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Integration of Process Analytical Technology Tools in Pilot-Plant

Feb 4, 2013 - Integration of Process Analytical Technology Tools in Pilot-Plant Setups for the .... Data acquisition and real-time analysis were perfo...
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Integration of Process Analytical Technology Tools in Pilot-Plant Setups for the Real-Time Monitoring of Crystallizations and Phase Transitions Lydia Helmdach,*,† Martin P. Feth,*,‡ and Joachim Ulrich† †

Center of Engineering/Thermal Process Technology, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, 06099 Halle, Germany Chemistry and Biotechnology Development (C&BD) Frankfurt Chemistry, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH, 65926 Frankfurt, Germany

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: In this study it was demonstrated that the usage of an access unit connected to a pump-around loop cycle is a good solution for the integration of various online analytical measurement techniques in pilot-plant or industrial-scale reactors without time and cost intensive modifications of the existing setup. As a model system the crystallization as well as the polymorphic transition of α- and β-L-glutamic acid (LGA) was investigated in real-time by Raman-, NIR-, and UV−vis spectroscopy. All three techniques have been shown to be powerful tools for the process optimization of crystallizations. While all three techniques can be used for the detection of the dissolution point and the crystallization end point, Raman-spectroscopy has the advantage of being able to provide quantitative information on the actual polymorph solid fraction in the solid product. In this work special interest was put into the possibility to transfer quantitative spectroscopic models, which were established on laboratory scale, to pilot-plant scale. Furthermore, it was successfully shown that it is possible to use spectroscopic models, which originated from the calibration of solid mixtures of the polymorphs by off-line Raman spectroscopy, for the evaluation of Raman spectra recorded in suspensions during the crystallization processes. In case of the quantification of α- and β polymorph content in LGA samples peak integration (PI) as well as partial-least-squares (PLS) models were established for solid binary mixtures using the software PEAXACT (S-PACT GmbH). It was possible to transfer the PI model (valid for solid mixtures) also for evaluation of the spectra of suspensions. Consequently, the model can be applied not only in a lab scale but also for pilot plant or industrial scales.

1. INTRODUCTION Polymorphism is the ability of a compound to crystallize in more than one crystal modification, having the same chemical composition but a different arrangement of atoms in the crystal lattice.1 This characteristic is of great importance, especially, in the pharmaceutical industry, since it influences the physical and chemical properties of a compound such as solubility, stability, bioavailability, or reactivity.2 Polymorphism can be problematic in many industrial developments and production steps. During the production process the manufacturer is required to produce one of the different polymorphic forms in a reproducible way.3 Resulting by differences of polymorph stability, phase transitions to the more stable form can occur during a process with changing conditions. Therefore, it is important to monitor the presence and the transformation of polymorphic substances in order to ensure the reproducibility of the production processes and, if necessary, to adjust the operating conditions to obtain the desired polymorphic form.3 Since the operating conditions change with the scale of equipment (due to mixing and heat transfer effects) monitoring during the scale-up phase of a process is necessary not only for lab scale but also for pilotplant or industrial scales. Various off-line analytical techniques are available to analyze and verify different polymorphs, e.g. Xray powder diffraction (XRPD),4 differential scanning calorimetry (DSC),5 or Raman spectroscopy.6 Such off-line techniques, however, require sampling and an isolation of the solid product © 2013 American Chemical Society

from suspension, which is always time-consuming and prone to errors. In recent years, real-time monitoring of chemical reactions or crystallization7 processes has become more and more important. The industry needs rapid, reliable, and costeffective analytical methods which can be used for various scales and applications. The application of online Raman spectroscopy, providing information on the polymorphic transformation process as well as on the quality of the produced solid material, can meet these demands. Various authors have already reported the application of this technique to monitor polymorphic transformation processes in real time in laboratory scales.3,8−10 In technical or industrial scales, however, only a few publications describe the implementation of this spectroscopic technique.11 Furthermore, optical techniques such as turbidity were shown to provide information on the end point of polymorphic conversions.12 The main aim of this study was to investigate if spectroscopic techniques such as Raman-, NIR-, and UV−vis spectroscopy can be applied for industrial scale (integration of commercially available probes in existing pilotplant setups) and if calibration models, which were generated in the laboratory, can be transferred and applied directly or with minor calibration efforts to the pilot-plant measurements. As Special Issue: Polymorphism and Crystallization 2013 Received: December 12, 2012 Published: February 4, 2013 585 | Org. Process Res. Dev. 2013, 17, 585−598

