Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry. Volume I (Mellor, J. W.) - Journal of

Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry. Volume I (Mellor, J. W.). C. E. White. J. Chem. Educ. , 1930, 7 (11), p 2754. DOI: 10.1021/ed007p2754.1. Publication...
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its use is in the home; it is written for the intelligent housewife, a demonstration that a guide on "What t o Eat" need not he stepped down into popular slang or lose in sound scientific value when prepared for non-technical and extra-curriculum consumption, WM. H. ADOLPH

to place "Colloids" u n d ~ r a chapter entitled "The Relations of Chlorine," and why some of the pure physical chemical theory such as Osmotic Pressure and the Ionic Hypothesis is left until Chapter 19, where i t breaks into the continuity of the study of the elements according t o the Periodic Arrangement, which was YENCH~NO UNIVBRSITY begun in Chapter 15. PBIPINO, CAIN* The Phase Rule and Thermodvnamics Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry. J. W. are briefly discussed in an excellent MELLOR, D.Sc.. F.R.S. Vol. I . manner far this type of text. The Longmans, Green, New York City, 1930. electronic structure of matter has been xx 690 pp. 48 tables, 205 figures. largely omitted and valence is marked in Roman n u d e r s or as H' and CI' 13 X 19.5 cm. $3.00. and - signs. rather than the The former title of this book was The baok is written in Mellor's char"Introduction t o Modem Inorganic Chemacteristic pleasing style, which makes istry." I n the words of the author delightful reading. A set of questions, "some parts of this have been curtailed, usually 10 or 15, follows each chapter. some extended" and the name changed. Whiie the material is presented in a The new edition is designed as an intermediate text between Mellor's "Ele- manner simple enough for one who has never studied chemistry, there is still mentary Inorganic" and "Modern Insufficient subject matter t o hold the attenorganic." The content of the book is hest indicated by the chapter headings: tion of a student who bas had the cus1. Physical Properties of Gases; 2.. tomary course in high-school chemistry. C. E. WHITE Chemical Nature of Air; 3. Ice, Water, and Steam; 4. Mixtures and Compounds; 5. Hydrogen, Oxygen, Ni6. Atomic Hypothesis; 7. trogen; Properties and Numerical Relationships Composition of Water; 8. Revision of of the Common Elements and Comthe Atomic Hypothesis; 9. Chlorine; J. E. BELCRER and J. C . pounds. 10. Acids, Bases, Salts; 11. Oxides of COLEERT, Assistant Professors of Carbon; 12. Energy and Matter; 13 & 14. Chemistry in the University of OklaHalogens; 15. Classificationof Elements; homa. The Century Company, New 16. Alkali Metals; 17. Cu, Ag. Au; York City, 1930. nii 176 vi 18. Osmotic Pressure; 19. Ionic Hy160 pp. 33 illustrations. 21 X 27 cm. pothesis; 20 to 38. All common elements $1.75. in order of Periodic System. Chapter 32 The authors make this statement in the completes the discussion of the atmosphere started in Chapter 2. Chapter 2 preface: "This baok contains all of the is more historical and makes no mention work included in Experinunfs and Problems of the rarer gases. The complete ana- for College Chemistry and the 6rst thirtythree experiments in Identification and lytical data are left for Chapter 32. The arrangement is different from t h a t Properties of the Common M e b k and Nanof the ardimary text in that the non- Melek." This latter work was reviewed OP C A E ~ C AEDUCAL metals, with the exception of th? halogens, in the JOURNAL are studied in their respective periodic TION 6,1006 (May, 1929). The purpose of the volume is to furnish groups and are not all taken up before the study of the metals is started. It is "all the essential laboratory work of difficult t o see why the author has chosen general chemistry in one manual." The




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