the denominator on the right-hand side of the equations, defining dependent variables, contains decision variables. Note that the definition of dependent variables is often required for application problems where the objective function involves numerous, complex terms. All of the VLE-LS problems were solved using the latest version (23.6.3/9.0.6) of GAMS/ BARON, with a maximum CPU time set at 1 h. A comparison of IDE (with NRmax = 30 and NP = 30) and BARON was performed to assess their relative merits for VLE-LS problems. The common comparison of IDE (Table 5) and BARON (Table 7) based on finding the global optimum and computational time for it shows that BARON obtained global solutions for all 10 VLE-LS problems tested. Note that the computational time is on the same computer, but IDE and BARON are on different platforms (namely, Excel and GAMS, respectively). BARON uses less computational time than IDE for LS-2, -3, -7, -8, -9, and -10. However, for LS-1, -4, -5, and -6, BARON used more computational time. In particular, for LS-6, which has three variables, BARON reached the maximum CPU time to solve this problem. Based on the results in Table 5 and the use of IDE in VBA (which is an order of magnitude slower than software such as Matlab), it can be concluded that IDE is better than or comparable to BARON for solving VLE-LS problems. 5.4. Results and Discussion Using the Error-in-Variables Approach. 5.4.1. Performance of IDE with Different Stopping Criteria. Unlike the LS approach, the EIV approach considers errors in the measured data in all decision variables, and hence,

the number of decision variables, npar + cndat, increases significantly. Accounting for the error in all variables leads to unbiased estimates of parameter values and achieves more accurate models. Furthermore, in solving VLE problems using the EIV approach, not only parameter estimation results are obtained, but also data reconciliation is performed. Owing to the increased number of decision variables, VLE-EIV problems are more challenging than VLE-LS problems. To solve VLE-EIV problems, a population size of NP = 10D was used here, which is the same as that used by BonillaPetriciolet et al.,2 and other parameter settings were the same as above (section 4.1). Table 8 presents SR and NFE results using IDE with each of the four stopping criteria; the SR of the EIV problems is better than that of the LS problems with the same stopping criteria in Table 5, probably because of the larger population size arising from the use of NP = 10D and the large number of variables. As expected and as in the LS approach, the SR improves with increasing iterations for VLE-EIV problems as well. It is clear from Table 8 that IDE with any of the four criteria tested can achieve 100% SR except for problems 3 and 4. The NFE values show that SC-1 and SC-2 can terminate the algorithm before reaching the maximum number of iterations except for problems 1 and 2. NRmax can terminate the algorithm before reaching the maximum number of iterations except for problem 1, and it uses the lowest NFE compared to the others. Compared to the results with LS problems in Table 5, it is obvious that the SCmax-based stopping criteria performed differently. For the LS problems, SCmax terminated the global search very early, but for the EIV problems, SCmax terminated the algorithm very late. This is probably due to the use of objective function improvement in this type of stopping criterion and characteristics of the objective function. Thus, suitable values for SCmax are problem-dependent. The CPU times of IDE with NRmax and IDE with Gmax, reported in Table 8, show that use of NRmax significantly reduced the 10058 |Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 10047–10061

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Table 11. Performance of IDE with NR Criterion for the LS and EIV Approaches problem












LS-2 LS-3

88 74

29680 26729


96 95

159112 172600

























computation time for five of the six EIV problems tested, without affecting reliability. Considering both the GSR and total NFE for the four stopping criteria (Table 8), it is clear that NRmax is an efficient and robust stopping criterion for VLE-EIV problems as well. 5.4.2. Comparison of IDE with Other Stochastic Methods. Of the many stochastic algorithms available, SA, PSO, DE, and DETL have been evaluated for parameter estimation involved in modeling VLE data.2 Figure 6 shows GSR values for solving VLEEIV problems by these algorithms and IDE using NT  NS = NP = 10D. It can be seen that IDE achieves consistently much higher GSRs with SC-1, SC-2, and NRmax than SA, PSO, DE, and DETL. This is a clear indication that IDE is very reliable for solving VLE-EIV problems. 5.4.3. Comparison of IDE with a Deterministic Method. BARON was also used to solve the VLE-EIV problems, and the performance results and required CPU times of BARON are summarized in Table 9. Comparing the performance of BARON with that of IDE in Table 8, the reliability of BARON is low within the maximum CPU time setting of 1 h; it obtained the local optima only for EIV-1 and EIV-2 and terminated with the message: “No feasible solution was found and bounds too wide  model status uncertain” for the remaining four problems. Therefore, the bounds on θ1 and θ2 were reduced by a factor of 10, and BARON was tried again for solving all six VLE-EIV problems. The global solution could then be obtained; however, the CPU time was still the maximum 1 h (Table 9). In contrast, IDE exhibited high reliability and efficiency: it obtained the global optimum with significantly less CPU time for five of the six EIV problems (Table 8). The above-mentioned error message indicated that BARON on the GAMS platform was taking explicit equations such as eqs 14 and 15 as constraints. Therefore, an attempt was made to substitute these equations into the objective function, which became extremely long and prone to error. In any case, this laborious substitution was tried for problem EIV-6. The global solution could then be obtained; however, the CPU time was still the maximum 1 h. 5.4.3. Solution of LS Problems Using the EIV Approach. Four LS problems from Table 3 (LS-1, LS-2, LS-3, and LS-9) for different systems were also studied using the EIV approach; these are referred to as EIV-7EIV-10 respectively. Details of these EIV problems are listed in Table 10. These problems are in addition to problems LS-7, LS-8, and LS-10, which were considered by the EIV approach as EIV-5, EIV-2, and EIV-3, respectively (in Table 4). As stated in section 5.1, different objective functions were used in the two approaches to obtain the optimal parameter values for the respective objective. Comparison of the objective function values obtained by the LS and EIV approaches indicates that the LS approach can achieve a better

