Integrated Methanol Fuel Processors for Portable Fuel Cell Systems

A suitable replacement is needed which drastically increases the energy density available to the soldier while retaining as much simplicity as possibl...
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Integrated Methanol Fuel Processors for Portable Fuel Cell Systems Daniel R. Palo, Jamie D. Holladay, Robert A. Dagle, and Ya-Huei Chin Battelle, Pacific Northwest Division, P. O. Box 999, MS K6-24, Richland, WA 99352

To meet the growing needs of the U.S. military for portable power, Battelle, Pacific Northwest Division (Battelle) is developing a portable power system designed to provide 100150 watts of electric power for tomorrow's soldier. Battelle's patented micro-channel process technology and highly active and selective steam reforming catalysts enable devices that are small and light, and provide a reliable stream of hydrogen-rich gas to power small proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. Fuel processors developed under this project, and operating on methanol, have achieved thermal efficiencies of up to 85%, yielding outputs up to 300 We, and providing projected energy densities of up to 2300 Whr/kg fuel. This work was sponsored by the U.S. Army CommunicationsElectronics Command and the Office of Naval Research.

© 2005 American Chemical Society

Wang and Holladay; Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


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210 As the dismounted soldier becomes the beneficiary of advanced electronics and communications technology, the power needs o f current and future forces become quite demanding. Since batteries have relatively low energy densities, with limited room for improvement, die volume and mass of battery power become overly burdensome when that power is required for extended missions (three days or greater). A suitable replacement is needed which drastically increases the energy density available to the soldier while retaining as much simplicity as possible. Two main options can be pursued in this regard. Primary battery power can be replaced with an alternative, such as 1) a hybrid fuel cell/battery system (15-50 W) operating on a liquid fuel, or 2) primary batteries coupled with a portable battery charger (100-300 W) operating on liquid fuel. Regardless o f the option chosen, each promises to reduce soldier fatigue and/or increase mission duration by drastically increasing the available energy density of the power system. The energy densities of various batteries and fuels are shown in Table 1 for comparison. While currently accepted battery technology can provide energy densities no higher than 400 Whr/kg, alternatives like compressed hydrogen, sodium borohydride, and liquid hydrocarbons offer much higher energy densities, reaching into the 1000's of Whr/kg. Each alternative power source, however, has its advantages and disadvantages.

Table 1. Energy density of various batteries and fuels, listed in order of increasing energy density. Fuel BB-2590 BA-5590 BA-5390 BA-8180 Compressed Hydrogen Sodium Borohydride Methanol Most Liquid Hydrocarbons Hydrogen Gas Nuclear Material

Energy Density (Whr/kg) 81 150 235 345


3600 5500

Secondary Primary Primary Primary Zn-Air battery, large unit 5000 psig, value includes container weight [ N a B H + 2 H 0 ] weight only Based on lower heating value of fuel


Based on lower heating value of fuel

33,200 2,800,000

Unpackaged Raw power




For instance, hydrogen gas has a very high energy density, but once it is packaged, it looks much less favorable: Similarly, hydride storage systems such as sodium borohydride offer attractive energy density values, but materials

Wang and Holladay; Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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211 handling and cost issues continue to plague these types of systems. Liquid hydrocarbon fuels such as methanol or synthetic diesel can provide even better energy densities than the other technologies listed, and they offer a familiarity and availability that the others cannot provide, but they must undergo significant processing to extract PEM-quality hydrogen. For this reason, when considering methanol as a fuel, direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) are often discussed. Even i f a system were limited to methanol as fuel, the P E M system has several advantages over a D M F C system, as shown in Table 2. Specifically, the P E M system offers much higher M E A power density, much lower platinum loading, and much higher stack power density than a D M F C . These advantages lead to decreased mass, volume, and cost over a D M F C system.