Organic Process Research & Development


Raman system is presented in detail in one of the recent publications of the authors.10 Heating ramps with 2 K/min from room temperature (RT) to 250 °C and cooling ramps with 5 K/min to 30 °C were applied. Samples were prepared on aluminum foil slices. 2.2.2. NIR Spectroscopy. NIR spectra in the pilot plant were recorded on a Matrix-F FT-NIR spectrometer (Bruker Optik GmbH) equipped with an transflection probe head. The measurement interval was set to a value of 60 s and the spectral resolution to 8 cm−1 with a scan number of 32. Data acquisition and analysis were performed using OPUS 6.5 and PEAXACT 3.0.11. 2.2.3. UV−Vis Spectroscopy. UV−vis spectra in the pilot plant were recorded on an AvaSpec-3648-USB2-UA-25 spectrometer (Avantes) equipped with a DAVA AvaLightDHc deuterium−halogen light source and a DAVA FCR7UV200-2-45-ME transmission probe. Data acquisition was performed using the software AvaSoft 7.5.1 (Avantes). Data were acquired with an exposure time of 10 ms in a spectral range of 177−1100 nm. Spectra are recorded every 72 s. 2.2.4. X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD). The X-ray diffraction patterns were collected on a Bruker D4 Endeavor diffractometer using Cu Kα,1 (λ = 1.5405 Å) radiation. The data were visualized and evaluated with the software EVA. The patterns were recorded in the range of 2θ = 10−40° with a step width of 2θ = 0.01° and an acquisition time of 1 s per step. For data evaluation the raw spectra were used. A 2θ calibration was carried out on the compound aluminium oxide (bauxite). Furthermore, measurements in capillary mode were made on a STOE STADI P transmission diffractometer (STOE & Cie GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany) using Cu Kα,1 radiation, to analyze the purity of the produced α form used for the calibration. The purity was calculated from the measured XRPD pattern using a convolution based profile fitting algorithm (Rietfeld refinement) available in the Diffracplus Topas software (Bruker Optik GmbH), based on crystallographic information (released lattice parameters and fixed atomic coordinates).20 The patterns were recorded in the range of 2θ = 8−60° with a step width of 2θ = 0.01°. 2.2.5. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). SEM pictures were acquired on a Hitachi tabletop microscope TM-1000 (Hitachi High-Technologies Europe GmbH, Krefeld, Germany). For the SEM measurements all samples were sputtered with gold using a SCD 005 sputter coater from Bal-TEC (Leica Mikrosysteme GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany). 2.2.6. Digital Microscopy. To analyze the crystal morphology of LGA a VHX-500F Digital microscope (Keyence, Osaka, Japan) was used. 2.3. Experimental Setup for the Crystallization Experiments. To test the applicability of the Raman probe in larger scale setups the measurements were performed at lab scale (2 kg/1.9 L) and at pilot-plant scale (165 kg/160 L). The experimental setup is shown in Figure 1. During the lab experiments stirring was provided by a two-stage impeller stirrer. The temperature was regulated by an external thermostat. The Raman probe was integrated in the reactor by a commercial available Swagelok connection (inline measurement). The pilot plant experiments were performed using an anchor stirrer. As can be seen in Figure 2 the online measurements in the pilot plant are realized by a process connection fitting which builds an access unit integrated in a repump. The three access units (VARINLINE) used were purchased by GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft (Düsseldorf,

model compound L-glutamic acid (LGA) was used in this work. LGA is an industrially important amino acid mainly used as a food additive and in the pharmaceutical industry. The compound is produced by fermentation and has two different polymorphic forms which exhibit monotropic behavior.13 The crystallization and polymorphism behavior of LGA has been widely investigated (also by means of in-line analytical techniques) by different research groups.3,13−15,19 In this study the transformation of the metastable α-LGA to the thermodynamically stable β-LGA was monitored by Raman spectroscopy in lab scale as well as in the pilot-plant scale. For the in situ quantification of the polymorph content two different calibration methods (peak integration (PI) and partialleast-squares (PLS)) were tested in order to get a reliable prediction of LGA polymorph fractions in suspensions. Furthermore the influences of process parameters (e.g., suspension density and temperature) and physical product quality (e.g., sizes of crystals) on the spectroscopic data were investigated. NIR- and UV−vis spectroscopies were used to determine solubility and recrystallization points as well as the end point of the polymorphic conversion.

2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 2.1. Materials. L-glutamic acid (LGA) is known to have two polymorphsthe metastable α and the stable β form. The β form was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (chemical purity: >99%), while the α polymorph is not commercial available and was produced by a special crystallization procedure. The phase purity of the calibration standards was checked by means of transmission X-ray powder diffraction and data analysis by Rietveld refinement. The phase purity of both standards was found to be >99%. From all solid mixtures, which were used for the Raman calibration of the phase composition, X-ray diffraction pattern were collected in reflection mode. The Xray patterns were evaluated qualitatively and match the results of Raman spectroscopy. 2.2. Methods. 2.2.1. Dispersive Raman Spectroscopy/ Hot-Stage Raman Spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopic measurements of solids and suspensions were performed in 180° backscattering geometry on a dispersive Raman system (RXN1 Workstation, Kaiser Optical Systems, Ann Arbor, Michigan) equipped with a 785 nm laser diode (laser power: 400 mW, exposure time: 60s) and a PhAT probe (solid-state measurements; laser spot size, 6 mm) or half-inch MRimmersion probe (measurements in solution or suspension; laser spot size, 150 μm). The interval for the inline measurements is 2 min at an exposure time of 1 s and 60 accumulations. Data acquisition and real-time analysis were performed using the software package IC Raman 4.1 (Mettler Toledo, Switzerland). The acquired raw spectra were baseline corrected (Pearsons correction) and normalized at 756 cm−1 (solvent peak). The software was used to evaluate the peak heights of the α form (peak at 1078 cm−1) and β form (peak at 803 cm−1) as well as the peak area (from 867 to 838 cm−1) to get information on the concentration in real time. The software PEAXACT 3.0.11 (S-PACT GmbH) was used for raw data treatment (linear fit subtraction as baseline correction for the spectra, min/max standardization of the spectra in the chosen wavenumber range), data evaluation (e.g., peak integration with offset as peak baseline), and calibration model-building (peak integration or PLS model). The experimental setup for the hot-stage Raman spectroscopic measurements as well as specific information about the 586 | Org. Process Res. Dev. 2013, 17, 585−598

