International Applied Science Laboratory, Inc. - Analytical Chemistry

May 18, 2012 - International Applied Science Laboratory, Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (10), pp 56A–56A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60216a758. Publication Date: ...
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N I H EXHIBIT Arthur H. Thomas Co. Vine Street at Third Philadelphia, Pa.

a n y reagent automatically

Exhibiting: Universal pH electrodes: magnetic stirrer; electrophoresis ap­ paratus; addition funnel head for oxy­ gen combustion flasks for radiochemical scintillation phosphors; Hitachi PerkinElmer Model 139 spectrophotometer with Thomas absorbance-transmittanee digital readout meter and micro cell, flow cell, and cell compartment con­ stant temperature thermal plate : Mettler Model P-10 top loading pre­ cision balance; Y.S.I. Model 52 oxygen meter; Thomas-Weber stainless steel

TRG, Inc. Electro Optical Products Sect. Route 110, Mellville Long Island, Ν. Υ. 1 1 7 4 9

Exhibiting: Models 100 and 101 ballis­ tic thermopiles for measuring output of lasers; Model 102 readout microvoltmeter for use with above; Model 103 mini-laser; Model 104, Q-switched laser; Model 106 detector, fast device for detection and display of Q-switched laser pulses; Models 503 and 504 biolaser, investigative laser system for re­ search at cell level.

... continuously ... accurately The new MP-611 and MP-612 Microdyne» automatic pipette systems are 100% complete . . . no extra cham­ bers to buy. With just one system you can deliver over 100 different volumes (from 0.1 to 10 millilitres). Made com­ pletely of inert materials (PYREX* and TEFLON**) the MP-series pipette systems are available in two models : MP-611 & MP-612. Simple titration de­ livers precise dispensing of fluids to 0.05 ml. Available under General Services Ad­ ministration Federal Supply Service: FSC Group 66, Part II. Item No.(s) 51,-2.

Tri-R Instruments 144-13 Jamaica Ave. Jamaica 3 5 , Ν. Υ.

Exhibiting: Thermistor type elec­ tronic thermometers; Teflon tissue homogenizers; laboratory stirrers; magnetic stirrers; airborne infection apparatus; automatic egg punch.

The measuring pipette conforms in design in the specifications outlined in the National Bureau of Standards. Measuring and Serological uses conform in design with Federal Specifica­ tion D-D-v581a. The pipette conforms to the Class " A " t o l ­ erances prescribed in the National Bur­ eau Circular C-602.

Wedco, Inc. 2 4 1 0 Linden Lane Silver Spring, M d .

Exhibiting: Wedco environment incu­ bator for C 0 2 and overlay plaque culturing techniques.


Wilkins Instrument & Research, Inc. P. O. Box 3 1 3 Walnut Creek, Calif.


Send for full details. •Trademark Corning Glass

"Trademark Dupont

International Applied Science Laboratory, Inc. 510 South Franklin Street Hempstead, New York Circle No. 154 on Readers' Service Card

56 A




Exhibiting: Aerograph Model 1520 dual flame ionization, dual T.C., matrix board linear programming gas chromatograph; Model LD11A dual chan­ nel Westronics recorder; Aerograph Model 204-DF/LP dual flame, linear programming gas chromatograph ; A 650 hydrogen generator.

NOW... A PRACTICAL LASER! Perkin-Elmer's Model 5200 is so compact . . . so rugged . . . so simple to use, that it makes practical almost any application requiring the unique characteristics of a continuous laser beam . . . even on pro­ duction equipment. This stable, noise free source of bright coherent light is a l r e a d y r e p l a c i n g expensive a n d h a r d - t o - u s e o p t i c a l a l i g n m e n t and measuring systems. Furthermore, it is extending the use of precise alignment and measuring systems to applications previously considered impractical. For applications requiring a lot of light in a small diameter beam, the brightness of the Model 5200 is thousands of times greater than the most intense arc lamps. When precise dimensions are important, the coherent nature of laser a degree never before possible...extends the use of i n t e r f e r o m e t r y to entirely new applications. Are you considering using a laser? To obtain detailed information on the Model 5200 laser,contact Electro-Optical Product Marketing, Perkin-Elmer Cor­ poration, 751 Danbury Road, Norwalk, Connecticut. Or phone 203-847-0411.

PERKIN-ELMER Circle No. 224 on Readers' Service Card