Inter-polymerization of Isobutene and 2-Methyl-2 ... - ACS Publications

George C. Johnson, Frank S. Fawcett. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1946, 68 (8), pp 1416–1419. DOI: 10.1021/ja01212a005. Publication Date: August 1946. ACS Le...
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Vol. 68


stable or on the stable curve. These points, which are grouped around 217, silver sulfate and 76.57, sulfuric acid, may indicate one or both of the invariant points between the two forms of the bisulfate and the 1:2 addition compound. Kendall and Davidson's measurements on the binary system sulfuric acid-silver s ~ l f a t eshow , ~ that this 1 : 2 salt is the stable solid phase a t 25'. Its solubility, calculated from their data to be 247, silver sulfate by weight, should be represented by a point on the silver sulfate-sulfuric acid base of the ternary diagram a t 25O, and from that point there should be a short but definite solubility curve for this salt. This curve, however, was not experimentally realizable in this study, which was limited to the use of 98y0 sulfuric acid, making it impossible to prepare complexes with compositions close enough t o the base of the triangle to give rise to the 1: 2 salt. Solid residue analyses always showed the solid phase to be the 1 : 1 salt. From a plot of Kendall and Davidson's data it was possible t o estimate by extrapolation the metastable solubilities, a t 25O, in pure sulfuric acid, of the alpha and beta forms of the bisulfate. The value for the alpha was estimated to be equivalent to 28.5% silver sulfate by weight, and that for the beta 29.570 silver sulfate. If these points are marked off on the silver sulfatesulfuric! acid side of the ternary diagram, it can

be seen that they represent the points to which the bisulfate solubility curves would most likely have extended had they not been interrupted by the formation of the 1:2 compound in the highest concentrations of sulfuric acid.

Summary 1. The ternary system A ~ ~ S O ~ - H Z S O ~ - H ~ O has been studied a t 25' to the limit of 98% sulfuric acid by weight. 2. The solid phases observed were the normal sulfate, AgzS04, and the bisulfate, AgHS04. 3. Two solubility curves have been obtained for the 1:1 addition compound, the stable solubility curve being that for the alpha form of the bisulfate, the metastable curve being that for the beta form, both forms already having been reported by Kendall and Davidson.* 4. A stable and metastable invariant point have been determined for the crossing of the bisulfate solubility curves with that for the normal sulfate. 5. An indication of an invariant point between the bisulfate curves and the solubility curve for the salt Ag,S04-3H2S04 has been obtained, but the 1: 2 addition compound itself was not observed in this investigation, because of the limitation in the concentration of the sulfuric acid used. NEWYORK,N. Y.




Inter-polymerization of Isobutene and 2-Methyl-2-butene Using an Alumina-Silica Catalyst. Composition of the Hydrogenated Nonenes BY GEORGEc. JOHNSON When isobutene and 2-methyl-2-butene react in the presence of a solid catalyst composed of alumina and silica a t temperatures of the order of l l O o , the main product is a mixture of nonenes. Other products are octenes, decenes and trimers. A similar nonene product is formed in the reaction of t-butyl alcohol with t-amyl alcohol in the presence of sulfuric acid. The t-butyl alcohol is equivalent to isobutene and the t-amyl alcohol is equivalent to 2-methyl-2-butene or to 2-methyl-lbutene in those cases where the reactants are first dissolved in the acid. 'The nonanes formed by hydrogenating the nonenes have special properties as a fuel for internal combustion engines. The power output of the engine under rich-mixture ronditions-ie., high fuel-air ratios-is remarkably high. Too, the power delivered by the engine is unusually sensitive to the inlet air temperature when the nonanes are used as the fuel. These special prop-



erties depend upon the composition of the nonanes, especially upon the total content of tetramethylpentanes, and the composition depends in turn upon the method of carrying out the reaction. The composition of the nonane mixture has been determined by distilling the mixture into fractions with an efficient column, by measuring the physical properties of these fractions and then comparing these properties with those of the 35 isomeric nonanes. Alumina-silica catalysts have been used before to polymerize and some studies of the (1) Gurvich, Koiloid-Z., 11, 17 (1912); J . RIGS.Phrs.-Chcm. Soc.. 47, 827 (1915); Z . p h y s i k . Chem., 8107, 236 (10233). (2) Lebedev and Filonenko, Be?., 58, 163 ( 1 9 2 5 ) . (3) Van Winkle, J . Ant. P h o r ~ n Assoc . , 17, 544 (1928). (4) Gayer, I n d . Eng. Chem., 26, 1122 (1933). ( 6 ) Lebedev and Borgman, J. Gen. Chem. (U. S. S. R.),6 , 1595 (1938). (6) Houdry, Burt, Pew and Peters, Natl. Pelrolcwn News, S O , I2870 (1938).