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cycle α seed crystals were added at 65 °C (0.05 wt %). The seed material had an approximate size of 800 μm in maximum and was added as dry material next to the stirrer. The produced α crystals were filtered, and the polymorphic form was controlled by XRPD, Raman spectroscopy, and microscopic investigations. The production of the α crystals was performed in lab- and pilot-plant scale. Since the conditions of temperature regulation (response behavior, accuracy) are different in both cases, the temperature profile of the pilot plant differs slightly (cooling from 98 to 25 °C in 152 min; seeding temperature 78 °C). Stirring was provided with a rate of 300 rpm in the lab experiments and with a rate of 120 rpm in the pilot-plant experiments. 2.5. Calibration of Polymorph Content. Two different techniques were used to generate a representative calibration data set. First of all, the calibration by the off-line Raman measurements of binary solid mixtures of the α- and β polymorph was performed. The mixtures were created by mixing in a mortar for 5 min. A total of 19 binary mixtures were investigated. Each solid mixture was measured twice. The prediction error of the calibration created from the dry mixture was investigated by the measurement of 12 different test samples (different α and β charges; polymorphic content different from that used for calibration). During a second experiment the possibility was tested to perform a calibration directly in suspension. For this purpose eight suspension samples with different polymorph contents at a suspension density from 3 to 4 g of solid in 100 g of solution were investigated by inline Raman spectroscopy (MR probe head). A saturated solution was prepared by dissolving the β form of LGA at 24 °C. The used reactor volume was 1 L (total reactor volume 2 L). Stirring was provided by a two-stage impeller stirrer at 300 rpm. Immediately, after adding the required amount of solid particle mixture to the saturated solution the Raman measurement was started. The α content of the mixtures (measured as solids and in suspensions) was calculated from the produced α purity and the amounts of samples used to prepare the mixtures. The data pretreatments used to build the calibration model are shown in Table 1. The used α contents of the training and test samples of the calibration are given in Table 2.

Figure 1. Experimental setup at lab scale with a total reactor volume of 2 L (A) and pilot-plant scale with 165 L (B). A vertical connection of access units enables the integration of several probes.

Figure 2. Reactor with pump-around-loop cycle (A), inline access units with attached Raman, NIR, and UV−vis probes (B) and diaphragm pump (C).

Table 1. Calibration model data pretreatment

Germany). It is mainly a two port housing with a lateral fitting for the connection of the probe. Depending on the installation depth of the instruments, it is possible to incorporate a maximum of two instruments per unit. An inserted sight glass is used for the visual observation of the product. The access unit sight classes of Raman- and UV−vis spectroscopy were covered with aluminum foil to protect against light, which would lead to measurements disturbances. The pipes are connected by a commercial available flange connection. A further description is given by GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft.21 Enlarged pictures of the probe installation in the access units are given in the Supporting Information (SI) available for this work. 2.4. Production Procedure for the α-LGA Polymorph. The α-LGA was produced by a seeded cooling crystallization. A solution with a concentration of 6.7 g of β-LGA in 100 g of water was heated up to 95 °C until all solid was dissolved. The temperature was held isothermal at 95 °C for 20 min in order to ensure that all particles are dissolved. Afterwards the solution was cooled from 95 to 20 °C in 40 min. During the cooling

integration range baseline baseline correction standardization



1070−1080 cm−1 offset linear fit subtraction min/max standardization

790−810 cm−1 offset linear fit subtraction min/max standardization

2.6. Polymorphic Transformation. The polymorphic transformation experiments were performed according to a modified method of Ono et al.3 After the first step of the experiment (preparation of the α-LGA crystals) the suspension was kept for 20 min at 20 °C. Afterwards the suspension was heated up to 55 °C within 20 min and kept constant at this temperature until the polymorphic transformation from the αto the β form was complete. The polymorphic transformation was monitored by in situ Raman-spectroscopy. Furthermore, sampling and off-line measurements by XRPD and microscopy were used to confirm the transformation process. The experiments were performed in lab and pilot plant scale. As the possibilities of temperature regulation (response behavior, 587 | Org. Process Res. Dev. 2013, 17, 585−598

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The influence of temperature was investigated by hot-stage Raman spectroscopy measurements on the pure polymorphic forms (α and β) of LGA.

Table 2. Experimental matrix (α content) for Raman calibration data collection with training and test samples of the solid phase and in suspensiona trainsolid n = 2

testsolid 1 n = 2

testsolid 2 n = 2

train/testsuspension n = 1

0.000 0.019 0.040 0.059 0.079 0.098 0.198 0.299 0.397 0.495 0.595 0.692 0.792 0.891 0.912 0.930 0.950 0.970 1.000






0.100 0.200 0.250

0.350 0.450

0.350 0.450








3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Polymorph Characterization and Calibration of Polymorph Content. In Figure 3 SEM images of the α-and βLGA are presented. As can be seen both polymorphic forms exhibit two different characteristic shapes. While the β polymorph has a needlelike crystal morphology, the α form shows a prismatic crystal shape. Generally the α form is preferred because its crystal shape is advantageous for handling in industrial processes (filtration behavior).22 The polymorphs are related monotropically and show a characteristic XRPD pattern (Figure 4). Data of the thermoanalytical investigations (DSC and hot-stage Raman spectroscopy) are given in the SI.