Table 2. Comparison of direct-methanol and reformate/hydrogen fuel cell technology (1,2,3,4,5). Parameter


M E A Power Density Total Platinum Loading Stack Power Density

mW/cm mg/cm W/L % present % projected

Stack Electric Efficiency



Direct Methanol 60 4-8 24 30 40

Reformate/ Hydrogen 350 0.25-0.8 250 45 50

Approach Battelle, Pacific Northwest Division (Battelle) has been developing solutions for converting liquid hydrocarbon fuels into hydrogen-rich gas for more than five years. Such fuel processing for portable power applications must not only be efficient, but also small and lightweight, lest the high energy density of liquid fuels be offset by the large size of the processing system. The approach we have taken is based on the combination of microchannel reactors and advanced fuel processing catalysts. While the microchannel architecture provides rapid and efficient heat transfer, our advanced catalysts are tailored to take full advantage o f the thermal properties o f the reactors. The result is that fuel conversion processes that would normally have reactor residence times on the order o f seconds, now have residence times on the order of 0.01 to 0.10 second. This provides the basis for a compact device with high throughput - ideal for portable fuel processing.

Wang and Holladay; Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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212 Advances in microchannel fuel processing have enabled the development of portable power devices based on hydrocarbon steam reforming and P E M fuel cells. Compared to other competing technologies, a P E M fuel cell system operating on liquid fuels has several advantages, including • The high energy density of liquid fuels, • The easy transport of such fuels in bulk or in pre-packaged modules, • The absence of solid waste when the liquid fuel is spent (such as would be the case in other hydrogen storage scenarios), • The availability of such fuels at low cost, and • The familiarity of the average soldier with liquid fuels.

System Assumptions Fuel processing for fuel cell applications is widely reported in the literature (6,7,8), and system metrics do not necessarily have uniform definitions. For this reason, our system assumptions are explained here. In order to estimate fuel processor performance in the absence of a fuel cell, investigators make certain assumptions about the complete system. Some general conventions are often used for thermal and electrical efficiency, as explained below, along with the specific fuel cell and system assumptions pertinent to the present work. The thermal efficiency (e ) of the fuel processor is given by t



€ =

, where LHV



and LHVf


are the lower heating values for the



hydrogen produced and the fuel consumed, respectively. However, since the fuel cell does not convert 100% of the heating value of the hydrogen to electric power, the electric efficiency (e ) of the fuel processor and fuel cell system is ρ given by ε = — — , where P is the gross electric power out of the fuel e





cell. The value o f P is affected by two parameters, the fuel cell hydrogen utilization (μ ) and the fuel cell conversion efficiency (e ), according to FC







· //





Fuel cells that operate on reformate gas are designed with flow-through anodes, which allow the inert components ( C 0 , C H , etc.) to pass though the cell without accumulating. Because of this flow-through design, not all of the H in the reformate is utilized, and some of it exits with the other gases. Hydrogen utilization for reformate fuel cells typically ranges from 70-90%, depending on electric load and other factors. Furthermore, all fuel cells have a limited conversion efficiency, where some of the energy is converted to heat. The 2



Wang and Holladay; Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

213 present study assumes 80% hydrogen utilization and 60% fuel cell conversion efficiency. Given these assumptions, the net power out of the fuel cell is equal to 48% of the L H V of the H produced in the fuel processor, which means the expected electric efficiency of the bare system is given by 2

S =







— = OAo · e . This equation, however, does not account for t


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parasitic power losses in the system (pumps, controllers, etc.), nor does it account for power conversion inefficiencies through the power electronics. Further assumptions must be made regarding these losses in order to report a realistic projected system efficiency. The resulting overall system efficiency P

calculation, then, is given by € (nei) e



- P




- P



— , where P


is the



gross fuel cell power output, is the parasitic power requirement, and P is the power conversion loss through the power electronics. This means that, while high thermal efficiency in the fuel processor is an important parameter, it is only the beginning when considering the efficiency of a complete power system. In this report, we focus on the thermal efficiency of the integrated steam reformer, which provides the basis for a highly efficient power system. pc

