Interpenetrating Polymer Networks - American Chemical Society

1Department of Polymer Science, University of New South Wales, P.O. Box 1, ... soft segments, which aggregate to give regions that are resolvable by t...
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14 Microstructural Aspects of Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Based on Block Copolymers R. P. Burford , J. J. Jones , and Y.-W. Mai 1



Department of Polymer Science, University of New South Wales, P.O. Box 1, Kensington, NSW 2033, Australia Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sydney University, Sydney, NSW 2066, Australia 1


The morphologies of block copolymers used in the preparation of interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs) are examined by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to allow changes in microstructure during IPN production to be followed. For both the di­ -and triblock styrene butadiene copolymers used, thin films cast from toluene give different images from cryosectioned bulk samples. The IPNs are made by the in situ thermal polymerization of styrene absorbed in chemically cross-linked copolymer sheets. The morphology of the IPN at each stage of preparation together with the morphology of the associated copolymer at a similar stage of processing is given. Image analysis is used to obtain additional characterization.



(IPNs) have been reported extensively over the past two decades. In addition to symposium series monographs (for example, references 1 and 2), a series of specialized books (3) and a journal (4) have appeared. As indicated by Klempner and Frisch in the introduction of the Advances in Interpenetrating Polymer Networks series (3), the scope of I P N research now includes systems where little cross-linking and sometimes substantial grafting exist. IPNs based on synthetic elastomers and polystyrene are direct extensions from existing high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) analogs. Such IPNs were 0065-2393/94/0239-0285S06.00/0 © 1994 American Chemical Society

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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described thoroughly in the 1970s by Donatelli et al. (5, β) and Fernandez et al. (7). The same authors also reported (8, 9) on IPNs based on styrene-based block copolymers and presented important contributions to the thermodynamics of mixing and associated changes in domain dimensions. However, only limited high-resolution transmission electron microscopy ( T E M ) (for example, Figure 1) was included. In contrast to the present chapter, little attempt was made to compare changes in morphology of the constituent block copolymer as it was transformed to the final product.

Block Copolymer Morphology Thermoplastic elastomers generally comprise block copolymers with hard and soft segments, which aggregate to give regions that are resolvable by trans­ mission electron microscopy and other techniques. For example, highly regular structures of stained styrene-butadiene copolymers have been known since the 1970s (10). Block copolymer morphology has been reviewed comprehensively for over two decades (11-13). As more sophisticated instru­ ments and data analysis systems have appeared, higher resolution studies of

Figure 1. Fully polymerized PB-PS IPN. The PB phase is stained dark with Os0 (9). 4

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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BURFORD ET AL. Microstructural Aspects of IPNs


the domain morphology and the interfacial bonding characteristics of the hard and soft segments have evolved (14, 15). The domain structures formed by microphase separation in block copoly­ mers that comprise two immiscible block chains have dimensions and shapes that are directly related to molecular dimensions and to the thermodynamic interactions of the block components. Meier (16) concluded that the predom­ inant factor that controls domain size is the need of chain segments to uniformly fill space. Well-established thermodynamic theories show the effect of equihbrium domain structure on component relative weights and explain the change from spherical to cylindrical to lamella morphology as second monomer content increases. For example, Spontak et al. (17) showed that the morphology of a styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) block copolymer will vary with increasing polystyrene (PS) weight fraction. Equilibrium domain structure is also influenced by the segment molecu­ lar weight, which affects the location of the boundary that defines the transition from homogenous to microphase-separated states. The role of processing history on domain morphology is also important (18, 19): mor­ phologies range from semicontinuous to aggregates.