0.500 0.600 0.750


n = number of spectra.

Figure 3. SEM images of the two polymorphs of LGA: α-LGA (A) and β-LGA (B).

accuracy) are different in the pilot plant in comparison to the lab, the temperature profiles differ slightly (heating from 25 to 52 °C in 57 min). Transformation experiments with longer transformation times were avoided due to safety reasons in the pilot plant (use of Non-ATEX equipment; ATEX: Appareils destinés à être utilisés en ATmosphères Explosives; The ATEX directive consists of two EU directives describing what equipment and work environment is allowed in an environment with an explosive atmosphere). As long as the spectrometers were running, a technical person was needed to be present at the setup in order to control the instruments being used. For this reason a maximum transformation time of 5 h could be realized during the pilot-plant experiments. 2.7. Influence of Process Parameters on the Raman Spectra. Four different process parameters were analyzed in order to investigate the influence on the Raman spectra: suspension density, particle size, temperature, and concentration. During all experiments stirring was provided with a rate of 200 rpm. To analyze different suspension densities a saturated solution of LGA was prepared at RT by filtration. Subsequently, specific amounts of β-LGA particles (α-LGA was not investigated) of the original unsieved material were added step by step to increase the suspension density from 0 wt % to 11 wt %. To investigate the effect of particle size three different size fractions were produced by cascade sieving. The particle size distribution was confirmed by laser diffraction measurements. For each measurement a saturated solution of β-LGA was prepared at RT, and subsequently the particles were added to produce a suspension density of 3 wt %. Furthermore, the effect of different LGA concentrations on the Raman spectra was analyzed. For this purpose concentrations ranging from 0 to 7 g/100 g were prepared independently at a temperature of 95 °C. The temperature was kept constant for 10 min before the measurement was started to ensure that the particles were completely dissolved.

Figure 4. XRPD patterns of the two polymorphs of LGA: α-LGA (top) and β-LGA (bottom).

Solid-state Raman spectra of the two polymorphs of LGA are presented in Figure 5. As can be seen, the polymorphs can be distinguished clearly. Characteristic peaks of the α form, for instance, can be observed at 1180 or 1078 cm−1 while the β form has a characteristic peaks at 1408 and 803 cm−1. In order to investigate the polymorph content of LGA in suspension, a calibration has to be carried out. The generation of a representative spectral data set is essential to obtain a reliable and robust calibration model. Basically, two different calibration techniques were presented in the literature. The calibration can be carried out (1) directly in suspension8,14,23 or (2) indirectly by the off-line measurement of solid mixtures.3,13,14,24 Both techniques were tested. First of all, the 588 | Org. Process Res. Dev. 2013, 17, 585−598

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the used solvent. For these reasons a peak integration method was selected to analyze the polymorph content of the binary solid mixturesa,b. The peak integration model (valid for solid mixtures) might allow transferring the solid-phase calibration to the application in suspension and is independent of the solvent used as long as the solvent and sample peaks are not overlapping. In order to test this assumption an α and a β peak have to be selected which are stable enough in the solid phase and in suspension. For this purpose different combinations of peak areas of the α and β peaks were investigated (Table 3) concerning their root-mean-square error of prediction (RMSEP), especially, in suspension and their root-mean-square error of calibration (RMSEC). Please note that the prediction error of the solid phase was calculated by applying the test samples “Testsolid 1 and 2” (Table 2). The lowest prediction error (suspension: 0.031) was found for the peak combination 1070−1080 cm−1 (α) and 790−810 cm−1 (β) which is in bold in Table 3. While the β peak is independent and separated from peaks of the other polymorphic form, the α peak is very close to the β peak at 1060 cm−1. Nevertheless, the integration range includes exclusively the peak area of the α form and allows accurate predictions (see Figure 6)c. In comparing the PI model for solid mixtures (results shown in Table 3) and a PLS model (rank 5) for the solid mixtures no important differences concerning the calibration (RMSEC = 0.016, R2 = 0.998) and prediction error (RMSEP = 0.019, test solids 1 and 2) are detectable. Both models show a good recovery rate (data are given in the SI). The differences of predictions for the true content for the same polymorph fraction (test solid 1 + 2, n = 2), however, are higher for the PLS model (up to 1.3 wt %) than for the PI model (up to 0.06 wt %) (data are given in the SI). Depending on the process conditions and physical properties of the compound, the complex spectral matrix, which is included in the PLS calibration model, might cause these differences. Since Raman spectroscopy measurements in suspension are always influenced by both the solid as well as the liquid phase it has to be tested whether the α and β peaks are influenced by the liquid-phase measurements. The results, which can be seen in Figure 7, indicate that the selected peaks 1070−1080 cm−1 for α and 790−810 cm−1 for β are sufficiently constant and independent with respect to the liquid phase. The low influence of the solute on the solid-phase spectrum can be explained by

Figure 5. Solid-state Raman spectra of the two polymorphs of LGA: αLGA (top) and β-LGA (bottom); characteristic peaks are highlighted.

