International encyclopedia of statistics (Kruskal, W. H.; Tanur, J. M.

Journal of Chemical Education .... International encyclopedia of statistics (Kruskal, W. H.; Tanur, J. M.). Robert L. Carter ... Published online 1 De...
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student in any field (say, economics or education) may also find it useful to survey many topics or to obtain some knowledge of areas which he does not have time to study in depth. YuhKangPan Boston College Chestnul Hill, MA 02167

Table of Contents: Design of Safer Chemicals; Consequences of the Hansch Paradigm for the Pharmaceutical Industry; A Physical Chemical Basis far the Design of Orally Active Prodrugs; The Masea Model of Pharmacochemistry: 1. Multivariate Statistics: Rationales in the Desien of Rectal and Vaeinal Deliverv Forms of

International Encyclopedia of Statistics

W H. Kruskal and J. M.Tonur,(Editors), TheFree Press, New York, 1978. xxi 666 pp. Figs. and tables. 29 X 22.5 em. $100.00.


This two-volume encyclopedia covers statistics in 174 articles grouped under 138 major headings. With few exceptions, the articles appeared originally in the 17-volume "International Encyclopedia of Social Seiences," published in 1968, but virtually all have been revised to some degree for inclusion in the present work. In spite of the disciplinary origins of the material, the diligence of authors and editors has resulted in a work that will he valuable to users of statistics from all fields. There is truly something for everyone. The topics include 75 articles on the concepts and mathematics of statistics (e.g., statistical distributions, hypothesis testing, tests of significance, etc.), 57 biographies of eminent figures in statistics (e.g., Laplace, Gauss, "Student," etc.), and 42 articles on areas in which statistical methods are particularly important (e.g., epidemiology. demography, economic forecasting, etc.). The articles are generally written in a clean and direct style, making them accessible and useful to both intelligent neophytes and seasoned practitioners. Indeed, as the editors suggest, would be possible to use the encyclopedia as a self-teaching text by beginnine with the article "Statistics: The Field" and proceeding to cross-referenced articles of interest or works cited in the bibliwaphies a t the ends of all articles. Those already familiar with the field will find this work to be a handy and accurate reference an points of fact and practice. The volumes have been produced in very clear and readable type on heavy paper with sturdy bindings. They appear to have been designed for a long life. In the face of everrising b o k costs and considering the quality and utility of the contents, this set represents something of a bargain a t the price. This reference may well become the single best source on thesubject. It deserves to be on the shelves of any library serving those who may need to use statistics, if not in the personal libraries of those who regularly labor in the field. Roberl L. Cirler University of Massachusens, Boston Boston. MA 02215


Medicinal Chemlstry-Drug Design, Volume


Editor: A. J. Ariens, Academic Press, New York, NY, 1980. v 355 pp. Figs. and tables. 23.5 X 15.7 cm., $39.50.


Reactlvnv & Structure Conceots in Oroanic ~hemistri-organic~ynthesir'with Palladium Compounds, Volume 10


Editor: Jim Tsuji, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1980. vii 207 pp. Figs. and tables. 25.0 X 17.0 cm., $49.50.


Tahle of Contents: Introduction; Palladium Comoounds and Comnlexes Useful in tions.

Recent Developments In the Chemistry of Natural Carbon Compounds, Volume IX

Editors: R. Bognar and V. Bruekner, Cs. Szantay, Heyden and Son, Philadelphia, PA, 1980.5 420 pp. Figs. and tables. 24.5 X 17.0 cm., $41.00.


K. Mori Synthetic Chemistrv of Insed Pheromones and Juvenile Hormones Tables of Contents: General Introduction; Synthetic Methods Useful in Insect Chemistry; Synthesis of Insect Pheromones; Synthesis of Insect Juvenile Hormones; Concluding Remarks. B. Stoionoua-luonouo Composition of Bulgarian Rose Flower Concrete The Structure and Biogenesis of its Components Table of Contents: Introduction; Concrete from Bulgarian Oil-Bearing Rose. General Characteristics; Composition of Wax from Rose Flower Concrete and the Structures; Composition of absolute from Rose Flower Concrete and the Structures; Composition of absolute from Rose Flower Concrete and The Structures; Biogenesis of the LongChain Components of Natural Waxes. Gy. Litkei Chalcone Epoxides in Flavonoid Chemistry Table of Contents: Introduction; Chalcune Epoxides in Flawnoid Chemistry: Other epoxides in Flavonoid Chemistry; The Algar-Flynn-Oyamada Reaction.

Excited States, Volume 4

Editor: Edward C. Lim. Academic Press, New Yark, NY 1980. v + 400 pp. Figs. and tables. 23.7 X 15.7 cm., $42.50. Table of Contents: Resonance Raman Speetroscopy-A Key to Vihrunie C o u ~ pling; Magnetic Properties of Triplet States; Effect of Magnetic Field an Mulecular Luminescence; Time-Resolved Studies of Excited Molecules. (Continued on page A352) Volume 57, Number 12, December 1980 / A351