Blends Incorporating Block Copolymers Block copolymers have been used widely as interfacial agents typically between two immiscible thermoplastics (20). In many cases suitable compatibilizers can be predicted by matching hard and soft segments of the block copolymer with the major blend constituents. Thus styrene-butadiene block copolymers can be used successfully where hard and soft nonpolar polymers are present, but in practice this use limits the range of possible blends. More recently, hydrogenated copolymers [e.g., styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene block copolymers (SEBS)] have have been used for polyethylene-polystyrene blends (21) and functionalized SEBS is used widely for blends of polar engineering polymers including polyamides and polyesters (22). Transparent modified grades of polystyrene have been formed using SBS block copolymers when a continuous lamellar microstructure exists. Examples of these materials are reviewed by Eehte (23), who designates these polymers as "transparent H I P S . " The morphology of polystyrene and styrene-butadiene block copolymers has been shown (24) extensively, but in these polymers fracture toughness is mediocre. In summary, binary mixtures of polystyrene and butadiene-styrene block copolymer achieve a wide range of morphologies, dependent on composition and block architecture, that leads to a wide range of optical and

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



physical properties. However, very stiff and tough products comparable with, for example, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), have not been reported.

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IPNs Based on Polystyrene and Block Copolymers IPNs based on polystyrene and block copolymers have been reported (9, 25) and the morphology of associated products has been revealed. In particular, it was shown that the phase structure of the original SBS was retained, but that dimensions changed. Theories that relate to changes in polymer dimensions exist. Yeo et al. (26) developed a series of theoretical equations to predict the domain size (D ) in IPNs and related materials. The equations are based on a domain formation process and comprise the cross-linking density of each polymer, mixing and demixing thermodynamics, network swelling, and the elastic deformation of each polymer network. Thus, equation 1 provides D in terms of the experimental variables for polymer 1 and polymer 2 of volume fraction ( φ φ ) , cross-link level v ), molecular weight ( M , M ) , density (p , p ), interfacial tension (7), and temperature (T), where R is the gas constant: 2


1 ?









+ Bv.-C)]-


A = Ηΐ/φ )(3φν 2

Β = ±(1ηφ -3φ / 2


C = (φ,/φ,Χρ,/Μ^ϊη

- 3φϊ




- φ! In ΦΟ


+ 3)


φ + (ρ /Μ )1η φ χ





Specific forms of equation 1 for individual cases were derived by Yeo et al. (26). Burford et al. (27, 28) formed sequential semi-IPNs and full-IPNs based on two block copolymers and showed that tough transparent polymers can form when the block copolymer is highly chemically cross-linked. Strain energy release rates are up to 10 times greater than corresponding crosslinked polybutadiene or random styrene-butadiene rubber IPNs. Further, Burford et al. provided some description of the microstructure of resulting IPNs and emphasized changes in domain size and anisotropy (29, 30). How morphology develops from the constituent block copolymers to the final I P N is shown in this chapter.

Experimental Details Materials Preparation. Solprene 1205 and 416 block copolymers from the Phillips Chemical Company were used throughout. Solprene 1205 is stated by the manufacturer (31) to be a styrene-butadiene linear diblock that contains

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Microstructural Aspects of IPNs


25-wt% PS and has a molecular weight of 83,000. Solprene 416 is a radial SBS triblock with 30-wt% PS and a molecular weight of 140,000. Both semi-IPNs and true IPNs were prepared by sequential polymerization where the first polymer was cross-linked and the second polymer was synthesized or cross-linked in situ. The synthesis of IPNs based on these block copolymers has been given in detail elsewhere (29, 30), but a summary is given. The block copolymer granules are premixed with dicumyl peroxide (DICUP) cross-linker (up to 1% DICUP) in an internal mixer (Haake 600) for 5 min at 75 °C. The block copolymers with cross-linker are then cured in a steam-heated press with molds that conform to A S T M D3182 at 145 ° C for 60 min. The pads are then swollen in styrene containing 1% benzoyl peroxide with and without 5% divinyl­ benzene (DVB; a cross-linker for the PS). Thermal curing in metal frames leads to transparent or translucent samples with 70% additional polystyrene weight increase. Transmission Electron Microscopy. A major challenge in polymer analy­ sis by T E M is to obtain specimens with adequate transparency and contrast when exposed to a 75-125-kV electron beam. Generally samples less than 100 nm thick are required from bulk substrate. The sections are prepared by ultramicrotome techniques commonly used for biological materials. SBS-PS IPNs that are relatively stiff can be satisfactorily sectioned at 25 °C with an ultramicrotome (Reichert-Jung Ultracut E) and a glass knife (32, 33). Because of their softness at ambient temperatures, constituent block copoly­ mers were cryosectioned at —100 °C with an ultramicrotome (Reichert-Jung Ultracut FC4E) in liquid nitrogen facilities. In addition to the ultramicrotomed samples, the constituent block copoly­ mers were solvent-cast. The SBS was evaporated from 0.01-wt% toluene solu­ tions onto formvar (polyvinyl formar) supported grids (34). In the T E M , image contrast between phases is generally poor in unstained polymers because the low atomic number elements that comprise the polymers produce little electron scattering. This problem is dealt with by staining with heavy metal compounds that react selectively with certain structural features and produce contrast by local scattering of the electron beam. Osmium tetroxide reacts with carbon-carbon double bonds and therefore produces excellent image contrast in polymers that contain one unsaturated phase, like these SBS systems. The O s 0 not only stains, but hardens the rubber phase, which renders softer samples sectionable. The bulk block copolymers were thus stained before cryosectioning. Sections typically 80 nm thick were obtained and subsequently stained in 5 % aqueous O s 0 for 30 min. Then the samples were viewed with a T E M (Hitachi 7000) at 75-125 kV. 4