calibration technique (2) (binary solid mixture) was applied. For this purpose binary solid mixtures of the α and the β polymorphs were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. The possibility to measure the polymorph content of LGA was already successfully investigated by Ono et al.3 The results of different polymorph mixtures which were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy are shown in Figure 6 in the range of 600−1150 cm−1. As can be seen with increasing α content (decreasing β content), the α peak area or peak height is increasing, while the β peak area or peak height is decreasing. For calibration model building commonly two different methods are applied: (1) the peak integration (PI) method25 and (2) the PLS procedure.26 While the peak integration is a univariate method, the PLS enables a multivariate calibration which includes a complex spectral matrix with information on temperature dependency as well as on the influence of the stirrer type or reactor geometry. The more information on the processes are required, the higher is the rank of the PLS model. Consequently, the PLS model cannot be used for different process conditions, e.g. measurements of solids and in suspension, even when the influence of the liquid phase on the spectrum is small for the measurements in suspension. Furthermore, the PLS model includes spectral information on

Figure 6. Solid-state Raman spectra of different polymorph mixtures of α- and β-LGA. Ascending order from low to high α content; peak combination with lowest prediction error, according to Table 3 (in bold) (A); enlarged view of the integration range used to predict the β-LGA polymorph content (B). 589 | Org. Process Res. Dev. 2013, 17, 585−598

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Table 3. Calibration results for the combination of different α and β peak areas (the preferred model is in bold) integration range α polymorph/cm−1

integration range β polymorph/cm−1




1070−1080 1000−1015 610−630 1070−1080 1070−1080

790−810 790−810 790−810 1395−1415 695−720

0.016 0.011 0.024 0.035 0.011

0.016 0.012 0.024 0.036 0.016

0.031 0.071 0.173 0.073 0.079



0.998 0.999 0.998 0.999 0.972

ments (training solid in Table 2, n = 3). The LOD and LOQ values were found to be 0.06 and 0.09, respectively. Detailed information on the calibration curve and its confidence boundaries are given in the SI. The graph in Figure 8 shows the data which are used to perform the calibration (training samples) as well as test samples of the solid phase (test sets 1 and 2) and the suspensions which were used for the calculation of the prediction error. As can be seen from Figure 8 and from Table 3, the prediction errors in suspension are approximately 2 times higher than the predictions of the solid phase.d Due to the lower measurement intensity of the spectra in suspension the contribution of noise increases in comparison to the spectra of the solid state. Consequently, this leads to an increase of the prediction error, whose extent is determined by the peak selection as well. Furthermore, errors are caused by the different behaviors of the two polymorphs in suspension. While the needlelike β polymorph with small crystal sizes can be suspended also at low stirring speed, the big orthorhombic α crystals tend to settle to the bottom of the reactor. Therefore, often a lower α content is detected. In the present study the reduction of sample inhomogenity-related errors (sedimentation of α crystals) could be achieved according to visual observation by experimental selection of a suitable stirrer type (of sufficient size), position, and speed. To compare the preferred PI calibration model of the solid state (in Table 3 in bold) with the results of suspension measurement, a calibration model for suspensions was developed. Since the polymorph mixture is not stable in suspension (slow dissolution of α crystals) only the first measurement (60 s after crystal addition) was used for model building. The calibration data (peak area vs true content) are given in the SI. The resulting coefficients of determination (R2 = 0.867) indicate that fluctuations of suspension measurements are higher in comparison to those of the solid state (R2 = 0.998, Table 3) which might be caused mainly by a decrease of the detection volume for the suspension measurements but also by a lower number of samples. Nevertheless, the recovery rate of the suspension measurements (shown in the SI) is good. The RMSEC (peak ratio) and root-mean-square error of cross validation (RMSECV) are respectively 0.028 and 0.034 and not significantly different in comparison to RMSEP in suspension (0.031, Table 3) predicted by the solid-state calibration model (RMSEC = 0.016, Table 3). 3.2. Production of α-LGA. 3.2.1. Laboratory Scale. During a cooling crystallization process various factors have an influence on the polymorphic content and purity of the solid product. In addition to the initial concentration, the solvent and the used cooling rate28 as well as the stirring conditions have to be considered. The production of the initial metastable α polymorph (used as seed crystals) was performed according to a method of Ono and coworkers.3 In their study cooling was performed from 80 °C to 25 °C in 20 min. In this study, however, the process has to be transferred to a pilot-plant scale, where the cooling rate is limited for technical reasons.

