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International series of monographs in analytical chemistry. Volume 32

versity, DeKalb. Pergamon Press,. Ino., New York, 1969. viii + 193 pp. Figs. and tables. 14.5 X 22 cm. $9. Within the stated purpose of poviding a con...
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book reviews who already have t,he big Lexikon available, particularly to those who need a. reliable source of informat,ion ahout ehemistry in general. The hook is well menufaetured, sensibly priced, and belongs in every chemical lihrary worthy of the tiile. RALPHE. OESPER Univmity of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio International Series of Monographs in Analvtical Chemirtrv. ~ o l " m e 32, Analyticd Applications of 1,lO-Phenanthroline and Related Compounds

Alfred A. Sehill, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. Pergamon Press, 193 pp. Ino., New York, 1969. viii Figs. and tables. 14.5 X 22 cm. $9.


Within the stated purpose of poviding a convenient, extensive, and central somce of information on the varied uses of 1, 10-phenanthroline and related compounds in sndytieal chemistry, the author has achieved his purpose well. The material is extremely well-referenced and presented in s. logical, orderly fashion with balanced coverage. Chapter one contains a historical discussion along with the general properties of 1,lO-phenanthroline, 2,2'-bipyridine and related componnds. A rather complet,e discussion of t,he coordination chemistry of these compounds with Group 1 bhrough Group 8 met,sls is presented in Chaptpter2. The preparation, properties, stability, and spectral charscteristiw of the metal complexes of these compounds are among the topics discussed in this well-referenced chapter. The use of these compounds as colorimetric reagents with many metals is discussed in Chapter 3 which also cont,ains detailed procedures for most of the analyses discussed. Chapter 4 contains an extensive discussion of the uses of the complexes of these compomds as oxidat,ion-red~rctioni n d i c a t o ~with Chapter 5 discussing their applicat,ions as metat,hesis indieat,ors. The ose of t,hese compounds as precipitants is given in Chapter 6 followed by a discussion of some miseellaneons applications in C h q t , e r 7. The hook is eamplet,ed by a. short, discussion of the determinabion and recovery of 1,lO-phenmthroline and 2,2'hipyridine. The extensive tables of stahility constants of metal chelates, the rate const,ant,s for tbe formation and dissociation of metal chelaten, the oxidation-reduction potent,ials, the extensive compilation of acid dissociation const,antr of the ligand and related compounds, along with complete references to all of t,he pertinent literature makes this hook almost indispensable t,o anyone involved in 1,10phenant,hroline research. A great deal of practical informrttian is also presented which should make this hook of interest to many practicing annlyt.ica1 chemists. CHARI.~ V.. ~BANKS and CXARLES J. HENSLER Iowa Stale University Ames, Iowa

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A142 / lourno1 o f Chemical Education