Fuel Processing for Fuel Cells The conversion of liquid hydrocarbon fuels to useful electricity in a P E M fuel cell system requires the following steps. Those in parentheses may be omitted depending on system requirements or fuel choice. •

Vaporization and preheating of fuel and water - assuming steam reforming

Initial conversion of fuel to reformate

(Secondary conversion of initial products to increase hydrogen content)

Reduction of C O concentration to appropriate level for P E M fuel cell

(Cooling of product gas before feeding to P E M fuel cell)

Feeding product gas and air to fuel cell stack

Application of appropriate load to fuel cell stack to draw electricity

The way this is normally embodied in a steam reforming-based system is shown in Figure 1. If the fuel is methanol, it can generally be pre-mixed with the water and the combined stream can be vaporized in a single unit. The steam reforming reactor converts the fuel and water to a hydrogen-rich gas which also contains significant amounts of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and possibly

Wang and Holladay; Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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214 methane. If the steam reforming occurs at high temperatures, or i f the reforming catalyst exhibits poor selectivity, carbon monoxide concentration will be too high for typical C O cleanup technology, and the stream must be processed through a water-gas shift reactor, which decreases the C O concentration to roughly one percent, and in turn produces additional hydrogen. The final C O cleanup step is chosen based on a number of considerations, such as the type of P E M fuel cell being used, the size of the system, and the amount o f C O that must be mitigated. The most common approaches include preferential C O oxidation, selective C O methanation, and separation through a hydrogen-permeable membrane (usually made from Pd or a Pd alloy). The stream exiting the fuel processing system is fed to the fuel cell, along with an oxidant, usually air (not shown) and the electrochemical reaction of hydrogen with oxygen produces electric power and heat. Unused hydrogen and other combustible gases exiting the fuel cell anode can be utilized in the system combustor for their heating value, increasing the system thermal efficiency. (WGS) (Steam Reforming)

Primary Conversion Reactor [ Vaporizer"^




Secondary Conversion Reactor — ζ — j

[ Vaporizer ]

(PrOx, Meth., Membrane)

CO Cleanup Fuel Ceil





H0 2

r Fuel/Air

Figure 1. Typical embodiment of steam reforming-based fuel cell system (simplified). Solid flow lines indicate process streams; heavy dashed lines indicate heatflowfromcombustor to process units; light dashed lines indicate combustorflowstreams.

MicroChannel Architecture and Advanced Catalysts Fuel processing efforts at Battelle have benefited from the synergistic combination of microchannel reactor architecture and advanced fuel processing catalysts. Increasingly, the chemical process industry is becoming familiar with the vastly improved heat and mass transfer capabilities o f microchannel architecture. This alone is enough advantage to enable heat and mass exchangers

Wang and Holladay; Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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215 with vastly improved performance, as seen in the Battelle-designed microchannel vaporizers developed for automotive fuel processing (9). However, in achieving the same sort of advances in catalytic processes, it is not enough to merely improve heat and mass transport in the system. If the processing catalyst was designed for a system with low heat transfer, for instance, it is not likely to show marked improvement in performance when deployed in a microchannel environment. For this reason, significant investments have been made by Battelle in the development of highly active (as well as selective) fuel processing catalysts which are specifically suited for deployment in microchannel devices. This includes not only the catalyst formulation, but also the form, as the catalyst must be deployed in a microchannel in such a way that pressure drop is minimized while heat and mass transfer are maximized along with surface area. Successfully performing this balancing act is truly what makes microchannel reactors unique. Additional microtechnology advantages can be realized in the area of system integration. The intelligent integration of unit operations in a single device places the exothermic operations in close proximity to the endothermic ones. A simple example of this is the close coupling of a combustion process with an endothermic reaction such as steam reforming. The result is that heat can be released and transferred within the same device, reducing environmental losses and improving heat transfer. In other parts of the device, process heat can be recovered through efficient heat transfer in small, effective recuperative vaporizers and/or preheaters. The above example describes the essential workings of the integrated fuel processors being discussed in this paper.