Figure 7. Influence of liquid-phase measurements on the solid-state Raman spectra of α- and β-LGA polymorphs.

the relatively small solubility of LGA in aqueous solutions. Furthermore, water as solvent hardly influences the Raman spectra, since it is a poor Raman scatterer. Consequently, the selected peaks can be used to build a calibration model not only for solid-phase measurements but also for the measurements in suspension. This was carried out by calculating the peak ratio (α/(α+β)) of the α and the β peak area using the software PEAXACT (S-PACT GmbH). The resulting calibration curve is shown in Figure 8. As can be observed from the coefficient of determination (0.998, Table 3), the model is of good quality. The limits of detection (LOD) and of quantitation (LOQ) were calculated by a statistical approach according to Funk et al.27 for the calculated peak ratios of the solid-state measure-

Figure 8. Prediction curve constructed by the calculation of peak area ratios (α/(α+β)); α peak area from 1070 to 1080 cm−1 and β peak area from 790 to 810 cm−1. 590 | Org. Process Res. Dev. 2013, 17, 585−598

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Therefore, cooling was performed in the lab from 95 °C to 20 °C in 40 min. Due to this limitation the crystallization process of Ono et al.3 had to be modified in order to produce the pure α form and no polymorph mixture. For this purpose, the initial concentration was increased from 4.8 g/100 g to 6.7 g/100 g in order to produce a higher supersaturation which is the driving force of crystallization.29 Furthermore, the addition of a small amount of α seeds was necessary (0.05 wt % at 50 °C) to produce reproducible the α polymorph. Kitamura30 investigated already the controlling factors of polymorphism in cooling crystallization of L-glutamic acid and found that temperature has a significant impact on the polymorphic form of the crystals. Higher temperatures and slow cooling rates facilitate the nucleation of the stable β form. Rapid cooling procedures and low temperature, however, lead to the formation of the metastable α polymorph. Since this procedure has to be transferred to a technical scale, the stability of the produced α crystals in suspension was tested. The resulting calculated polymorph fractions are shown in Figure 9. During the first 2 h the solution was cooled, and the

the cooling time by 110 min in comparison to that of the lab experiments. The seed crystals (0.05 wt %) were added at a temperature of 78 °C. Figure 10 represents characteristic Raman peak heights during the production process of α-LGA. The β peak height is decreasing with increasing temperature and remains constant at an inside vessel temperature of 89 °C. This point is not consistent with the solubility temperature (approximately 93 °C) (data are given in the SI), which was determined in a previous pilot-plant experiment. As can be seen in Figure 10 there is a difference between the measured internal

Figure 10. Production of α-LGA by a modified cooling crystallization process with seeding at 78 °C.

and bottom outlet temperatures of up to 26 °C. This difference is caused by encrustations of crystals at the bottom of the reactor. Consequently, this effect lowers the detected solubility temperature measured in the closed loop and leads to the generation of falsified results. As soon as the encrustation is dissolved, the measured internal and bottom outlet temperatures are equal. During the cooling cycle the α signal starts to increase at 50 °C, while the β signal remains constant. From this point of nucleation the difference between internal and bottom outlet temperatures is increasing again, resulting from settled α crystals at the bottom of the reactor. Nevertheless, the quality and purity of the produced α-LGA is not influenced by these homogenization problems. In further experiments the extent of settled crystals could be reduced by increasing the stirring speed of the anchor stirrer from 80 to 120 rpm (maximal available speed 140 rpm). 3.3. Monitoring of the Phase Transformation. 3.3.1. Laboratory Scale. To test the application of the developed PI calibration model (from solid mixtures) in suspension, a phase-transition experiment was carried out in the lab as well as in the pilot plant. In the first step of the process the α-LGA was produced by a seeded crystallization procedure. Subsequently, the α polymorph was transformed to the more stable β form. In Figure 11 the measurement results of the lab experiments can be seen. A suspension of β-LGA and water was heated up. The calculated β fraction decreases with increasing temperature since the suspension density is decreasing and leading to a lower prediction accuracy. The predicted polymorph fraction after and prior to the presence of particles is under- or over-estimated. This is not unexpected since the calibration samples cover exclusively suspension measurements which have significantly different spectra in comparison to solution spectra. Directly after the addition of α seed crystals

Figure 9. Predicted α-LGA solid fraction content during the production (00:00−02:24) and test of stability in suspension at 20 °C (02:24−14:24).

seeds were added, followed by the crystallization of the α form. Subsequently, the temperature of the suspension was kept constant at 20 °C for 12 h. As can be seen, the predicted α fraction remains constant; during the whole measurement time, however, it fluctuates in the range from 0.86 to 0.97. From Figure 8 (recovery curve of solids and suspensions) it can be observed that the predicted α content is 0.97 at a theoretical content of 1. The fluctuations of the predictions might be caused by a low suspension density as well as by the sensitivity of the calibration model since the LOQ (solid state) is 0.09. Furthermore, the particle size might have an influence, since higher particle sizes reduce the optical density of the suspension in comparison to smaller particles. The effect of suspension density and particle size will be discussed in detail in section 3.4. Nevertheless, the stability of the α crystals in suspension at 20 °C for at least 12 h could be proven. 3.2.2. Pilot Plant Experiments: Considerations and Remarks. In pilot-plant and industrial-scale setups the use of high cooling rates is limited. Therefore, cooling ramps were performed from 98 to 25 °C within 152 min, which increases 591 | Org. Process Res. Dev. 2013, 17, 585−598

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Figure 11. Production of α-LGA as well as polymorphic transformation to β-LGA monitored by Raman spectroscopy during a lab experiment: measurement trend (A), microscope picture of α-LGA (time: 02:00) (B), during the polymorphic transformation (time: 04:00) (C), and of the transformed β-LGA (time: 08:00) (D).

