Introducing Quad3 from Biotage! - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Introducing QuadJ from Biotage! The Biotage Quad3 eliminates the purification bottleneck for chemists using parallel synthesis.

Parallel FLASH Purification System

This Parallel FLASH Purification™ System allows chemists t o reach the real goal: pure compounds ready for screening, w i t h unequaled simplicity and productivity.

Q u a d 3 P a r a l l e l FLASH P u r i f i c a t i o n •

Runs up to 12 pre-packed cartridges, in parallel, in less than 30 minutes

Ideal for unattended operation and multi-user environments

Samplets™ simplify sample loading for liquid or solid phase injection Samplets™ simplify sample loading for liquid or solid phase injection Each cartridge has its own pump head, so no flow splitting is required ZIF"

(zero-insertion force) seals cartridges and eliminates mixing volume

Fits into standard fume hood, only 36" wide by 20" deep (92cm χ 51cm) Purification by Design™ CALL TOLL-FREE IN THE U.S. 1-800-446-4752 _ _ Biotage © 1998. Quad3, Parallel FLASH Purification, Samplet, ZIF and Purification by Design _ ^ i are trademarks of Biotage, a Division of Dyax Corp., patents pending w£d k A Division of Dyax Corp CIRCLE 21 ON READER SERVICE CARD