Methanol Reforming Catalysts We have previously reported on the specific methanol steam reforming catalyst being utilized in our devices, and the details will not be recounted here (10,11,12). However, general performance of the catalyst will be discussed, as it plays directly into the development of a reforming scheme for methanol. Most of the focus in methanol steam reforming has been on the copper-based catalyst and variations thereof. The copper catalyst is desirable for several reasons, not the least of which is its ability to selectively catalyze the conversion of methanol to low-CO reformate. However, this catalyst has several significant drawbacks, including its pyrophoric nature and its tendency to deactivate at high temperature. Our approach has been to use a palladium-zinc catalyst which: • Is non-pyrophoric, and stable in air at up to 250 °C, • Has high activity and selectivity at temperatures up to 400 °C, • Produces no methane at temperatures below 400 °C,

Wang and Holladay; Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

216 • Demonstrates excellent stability under reaction conditions, and • Is easily regenerated, and can be reduced in situ. In portable applications, for kinetic reasons, it is desirable to operate steam reformers at higher temperatures. The faster kinetics achieved at higher temperatures result in smaller devices and/or higher throughput. However, higher temperatures also generally result in higher C O selectivity. This is due to the thermodynamics of the water-gas shift reaction, H +C0 < Downloaded by UNIV OF TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE on May 26, 2016 | Publication Date: August 9, 2005 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2005-0914.ch013


>H 0



+ CO.

A t higher




equation is shifted to the right, reducing the amount of hydrogen available and increasing the amount of carbon monoxide that must be mitigated before feeding the reformate to a P E M fuel cell. The Pd/ZnO catalyst we employ combines the following desirable characteristics: • Favorable higher temperature operation (300-400 °C), • Non-decomposition reaction pathway, and • Lack of water-gas shift activity. The first item allows for the favorable reformer kinetics and greater throughput mentioned earlier. The second and third items result in low C O selectivity, actually providing a product stream containing less than equilibrium amounts of C O . It has been proposed (13) that this is accomplished through a mechanism such as CH.OH HCHO HCOOH

c a t a l y s t

+ H0 2

c a m f y s t

>HCHO c m l y s t






H. 2

>C0 +H 2


This reaction sequence does not include the decomposition of methanol to CO, and does not contain C O as an intermediate in the formation of C 0 . A s a result, less-than equilibrium amounts of C O can be produced during the steam reforming of methanol at high throughput. The steam reformers described here typically operate at gas hourly space velocities of 30,000 h f to 60,000 hr" , which does not allow time for the shift mechanism to have much of an impact. This is illustrated in Figure 2, where the C O concentration i n the dry reformate and predicted equilibrium concentration are plotted as functions of temperature. The quantitative benefit can be seen by comparing the actual and predicted operating temperatures to achieve a C O concentration of 0.8%. The integrated reformer can be operated at up to 300 °C while maintaining C O < 0.8%. However, equilibrium calculations would predict a necessary operating temperature of no more than 180 °C. The result is a 120 °C increase in operating temperature for the same C O concentration, resulting in a 200-fold increase in reaction rate (12). 2


Wang and Holladay; Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


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Reformfng Temperature, C

Figure 2. CO concentration in dry reformate as a function of reactor temperature. Equilibrium (solid dark line) and reactor results (data points) obtainedfor steam:carbon ratio of 1.2 at methanol conversions >95%.

Breadboard Fuel Processor We previously reported on the breadboard demonstration o f a methanol steam reforming process train (14). The breadboard system consisted of a catalytic steam reformer, catalytic combustor, and two recuperating vaporizers, as shown in Figure 3. After startup, the system operated in a thermally independent manner with a calculated electric equivalent output of 13-14 W . The demonstrated thermal efficiency at this condition was 45%. The reformate exiting the system contains roughly one percent C O on a dry gas basis, and therefore no water-gas shift reactor is required for this system. However, the reformate does require final C O cleanup, a subject which will not be addressed in this paper. MeOH Air "




i J Combustor K

I Vaporizer

Combustion Exhaust MeOH

Figure 3. Breadboard demonstration system for methanol steam reforming.