(0.05 wt %) at 65 °C the crystallization of the α form takes place. The predicted α content is a maximum of 0.97. Immediately, after the production of the α crystals the conversion to the thermodynamically stable β form takes place which is indicated by a decreasing trend of the measurement of the α form. The transformation rate is promoted by heating to 55 °C. The total transformation time is 5 h. At the end of the conversion the predicted β (0.94) and α (0.06) content remains constant. Furthermore, the transformation process is confirmed by off-line sampling and microscopic investigations (refer to Figure 11). After the first step of the experiment the big orthorhombic α crystals are present (Figure 11B). During the transformation the needlelike β crystals start to nucleate on the surface of the α crystals, according to Figure 11C. After a time of 06:30 min only the thin needlelike β crystals are visible via microscopy (Figure 11D). In addition to the information on the solid phase (polymorph content), inline Raman spectroscopy enables qualitative analysis of the substance concentration (solid line in Figure 11) by monitoring the peak area from 867 to 838 cm−1 of the normalized and baseline (two-point baseline at 867 cm −1 and 838 cm −1 ) corrected Raman spectra. The concentration trend is in excellent agreement with the expected behavior. In the beginning the concentration is increasing until all crystals are dissolved. At 65 °C the seed crystals were added followed by the crystallization of the α polymorph, where a sudden decrease of concentration is detectable. During the conversion process the concentration remains almost constant for the first 1.5 h after heating up to 55 °C. Subsequently, a slight decrease of concentration is detectable. This is due to the solubility differences of the α- and the β forms. Since the metastable α polymorph has a higher solubility, the

concentration is decreasing during the transformation to the stable β form. The dependency of the Raman peak intensities with changing liquid-phase concentration is shown and will be discussed in section 3.4. From the measurement it can be concluded that the timedependent change of the polymorphic content can be monitored by Raman spectroscopy. This is confirmed by the measured test samples in suspension (results shown in Figure 8) as well as by reports of studies from different authors.3,9,14 The technique enables the determination of the end point of polymorph conversions and allows the identification of the fundamental mechanism that governs the transformation process. 3.3.2. Pilot-Plant Scale. In the previous section the successful application of a solid-state PI calibration model in suspensions at lab scale, was shown. In general it would be beneficial to use this calibration model developed in the lab for the processes in the pilot-plant scale. This would minimize the efforts needed for model development and model validation. In the following, the usage of the PI solid-state calibration model to predict the polymorph fractions in suspensions at pilot-plant scale will be reported. As in lab scale, in the first step of the experiment the α crystals are produced, and in the second step the material is transformed to the more stable β form. The main difference between the setups of lab and pilot-plant experiments is the probe position. While the probe in the lab is integrated in a vertical position directly in the reactor, in the pilot plant a closed loop connected to a pump is used, and the probe is installed horizontally in an external access unit. The pilot-plant results are shown in Figure 12. In general, the calibration model can be used to obtain information on the solid and the liquid phase in the pilot plant as well. The 592 | Org. Process Res. Dev. 2013, 17, 585−598

Organic Process Research & Development


encrustation at the bottom of the reactor is responsible for these temperature changes. Due to the settling crystals the heat provided by the reactor jacket cannot be distributed, leading to an increased bottom outlet temperature. The fluctuations of the bottom outlet temperature in the time range from 04:00−05:00 can be explained by the interruptions of stirring. As soon as the stirring is provided continuously, the bottom and the inside vessel temperature are almost equal. The encrustations at the end of the experiment lead, in consequence, to a reduction of suspension density, which strongly influences the prediction accuracy of the applied calibration model. This leads to the prediction of solid fractions with high deviations from the true values. The influence of the suspension density on the Raman spectra will be discussed in detail in section 3.4. In addition to the Raman probe an NIR probe and a UV−vis probe were installed to the repump cycle to monitor the phasetransition process of LGA. The results are shown in Figure 14. An excellent agreement between the results generated by Raman spectroscopy and NIR- and UV−vis spectroscopy can be observed concerning the detection of solubility and nucleation points and the end point of polymorphic transition. For the UV−vis spectroscopic measurements the absorbance at 500 nm was used to extract information on the process. The presence of particles leads to an increase of absorbance. The NIR spectroscopic measurements were performed by a transflection probe. The evaluation of the peak area from 9700 to 10800 cm−1 allows obtaining information on the process. The presence of particles results in a decrease of the calculated peak area. Both techniques (UV−vis and NIR spectroscopies) are influenced by the suspension density and the particle size since the measurement principle is based on the weakness of light through a measurement stretch. In comparison to the UV−vis probe the NIR transflection probe enables detection of the transmission as well as the backreflection of light. Since the suspension density is almost constant, only the particle size (distribution) and shape is changing during the polymorphic conversion process. These particle properties are influencing the light scattering. The larger particles (α-LGA) produce more 180° backscattered light in comparison to smaller particles (β-LGA). Concerning UV− vis spectroscopy this effect leads to a lower nonspecific absorption with increasing particle size. For the transflection NIR probe, which in addition detects the backreflection, increasing particle size results in an increase of nonspecific absorption. The sensitivity of NIR- and UV−vis spectroscopies makes it a powerful technique for the inline monitoring of phase transitions as long as the polymorphs show differences of particle size (distribution) and/or shape. Both techniques deliver information on the presence of particles (solubility and nucleation points) as well as on the end-point of the conversion process without time-consuming calibrations. In comparison to Raman spectroscopy the application of these techniques represents an inexpensive alternative to monitor phase transitions. 3.4. Influence of Process Parameters. During a phasetransformation experiment the presence of different polymorphs and their solid fractions is the major process variable which is influencing the Raman spectra. However, suspension density, particle size, temperature, and the concentration can also influence the quality of the spectra. The Raman scattering signal results from the liquid and the solid phases. Hence, there are numerous factors influencing the measurement, which makes the quantitative application more challenging.