Aug., 1946




Fig. 1 -Top curve, the distillation temperature of the nonanes as a function of volutne distilled; middle curve, the indices or reiractioii of the fractions; lower curve, kinematic viscosity of selected fractions; A, the distillation was Interriipted for one day The entire polymer was hydrogenated in a continuous structures of the resultant polymers have been vapor-phase apparatus over a nickel catalyst a t about 160 rnade.'-l0 and one atmosphere pressure. An equal welght of water Experimental was added with the hydrocarbon to minimize cracking. The hydrogenated product was distilled to 42 in a column Materials.--Matheson commercial 95% isobutene was used without further treatment. This isobuteiie contains of about 25 theoretical plates to remove 8.2%, of material small ainotints of I-butene arid 2-butenc as polymerjzable boiling m a h l y a t 28" and identified as %methylbutane. The residue was used for the analytical distillation. impurities. The 2-methyl-2-butene was made by the Analytical Distillation.-The hydrogenated polymer was dehydration of Sliarples commercial t-amyl alcohol in the presence of 3 5 4 5 % by weight sulfuric acid a t 80". I n this distilled with a total condensation, variable take-off column preparation 2-methyl-1-butene (b. p. 31.1 " j was also of about 95 theoretical plates. A 232 X 2.0 cxn. section formed and wa.s separated by distillation from the 2- was packed with 1.25-turn stainless steel helices of 0.24 methyl-2-butene (b. p , 38..5"). The catalyst was fresh cm. diameter macle from KO.30 R . & S. wire. A reflux Sxony-Vacuum alumina-silica bead cracking catalystll ratio above 120: 1 was used. Fractions were taken each 10 cc. (about 1t.b of total charge). For each fraction the inmade during the first days of commercial production. dex of refraction ( n " D ) was measured. For certain fracBeads retained on an 8-mesh sieve were used. Preparation of Nonanea.-The hydrocarbon charge was tions the density (d'Od), kinematic viscosity a t 20" and made from equal weights of isobutene and 2-metliyl-2- Cuttrell boiling point were measured. A plot of the disbutene. This represeiits a mole ratio of 1.25: 1.00. The tilling temperatures, indices of refraction aud viscosities is charge was pumped by displacement with ethylene glycol shown on Fig. 1. The yields of the molecular weight a t a rate of 1.0 liter of liquid per hour and at 500 lb./sq. in. groups were: below octanes, < 91", 0.4 volume 5c ; gage pressure through a preheat coil and then through 142 octanes, 91-109', 16.970; ~ionanes, 100-148", 35.4:'; g. of catalyst fillhg a 200-cc. reactor. The oil-bath sur- tlrcaries, liY--167", ll.3c&;residue, > l67', 30.0',;;. Othrr phy.;ical propertirs which were determiner1 were: rounding the preheat coil and reactor was maintaiiied a t 07-88' (average 76 "). The reactor temperature varied Volume r a n g e , Cottrell boiling Density, poirit, O C . from 9 8 t o 128" (average 112") during the 6.5-hOLll ruii. cc. d2Uc The gain in weight of catalyst was 49 g. A recovery of 537-537 .. 0 71133 97.5C,0 of the charge was macle. .537-5$7 12ti.7 .... ( 7 ) L i - b c i l e v , m C K(oblian\ky. 1jr.i. , 63, 103 (1 %0--770 1::0, 9 .... -.* ( 8 ) I.ebedcv a n d Orlov, J . G e , i C / W N I .it:. I(0-780 ,7259 (1985). 10~3!~--1050 ,7887 S n ~ i ~ t e n b e raiid g Vib,er ' e ~ o i i d W 0 1 ~ l dPeivolriirii Coir1050-1000 g ? e v s , fi, -189 ( 1 3 3 i ) . ,7391 nd llr~zengarf, J . G r i r . Chem. (U. S S. R.), 12, Z!(i 1Oi;O- 1070 133.0 .... . siz L. A! .\. A'., C!asse sci. chitri., 11.j (l!r 4 1 ; 1 1lo-1120 ... ,7391 s 1< , 13, 304 I I!]*?); SQtl.P e ~ I ' O ~ e l l i t lS e r ~S I 36, 1217-1227 141.4 .... Rt,i3 (1944). 1227-1237 ... , (11) blnrisic, U. S . P a t e n t 2.387,5'3B (1945). .75RS