Results and Discussion Morphology of Block Copolymers. The Solprene 416 and 1205 elastomers have comparable morphologies, although some slight differences can be found. Furthermore, the trends that are found at each processing stage, and also the more intensive three-dimensional examinations, give similar results for each elastomer; therefore, only one type will be illustrated.

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Because these polymers are generally employed with no chemical cross-lin­ kers but after some significant thermal history, an appropriate reference point is examination of their morphologies after compression molding. Thus the Solprene morphologies are shown (Figures 2 and 3) after premixing in an internal mixer unit for 5 min at 75 ° C and molding at 145 ° C for 30 min. The morphologies comprise cylindrical domains that are consistent with other styrene-butadiene copolymers such as, for example, the morphologies reported by Aggarwal (35). There is some modest difference in the polystyrene-rich (i.e., unstained) domain width that might be attributed to differences in polymer segment length. The micrograph for Solprene 1205 suggests a more aligned structure compared with the semicontinuous nodes and isolated spheres evident in Solprene 416. However, as will be shown,

Figure 2. TEM of Solprene 1205 (bar = 100 nm).

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Microstructural Aspects of IPNs


Figure 3. TEM of Solprene 416 (bar = 100 nm).

both polymers are anisotropic and these differences can be attributed to small changes in sectioning direction. Note that, as previously indicated (36), the morphologies differ from solvent-cast thin films. For example, Solprene 1205 cast from 0.01-wt% toluene solution has the morphology shown in Figure 4a. Scattered styrenerich domains are ~ 50-nm diameter, but the primary feature is a diffuse mosaic of less-stained 10-15-nm domains in the butadiene-rich continuous phase. Although there is some evidence for the aggregation of spheres, the pattern is quite diffuse and the contrast between stained and less-stained regions is low. The corresponding solvent-cast Solprene 416 (Figure 4b) film is similar but with smaller (< 10-nm) domains. This observation indicates the care needed in phase transition studies of block copolymers because solvents

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


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Figure 4. TEM of solvent cast Solprene 1205 (a) and Solprene 416 (h) (bars = 100 nm).

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Microstructural Aspects of IPNs


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will increase the complexity of interactions that take place. Therefore, the cryosectioned samples provide a more realistic indication of these block copolymers, and are the more appropriate controls to compare with the I P N morphology.

