International Pharmaceutical Abstracts. - ACS Publications

the usefulness of antiCHE agents in the treatment of myasthenia gravis. Leopold and Krishna have compiled a review on the local use of antiCHE agents ...
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356 acute and subacute toxicity of the various types of antiCHE compounds is discussed by DuBois. The neurotoxicity of organophosphorus compounds (in poultry and man j is suniniarized by Ilavies. The chapter by Wills is a. rritical survey of the various types of pharmacological antagonists nf the ant,iCHE agents arid their modes of action. The revien hy Hobbiger on the activntion of phosphorylated ACHE contains considerable inforination on the metabolism, toxicity, and therapeutic applica,tions o f PrlRI-2 and related c~onipounds. The two rhapt,ers by Grob d with (1) antiCHE intoxiwtiun iri niaii and its treatment. :ind ( 2 the usefulness of antiCHE agents in the tre:ttnient of myasthenia gravis. Leopoltl and Krishna have compiled a. rrvirw nn the local use of antiCHE agents in o c c u b r therapy. There is considerable overlapping of suhject ni:tteriai from o i i v cahripter to :mother. For er:trriple, the t.her:ipeut,ir :tpplications of PAM-2 in organophosphorus (antiCHE) poisoning in n i : ~ nis covered in Chapters 21 and 22 in different degrees of detail. Somet.imes the same references are rrpeatcd arid listed. A w r tnin degree of overlapping is both useful and unavoidable beo:tuse the suhject material in different, ch:tpt,ers is closely related. I>iffe,rentor contrary opinions on t,he S R I I I ~suhject arr evaluated criticallj- by the diBerent authors. For esaniple, t,he role of ACH i n asonal conduction of nerve impulse is discussed by threc wintributors-Nachmansohn, Heth, and Koelle. The three authors :irrive a t different ronclusions and. thus, :I certain degree of overlapping has served a useful purpose. This volume should he of great interest r i i ~ toiily to ph:mnacologists arid to research workers i n related disciplines, but :tlso to entomologists and environniental health scientists. IIinvever, i t should he pointed out, that, :tlthi~ught,he I)uok deals mainly with antiCHE compijunds, ni:tny of n-liich are used as insecticides, very little spilce is allotted t(J :L discussion uf the insect's nervous system, thc. role of ACH--CHIr :il,strart :wtirles from :ill major and standard j o u r i d s , 450 jourii:ilP so f:tr, in t,he following areas: I)iopharniaceutirs, 1)hysic:rl pIi:ir~nai'y,pharin:ic~c~iitical technology, pharmaceutid chemistr> , investig:ttional drugs. drug evaluations, adverse drug I:tivs :tnd regulations, and the history, c:tliii,s, sociology, and litrr:ttnri~o f drugs. Thwc !vi11 l i e :Lt,I ( w 1 0000 7 7

ti,ts o f li'g:iI, t r : i i I i ~ , alii1 pro IVtiile t,hrrr will IIPsiini(' ovrrla.pping with Cht-miccrl ,i hstrtrct.i. t.he collection of :tbst r:ii,ts o f tlledicinal and pharmareuticd int,erest under one iuiver, :ind the promised rapid appeurnncr of' :i'ristract,sa,ft,cJrp ~ i t i l i ~ ~ t ii ~ i f nthr i i .jiiiirnal articles sho~iltiprrsii:idt~ :in). scientist i n tlir ficlil. :iiiiI: i l l profcssiiinal pharrri:ic~ists,i o rwcl this \ v c l c o t i i t ~i i ~ i v~irg:iti.