Infrared Data.-Ten distillate fractions from plateaus and transitions were selected for analysis by means of infrared absorption spectra. Table I shows the fractions taken, their boiling ranges and their compositions as determined by infrared analysis. Each of the values in the table has an uncertainty of 5-10?;, of the value itself. In each case thc absorption spectrum of the individual fraction was romparcd with the spectra of kiioivn nnnanes.l2

TABLE I IXFRARELI ANALYSISOF THE NONANES The letter P indicates t h a t the compound was present. The dots indicate t h a t the compound was not found, though a special examinatioii was made for its presence. ,




Small amounts of 2,3,4- and 2,2,3-trimethylpentane were found in the transition fractions bctween the octanes and nonanes. The physical properties of the four 1ltJIlallCS determined during this study are compared in Tahlc IT with the s~alti(~s from the literature. TABLE 11 I'HYSICAL PROPERTIES O F FOUR r\TONAXES

Compound 2,2,4-Trimethylhexane


421-432 443 453 537-537 674-684 770-780 952-962 1050-1060 1110-1120 1207-1217 1227-1237

112.7-117, 1 15 45 124.5--124.7 . . 12 120,5~-1?6.3 .. 130 s .. 131.1-131 1 133.0-133.0 133.3-133.3 133.6-133 6 141.5-141.6 141.6-142.4

30 80 !)O


5 8


.. .'

97 .. !J7 3 .i 90 . . 95 .. 95







.. .. 92 9u

Results.-The assignment of the composition was made by considering carefully the physical properties of the fractions. The summarized physical properties of the nonanes13 and plots of the refrxtive index versus boiling point, viscosity versus boiling point and density versus boiling point were useful in making this assignment. The infrared analyses were used to confirm the composition assigned on the basis of the other physical properties and to insure that no other nonanes were present in large amounts. The viscosity data were especially useful for distinguishing between 2,4,4-trimethylhexane and 2 3 , 3,4-tetramethylpentane. The nonane composition was 2,2,4-Trimethylhexane 2,4,4-Trimethylhexane 2,2,3,4-Tetramethylpentane 2,3,3,4-Tetramethylpentane Unknown

29% by volume 30 31

9 1 -


The octane fraction distilled almost entirely a t 99.0-99.8' and an infrared analysis of the midportion showed i t to be pure 2,2,4-trimethylpentane. Its physical properties were: b. p. 99.l0, dZo40.G910, n20D 1.3014, 7 1 ~ 00.00502 poise. These values agree closely with the literature (12) .4mcrican I'etroleum Institute Research Project 44 a t the h-ational Bureau of Standards. Catalog of Infrared Spectrograms. Serial no. 130. %.2,4-trimethylhexane; no. 133, 2,2,3.4-tetramethylno. 363, 2,4,4-tr:pentane; no. 134, 3.3,3,4-tetramethylpentane; methylhexane. These four spectrograms were contributed by the Socony-Vacuum Oil Co. (13) Oiir own collection of physical properties was used. T h e values are i n sobslanticil agreement with those listed in ref. 22. SO, 1RR3 (1928). (14) Smqth and Stoops, THISJOURNAL, (15) Wibaut a n d co-workers, Rec. 1rm. chim., 68, 329 (1939). (16) Brooks, 1Iow:ird a n d Crafton, J . Research "Gall. B X T .S t a n d ards, 24, 33 (1940).

