Interactions between Biopolymers and Polysiloxanes: A Theoretical

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Chapter 15

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Interactions between Biopolymers and Polysiloxanes: A Theoretical Study Eufrozina A. Hoffmann,1,* Ljiljana S. Korugic-Karasz,2 Zoltan A. Fekete,3 and Tamás Körtvélyesi1,3 1Department

of Physical Chemistry, University of Szeged, Rerrich B. sq. 1., H-6720 Szeged, Hungary 2Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA 3HPC group, University of Szeged, Hungary *[email protected]

Polysiloxane based devices are frequently used in medical and analytical systems containing biopolymers such as proteins, peptide nucleic acids, polyamides. Although silicones are mainly known for their chemical inertness in living systems, physical adsorption does occur. This is sometimes favorable, for example in gas chromatography, but most of the cases it is a serious obstacle of the proper application. These interactions have been studied by molecular docking.

Introduction Polysiloxanes are widely used in biological, biomedical and analytical systems e.g. in biosensors, in gas-chromatography (GC), gas-chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Controlling biomaterial adsorption to polysiloxanes is an important task of current research interest. However, the theoretical modeling of the interactions between biopolymers and silicones – even on the semiempirical level – is very complex and time consuming, due to the large size of these species. Therefore, in this contribution, we applied as a first step a simplified simulation using molecular dynamics and molecular docking. Molecular docking is a computational simulation of a candidate ligand binding to a receptor/another molecule. It predicts the preferred orientation of one molecule to a second when bound to each other forming a © 2010 American Chemical Society In Contemporary Science of Polymeric Materials; Korugic-Karasz, L.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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stable complex with association (1). The explanation of the enzyme reactions (between the target and the substrate(s)) were explained by the lock-key model (2), and its modification the induced fit model (3). Docking has three main approaches (4–7). One uses a matching technique that describes the receptor and the ligand as complementary surfaces; the other simulates the actual docking process in which the ligand-protein pair-wise interaction energies are calculated, and the third is the combination of the two previous methods. Typically, the receptor (‘host’) is a protein or other biopolymer, and the ligand (‘guest’) is a small molecule (e.g. drug) or another biopolymer. In our models the receptors are different type of polysiloxane chains, and the ligands are selected small segments of biopolymers (tripeptides, trimers of peptide nucleic acid-amino acids and small biogenic polyamides). Proteins and Polysiloxanes Because of their inert biologic properties, good mechanical characteristics, transparency and high gas permeability, polysiloxanes (especially poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)) are widely used in living systems (8). They are applied as tissue scaffolds, implants including blood contacting surfaces (9–13). Silicone hydrogels are currently used as contact lenses (14). In these applications, the ability to prevent the nonspecific adsorption of proteins is essential for proper functioning. However, in some cases the interactions of PDMS with proteins result in their stabilization, which may be useful for drug delivery or screening applications (15). The optical and chemical properties of PDMS are specially useful for fabrication of microfluidic devices integrated with optical detection systems (16–23), even in ‘lab-on-a-chip’ systems. But the non-specific protein adsorption is also a serious obstacle delaying its use in heterogeneous immunoassay. Experimentally the interactions between protein and siloxanes have been studied by Bartzoka et al. (15) applying Angular-dependent X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and contact angle measurements; by Bassindale et al. (24) using of silsesquioxane cages and phage display technology; and by Lok et al. (25) utilizing total internal reflection fluorescence measurements. Peptide Nucleic Acids (PNAs) and Polysiloxanes In the early 1980s Buchardts and Nielsen developed a novel type of compound – peptide nucleic acid (PNA), in which the sugar phosphate backbone is replaced, usually, by N-(2-amino-ethyl)-glycine units with peptide bonds resulting molecules with the property of achirality and hydrophobicity (26, 27). The molecule is an analogoue to DNA. On the side chain, connected to a N atom on the backbone, the natural or modified nucleotide bases are coupled. These compounds are chemically stable and resistant against enzymatic cleavage. Their hybrid complexes with other PNA or DNA chains are stable thermally, and are almost neutral against the change in the ionic strength. They are capable for sequence specific recognition of other DNA or RNA chains with Watson-Crick (WC) hydrogen bonding rules. On the basis of electric discharge experiments, 232 In Contemporary Science of Polymeric Materials; Korugic-Karasz, L.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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recently it has been proposed that PNAs are the first genetic molecules rather than RNA (28, 29). With changing the structure of backbone, new PNA structures were developed: with the natural peptide backbone structure based on the γ side chain carbon atom, chiral peptide nucleic acids (cPNAs) were synthesized (30). PNA is capable to form homoduplexes, and hybrid complexes with DNA and RNA obeying the WC hydrogen bonding scheme (31). These complexes have extraordinary thermal stability and unique ionic strength effects; therefore they can be possibly used as a molecular tool in biotechnology (32–35). In vitro studies indicate that PNA could inhibit both transcription and translation of genes, thus they are promising candidate for antigen and antisense therapy. For diagnostics purposes they can be used in biosensors (36–38). Because of the possible pharmaceutical and biotechnological applications, it is also an important question how silicon implants interact with PNAs.

