International Nickel Company, Inc

Pressure-tested Ni-o-nel alloy Platecoil® are now being produced in all standard forms and dimensions. See text below for details. How to heat up des...
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Phosphoric acid. Ni-o-nel alloy is one of the most useful materials avail­ able for equipment in the production and handling of wet process phos­ phoric acid. It has given from 2 to 6 times the service of other resistant alloys in such items as reactor tanks, heat exchangers, parts of defluorina­ tion systems, and evaporator baffle plates, cylinder and dip pipes. Nitric acid mixtures. Ni-o-nel alloy is resistant to nitric acid solutions of practically all temperatures and concentrations and shows promise for handling such mixtures as nitricsulfuric, nitric-phosphoric and some nitric-hydrofluoric acid solutions.

Pressure-tested Ni-o-nel alloy Platecoil® are now being produced in all standard forms and dimensions. See text below for details.

How to heat up destructive corrosives fast... with Platecoil® units made of Inco's new Ni-o-nel* alloy... ... high heat transfer with field-proven resistance to certain hot acids and oxidizing chemicals Now, from Tranter Manufacturing, Inc., comes word t h a t Platecoil® m a d e of N i - o - n e l * n i c k e l - i r o n chromium alloy can be obtained from them in all sizes. These Ni-o-nel alloy units provide all the known heat transfer advan­ tages of Tranter Platecoil® construc­ tion . .. plus highly useful resistance to many hot, strong acids and oxidiz­ ing chemicals and to stress-corrosion cracking. Heat treatment is not re­ quired after welding.

What corrosives are handled by N i - o - n e l ?

Sulfuric acid. Ni-o-nel alloy has been found highly useful for handling hot sulfuric acid solutions, up to about 70% concentration at 176° F and up to about 40% concentration at boil­ ing temperatures. Tranter Platecoil® used for heating a 12% (by wt) sul­ furic acid pickling bath maintained at 170°F have lasted considerably longer than the previously used alloy.

Organic acids. The alloy is resistant to most organic acids and has excel­ lent resistance to boiling concen­ trated acetic acid, acetic-formic mix­ tures, maleic and phthalic acid and a number of others. Sea water and chlorides. This alloy not only resists a wide range of chemical corrosives but also certain troublesome salt cooling w a t e r s , making it particularly adaptable for heat exchanger equipment. It resists pitting in salt water and has excel­ lent resistance to stress-corrosion cracking. For more i n f o r m a t i o n . . .

If you would like engineering speci­ fications on Platecoil® made of Ni-o-nel alloy, write Tranter Manu­ facturing, Inc., Lansing 9, Michigan. To learn more about the properties of Ni-o-nel alloy, write Inco for "En­ gineering Properties of Ni-o-nel." *Inco trademark

What Platecoil® are

Tranter Platecoil® are two 14- or 16-gauge metal sheets (one or both embossed) which are seam or spot welded together to form channels for heating or cooling media. They provide a low-weight, large heat-transfer surface in small space. HUNTINGTON ALLOY PRODUCTS DIVISION The I n t e r n a t i o n a l Nickel C o m p a n y , Inc. 6 7 W a l l Street N e w York 5, N . Y .

NI-O-NEL® V O U 5 1 , NO. Π



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