Vol. GS

2,3,3,4-Tetrarnethylpentane ,

B. P.. oc.

126.5 126.5 126.0 126.7 131.1 130 131.3 130.8 130.9

,pol 0.7134 ,7150 ,7159 .ilki:3

,72771 ,719ti ,7290 .i231 ,7255

,I?n, ??O Reference 1.4031 .. . 21 1,4033 .. . 22 1.4034 0 . 0 U G l 19 1 4034 .OOIi48 This work





1.4098 l.40BS 1.4084






This work

.., ,.

22 1'3 .0!)877 This work 141 ..i ,7547 1.4220 .., . 22 111.2 .is50 1.4222 .00!~72 19 131.4 > ,7338 >1.4209 >.0092S This work 133.0 133.0 133.0

,7390 ,7394 ,7391

1.4146 1.4146 1.4144


Use of Sulfuric Acid as Catalyst.-The same analytical procedure was used to determine the composition of the nonane fraction resulting from the hydrogenated nonenes formed by the interpolymerization of f-butyl alcohol with tamyl alcohol in the presence of 60.2Yc by weight sulfuric acid below SO". The nonane fraction was composed of 2,2,4trimethylhexane 13%]; 2,4,4-trimethylhexane 29%; 2,2,3,4-tetramethvlpentane 41%; 2,3,3,4tetraiiiethylpeiitanc. 175); :ind only traces of other iionaiics. This reaction was studied earlier by other workers. Whitmore and b I i ~ o nexamined ~~ the structure of the nonenes by ozonolysis, fractionation of the oxidation products by distillation, preparation of the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazonesof selected fractions, recrystallization of the solid products to steady melting points, and the determination of mixed melting points of these derivatives with similar derivatives of suspected oxidation products prepared in other ways. The composition of the nonenes was assigned as: 2,3,4,4-tetramethyl-1-pentene, SOYo; 2,3,4,4-tetramethyl-2pentene 10%; 3,5,5-trimethyl-%hexene 23y0; 3,5,;3-triniethyl-3-hexeiie 370; 2,4,4-trimethyl-2hexene 10% and others 2yo. Had these olefins been hydrogenated quantitatively the nonanes 6070; would have been 2,2,3,4-tetraniethylpeiitane 2,2,4-trimethylhexane 28y0; 2,4,4-trimethylhexane 10%; 0th (17) Mosher, T h nia S t a t e College, 1940. (18) Levina a n d , Chem. ( U . S . S . R . ) ,1 1 , 2 5 3 (1941). (19) Whitmore, paper presented before the OrRariic Division of the American Chemical Society, April, 1944. ( 2 0 ) Henne a n d Chanan, THISJOURNAL, 66, 392 (?944). ( 2 1 ) Brooks, J . Research N a l l . B I L YS.f a n d a n i s , 19, 319 (1937). 122) American Petroleum Inqtitute Project 44 a t the S a t i o n a l Bureau of Standards. Selected Values of Propertics of Hydrocarbons. Table nn. 4a. Paraffins. C8. June 30, 1945. (23) Whitmore and >lixon, Tins JOURNAL, 63, 1460 (1941)