Wang and Holladay; Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


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Since reporting the breadboard results, our efforts have focused on the integration of these unit operations into a single reactor "block" over a wide power range. These integration efforts have included the combustor, steam reformer, vaporizers, and recuperators, but not the final C O cleanup step. Integration of these several unit operations into a single device illustrates the versatility and utility of microchannel-based devices, and demonstrates the efficiency gains that can be made when complementary unit operations are closecoupled in the same device.

Integrated Methanol Fuel Processors Over the past three years, and based on the technology previously discussed, we have developed integrated methanol steam reformers at various sizes suitable for portable power applications. Earlier work was focused on smaller units in the 20-W range, while more recent work has demonstrated devices sized for more than 100 W of electric equivalent output. Regardless of size, these devices have common properties, as listed in Table 3. For laboratory testing, the liquid streams are fed to the reactor by H P L C pumps or syringe pumps. Since the fuel being reformed is methanol, a pre-mixed methanol/water solution is fed to the integrated reformer. A separate pure methanol reservoir is used to feed the system combustor. A i r is supplied through a mass flow controller. Initial heat-up of the reactor (to -65 C) is accomplished by hydrogen combustion, after which methanol combustion provides the necessary process heat. More recently, small liquid and air pumps have been implemented, as well as a hydrogen ballast (metal hydride canister), as a precursor to the systemization of this reforming process. Extensive investigations have also been conducted regarding the mitigation of the C O present in the reformate, testing other balance of plant components, and identifying appropriate fuel cell technologies. Figure 4 shows an example of the integrated steam reformers being discussed. The device pictured has a design output of 20 W , and is constructed of 316 stainless steel. Figure 5 indicates the flow paths taken by the two process streams in the integrated reformers. Depending on the system configuration and the desired reformate outlet temperature, the reformate stream can be obtained from either of two different outlet ports on the reactor. Using the standard reformate outlet port allows for substantial heat recuperation from the reformate stream, and yields a reformate temperature on the order of 150-180 °C when the reformer is operating at 300-350 °C. If the alternate outlet port is employed, the reformate exit temperature is generally in the 250-300 °C range, resulting in a slight decrease in thermal efficiency.

Wang and Holladay; Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

219 Table 3. Common properties of the 20-, 50-, 100-, and 150-W integrated methanol steam reformers developed for portable power applications. Material Fabrication Method Unit operations

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Combustor feed stream Reformer feed stream Operating temperature Reformate composition Methanol conversion

316 stainless steel Diffusion bonding and welding Catalytic steam reforming, catalytic combustion, vaporization (2), heat recuperation (2) Methanol and air Methanol/water premix (60 wt% methanol, 1.2:1 steam to carbon ratio) 300-350 °C - 7 1 % H , -24% C 0 , -4.8% H 0 , -0.8% C O 95-100% 2



With this reactor configuration, the choice of exit port, and thus exit temperature, will depend on the nature of any downstream processes being employed for removal of the C O present in the reformate. If the reformate is being fed to a membrane separator, a higher outlet temperature will be required. However, i f catalytic C O cleanup is employed, a lower outlet temperature is more desirable. To a certain extent, the reactor operating temperature can be adjusted to provide a more desirable reformate exit temperature. Since this reactor is not intended to be a stand-alone unit, but coupled to a larger system, these température and heat recuperation issues need to be appropriately weighed for each application.

Figure 4. Example of 20-Wintegrated methanol steam reformer, containing catalytic combustor, vaporizers, recuperators, and catalytic steam reformer.

Table 4 lists important performance parameters for each integrated reformer design developed, from 20 W up to 150 W nominal power output. Over the

Wang and Holladay; Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


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course of the work, the integrated steam reformer was successively scaled up from the original 20-W target to meet the changing needs o f the portable power application it was designed to support. The final reactor design point was 150 W , which was intended to support a 150-W fuel cell and a net 100-W to 120-W power system. The values reported in Table 4 were obtained while maintaining a methanol conversion of at least 95%, as performance reported at lower conversion can be misleading.

