Internal rotation potential energy for the glycine ... - ACS Publications

Internal rotation potential energy for the glycine molecule in its zwitterionic and neutral forms. A comparison among several methods. Paolo Palla, Ca...
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J. Phys. Chem. 1980,84,435-442

and this attack is primarily in the a system.

VII. Conclusions The MF-FSGO calculations suggest that the experimentally observed site specificity of the nucleophilic attack on the neutral species (viz. attack preferentially at C,) as well as the site specificity of the .rr-electrophilicattack on the anionic species (viz. attack preferentially at C,) are electronically controlled. The calculations also suggest that possible secondary sites of nucleophilic attack on the neutral species are C5and O2 and that O2 is both a possible secondary site for 7r-electrophilic attack and the primary site for a-electrophilic attack on the anions. References and Notes (1) This work was supported in part by the Department of Energy, the American Cancer Society, and the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society. (2) A participant in the Thesis Parts program administered by the Argonne Center for Educational Affairs. (3) R. Shapiro, R. E. Semis, and M. Welcher, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 92,

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Internal Rotation Potential Energy for the Glycine Molecule in Its Zwitterionic and Neutral Forms, A Comparison among Several Methods Paolo Palla, Carlo Petrongolo,' and Jacopo Tomasi Laboratorio di Chimica Quantistica ed Energetica Moiecolare del CNR, 56100 Pisa, Ita& (Received May 17, 1979) Publication costs assisted by Laboratorio di Chimica Quantistica ed Energetica Molecolare del CNR

Conformational maps for the internal rotations in glycine obtained with ab initio SCF calculations, CNDO, PCILO, extended Huckel, and classical methods are compared. The noticeable differences among the various results are analyzed and discussed. The parallel use of different methods for conformation studies seems to be advisable. Introduction Conformational studies largely rely upon approximate methods of determining potential energy surfaces. Several sets of empirical potential functions are today available for classical calculations, but no set can be recommended

as sufficiently reliable for general application, because they suffer of their empirical origin. In fact the parameters of a classical formulation of the conformational energy are selected on the basis of their ability to reproduce a limited amount of experimental data for a given specific class of

0022-3654/80/2084-0435$01.00/00 1980 American Chemical Society


The Journal of Physical Chemistiy, Vol. 84, No. 4, 1980

Palla, Petrongolo, and Tomasi

TABLE I : Distances ( A ) and Angles for the Two Forms of Glycine zwitterzwitterC,-C’ C-0, C’-0, C,-N C,-H N-H 0,-H



1.52 1.27 1.27 1.47 1.09 1.03

1.52 1.24 1.43 1.47 1.09 1.03 0.97




109.47 109.47 109.47 109.47 119 122

109.47 109.47 109.47 109.47 120 120 120



chemical compounds. More general is the approach of the quantum-mechanical methods. The calculation of conformational energy maps is, however, for practical reasons generally performed only with semiempirical MO methods for which the question of the reliability arises again. For a check of reliability of the empirical or semiempirical results one is compelled to resort to more accurate calculations, i.e., to quantum-mechanical ab initio determinations of the conformational surface. Moreover, comparisons of this type should be performed for a large set of molecules representative of quite different classes of compounds, because only in this way will it be possible to evidence peculiar idiosyncrasies of one method or another for some specific arrangement of chemical groups. Ab initio conformational surfaces obtained by means of MOLCAO SCF wave functions of a single-l of double-!: accuracy (i.e., to a realistic accuracy level for such kinds of calculations for molecules of medium size) give indeed only approximate representations of the energy surface, and from a cautious point of view they could be considered nothing but another type of approximate surfaces, differing from the empirical and semiempirical ones in having different sources of error. The increasing number of ab initio molecular calculations seems to indicate-see, e.g., the reviews reported in the collective book “Applications of Electronic Structure Theory”,l-that even in the case of calculations with limited basis sets the conformational errors are in general quite limited. In addition, it must be stressed that the ab initio approach allows a gradual elimination of these approximations by improving, for example, the basis set. In spite of the increasing confidence in minimal basis SCF calculations, it is convenient to adopt the prudent position of considering, for every class of compounds brought under examination, these calculations nothing more than a first-order check, necessary as a starting point of a sequence of successive approximations to the correct answer. When extended calculations are not feasible, the approximation of the ab initio method can profitably supplement the corresponding pictures given by semiempirical or classical methods to get, by comparison of the different results, a more reliable description of the essential features of the surface. In this spirit we present here a comparison of the internal rotation potential surfaces for glycine in its neutral and zwitterionic forms, obtained using classical potential, the semiempirical CNDO and PCILO methods, and MOLCAO SCF ab initio calculations. The present results can be supplemented by those obtained by Caballol et ala2 using the extended Huckel semiempirical method (EH) and Scheraga’s classical potentials. Other conformational studies of glycine will be discussed too. Bond lengths and angles employed in this paper are reported in Table I; they have been obtained by a partial optimization by means of SCF calculations performed on the STO-3G basisa3 Some geometrical parameters slightly differ from those of ref 2, but we have checked that reasonable changes in bond lengths and angles did not sig-









S T O - 3G Figure 1. Internal rotation potential energy map for the zwitterion obtained from SCF LCAO MO calculations on the STO-3G basis. For symmetry reasons only a portion of the map is reported. The isoenergy curves are given in kcal/mol.



b : \ i 10

CNDO Figure 2. Internal rotation potential energy map for the zwitterion obtained from CNDO calculations.

nificantly alter the shape of the conformational maps. I n t e r n a l Rotation Energy Maps ( a ) The Zwitterion. The internal rotation potential of the zwitterion is defined according to the standard conventions by two rotation angles =