Aug., 1946




Deanesly and W a ~ h t e found r ~ ~ the nonene frac- I n the above, both the isobutene and the 2-methyltion to be composed for the most part of the same 2-butene provide the tertiary carbon atom. 4. three major nonenes found by Whitmore :and The link in one product, ;.e., 2,2,4-trimethylMixon. The method of identification was not hexane, involves a carbon atom not originally described. doubly bonded. This suggests that double-bond In continuing the work of Whitmore and hlixon, isomerizatiori occurs preliminary to the polymerWheeler'5 tentatively identified 7y0 of 2,3,3,4- ization : tetramethyl-1-pentene and a lesser amount of C c 3,4,4-trimethyl-2-hexene in addition to otherwise I c-L-c.--c + c=c-c-c confirming their work. The 2,3,3,4-tetramethyl1-pentene was found in the portion of the nonenes The close similarity in the.composition of the resisting ozonolysis. products formed with alumina-silica and sulfuric The nonanes found in the present study are the same as those expected on the basis of earlier acid as catalysts suggests strongly that an acidwork. The percentage distribution differs, how- type catalysis also occurs with alumina-silica. ever, This is attributed partly to the difficulty in We suggest that the alumina-silica functions in a the ozonolysis procedure brought about by the manner analogous to that already discussed by selectivity in this reaction, as noted especially by Whitmore and MeunierZ8in the case of boron the finding of one nonene largely in the unozonized trifluoride. This mechanism covers the four portion. Also there was an ipportant difference requirements which mere listed above and leads in preparation. Whitmore and Mixon obtained one to predict the nonanes to be the four found. 30y0isopentenes in their polymer whereas this by- In all of our considerations of acid catalyzed product yield was held to 370 in the present study. polymerizations we have found the mechanism il series of experiments showed that isopentene suggested by Whitmore to be more generally production was sensitive to acid concentration and valid than the mechanisms or schemes suggested was minimized by heating the mixture of reactants by others.29-34 Acknowledgment.-The authors wish to exand catalyst slowly from room temperature to the polymerization temperature. The acid concentra- press their appreciation t o Mr. E. B. Backensto, tion used here was 60.2% by weight sulfuric acid, who made the polymer; to Mr. \Y.H. Lang, considering the chemical water derivable from the who made the nonane distillation; and to Mr. alcohols as contributing to the dilution of the acid. J. G. Ehlers, who made the infrared analyses. On the same basis a recomputation of the strength Summary of acid usedby Whitmore and Slixon shows 37.670. Consideration of the i n e c h a ~ i i s m ~ ~ of* ~ the ~*'~ 1. 'The inter-poly~nerizationof isobutene with polymerizatioit reaction indicates that the formation of isopentenes should lead to relatively l e s of 2-methyl-%butene in the presence of an aluminathe 2,4,il-trirnethylhexane structure in the Whit- silica catalyst a t 110" and 500 Ib./sq. in. gage more and Mixon product than i n the. pre:;ent pressure leads to a mixture of nonenes which on hydrogenation yield 2,2,&triniethylhexane 29y0; product. ?'hi's was found to be the case. Mechanism of the Reaction.-A proposed 2,4,4-trimethylhexane 30%; 2,2,3,4-tetramethylmechanism for the polymerization of olefins pentane 31%, 2,3,3,4-tetramethylpentane 9%; in the presence of alumina-silica catalysts must and about lyOof unidentified compounds. 2. Though the proportions differ, these noaccount for th.e following phenomena: 1. Both nanes are the same as those resulting from the reacinterpolymerization and self-polymerization exist. tion of t-butyl alcohol with t-amyl alcohol in the Dimers of isobutene and of 2-methyl-2-butene are presence of SOYo by weight sulfuric wid below formed as well as their interdimer. 2. Skeleton 80°. isomerization occurs as part of the polymerization. 3. Physical properties of four nonaues are reThe 2,3,3,4-tetramethylpentanestructure can be ported. formed only with the breaking of a carbon-carbon 4. The mechanism of the polymerization reacbond. 3 . Schematically the reaction consists of tion in the presence of alumina-silica catalysts is the union of the tertiary carbon atom of one molecule with a primary or secondary atom of the other indicated. molecule, as PAULSBORO, N. J. hfARCH 11, 1946 c







(24) British P a t m t 479,910 (1038); U. S. Patents 2,181,640 (1939); 2,312,074 (1944). (29) Wheeler. Thesis, Pennsylvania S t a t e College, 1041. 54, 3274 (1932). (26) Whitmore, THISJOURNAL, (27) Whitmore, Itid. Xizg. Chenz., 26, 94 (1934).

(28) Whitmore and Meunier, THIS JOURNAL, 63, 2107 (1941). (29) Ipatieff, Ind. Eng. Chem., 27, 1067 (1935). (30) Wachter. ibid., 30, 822 (1938). (31) Sparks, Rosen a n d Frolich, T r a n s . F a v a d o y .\oc., 35, 1040 (1939). (32) Baker a n d Rothstein, "Handbuch der Katxlyse," Julius Springer, Vienna, 11, pp. 94-00, 135 (1940). (33) Farkas a n d Farkas, I u J . Eng. Ckeiiz., 34, 71ti (1942). (31) Morton, Brown, Holden, Letsinger and M a g i t , T a r s J O U K NAL, 67, 2224 (1945). (35) Original manuscript received October 30, 1942,