Morphological Changes Coincident with I P N Formation. Morphological changes that occur coincident with the formation of an I P N based on Solprene 416 block copolymer are now described. The morphology of the SBS triblock taken directly from the internal mixer (Figure 5a) seems to be amorphous and granular, although higher resolution microscopy using higher voltages (Figure 5b) reveals some ordered domains of finer dimen­ sions (10-nm). After annealing (compression molding), cylindrical domains develop with domains of the order of 10 nm (Figure 3). The more amorphous morphology of the block copolymer after internal mixing results because the mixing temperature of 75 ° C is below the softening point of the polystyrene. This low mixing temperature leads to fragmentation of the glassy domains and breakdown of short-range ordered structures. When the samples are subsequently annealed at 145 ° C, both styrene and butadiene phases can flow to give the typical domain morphology. The same trends in morphologies are seen with the cross-linked (1.0-wt% D I C U P ) block copolymer sample taken from the internal mixer (Figure 6a) and the corresponding compressionmolded sample (Figure 6b). The next step of I P N formation is to swell the cross-linked block copolymer with styrene. Cryogenically ultramicrotomed sections of styrenemonomer-swollen cross-linked SBS samples, with no thermal polymerization of the styrene, were prepared. However, because no cold stage was available on the T E M , micrographs were impossible to obtain without distortion of the sections (Figure 7). Conceptually, semi-IPNs and true IPNs comprise two independent poly­ mer networks. However, structurally there are further complexities due to at least two factors: (1) numerous grafting reactions between the rubber and the polystyrene, even in the absence of the D V B cross-linkers and (2) structure comprised of well-ordered soft and hard domains. During SBS swelling, preferential migration of styrene monomer into styrene-rich segments of the polymers is expected because the solubility of polybutadiene in styrene is relatively low, despite similar solubility parameters. The final step of I P N formation is the polymerization (together with intended cross-linking and concomitant grafting) of the styrene. The mor­ phology of a typical I P N based on Solprene 416 is shown in Figure 8a. As expected both semi-IPNs and true IPNs show distinct microphase separation. The IPNs have larger domain sizes (30-40 nm) than the bulk block copoly­ mer. This expansion from the original bulk dimensions shown in Figure 3 is in broad agreement with the equation by Yeo et al. (26). Therefore, if the

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



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Figure 5. Ultrathin section of Solprene 416 taken directly from internal mixer at 75 ° C (a) (bar = 100 nm) and a higher magnification of the same section (b) (bar = 50 nm).

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


Microstructural Aspects of IPNs


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Figure 6. Ultrathin section of cross-linked Solprene 416 from internal mixer at 75 ° C (a) (bar = 800 nm) and from compression molding at 145 °C (b) (bar = 50 nm).

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Figure 7. Distorted ultrathin section of styrene-swollen Solprene 416 (bar = 800 nm).

solvent-cast film is used as a basis, the erroneous conclusion of domain contraction may be reached. As previously noted (34), care is needed in phase transition studies of block copolymers because solvents will increase the complexity of interactions that take place. Therefore, the cryosectioned bulk samples provide a more realistic indication of the microstructure of these block copolymers and are the more appropriate controls to compare with the I P N morphology. The anisotropic domain morphology of these IPNs was explored by sectioning in three directions. The series in Figure 8 shows that a reasonably symmetric mosaic is found in the χ direction and more elongated rodlike domains are found in the y and ζ directions. The ζ direction was orientated parallel to the surfaces of the samples and deviates slightly throughout the sample. The domains appear as irregular spheres; hence, the system exhibits nonequihbrium characteristics. The corresponding anisotropic domain morphology is also revealed with IPNs based on Solprene 1205, although a larger domain size (40 nm) was found. This observation correlates with the relative dimensions of the bulk precursor block copolymers and is due to differences in the molecular weight of the chain segments between the 416 and 1205 and the differing chain geometry. In the case of the radial Solprene 416, spiderlike filaments of

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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BURFORD ET AL. Microstructural Aspects of IPNs