Oligoamines and Polysiloxanes Oligoamines (commonly called polyamines) are organic compounds having two or more amino groups; they play a definitive role in many biological processes such as nucleic acid metabolism, protein synthesis, and cell growth. Spermidine (SPD) is a biogenic polyamine. It seems to promote hair growth, therefore SPD is frequent ingredient in diet integrators and hair lotions. Gambaro et al. (39, 40) determined SPD quantitatively applying capillary gas chromatography on methyl silicone capillary column. The samples containing SPD were treated with an alkaline aqueous solution and internal standard was added. The emulsion was extracted with diethyl ether containing ethyl chloroformate, thus the acylated derivative ethyl[4(ethoxycarbonilamino)butyl]-[3(ethoxycarbonilamino)propyl]carbamate was formed. Ether extracts, evaporated to dryness and reconstituted in ethyl acetate, were analyzed. Note, Marks and Anderson determinated spermidine in tuna by GC/MS using the same method as well (41).

Aims In this contribution a systematic theoretical investigation has been carried out on the interactions between biopolymers and different polysiloxanes. Our aim was to answer the questions: Can the extent of biopolymer adsorption and/or absorption be predicted? Is it possible to choose chromatographic columns for a given species based on this type of calculations? What are the main interactions leading to the association of biopolymers with polysiloxane? To answer the first question, we are searching for structures of polysiloxanes whose interactions with polypeptides are weak. On the other hand, for the GC separation strong interactions are favorable. Based on our former work (42), good correlation has been obtained between McReynolds’ constant and the score energy of docking test compounds on methyl- and methyl-phenyl-siloxanes. It was concluded that a lower binding score energy implies better GC separation. 233 In Contemporary Science of Polymeric Materials; Korugic-Karasz, L.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Calculations To model the polymers of the stationary phases, oligomer chains were constructed by the program PCModel 7.0 (43). Each of them contained 16 monomer units. The end groups were trimethylsiloxane (-O-Si(CH3)3) for the poly(siloxanes). Figure 1 shows the monomer units considered, and Table I. presents the abbreviations and compositions of the modeled silicones. In the first stage of calculations, molecular dynamics simulations were carried out with the program PCModel 7.0/MMX force field with the following parameters: equilibrium time: 1000 fs, run time: 5000 fs, temperature 1500 K (isotherm), heat transfer time 5 fs. These calculations were repeated ten times for every polymer. After each simulation, the energy was minimized by Steepest Descent and Newton-Raphson methods, and the next calculation started from the minimized geometry. The structure with the best energy was used in the docking procedure. Figures 2.-3. present the structure of ligands; the tripeptides (figure 2a) and PNA fragments (figure 2b.) and SPD and its acylated derivative (figure 3.). The tripeptides were used in protected forms, and contained the following amino acids: alanine (Ac-AAA-NHMe), serine (Ac-SSS-NHMe), phenylalanine (Ac-FFF-NHMe) and tyrosine (Ac-YYY-NHMe). For comparison, we also included an aminoethyl-glycine trimer (the backbone of a single-strand PNA, stripped of its nucleotides), Ac-PNA(A)GG-NHME and Ac-cPNA(A)GG-NHME (see figure 2b). In each cases, the protecting groups were acetyl at the nitrogen and N-methyl amide at the carboxyl terminals. The structures of the ligands were optimized with the semi empirical method PM6 implemented in the MOPAC2009 program (44). AM1-BCC and Gasteiger charges (45) were assigned on the atoms of the target and ligand molecules, respectively, without further geometry optimization. Docking was performed with UCSF DOCK4 (46) and DOCK6 (47) suites, with random search and random matching (5000 orientations), anchor search and torsion drive. The score energy cutoff distance was chosen essentially infinite (9999 Å), so that no interaction got neglected. All spheres generated were used in the random matching. 2000 iterations with ten cycles were applied to find the best complex. The score function in DOCK is based on a simple 12-6 Van der Waals potential (based on AMBER91 force field and a coulomb function). The target molecules were held rigid, but the ligand molecules were flexible. Both the intraand intermolecular interactions were considered.

