International Equipment Co

Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories and the Canadian Standards Association, this. Size 2 Model EXD Centrifuge has explosion- proof % hp motor, contro...
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SAFE for use in Class I, Group D locations! INTERNATIONAL EXPLOSION-PROOF CENTRIFUGE Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories and the Canadian Standards Association, this Size 2 Model EXD Centrifuge has explosionproof % hp motor, control housing and electrical fittings. So, it's safe for use in all Class 1 Group D atmospheres. This model accommodates all heads and other accessories used in the International Size 2 Centrifuge and with corresponding speeds and forces.



for centrifuging infectious materials! INTERNATIONAL SEALED ACCESSORIES

Developed for the U. S. Army Biological Warfare Laboratories, Fort Detrick, Maryland, International Sealed Accessories are now being used for centrifuging TB sputum, fungi and other infectious materials without risk of contaminating centrifuge and surrounding air. New, enlarged line includes cushioned Duralumin cups and stainless steel shields •with air-tight screw-on covers for holding all standard centrifuge bottles and tubes.

What is your special centrifuging problem? International, with its problem-solving experience since 1901, has created new Centrifuges and Accessories for better, faster and safer performance. Designed with operational safety a foremost considera­ tion, each Centrifuge and each piece of accessory equipment bears the IEC seal of quality and is carefully overload tested. There is no finer combination than genuine International accessories in an International Centrifuge.


Equipment Co.

120 SOLDIERS FIELD ROAD, BOSTON 35, MASS., STadium 2-7900 International — your dependable source for centrifugal force