stained polybutadiene-rich segments intrude into the polystyrene domains. Greater interpénétration of the hard and soft segments has occurred, which gives a more complex morphology. Micrographs also indicate that an increase in the level of polymer I cross-link density leads to smaller polystyrene domains. This effect is well documented and reflects the tighter initial network that limits the size of the regions in which polymer II can phase-separate. It can also be rationalized by a semiempirical thermodynamic model with the equation of Yeo et al. (26), which predicts that the phase domain size of polymer II will decrease with increases in the cross-hnking level of polymer I. The equation predicts domain sizes of around 30-60 nm for IPNs such as these. This prediction agrees well with results. Elastomeric block copolymers, which have two multiphase solid-state structures with glassy domains in a matrix of an elastomer, show strain-in­ duced plastic-to-rubber transitions. The plastic-to-rubber transition in these block copolymers has been interpreted (35) as a consequence of the frag­ mentation of the lamellar and interconnected glassy domains on stretching. Similar conclusions can be drawn with our IPNs based on block copolymers. Figure 9a is a micrograph of a cross-linked I P N based on the Solprene 416 block copolymer. Figure 9b is the corresponding microstructure after stretch­ ing (~ 150%). The spherical domains in the original sample are deformed to more elliptical domains. This structural re-formation in block copolymers has been attributed (35) to orientation of the elastomer segments and an increase in the interfacial energy that results from fragmentation of the glassy domains and breakdown of the short-range order.

Image Analysis of Microstmeture. Quantitative and statistically meaningful data from these micrographs must be acquired for a more rigorous picture of the structures of these block copolymers and IPNs to emerge. Image analysis has been used previously with T E M micrographs of block copolymers (36). A major problem with this procedure is that the stained regions in these micrographs are rather broad and diffuse, especially for full IPNs. Some of the ill-defined elastomer-rich areas are of similar dimensions to the polystyrene domains. This problem is probably caused by osmium tetroxide overstaining. Hence the main challenge in the use of this technique is to select valid "grey levels." Image analysis was conducted on selected micrographs with a pulse-shape analyzer (Optomax V PSA 3.06). The particle size distribution (Figure 10) is for a lightly cross-linked (0.2-wt% D I C U P ) true I P N based on Solprene 1205. The mean spherical domain diameter is 20 nm with a standard deviation of 7 nm. Other micrographs tested by image analysis displayed similar domain sizes that agree well with values for related materials given by Donatelli et al. (5).

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



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Figure 8. Ultrathin sections of semi-IPN (highly cross-linked based on 416) (bar = 100 nm): (a) direction x; (b) direction y.

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Microstructural Aspects of IPNs


Figure 8. Continued, (c) direction z.

Another main problem with this technique is selection of the point where a domain starts and an interfacial region ends. This point is shown more clearly by computerized image enhancement (IE) (Figure 1 1 ) of the micro­ graph used in Figure 10. The I E can be used to deduce additional informa­ tion. The white line across the IE corresponds to the distance measurement on the horizontal of Figure 12. The trace of intensity versus distance shows that the intensity of the domains does not drop off quickly, but instead decreases gradually. Image analysis with these morphologies requires an arbitrary decision be made regarding where the domains meet the interfacial region. However, I E has the advantage that it makes the diffuse interface much more clearly visible and allows more precise measurement of the interfacial region. With this method, the best estimate for this sample is 4 nm.

Summary T E M micrographs indicate that the block copolymers and the IPNs display distinct microphase separation. The elastomeric phase is continuous whereas

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



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Figure 9. Ultrathin section of nonstretched (a) and stretched (b) lightly crosslinked I P N based on Solprene 416 (bar = 100 nm).

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Microstructural Aspects of IPNs


Figure 10. Particle size distribution of full IPN 1205 (lightly cross-linked).

Figure 11. Computerized image enhancement of the full IPN 1205 micrograph.

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Length (nm) Figure 12. Distance (nanometers) versus intensity of IE shown in Figure 11. the PS-rich phase exists in domains. Both the semi-IPNs and full IPNs show anisotropic domain morphology. The morphology of the I P N at each stage of preparation was seen. A suitable synthetic mechanism remains to be identi­ fied: further labeling of polymer segments so that migration during I P N formation can be monitored is required. Image analysis of the I P N microstructure was complicated due to rather broad and diffuse stained regions. To eliminate the problem of osmium tetroxide overstaining, techniques such as electron energy filter T E M and laser light scattering are currently being used on unstained sections of IPNs.

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Microstructural Aspects of IPNs


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RECEIVED for review November 2 6 , 1991. ACCEPTED revised manuscript May 19, 1 9 9 2 .

Klempner et al.; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.