Results and Discussion Proteins (and PNAs) and Polysiloxanes The results of tripeptide and PNA fragments docking on silicones are summarized in Table II. The complexes of tripeptide and polysiloxane OV101, which contains only methyl silicone groups, have the highest energy. It means these complexes are the less stable, therefore the smallest absorption is expected in these cases. Figure 4. shows the docked AcO-AAA-NHMe on OV101. 234 In Contemporary Science of Polymeric Materials; Korugic-Karasz, L.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 1. The chemical structures of the applied monomer units Table I. The compositions of the polysiloxanes Abbreviation

methyl silicone

phenyl silicone

cyanobutyl silicone



















The total score energy of the polymers, consisting of phenyl and methyl silicone as well, are very similar. Generally in the cases of OV7 and OV25 the energies are higher than in the case of OV3 and OV225, although the differences are not too high and the tendency reverses occasionally. The electrostatic energy is typically more negative than the van der Waals energy in these cases; but they have the same order of magnitude. The silicone OV225 has polar butylciano groups, this is the reason why the electrostatic energy and the total score energy of the complexes with OV225 indicate stronger interactions. Thus if the aim is to prevent protein adsorption then its use is not recommended. Considering the single strand PNA and polysiloxane interactions, the score energy is a little higher to the tripeptide-silicone complexes. The main difference is that the van der Waals energy clearly dominates here, being 6-40 times more negative than the electrostatic energy. The PNA(A)GG and cPNA(A)GG follow the same pattern. Their interactions are weakest with the non-polar OV101. Since the PNA homoduplexes are dimers of two such chains, it can be expected that similar interactions will be dominating in their case, as well..

Oligoamines and Siloxanes Table III. shows the results of the docking of spermidine and its derivative on different type of polysiloxanes. It can be seen from the results that the van der 235 In Contemporary Science of Polymeric Materials; Korugic-Karasz, L.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 2. (a) The docked tripeptides. (b) The PNA fragments. Waals interactions has the decisive role. The effect of the coulombic interactions appears negligable. The SPD ligand has a similar behavior with the phenyl-methylsilicones The value of the total score energy is similar. The least negative score energy has been obtained between the SPD (which is an apolar species) and OV225 (which contains polar cyano groups). We could prove that modifying SPD, in the way described in the introduction, leads to better GC separation, because the scoring energy of the derivate is more negative by 6-9 kcal/mol than the unmodified SPD. The lowest score energy is due to the polymer OV7, which means the gas chromatographic phase containing 20% 236 In Contemporary Science of Polymeric Materials; Korugic-Karasz, L.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 3. The chemical structures of spermidine and its derivative phenyl- and 80% methyl silicone appears the ideal one for the GC separation of SPD derivative.

Conclusion We used a theoretical method, molecular docking, to describe interactions between various biopolymers and polysiloxanes. Like every modeling this procedure has its limitations, because of the approximations applied. Only moderate size fragments of polymers was calculated. We used rigid receptors, as generally accepted in the literature. The role of the solvent was neglected, which is correct for modeling GC separations, but it can modify the results of the protein adsorption under analytical or biological conditions. We also disregarded the fact that not only complexes with the lowest energy could form: it is possible to have multiple types of biding site on a receptor. Despite these limitations, the introduced method is general and can give a fast prediction (whose reliability can be improved by refining the approach based upon further data for the specific systems considered). It is a useful tool to support a choice among polysiloxanes for analytical or medical purpose in systems containing biopolymers.

Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Hungarian Research Fund (OTKA K61577).

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Table II. The docking energy of tripeptides on different type of polysiloxanesa OV101






Score Ac-AAAvdW NHMe ES



















Score Ac-SSSvdW NHMe ES



















Score Ac-FFFvdW NHMe ES



















Score Ac-YYYvdW NHMe ES














































































Singlestrand PNA


Units are kcal/mol. Score denotes the total score energy, vdW is the abbreviation of the van der Waals energy, and ES indicates the electrostatic (Coulomb) energy. For the compositions of OV phases see Table I.

240 In Contemporary Science of Polymeric Materials; Korugic-Karasz, L.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 4. The docked AcO-AAA-NHMe (dark) on OV101 (light grey) Table III. The docking energy of spermidine and its derivative on different type of polysiloxanesa Spermidine

spermidine derivative

Abbr. of silicones


















































Units are kcal/mol. Score denotes the total score energy, vdW is the abbreviation of the van der Waals energy, and ES indicates the electrostatic (Coulomb) energy. For the compositions of OV phases see Table I.

241 In Contemporary Science of Polymeric Materials; Korugic-Karasz, L.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.