Figure 12. Production of α-LGA as well as polymorphic transformation to β-LGA monitored by Raman spectroscopy during a pilotplant experiment.

fluctuations and deviations of the results, however, are greater compared to those of the results in the lab. Due to technical problems, the stirring was interrupted several times from 04:00−05:00. Therefore, this range shows particularly high fluctuations. Raman spectroscopy on a technical scale also enables the detection of the solubility point of the β-LGA as well as the nucleation point of the α-LGA. The predicted solid fraction of the pure crystallized α form (at 03:00) is 0.95−0.97. The transformation process and its end point can be determined precisely. The predicted β solid fraction at the end of the conversion process (constant signal) is 0.87−0.88. The complete transformation to β-LGA was confirmed by sampling and offline XRPD analysis. Derived from the inline measurements, the deviation of the predictions from the true polymorph content (almost 1) is relatively high with 0.12− 0.13. Considering the measured inner vessel temperature and the bottom outlet temperatures during the transformation process (Figure 13), it can be observed that at time of approximately 06:30 an increase of the bottom outlet temperature takes place. It might be assumed that an

Figure 13. Temperature and stirring speed during the transformation process in the pilot plant shown in the time range between 03:20 and 07:50. 593 | Org. Process Res. Dev. 2013, 17, 585−598

Organic Process Research & Development


Figure 14. Production of α-LGA as well as polymorphic transformation to β-LGA monitored by Raman-, NIR-, and UV−vis spectroscopy during a pilot-plant experiment.

3.4.1. Suspension Density Effects. The influence of suspension density of β-LGA on the Raman spectra is shown in Figure 15. With increasing density the β peak height is

Figure 16. Influence of β-LGA suspension density on the predicted β fraction in suspension.

during the recrystallization of β-LGA is shown in detail in Figure 17A. A solution of LGA was heated up until everything was dissolved and then was subsequently cooled down. During the cooling ramp the nucleation started at the surface of the probe tip, leading to its complete encrustation (Figure 17B). Comparing the predicted solid fraction at the beginning (β: 0.9) and at the end of the experiment (β: 0.97) it can be proven that due to the higher particle density at the probe tip after encrustation a higher prediction accuracy can be achieved. 3.4.2. Particle Size Effects. In dynamically changing processes, particles are continuously changing in surface quality, overall solid concentration, reflectivity, shape, and size. From a measurement accuracy perspective, these changes represent a challenge. Comparing the fluctuating α-LGA predictions presented in Figure 9 (section 3.2) to the results shown in Figure 11 (section 3.3) it can be observed that in the beginning of the experiment, at a time of 2 h (Figure 11), the fluctuation of the pure α form is higher in comparison to that at the end of the experiment at a time of 9 h (Figure 11), where the β form is present. Since these two polymorphs differ strongly in shape

Figure 15. Influence of β-LGA suspension density on the measured Raman spectra in suspension.

increasing, leading to a better spectra quality and to a lower signal/noise ratio. This can be explained since the Raman signal intensity scales linearly with the amount of scattering material per unit volume.14 Figure 16 illustrates the predicted solid fraction of the pure β polymorph using different suspension densities ranging from 1 to 4.5 wt %. With increasing suspension density the difference of the predicted value to the true value (1.0) is decreasing. Especially for suspension densities lower than 3 wt % a strong decrease of the predicted solid fraction is detectable. In conclusion, at least a suspension density of 3 wt % is necessary to obtain accurate prediction results with the developed calibration model. Effects like the encrustation of particles, as presented in section 3.3 will lead to a reduced measurement accuracy not only during measurements in an external excess unit (pilot plant) but also during inline measurements (lab). The effect of suspension density 594 | Org. Process Res. Dev. 2013, 17, 585−598

Organic Process Research & Development


Figure 17. (A) Trends of a recrystallization experiment of β-LGA in the pilot plant with encrustation of the Raman probe tip due to the onset of nucleation (A) and (B) picture of the probe tip in the access unit.

solvent. The peaks at 803 cm−1 and 870 cm−1, which are characteristic for the β form, show with decreasing particle size an increase in Raman intensity, as already presented in the literature by various authors.31−33 Therefore, a higher β content is predicted with decreasing particle size (refer to Table 4). In

and particle size, it might be assumed that a large particle size causes higher fluctuations of the signal in comparison to a small particle size. In order to investigate the effect of particle size on Raman spectroscopy different particle size distributions were obtained by cascade sieving. Subsequently, the sieve fractions were analyzed as dry powders as well as in suspensions. The effect of particle size in suspension on the measured peak intensity of the β polymorph is shown in Figure 18 by a lab experiment using an MR Immersion optic probe with a laser spot size of 150 μm. The peak at 750 cm−1 shows no influence of particle size since this peak belongs not to the solid phase but to the

Table 4. Influence of particle size on the measured Raman spectra in suspension particle size/μm

predicted β fraction

predicted α fraction

original (largest size) 160−90 200 160−90 90−63