Figure 5. Front and backface views of integrated methanol steam reformer, indicating locations of processflowstreams.

The three devices with nominal powers of 20, 50, and 100 W all belong to the same family of designs, based on the same footprint. Each design performed well above its rated power, and further investigation would likely yield even wider windows of operation for these reactors. However, as output is pushed upward, this requires higher temperatures of operation, which inevitably lead to higher C O levels. While the increased C O concentration remains well below that predicted by thermodynamic equilibrium, it nonetheless makes the downstream C O cleanup more difficult and significantly reduces the hydrogen yield. Specific lifetime testing was not conducted on these devices, but the cumulative time on stream for one of the 50-W units is illustrative of the durability of the catalysts and devices. This particular unit was operated for over 300 hours of non-continuous use in daily laboratory testing, during which it endured more than 60 thermal (on/off) cycles. B y the time this device was taken off-line, it had displayed no noticeable degradation in performance. Scale-up of the original 20-W design was limited to about 100 W (nominal), so a second design with larger footprint was developed in the production o f a 150-W reactor. Because of the change in design templates and the lack of optimization at this point, the 150-W design does not yield the same level of performance as the 50-W or 100-W designs in terms of efficiency and power density. However, it does perform quite well, yielding just under 80% efficiency and maintaining low C O levels at high conversion.

Wang and Holladay; Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

221 Optimization of these reactor designs for specific applications is expected to further increase thermal efficiency and responsiveness. Materials of construction other than stainless steel have not been investigated, however, significant advantages may be realized by using a lighter material.

Table 4. Physical and performance parameters for integrated methanol steam reformers developed for portable power applications. α

Design Power, W Demonstrated Power, W Demonstrated Thermal Efficiency, % Estimated System Electrical Efficiency, % Estimated Fuel Specific Energy, Whr/kg Mass, g Volume, cm Power Density at Design Power, W / L Specific Power at Design Power, W/kg

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20 6-34 38-63

50 26-54 62-84

100 45-150 78-85

150 60-300 71-78





10001680 65 11 1750

16802240 105 19 2680

20702300 155 28 3650

19002070 245 67 2240











" Based on fuel cell having 60% conversion efficiency and 80% hydrogen utilization * Performance values are reported for methanol conversion >95% r



Based on lower heating values of methanol and hydrogen Specific energy based on fuel weight; system specific energy will depend on complete system size and weight Power density and specific power numbers are for reactor hardware only

Conclusions Compact, efficient, integrated methanol fuel processors have been developed for portable power applications ranging from 20-W to 150-W nominal output. These devices contain all necessary unit operations to convert a methanol/water mixture to a high-H , low-CO reformate stream, significantly simplifying the downstream C O cleanup process. Included in each device, regardless of design power, are two vaporizer/preheaters, two recuperators, a catalytic combustor, and a catalytic methanol steam reformer. The excellent performance of these reactors is enabled by the combination of a novel, 2

Wang and Holladay; Microreactor Technology and Process Intensification ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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222 advanced, selective, methanol-specific reforming catalyst and efficient microchannel device architecture. The resulting thermal efficiency of up to 85% and fuel-based specific energy o f up to 2300 Whr/kg illustrate the excellent performance of these devices. Dozens o f thermal cycles and hundreds o f hours o f non-continuous operation have been demonstrated on a single device without degradation in performance. Reformate C O concentrations were maintained well below the levels predicted by thermodynamic equilibrium calculations. Furthermore, the methanol reforming catalyst has excellent stability, being non-pyrophoric and, in fact, withstanding exposure to air at temperatures up to 250 °C.

Acknowledgements Funding for this work was provided by the U.S. Army CommunicationsElectronics Command and by the Office of Naval Research, and their support is gratefully acknowledged.

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