objective value. This is because the EIV approach includes many more error residuals divided by respective variances in the objective function. However, the EIV approach is more realistic for data modeling problems. The performances of IDE with the NR criterion for the same problem by both the LS and EIV approaches are compared in Table 11. These results indicate that IDE with the NR criterion is somewhat more reliable for the EIV approach than for the LS approach. This is interesting, as the LS approach involves significantly fewer parameters, and is probably due to the smaller population size used in the LS problems (namely, 30 compared to 10D in the EIV problems), which limits the exploration of the whole search space (note that wide bounds of decision variables indicate larger search spaces). On the other hand, the NFE required for the EIV approach was 5 times more than that required for the LS approach, mainly because of the larger number of variables in the former approach.

6. CONCLUSIONS The IDE algorithm, which integrates classic DE with parameter adaptation, tabu list, a new stopping criterion, and local optimization after a global search, was first tested on a set of benchmark problems. The results showed that IDE is superior to the recent DETL in terms of both reliability and efficiency and that the NRmax stopping criterion is more effective in terminating the global search at the right time to start the local search. Subsequently, IDE was applied to parameter estimation in VLE modeling problems based on the LS and EIV approaches. Compared to SA, PSO, DE, and DETL, IDE was found to be the overall best method for these modeling problems. In addition, among the stopping criteria tested, the stopping criterion based on NRmax can switch the global search to a local search at the right time to achieve good reliability and to reduce required computational resources. A comparison of results showed that IDE is comparable to or better than BARON for the VLE modeling problems tested, particularly for VLE-EIV problems with more than 20 decision variables and very wide bounds. In summary, the IDE algorithm with the NRmax stopping criterion is robust, reliable, easy to use, and suitable for solving application problems. ’ AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author

*Tel.: 65-65162187. Fax: 65-67791936. E-mail: chegpr@nus.

’ NOMENCLATURE BARON = Branch and Reduce Optimization Navigator C = number of components for VLE problems Cr = crossover rate in DE D = dimension of (number of variables in) the optimization problem DE = differential evolution DETL = differential evolution with tabu list EIV = error-in-variables F = mutation/scaling factor in DE fi = model for dependent variable i Fobj = objective function femax = maximum number of function evaluations g = vector of model functions 10059 |Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 10047–10061

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research G = generation counter Gmax = maximum number of generations GAMS = General Algebraic Modeling System GSR = global success rate i = individual counter from 1 to NP IDE = integrated differential evolution j = dimension counter from 1 to D k = mutation strategy counter K = total number of mutation strategies LP = learning period LS = least squares m = number of dependent variables in a VLE problem ndat = number of experiments nest = number of state variables npar = number of parameters in a VLE model such as NRTL, Wilson, or UNIQUAC nb = number of problems NFE = number of function evaluations NP = population size NRmax = maximum number of rejections NRTL = nonrandom two-liquid P = pressure (mmHg) P0i = (P01, ..., P0ndat) = vapor pressure of pure component i (mmHg) Pti = (Pt1, ...,Ptndat) = unknown “true” pressure (mmHg) pk = probability of strategy k PSO = particle swarm optimization qij = ith dependent variable from the jth experiment rj = (r1,j, ..., rnl,j) = nl independent variables for the VLE problem rand(0,1) = random number between 0 and 1 SA = simulated annealing SC-1 = stopping criterion 1 used for VLE problems SC-2 = stopping criterion 2 used for VLE problems SCmax = maximum allowable consecutive iterations without improvement in the best objective function value SR = success rate T = (T1, ..., Tndat) = temperature (°C) Ui,G = (u1i,G, ..., uD i,G) = trial vector of the ith individual in the Gth generation UNIQUAC = universal quasichemical VLE = vaporliquid equilibrium VLE-LS = VLE based on the LS approach VLE-EIV = VLE based on the EIV approach Vi,G = (v1i,G, ..., vD i,G) = mutation vector of the ith individual in the Gth generation Xmax = upper bounds of decision variables Xmin = lower bounds of decision variables Xi,G = (x1i,G, ..., xD i,G) = target vector of the ith individual in the Gth generation Xbest,G = best individual of the Gth generation exp = (xexp xexp i i,1 , ..., xi,ndat) = experimental liquid mole fraction of component i exp = (yexp yexp i i,1 , ..., yi,ndat) = experimental vapor mole fraction of component i zti = (zti,1, ..., zti,ndat) = unknown “true” value of ith state variable zij = state variables Greek Letters

γi = (γi,1, ..., γi,ndat) = activity coefficient of component i calc = (γcalc γcalc i i,1 , ..., γi,ndat) = calculated value for the activity coefficient of component i

ARTICLE exp = (γexp γexp i i,1 , ..., γi,ndat) = experimental value for the activity coefficient of component i θ = (θ1, ..., θnpar) = parameters in the VLE model σi = standard deviation associated with the measurement of ith state variable

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